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Bill Maher: New Rules – June 12, 2015

gorillaman says...

It's not their country. Human beings own the world and mindless rock-worshipping savages own nothing.

Smart people are superior to stupid people, and there isn't enough room on this planet for the sort of subhuman trash who believe in magic fucking mountains.

Respect, now, that is not a value I hold especially close to my heart.

ChaosEngine said:

"genetic superiority"? Please tell me that's a bad joke.

It's simple common courtesy. Don't go to other people's countries and expect them to conform to your ideas.

You wouldn't go to Japan and wear shoes in someone's house. The mountain is sacred to the locals. Whether you or I think that's stupid is irrelevant. If you're a guest in someone's country, you should respect their customs.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

GenjiKilpatrick says...


I'm gonna be nice cause I don't have any experience with you or your opinions yet. And, to an extent, I agree..

Hopefully you can contribute something meaningful to videosift, considering all the great voices who've disappeared from this place.

It's just extremely frustrating that these two goofballs are haven't left yet.

And in fact, your premise is a topic that I definitely have been meaning to discuss.

There's a Prager "University" video that addresses that exact premise of sugarcoated vs blatant belligerent racist.

The video itself is flagrantly patronizing.

That being said we have all three types of racist on videosift currently:

Bobknight is your classic Neo-Con Racist.
- He hates blacks, gays, jews & liberals and makes no qualms about expressing how subhuman those groups are.

Trancecoach is your more politically-correct racist.
- Seems pretty open-minded and accepting, until you reach the middle or end of his comment.
Then it's all like "isn't it sad that all black people have no fathers and live in the ghetto."

Lantern is a special case.
- He'll be toned-down yet flagrant at times. Openly belligerent at others.
But it's always under the guise of "I can't be racist cause I don't FEEL like i'm racist"

He even used the classic "Well I CAN'T be racist cause my DAUGHTER married a BLACK/BIRACIAL guy! See, not racist"

Then will immediately say some heinously racist shit like he has in this thread. i.e.

"Of course I didn't bother reading the article for context or facts.
I'm a cop, I know how the 'Criminal Element' thinks.
Clearly those kids were dangerous.
If we had just heard the audio, we would have seen how those punks are no better than those looting rioting savages in Baltimore"

So no, JustSaiyan.. I would NOT prefer to have some idiot saying idiot things whenever I come back to check out the site.

At least Bill O'Reilly is smart enough to have a somewhat substantive discussion.

Lantern just says racist shit, then cowers behind the "i'm a good person because my job & family FORCE me into being around lesbians & colored people.. and I put up with that pretty well. so.. yeah.."

But yeah, I just hate people like Lantern cause he's too chicken shit to just say he thinks black people are inferior whenever I press him on it.

At least Bobknight will straight tell you gays are immoral sinful perverts or whatever. The old-fashion, honest, terrifying-murder-clown bigot he is.

Then again, Bobknight can't admit he's racist either.
So.. maybe that's just a core Conservative talking point now.

Sam Harris: Can Psychedelics Help You Expand Your Mind?

gorillaman says...

These two ideas go hand-in-hand. It's very nice for us to sit around and swap stories of our experiences with psychedelics, but we have to recognise that we have enemies who want to steal these experiences from us. You can't on the one hand believe that drugs are fine and people should take them if they want to and on the other say, "oh hey, here's this guy who thinks everyone who uses drugs should be kidnapped and locked in a box for years; that cool - live and let live." Is that thinking really something we can even recognise as human? I don't, and we have a right to defend ourselves from it, by say, stringing its advocates up from the nearest tree. So what do we call something subhuman that deserves to be lynched?

You're notice I'm not so much of a one for universal love and brotherhood.

newtboy said:

You are welcome to your opinion, and I even agree about literature, but dude...WTF?!?

Spider-Woman's Big Ass Is A Big Deal - Maddox

T-Barlow says...

