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Portsmouth Police exempt from the law

nanrod says...

OK people enough of the radio crap. Whether or not it's legal for a cop to park in a no parking spot will depend on the jurisdiction you are in. I live in British Columbia, Canada and the appropriate sections of the Motor Vehicle Act of BC are shown below. To summarize, a vehicle is an emergency vehicle if it is operated by a police officer in the performance of his duties (it doesn't have to be an emergency situation) and an emergency vehicle is exempt from most provisions of the act provided it is operated safely and with regard to the nature of the use of the vehicle at the time.

To sum up with examples; parking in a no parking spot while having lunch in a donut shop - not permitted; parking safely on the side of the road in a no parking spot while observing the ebb and flow of traffic and ever ready at any time to pursue blankfist, I mean violators - specifically permitted.

While I'm as much against cops taking liberties or gaining advantages the rest of us do not enjoy, to think that a situation like the one in this video is the first step on some slippery slope is just a tad paranoid.

And the guy in the video is a douche

"emergency vehicle" means any of the following:

(c) a motor vehicle, or cycle as defined in Part 3, driven by a peace officer, constable or member of the police branch of Her Majesty's Armed Forces in the discharge of his or her duty;

Exemption for emergency vehicles

122 (1) Despite anything in this Part, but subject to subsections (2) and (4), a driver of an emergency vehicle may do the following:

(a) exceed the speed limit;
(b) proceed past a red traffic control signal or stop sign without stopping;
(c) disregard rules and traffic control devices governing direction of movement or turning in specified directions;
(d) stop or stand.

(2) The driver of an emergency vehicle must not exercise the privileges granted by subsection (1) except in accordance with the regulations.

(3) [Repealed 1997-30-2.]

(4) The driver of an emergency vehicle exercising a privilege granted by subsection (1) must drive with due regard for safety, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, including the following:
(a) the nature, condition and use of the highway;
(b) the amount of traffic that is on, or might reasonably be expected to be on, the highway;
(c) the nature of the use being made of the emergency vehicle at the time.

Compilation of vehicle crashes at Chinese University campus.

34 Chinese Car Crashes.

Compilation of vehicle crashes at Chinese University campus.

Compilation of vehicle crashes at Chinese University campus.

MaxWilder says...

Holy crap! How many people have to be injured before they install a couple stop signs? It's like these people are completely blind to cross traffic. And that guy who was just standing there and got slowly rolled into? That driver needs to be shot before s/he drives into a farmer's market.

Super Low Flying Jet Fighters

How To Handle Unintended Acceleration

ShakaUVM says...

As someone who had his Caprice Classic accelerate out of control (it was famous for the Flying Dutchman Syndrome, and they NEVER did a recall on it), I can tell you it's not (always) driver error that causes these crashes, and that the brakes absolutely DON'T work.

I was on the campus loop at UCSD, at a four way stop, when my car suddenly accelerated out of control. I ran the stop sign, dodged cars and pedestrians and accelerated up to about 60 while I was frantically stomping on the brake pedal (which did nothing, since the accelerator was floored). I thought the gas pedal was stuck and I reached down to pull it out - nothing. So I just turned my car off and stomped on the brakes (with no power assist) until it came to a stop. I was very fortunate nobody was hit.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

gwiz665 says...

This is where traffic trolling comes in. Walk super slowly in front of her car, if you have time slip down your pants and leave a nice big steamer on the hood of the car.
>> ^blankfist:
Chivalry is theater. I do it because that's how I was brought up, and it's hard to unlearn what is taught, prayed and spanked into us at such a young age. Acceptance of people as your equal is genuine.
I would've stepped into the grass and let the women have the entire sidewalk, but like I said I stepped in dog shit once so I refuse to do it again. I made myself as horizontally thin as humanly possibly and moved as far to the edge of the sidewalk as I could, but that wasn't enough for these Los Angeles princesses. No they wanted the entire width of the sidewalk to themselves.
There was certainly a sense of entitlement playing out here. It's also a very common occurrence in my neighborhood. I live in a city of self-important people. Once I was crossing at a crosswalk in my residential neighborhood and some lady in a Mercedes had to wait for me to cross, which she wasn't happy about, so she almost drove up on the curb to get around me and then she made a comment at me. I can't remember what she said exactly but it was something to the effect of 'don't you look', which I remember making no sense at all because a) I had the right of way and b) I did look before crossing, but she had a stop sign.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

Chivalry is theater. I do it because that's how I was brought up, and it's hard to unlearn what is taught, prayed and spanked into us at such a young age. Acceptance of people as your equal is genuine.

