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Zero Punctuation - The Truth About BioShock

Rotty says...

1) some of us have not played System Shock and lead normal "so what?"
2) this guy has the personality of someone explaining the terms and conditions of leasing a car...BORING!

GT Countdown - Top Ten Scariest Video Games

Playing DOOM 3 Alone in the dark!

Awesome New Bioshock Footage

BoneyD says...

Some sexy views of the combat there.. but I do hope there's more to the game than just shooting/listening to audio tapes. That's how Doom 3 (poorly) attempted to copy System Shock. I should think the combat should be occasional, but intense when it happens. If it's constant, no matter how good it works, it'll just get dull.

Have they released much about the other aspects of the game yet?

System Shock 2 Intro. and Tutorial/Training

Terra Nova : Strike Force Centauri

System Shock 2 Intro

System Shock 2 Intro

Sylvester_Ink says...

Loved this game. Not only did it have great gameplay, but the atmosphere was perfect too. And for upgraded graphics, there's the System Shock: Rebirth mod. (Linked to on Wikipedia.)

Trailer for Event Horizon

Top 10 Scary Video Games

Mgshadow says...

Undying is hands down the best scary game ever made. Ive played everyone of these games too, and they are pretty good. System Shock 1 and 2 had me going as slow as possible around every corner. Freaky!

Bioshock: Awesome Developer preview

Peroxide says...

K, i will play system shock, i hope i can get it for free, I guess the thing about this game is, for me, that it's another FPS with guns, If Project offset can somehow master FPSwordsmanship, that will be sweeet. Also, i guess im just a fan of Medeival games, and team work games, of which offset will be both, perhaps im just a sucker for some good ol' FPS

Bioshock: Awesome Developer preview

Bioshock: Awesome Developer preview

Krupo says...

If it's anything like the System Shock games it'll be an instant classic.

If you haven't played System Shock (1 or 2), DO IT!

Some of the stuff he talked about reminded me of SS2...

Bioshock: Awesome Developer preview

Farhad2000 says...

Well Peroxide, the same thing can be said of Project Offset which besides elaborate technical demonstration videos hasn't really proven anything in terms of game play thus far.

While the presentation and style of Bioshock is darker, it's not surprising given it's a spiritual follow up to System Shock. However it's only the final execution of the game that can really prove to be interesting, the girl harvesting dynamic sounds interesting, but it would only work if contextualized within a credible world.

The thing that worries me are the clearly console like interface shown, and to me that kills the game pretty much instantly.

Bioshock: Awesome Developer preview

pyrex says...

Wow what a voice, bit like a dramatic reading at the start, heh. And yeah, rembar is right, a LOT more creepy than I thought. Irrational still got it when it comes to FPS horror games it seems. System Shock 2 still haunts my dreams..

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