Besides, objectification isn't even the problem, the real problem that liberals ignore is DEHUMANIZATOIN. Spider-woman is far from dehumanized. She's a very complex character, you learn all about her. You learn her favorite color, he dreams, her interested, her fears. You learn of her needs, the things she hates.

Through pin-ups you learn all about her sexuality as well. It is not the artist or the fan that thinks of spiderwoman as something dirty or subhuman for expressing her sexuality but the critics that reduce her to an object. In truth they do this not to defend spiderwoman, but to dehumanize her fans. They are told they are subhuman beasts for having sexual thoughts. That they are monsters for having interested in a female as anything other than a role model. It's total and complete hyporacy. The fans of spiderwoman view spiderwoman as nothing less than a complete human being, the fans themselves are reduced to nothing more than animals. Once the object is reduced to a level below humanity, any level of decadent violence can be done to them by the feminist, and that's the point.

chingalera (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine says...

man, I can't even be bothered derailing that video anymore.

I do think it's odd that @gorillaman accuses anyone who disagrees with him of being "intellectually and morally subhuman" and then calls me "a shallow, gawping spectacle-whore", but somehow I am the one that loves drama.

The strange misapprehension that I give a fuck continues for reasons unknown....

chingalera said:

Stay on the defensive and let's explore this bail-out a bit more please-You chime-in as you are want to do for at least an hour of two a day, you obviously love drama when it's not directed at yourself, and love to stir-up and/or foment self-satisfying discord...HEY, I find your roll somewhat familiar and otherwise stinky and generally foul-tasting on the pallet...Care to defend your manner and comfort-zone??

No protests from a cadre of familiars yet??...Give em a few ticks. We're sure to witness them they'll jump right aboard the boat to Stroke-and-Polish island, where all such balls are caressed and cared-for with covetous enthusiasm...

Coulthard on team orders

gorillaman says...

Strategy is what makes F1 more interesting to watch than other sports, which are typically just a bunch of sweaty morons running around on a lawn.

Team orders have always been a good thing and people who don't like them are intellectually and morally subhuman.

George Lucas' Response to Clerks and the Death Star Contract

Joss Whedon On Mitt Romney

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'romney, obama, subhumans, zombie, apocalypse, Spam' to 'romney, obama, subhumans, zombie, apocalypse, Spam, old school shambling' - edited by calvados

Beautiful Commercial Regarding Down Syndrome

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

What about people up the autism scale - unable to experience empathy? If so - it's the end of Gorillaman.>> ^gorillaman:

>> ^bmacs27:
I say we kill all the old people first. Anyone with dementia, or forget it, let's just save on social security. Once you can't work, you can fertilize the fields. I mean, really, old people, or human primate hybrids (man-gorillas if you will) they're all subhuman.
Like you said, wounded animals... the lot of them. I mean hell, if I couldn't get it up anymore, it would be common decency for you to put me out of my misery.
Then we should move on to the puppies. I mean, they're subhuman too right?

Yes, anyone with (advanced) dementia and yes, puppies. Pet ownership is a cause of colossal environmental damage and human poverty.
This all seems obvious to me; is recognising the unique quality of intelligence as being essential to our conception of personhood really such an obscure revelation?
Any creature without human intelligence is literally not a human being.

Beautiful Commercial Regarding Down Syndrome

gorillaman says...

>> ^bmacs27:
I say we kill all the old people first. Anyone with dementia, or forget it, let's just save on social security. Once you can't work, you can fertilize the fields. I mean, really, old people, or human primate hybrids (man-gorillas if you will) they're all subhuman.
Like you said, wounded animals... the lot of them. I mean hell, if I couldn't get it up anymore, it would be common decency for you to put me out of my misery.
Then we should move on to the puppies. I mean, they're subhuman too right?

Yes, anyone with (advanced) dementia and yes, puppies. Pet ownership is a cause of colossal environmental damage and human poverty.

