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WONDER WOMAN Comic-Con Trailer

Nephelimdream says...

I can't wait to be disappointed. Hollywood will once again destroy and skew a character's image to appease the public. Talk to me when Harley Quinn gets the lasso of truth, breaks it's bounds and makes Wonder Woman her bitch. Amazonian queen my ass, this will be just another attempt to get 16 year old girls to drag their sex starved hormone men to shell out money to get laid, and it'll work. At least for the women. This is exactly why I bring my own popcorn bucket to the movies, drill a hole in the bottom, and hope she doesn't ask for extra hot butter.

Islamophobia...Now there's a pill for that!

coolhund says...

I think we can agree that in the early ages of Islam it was very promising. Math, medicine, etc, all came from there.
That doesnt change how its interpreted today, and they even say themselves publicly that the Hadithes are more important than the Koran, because they show Muslims how to live Islam, yet they dont live after the things you mentioned for example. And honestly, I find the Hadithes much worse than the Koran, but both together make it very logical how Muslims act.
I never understood it before. For example I tried to make friends with a lot of them, even my dentist was one, but I never got really close to them. They never let me. Until I realized how disrespectful and insulting they talk about me and other "unbelievers", after I learned some Turkish and Arab words. And even still then for a long time after I thought "Its just these guys", but more and more experience with others, analyzing how they treat not only me, but all these "unbelievers" and ultimately the study of those writings was like a revelation. I was shocked, to put it mildly. It all fits together. Everything.

oritteropo said:

I'm impressed Unlike @newtboy, I don't automatically assume you're lying and feel compelled to do a bit more reading myself before discussing it further.

It's been a long time since I studied it at Uni, and even then we never studied the entire Koran (a one semester course would not have been sufficient for that).

There is, of course, some disagreement about what the hadiths say. The one that immediately springs to mind is "Seek knowledge even as far as China", and I'll quote the former prime minister of Malaysia here:{quote}A hadith says: “Seek knowledge even as far as China.” It was pointed out by detractors that this was just a saying of the Prophet and it was not a command from God. When they disagreed with a particular hadith, they were quick to discredit it and refused to acknowledge it as a source of Islamic teaching. But if they subscribed to it, then they would not cease to highlight it repeatedly, even if it’s authenticity is doubted. Surely seeking knowledge in China does not mean Islamic knowledge. During the Prophet’s period, China was also known to have deep knowledge in such fields as medicine, literature and paper, explosives and many others.{quote}

Certainly the early muslims were very keen on acquiring knowledge, and did indeed travel as far as China to do so (and brought the art of paper making back with them).

Rashida Jones coaches Stephen on how to be a Feminist

Asmo says...

Aww, now I'm all hurt because some prick with a high opinion of himself doesn't want to talk to me anymore... /sadface

re: the "private" comment, you don't get to write the rules when you decide to take your snipes out of public view. I never agreed to keep confidences for you, and you're even more of a fool than I had you pegged for, and that's saying something, if you thought I would.

By the way, it's "your", not "you're". One would have thought an English master such as yourself would get that. They probably should have double checked those test results.

And the icing on the cake:

Sook: English from 14thC, Scottish from 19thC. From Old English sūcan ‎(“to suck”). See suck.

sook ‎(plural sooks)

(Scotland, rare) Familiar name for a calf.
(US dialectal) Familiar name for a cow.
(Newfoundland) A cow or sheep.
(Australia, New Zealand) A poddy calf.

So yeah, it's English, and you sure do suck... = D

It's been fun, toodles!

newtboy said:

Yeah, I found it on urban I said, it's not English.
So, not only are you incredibly poor at comprehension, you're a complete douchebag....but no, I'm not unjustified, nor does it matter that you posted my private reply to you, I stand behind every word. It only goes to show you are the kind of asshole that posts private comments publicly if you think it helps you be an asshole.
thank you come again....actually don't, I'm done with you're 12 year old girl bullshit. Fuck off, douchebag.
Smell you later, forever.

The Slow Mo Guys - Convertible Aerodynamics at 1000fps

the world is a bit less brighter today (Death Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

He talk to me with mutual respect.

He was someone I wish I had in my immediate life.

Smaws would appreciate it.

Maybe he can meet me at the cross roads. That would be nice.

Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

lucky760 says...

I wouldn't say that. I think it's just the absence of witnessing that particular usage, which I wouldn't relate to your age.

I don't tend to see anyone fist-bumping anyone in real life.

Funny story (that my wife and I often chuckle about): I was fist-bumped exactly once that I can remember, but it's the why that's so funny. Employee at an oil change shop was talking to me and asked about my kids. I told him I have two boys. He then told me he had two boys. Then he, with all of his Hispanic machismo glory, nodded with a knowing grin and said these exact words: "That's right. Real men know how to make boys." Then he reached his fist out to me and as I guffawed with laughter inside and was perplexed by his infant-like nonsensical logic hesitantly reached up to allow the fist-bump to happen so as not to leave him hanging.

Now every time we discuss the fact that we have two boys either I or my wife will say with a straight face "That's right. Real men know how to make boys." and we'll give one another a deadpan fist-bump before we simultaneously bust up with laughter.

eric3579 said:

I guess im the one who's old and out of touch. My bad.

