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Zero Punctuation: Gears of War 2

Zork Speed Run

Laekroth says...

Ofcourse! That's the reason I upvoted it. A text-based game speedrun... i mean... lol! the fact that you can't actually read the text properly makes it even funnier imho.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
I actually posted this as a joke, because WHO IN THIER RIGHT MIND WOULD ACTUALLY WATCH THIS WHOLE THING? C'mon system shock!?!

Zork Speed Run

Zero Punctuation - Dead Space

I propose a video hunt (a.k.a danny needs help) (Videogames Talk Post)

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

Thylan says...


1) Season - Autumn (which intrigues me)
2) Place in the world - woods. coast. bluebells.
3) Children's book - Magnus Powermouse
4) TV Series - I collect them (alias/24/buffy/angel/babylon5/west wing) but possibly west wing if pushed. (edit FireFly)
5) Word - nembler
6) Film - LOTRO-(extended edition all 3 parts as 1)
7) Curse - bollocks. it sounds good. satisfying. improves with volume.
Creature - Smokey
9) Past time - completing System Shock 1 for the first time on 4/4/4/3
10)Person - ... I have many important people, but I would like to have 1

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Cat. Yes they are evil bastards. Evil bastards need love too.
12) Sweet or savoury - savoury. Take my chocolate and I will eat you for it.
13) Cereal or Toast - Hot toast with butter and things made by someone else is wonderous
14) Tan or pale - pale. I think. Try me.
15) Shoes or barefoot - barefoot when warm and soft and nice
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop. Laps are for other things
17) Drive or walk - Drive. But walking to work is great.
18) Drama or comedy - Good drama lasts. Good comedy was funny.
19) Sex or food - Both (sex involves eating)
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Futurama. Simpsons hasn't been funny in a long time. it is tiered. it should mumble quietly in an old peoples home.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - I love that this sifted
22) A great comment on one of your vids - This comment by Constitutional_Patriot
23) Most off the wall member - I dont keep my member on the wall? oh, VS, sorry...
24) Favourite user name -
25) Your most used channel - comedy/music
26) Personal dumbass moment - submitting a vid to rant about something, and then deciding the vid was itself guilty of thing it/I was ranting about and discarding it.
27) Best avatar - probably mlx or oxdottir
28) Partner in crime - my15Min for TED pimping might be closest
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Yes. My t-shirt tells them so.
30) Idea for the site - Sifter dating.

About you

31) Where do you live - Penryn Cornwall, UK
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Non. Have smoked cigars for the taste. I stopped when passive smoking from friends ceased being unpleasant...
33) Left or right handed - right
34) Hair colour - brown. whats left. or strange colours in the beard.
35) Relationship status - interested
36) How tall - 5-10 with heals
37) Children - Not yet.
38) Ever had an operation - 6 ish. (and this isnt a pissing competition but for me septoplasty was the least. GA and a bit of bleeding)
39) Best feature - feel free to find out and complement me
40) Use four words to describe yourself - my dream was nice</yawning>

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Elvis. he could convince people he really died. only he could.
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - cancer research
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - me!
44) Relive a moment in your life - smokey
45) Have a superpower -
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - did she?
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - gwizz mrfisk and farhad have this covered, but AC's would not be a fair exchange
48) Be president for one hour - release any sealed evidence on the bush years incompetence (including anything incriminating a certain my blair)
49) Delete a period in history - -10 AD to +10 AD and such like
50) Achieve one thing - contentment

Happy Halloween Trailer For DeadSpace

Heretic 1.3 Walkthrough - Episode 1 Map 1 (E1M1) - The Docks

Xax says...

I wish more people who post regular (non-speed runs) gameplay videos. For whatever reason, I really enjoy watching people play my favorite games. If anyone wants any ideas, check out my avatar... Deus Ex or System Shock 2 are at the top of my list.

Video Game: Hidden Messages to Geek Only Understanding (Science Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

I don't know about easter eggs, but stuff that makes you call into question all your blazing heroic antics always makes me happy. Nothin had me screamin, I'VE BEEN DUPED, like good ole System Shock 2. Deux Ex was also pretty good in that category.