This all seems obvious to me; is recognising the unique quality of intelligence as being essential to our conception of personhood really such an obscure revelation?

Any creature without human intelligence is literally not a human being.

Beautiful Commercial Regarding Down Syndrome

bmacs27 says...

>> ^gorillaman:

You couldn't be more wrong. We are poor and overpopulated, and we desperately need to correct that. Now is not the time to be keeping luxuries like pet underpeople.

I say we kill all the old people first. Anyone with dementia, or forget it, let's just save on social security. Once you can't work, you can fertilize the fields. I mean, really, old people, or human primate hybrids (man-gorillas if you will) they're all subhuman.

Like you said, wounded animals... the lot of them. I mean hell, if I couldn't get it up anymore, it would be common decency for you to put me out of my misery.

Then we should move on to the puppies. I mean, they're subhuman too right?

Beautiful Commercial Regarding Down Syndrome

gorillaman says...


A very few of these folks are high-functioning, which leaves them after much assistance just barely able to support themselves doing worthless keep-the-meat-breathing jobs in a society where 'productivity' typically implies stealing prosperity from the future. Even rare high-functioning downs are subhuman.

We all know very well that to "simply rely on the extra chromosome to decide which ones to abort" is unambiguously successful at improving the genetic and intellectual stock of our species. Even basic interventions like these are completely effective, perfect goods for the world. To kill a downs baby is a mitzvah.

When we can agree on that, everything else is logistics.


It's easy to confuse mental retardation with disability, but the two are utterly distinct. Human beings in disadvantaged circumstances like the "sick, disabled, ... jobless, poor etc" require assistance not as a matter of 'common decency' but simply the rational understanding that where we could all find ourselves in need, it's necessary to provide a safety net; game theory rather than compassion provides the answer to that question. Retards on the other hand are literally and must be treated as any other wounded animal - either ignored or put out of its misery.

The Color of Welfare (Politics Talk Post)

quantumushroom says...


I see what you're going for, so here's your Yes. Where our opinions diverge is a matter of perspective.

Slavery is not unique to the Black race, nor even Black Americans, it's a worldwide institution with ancient origins that is still practiced in parts of Africa TODAY. Every race on earth has at one time been enslaved, just as every race on earth has also enslaved other races. As horrible as it seems to us, for centuries slavery was accepted as necessary and a part of life. For Black Americans to feel singled out is, to me, just silly.

So enter the Civil War, a complex struggle involving myriad factors that became more about slavery about halfway through. Republicans ended slavery. Not that is was all sugar and poetry: Lincoln said it didn't matter if he had to keep slavery or end it, he would do whichever it took to save the Union. Lincoln did the paperwork but the Abolitionists did the real work.

We had a Civil Rights movement and it was just. (Now we have a Special Rights movement that is unjust, but that's another chapter).

I don't buy this crap about psychic injuries from slavery. And yes, here is the part where I provide the transcript of Bill Cosby's "Poundcake speech". I know you're going to have your reasons for not liking what he had to say (and I'm sure Jesse Jackson, who was right beside him was shocked and pissed) but all the same, please READ IT.

Yes, there was a time in America where lynchings were common, racism was institutional and opportunities for Blacks were severely limited. That time has passed. Yes, there are remnants of the klan out there, but they're not the ones forcing Blacks to drop out of school, disparage reading books and getting an education as "the White Man's Game" or impregnating young girls like it's nothing.

We've had generation after generation of immigrants now, from Vietnam, India, the failed soviet bloc. They came here with nothing and in a generation or two have risen. And if the excuse is, 'Well, they're not Black," here come Blacks from the Caribbean, working hard and doing just as well. All of these immigrant groups have one HUGE advantage: they haven't suffered decades of this American victim mentality.

I trust your sincerity and the sincerity of all the liberals who want to see Black Americans improve their lot (and they have, most are middle class). But there are forces that demand the dependency of Black Americans and use a victim mentality to get their votes. I don't see why anyone would heed voices that say, 'You Can't Do It'.