I would've stepped into the grass and let the women have the entire sidewalk, but like I said I stepped in dog shit once so I refuse to do it again. I made myself as horizontally thin as humanly possibly and moved as far to the edge of the sidewalk as I could, but that wasn't enough for these Los Angeles princesses. No they wanted the entire width of the sidewalk to themselves.

There was certainly a sense of entitlement playing out here. It's also a very common occurrence in my neighborhood. I live in a city of self-important people. Once I was crossing at a crosswalk in my residential neighborhood and some lady in a Mercedes had to wait for me to cross, which she wasn't happy about, so she almost drove up on the curb to get around me and then she made a comment at me. I can't remember what she said exactly but it was something to the effect of 'don't you look', which I remember making no sense at all because a) I had the right of way and b) I did look before crossing, but she had a stop sign.

So, what should Democrats do now? (User Poll by NetRunner)

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:
Or 6, Democrats should recognize the executive branch was never designed to be as powerful as it has become, reduce the executive branch's powers and once again give the majority of power back over to congress, stop signing statements, end the wars, revoke the Patriot Act completely without simply altering its text, cut military spending drastically, close (at least a majority of) military bases abroad, recognize income tax is a direct tax therefore unconstitutional and revoke the 16th Amendment, and recognize I'm an adult and no longer need a "nanny".
There. I'd vote for that one.

That's option one. You don't seem to understand that hiding behind Constitutional originalism doesn't fool most people. It's a roundabout way of saying that no matter how many people want progressive policy, it's all unconstitutional and people who try to enact it are in violation of the supreme law of the land.

In other words, roll over and die, because conservatives deserve permanent rule.

I think trying to pin expansion of executive power on Democrats is quite the overreach. I'd agree that they haven't done anything to reduce it, but that's a wholly different critique. I'd also agree that they should do about half of what you say (stop signing statements, end wars, revoke patriot act, cut military spending).

You do need a nanny pretty badly though.

So, what should Democrats do now? (User Poll by NetRunner)

blankfist says...

Or 6, Democrats should recognize the executive branch was never designed to be as powerful as it has become, reduce the executive branch's powers and once again give the majority of power back over to congress, stop signing statements, end the wars, revoke the Patriot Act completely without simply altering its text, cut military spending drastically, close (at least a majority of) military bases abroad, recognize income tax is a direct tax therefore unconstitutional and revoke the 16th Amendment, and recognize I'm an adult and no longer need a "nanny".

There. I'd vote for that one.

Craig Ferguson Explains Why He Loves America

Krupo says...

I'm assuming sanderbos' confusion stems from the "car on the right hand street ALWAYS has the right of way (unless otherwise signed)" rule, which would in theory force a Euro-driver to slam the brakes for cars entering from a side road. xxovercastxx explains things nicely though, but I wanted to kick that in.

>> ^xxovercastxx:
If you're the one turning, you basically treat it like a stop sign. You stop, look left, and then make your turn if it's clear. You still have to stop at the red light, you just don't have to wait for green to turn. Certain intersections will have a "No Turn on Red" sign, usually hung next to the traffic light. Usually you see these where you'd be turning into fast-moving traffic or where you can't see far enough to the left to make a safe judgment.
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> sanderbos said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">I learn something new everyday.
Americans, how does the 'turn right on red light' work? If I got a green light and drive straight across a crossing, I still have watch out for people coming in my lane making a right turn?</div></div></div>

Craig Ferguson Explains Why He Loves America

xxovercastxx says...

If you're the one turning, you basically treat it like a stop sign. You stop, look left, and then make your turn if it's clear. You still have to stop at the red light, you just don't have to wait for green to turn. Certain intersections will have a "No Turn on Red" sign, usually hung next to the traffic light. Usually you see these where you'd be turning into fast-moving traffic or where you can't see far enough to the left to make a safe judgment.
>> ^sanderbos:
I learn something new everyday.
Americans, how does the 'turn right on red light' work? If I got a green light and drive straight across a crossing, I still have watch out for people coming in my lane making a right turn?

Constitution gives us the right to travel

Constitution gives us the right to travel

Payback says...

>> ^bcglorf:
...If licensing drivers is too tyrannical, surely traffic lights, speed limits and stop signs should all be done away with as well.

Oddly enough, some tests done in Europe have found doing exactly that has cut down on congestion AND accidents. It seems taking away the assumption of right-of-way makes everyone more careful.

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