Are You Consuming Your Coffee Correctly?

shagen454 (Member Profile)

oohlalasassoon says...

Hey - sorta responding to your post about THIS HEAT, more specifically about your comment that John Peel was THE MAN. He was. Listened to his show via religiously for a few years prior to his death. I worshiped the guy, which is weird, being a total stranger, but if you've ever listened to him for any amount of time you'll know where I'm coming from. Just the coolest guy around. I sent him an email about some song he played that I liked(Expansion Ride by Magoo). Turns out that he was the type of guy that would actually respond to nubs like me. Not only that but he mentioned my email and said my actual name on the air, which I'm not ashamed to say still makes me smile. LIKE OH MY GOD JOHN PEEL SAID MY NAME -- JOHN PEEL IS TALKING ABOUT ME. I still have that recording and it's a treasured digital possession.

Anyway, thanks for letting me be drunk on your page.

The most epic airline safety video ever made

ChaosEngine says...

I tell you, the bloody orcs are ruining this country. You go for a walk in the hills, suddenly there's a hoard of the bastards trying to kill you.

And don't even talk to me about eagles... always showing up 10 minutes after they would have been really useful...

Protecting and Serving in Minnesota

lucky760 says...

I am fucking irate watching this. For fuck's sake...

"You're going to jail."
"Why am I going to jail? What did I do?"
"You didn't talk to me, so you're going to jail."


Now you can go to jail for sitting somewhere by yourself minding your own business. That's unbelievable and just disgusting.

Yes, it might have gone a different way if he'd "complied more" with the nazis, but he didn't have to and they shouldn't have required more of him when he was not accused of doing anything.

Patrick Stewart wins the Ice Bucket challenge

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, you can do all those things if you want.

You can also ride a skateboard with the wheels taken off or paint your house with your curtains or fart on your food or whatever.

But maybe you could listen to the people who know about such things (and I'm not talking about me here) and you might enjoy it more. There has been hundreds of years of refinement in these things. Maybe there's a reason for the scorn....

FlowersInHisHair said:

It's not the learning the "proper way" to appreciate whiskey at its best that's the problem, but the snobbery and scorn poured upon people who like to drink it in ways that the self-appointed cognoscenti don't approve of. It's my single malt, I'll serve it over ice or with too much water or mix it with Mountain Dew or pour it over my cornflakes if I want to.

Sexualization vs Objectification

dannym3141 says...

I'd just like to say that this does go both ways though..

I know a couple of different guys with Asperger's and some other kinds of developmental issues from where i go swimming, and several times in the past i've seen a female react towards those guys like they've been weird or creepy when all they did was say "Hello" like i've seen them do a hundred times before to all types of people. I've even met women there who have spoken to me, been quite happy and talkative, what-have-you, even flirty, and then either said to me "some weird creepy guy <one of my friends> was trying to talk to me in the jacuzzi", or they might give me an "oh my god" look if one of them says hello to her. Body language, facial expression, how they talk all changes when they address them... I feel my skin crawl when i come across someone like that.

I only say this because i think that if we all try to be nicer and kinder to everyone, to be happy and interested in people, we can not only solve the issues raised by the video and in your comment, but also the ones raised in my comment, the ones not even mentioned here, like racism, facism and homophobia.

I think we need feminism, masculism, the LGBT, NAACP and god knows what else to all come together and realise that everyone is tackling the same problem which simply manifests itself in different proportions to different peoples - we're all here for one single life-time, so if we spend it being nicer and friendlier and more courteous and generous we can make life much more enjoyable all round, and no one will have to worry about cat-calling, bitchiness, homophobia or racism.

kir_mokum said:

because they're inundated with dudes calling them sexy as if they are a sex object. being able to differentiate between you saying someone is sexy but also meaning they're a rad human and you saying someone is sexy but just meaning you wanna fuck them is pretty much impossible if they don't know you. generally speaking calling someone sexy should be reserved until after you've established that you're not a dickhead.

Beastie Boys Vs. The Muppet's

Anti-racism ad from Australia

Yogi says...

Jesus that guys voice is terrifying. I'd be racist if it meant that guy would never fucking talk to me ever again!

"Stop. Think. If you're brown stay underground."

Canada creates Gayest video ever

A10anis says...

You seem to have, inadvertently, illustrated my misgivings about the ad. If you honestly believe that, metaphorically, "slapping someone in the face," or calling them a "dumbass" is likely to get them to change their opinion, you know little of human nature. Personally, were I "gay" and a participant in the games, I would, like Jesse Owens, respond to the ignorance with a dignified silence, and let my abilities talk for me. Rhetoric, such as yours, and rather pointless ads, simply inflame the situation.

shatterdrose said:

Think of it more like a slap in the face. Like, saying: "hey, dumbass, you're a dumbass and here's why." It's illustrating the ridiculousness of Putin's stance on "public displays of homosexuality." Come . . . football . . . a bunch of men in tight spandex grabbing each other's asses while grabbing for a ball . . . wrestling is nothing but a bunch of sweaty men groping each other . . .and neither allow women . . . all while millions of people watch who get's to be on "top" and "dominate" the other. It makes Freud proud.

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