RE: the "science" article bashing conservatives. In Japan there are "scientists" whose entire output is exceptionalist-nationalist philosophy (nihonjinron) that is to be taken very seriously. This article is on the same level as, "liberals are better lovers".

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

qm - Imagine if you and the rest of your ethnic heritage were brought to this country as prisoners, to be sold as property to other people. You are bought and sold and expected to do hard labor without protest. Any resistance could mean your life, or your foot, so you quickly learn to submit yourself to the authority of the ruling racial class. Your ethnic heritage, as a whole, is kept in poverty and ignorance for many generations. Old proud traditions are beaten out of you, and new ones are created in secret, out of the watchful eye of your master. You cannot sing your music, but you can sing in the church choir, so you create your own new culture under the restrictions imposed by your masters.
Then a century down the road, it is decided that slavery is wrong and you are set free. Unfortunately for you, you are in your middle age with no money or education in a culture where you are thought of as subhuman. In this hostile environment, you are expected to compete with people who have been free all their lives, and more sinisterly, people who loathe you and are actively against your progress. They even create organizations to make life worse for you and to form lynch mobs to murder you and your kind.
This new generation continues to pass along the legacy of poverty, lack of education, self doubt, fear and shame to further generations. For the next few generations, laws are set up to discriminate against your people, and it is publicly acceptable to insult, attack and even kill your underclass with minimal consequences. There are new freedoms and a desire to rise above, but there are so very many cultural barriers.
Eventually society decides this underclass should have the same rights as everyone else, but at this point, the legacy of slavery has been imprinted on an entire culture for many generations - Hundreds of years of negative cultural conditioning. Although free in law, there is still much animosity aimed at your group. Not only are ou different in color and culture, but you also carry the stigma of being poor and not having access to the same level of education of the ruling racial class.
Eventually steps are taken to reverse this legacy of hate, poverty and slavery through government assistance programs, and while costly, they do yield success as your underclass rises in wealth and social acceptance. The fact that we, the racial ruling class, see them as equal and expect them to do as well as we do speaks greatly to the change in culture over the last half century. But, just are the legacy of slavery lives on in black culture, so does the legacy of hate live on in white culture. Groups of neo-confederate whites are angry that there is an effort to help remedy a problem created by our forefathers. They don't care whether or not these programs have been successful, they just hate the idea of this long hated underclass getting some help.
Just as the legacy of poverty has made it's way from generation to generation, so has the legacy of hate.
Perhaps the neo-confederates should take the log out of their own eye, before cataloging the failings of others. Or at least, they could attempt some understanding of why these stats are the way they are, how much progress has been made, and what could be done to stop these destructive legacies in the future.

Do you see what I'm going for here, qm? I'd love a yes, even if it comes with heavy reservations.

Marines Urinate on Dead Afghans

csnel3 says...

"Put Human beings in an impossible monstrous situation and you cannot be surprised when they turn into monsters. Marines are trained to lose their humanity, so this isn't that surprising .."

1) Training people to kill, and as such treat the enemy as subhuman as a way to handle doing that

I cant wait for these guys to get sent back to the states and made into cops.

Marines Urinate on Dead Afghans

spoco2 says...

Well, this is what happens when you combine:
1) Training people to kill, and as such treat the enemy as subhuman as a way to handle doing that
2) Men who aren't that bright to begin with
3) Video games like COD etc. which have reduced warfare and killing to be 'fun', and teaching the correct response to a victory to be tea bagging or worse.

I guarantee that these men see the Taliban as less than human, and if asked if they'd piss on a member of their own troop's dead body they'd cry foul and say 'No man, that's disrespectful'. But think that it's ok here because these men were 'the enemy' and 'just towel heads'.

War is fucked on all these levels. It's people killing each other, it's making some people dead, and the alive a bit dead inside.

Fucked up.

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