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Germany's Downfall Will Be Facilitated By This Roundabout

shponglefan says...

>> ^Stu:
Roundabouts might be the dumbest things I have ever seen.

If by "dumbest things I have ever seen" you actually meant "best intersections ever!", then yes, I would have to agree.

But seriously, roundabouts are awesome. Way nicer for driving than traffic lights and stop signs.

Germany's Downfall Will Be Facilitated By This Roundabout

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

GeeSussFreeK says...

You lost me completely. I understand the difference between legal and illegal. There is no meaningful distinction between something that has been decriminalized and legal. People use "decriminalized" to still place the moral bad sign on something while advocating it's non-criminal status; a way of labeling something bad and yet having it be legal. The phrase is all about having your moral cake, and eating it too. Didn't mean to excite your anger there, was just asking what you saw as a difference, if any, between something that is decriminalized, and something that is legal, because for me, it is semantically the same.

>> ^Payback:

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I understand the political difference, in the world of real things, I don't understand there to be any difference. What do you see as the big difference?

No big difference? Illegal is NOTHING like criminal, but nor is it LEGAL.
Would you want to walk beside, or ride a bike along, a street after speeding was deemed legal?
How about driving in a city that legalized running red lights and stop signs?
How about investing when the SEC legalizes misleading advertising for brokerages? skip that, already done...
How about eating store-bought food after the Food and Drug administration legalizes the use of the myriad substances they've banned throughout the years as poisonous or carcenogenic?
HUGE difference between legal and illegal. It's not as big a difference as between legal and criminal but, it's still a real, marked difference.
Mr. Robertson is just one of those people who has admitted that parking in a handicapped space doesn't deserve 5-7 years in prison.

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

Payback says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I understand the political difference, in the world of real things, I don't understand there to be any difference. What do you see as the big difference?

No big difference? Illegal is NOTHING like criminal, but nor is it LEGAL.

Would you want to walk beside, or ride a bike along, a street after speeding was deemed legal?
How about driving in a city that legalized running red lights and stop signs?
How about investing when the SEC legalizes misleading advertising for brokerages? skip that, already done...
How about eating store-bought food after the Food and Drug administration legalizes the use of the myriad substances they've banned throughout the years as poisonous or carcenogenic?

HUGE difference between legal and illegal. It's not as big a difference as between legal and criminal but, it's still a real, marked difference.

Mr. Robertson is just one of those people who has admitted that parking in a handicapped space doesn't deserve 5-7 years in prison.

geo321 (Member Profile)

ant says...

In reply to this comment by geo321:
I can't prove it. You got away with kicking your donkeys.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Prove it.

In reply to this comment by geo321:
I apologize for the misunderstanding. I was driving home a couple of days ago with my car windows open, and while I was slowing down for a stop sign It sounded like the person said "I am ant from videosift". While he was drop kicking his donkey. I would have liked to stop and say hello but you were coming at me quickly and wielding a shovel.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Thanks, but I don't kick donkeys or never did it before. [grin]

In reply to this comment by geo321:
you kick ass.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Short inside view: from ...

ant (Member Profile)

geo321 says...

I can't prove it. You got away with kicking the donkeys.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Prove it.

In reply to this comment by geo321:
I apologize for the misunderstanding. I was driving home a couple of days ago with my car windows open, and while I was slowing down for a stop sign It sounded like the person said "I am ant from videosift". While he was drop kicking his donkey. I would have liked to stop and say hello but you were coming at me quickly and wielding a shovel.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Thanks, but I don't kick donkeys or never did it before. [grin]

In reply to this comment by geo321:
you kick ass.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Short inside view: from ...

geo321 (Member Profile)

ant says...

Prove it.

In reply to this comment by geo321:
I apologize for the misunderstanding. I was driving home a couple of days ago with my car windows open, and while I was slowing down for a stop sign It sounded like the person said "I am ant from videosift". While he was drop kicking his donkey. I would have liked to stop and say hello but you were coming at me quickly and wielding a shovel.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Thanks, but I don't kick donkeys or never did it before. [grin]

In reply to this comment by geo321:
you kick ass.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Short inside view: from ...

ant (Member Profile)

geo321 says...

I apologize for the misunderstanding. I was driving home a couple of days ago with my car windows open, and while I was slowing down for a stop sign It sounded like the person said "I am ant from videosift". While he was drop kicking his donkey. I would have liked to stop and say hello but you were coming at me quickly and wielding a shovel.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Thanks, but I don't kick donkeys or never did it before. [grin]

In reply to this comment by geo321:
you kick ass.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Short inside view: from ...

What if there were no stop signs?

Desinging By Committee

Desinging By Committee

Desinging By Committee

Desinging By Committee

Will Ferrell's NYPD Recruitment Video

Arkaium says...

I sincerely believe that Will Ferrell is talented. He proved it on SNL and in his better movies like Stranger Than Fiction. But I swear to god, if he keeps on doing the same damn character over and over again in clearly terrible movies like this, I will go out of my way to avoid all of his movies, even the re-runs of the good ones like Anchorman and Old School.

What the hell, man. Land of the Lost? Semi-pro? Kicking & Screaming? Bewitched? Please, Will. For the love of everything good, stop signing on to every damn comedy script you get. You're better than this.

Ex-Atheist Deer Finds God in a Hurry

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