Fallout 3: Perfect Life + Gameplay Trailer

Farhad2000 says...

I think they are simply trying to making Bioshock type success story for the consoles.

Remember the big thing about Bioshock is that it took out alot of the complexity and RPG elements from System Shock 2 and basically made a FPS shooter. For me that really killed the game, I felt I was basically playing a shooter dressed up with a good plot line and a few audio logs. But since I already heard of Ayn Rand it wasn't that appealing to me.

This is another dilution of the formula, which am not surprised to see considering how much life and complexity The Elder Scrolls lost going from Morrowind on the PC to Oblivion on the PC (The Xbox to Xbox 360 exclusive status to be blamed).

In essence they will turn Fallout into a more formulaic game, the plot will be good I gather but it will be whittled down by the simplified interface and mechanic to satisfy the console base.

What I find stupid is that most gamers are much older now, raised through successive lines of consoles from the 70s and 80s. Instead of appealing to a more mature audience they keep making games for 14 year olds.

TOP 10 OMGWTF moments from video games

marinara (Member Profile)

videosiftbannedme says...

In reply to this comment by marinara:
hmm videogames and hard rock is yer typical sifts.

do me a favor and play a videogame called s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

i just love that one to pieces.

Believe it or not, I actually started to. But my system is so behind the times, it's not even funny. (Last time I upgraded was in 2004.) I'm actually playing through Tron 2.0 again, but I do love those FPS/"RPG" type games such as System Shock 2, Deux Ex, Tron 2.0, NOLF 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., etc. My machine was just so sluggish running it; I figure I'm saving it for a rainy day (and/or when I get my box upgraded).

Top 10 FPS

coolhund says...

What a load of horseshit.

No Tribes? (extremely innovative)
No Operation Flashpoint? (at least as innovative as Tribes)
No Doom 1/2?
No System Shock 2?
No No One Lives Forever 1/2?
No Blood???

I hope his list was meant as sarcasm...
Else this guy is a perfect example why PC gaming is dieing...

Top 10 FPS

10898 says...

Move Bioshock way up the list, then replace it with System Shock 2. That game,in its low-res and slightly boxy glory still scares the hell out of me whenever I start it up.

Top 10 FPS

videosiftbannedme says...

I hate lists like this because the propose to be a Top 10 FPS's of all time, but it seemed like more than 1/2 of them were released in the last 4 years. I do have to give props for them at least including Duke3D and not completely ignoring common sense.

To me the Top 10 will always have to include innovation and an evolution in not only technology but gameplay as well.

So here are at least 8 that should have/were on the list:

Doom - As fun as Wolf3D was, Doom was funner. Besides, everything exploded after Doom.

Duke3D - For adding in crazy weapons, jumping, crouching, looking up/down, jetpacks, crazy locations, etc, etc.

Quake - For kickstarting polygonal, online deathmatch multiplayer goodness.

System Shock 2 - Bioshock was just SS2 in a new, pretty wrapper. SS2 added RPG like elements, a great story, etc.

Unreal Tournament - Taking multiplayer to the next step with customization and Bot AI that was just uncanny.

Half-Life - For creating a truly immersive world; it was like playing inside a $200 million dollar blockbuster movie, as opposed to just watching it. (Still my #1 video game of all time. Where the hell is Black Mesa Source already??? )

Deus Ex - For doing emergent gameplay right. Want to go in gun's blazin'? Check. Want to go stealthy? Check. Want to hack instead? Check. Want to switch back and forth among these different elements depending on what any given situation called for? Check.

Tribes/Battlefield 1942 (tie) - For taking online multiplayer outdoors and giving gamers vehicles to drive around in. I never got a chance to get into Tribes, but I do recognize innovators when I see them. I still remember the first day I loaded Wake Island (BF1942 demo); some of the best DM memories are still linked to that day.

Now with all that said, where is my Duke/Descent/Freespace/Battlefield/WoW/Deus Ex/Half-Life hybrid I've been waiting for??

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