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Seattle Hipster Racism Meets Cool Cop

xxovercastxx says...


Tone of voice on the internet is provided by the reader. If you hear an hysterical voice in your head when you read my words, rather than a rational one, then I urge you to go back and re-read what I write.
I didn't supply any tone of voice, I just saw something which I thought was wrong and I tried to correct.

I find it interesting that I have been accused of many things that I haven't actually said, but that doesn't strike you as unfair. I'm the one at fault. Still. Interesting. Hmmmm..... whatever could that mean?
I haven't accused you of saying anything nor commented on the fairness of anything levied at you. If you're referring to the end of my original comment, I thought it was pretty clear that was a prediction. I was mocking you for being "pleased with" yourself that you predicted that yogi went "all batshit stupid crazy". Any given yogi comment has like an 80% chance of being "batshit stupid crazy", Nostradamus.

Have I lost my shit in the past? Sure. Who hasn't around here? As that survey proved, this is a predominantly male environment and it took me awhile to understand that. That if I "lose my shit" it is a woman going all hysterical. So I have learned not to lose my shit anymore. But I am still accused of doing so.
So are you saying that men are incapable of treating women appropriately or that women are too dainty to hold their own in a male-majority environment? For someone who is so offended by sexism, you sure don't seem to mind dishing it out.

As you say, I "earned" this reputation -- fairly in some cases, unfairly in others. All I can do is move forward and continue to be rational in the moment. I can't change past perceptions.
You can't change the past but you can change perceptions, just don't expect to do it overnight and don't expect to do it by acting the same way that earned you that reputation. Plenty of us have had our reputations go to hell and back here. I look back at some of my comments from 4-5 years ago and can't believe some of the shit I said. I like to think I have a reasonably good reputation around here these days.

Seattle Hipster Racism Meets Cool Cop

bareboards2 says...

@xxovercastxx, I just went through this with another sifter through PM, not public.

Tone of voice on the internet is provided by the reader. If you hear an hysterical voice in your head when you read my words, rather than a rational one, then I urge you to go back and re-read what I write. I had to say that three times to this one particular sifter, who increasingly accused me of saying things I didn't say, and I just kept saying -- I didn't say that. Go re-read what I actually wrote with a different tone of voice in your head. He finally got it, thank god.

I find it interesting that I have been accused of many things that I haven't actually said, but that doesn't strike you as unfair. I'm the one at fault. Still. Interesting. Hmmmm..... whatever could that mean?

Have I lost my shit in the past? Sure. Who hasn't around here? As that survey proved, this is a predominantly male environment and it took me awhile to understand that. That if I "lose my shit" it is a woman going all hysterical. So I have learned not to lose my shit anymore. But I am still accused of doing so.

As you say, I "earned" this reputation -- fairly in some cases, unfairly in others. All I can do is move forward and continue to be rational in the moment. I can't change past perceptions.

And if you read my response to chaosengine, you will see that I agree with you that context matters.

And thanks for the comic book education. That is extremely cool. I mean, like, EXTREMELY COOL.

Sift Talk Tough Love (Love Talk Post)




Fantomas (Member Profile)

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Hybrid (Member Profile)

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GeeSussFreeK says...

Yay, they scored a goal, unit, basket! Go squadron, do good! Beat the opponents, soundly, in the skirmish!

>> ^direpickle:

>> ^deathcow:
Quite a lady drought we got going on here.
I guess we should... discuss sawzalls?

How about that local sports team? I hear they had a game. They certainly played.



blahpook says...

I probably should have put In a Long Term Relationship w/ a Sifter instead of Married. It's both, but Married more widely applied. Also, out of curiosity, what percentage of active members actually participated in the survey?



Stormsinger says...

>> ^kulpims:

and yet, there are 3 women among the top 15 sifters of all time. overachievers >> ^Fantomas:
>91% of sifters identify as male
I had no idea the sift was such a sausagefest. Although it does go a long way to explaining the top 15 on occasion.

How would that be a surprise? Ever seen the reaction to women at a gaming/comic/scifi convention? We geeks just -love- the girls that will put up with us. LOL



kulpims jokingly says...

and yet, there are 3 women among the top 15 sifters of all time. overachievers >> ^Fantomas:

>91% of sifters identify as male
I had no idea the sift was such a sausagefest. Although it does go a long way to explaining the top 15 on occasion.

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