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Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama

Fairbs says...

I've made similar statements to my family. I was raised Republican and think that a lot of the core values are great. Unfortunately, you've got the koch brother tea party nutjobs and previously the neocon PNAC SOB's that have co-opted the party. I do think there is a large portion of the Tea Party that have legitimate beefs and that they actually align in many ways with the Occupy movement. I would like to see the U.S. have many more legitimate parties, but it seems like the system is too rigged for this to happen.

VoodooV said:

The death of the republican party continues. I continue to wait patiently for moderate Republicans to retake their party.

The "Throw Like a Girl" Myth | MythBusters

bareboards2 says...

This vid made me sob. Those smiles of observers - both male and female.... how horrible.

I am so glad that female violence towards men is getting attention.

What else is finally getting attention? Something I didn't know about until recently -- the vast majority of sexual assaults in the military are against MEN. Which means men have been sexually assaulted for hundreds of years, a thought that breaks my heart.

This video addresses something that I have known for years -- that men have it bad, but until they start talking about it, nothing will change. Men have needed their own "liberation" movement, too -- to be free from the need to hide their "weakness."

I'm not sure that I would draw the conclusion that "I don't know that [women] have it as bad as we might think." Yes, they do. Women are still murdered by their partners at a much higher rate than men are.

What is changing is that we are learning that men have it worse than we collectively think.

Why this need to make this into a contest about who has it worse, anyway? Let's just fix the problems for us all, yeah?

I think that once men get real about how terrible it is to be under this pressure to be stoic, and masculine, and strong, and start to become their more authentic selves, the violence rate in our society will go down, and men's life spans will start to match women's.

That is just speculation, though.

That is what the Feminist Movement was, too. Women wanted to break out of imposed roles and become their authentic selves.

A terrified abandoned dog gets rescued from the streets

Formula 1 Pit Stop: 1950's & Today

Runaway Saw Blade

scheherazade says...

(I don't actually subscribe to your 2 options theory)

Keep in mind that my OP was in regards to your statement that he 'fetched the blade and acted like nothing happened, and that makes him an SOB'.

My point was that there isn't any other action to take.
The damage was done, nobody was injured, the owner wasn't around to speak with - so continuing with work is as good an option as any. (re. what else do you want the guy to do? Cry?)

(amusing side thought : Is there a way to put back a saw 'as if something had happened'?)

I wouldn't jump to conclusions about the guy being a bad person based on a video of seemingly unintentional damage, and a description which only has one salient point : the firm is investigating the incident.

For all we know, it could be company policy for employees to report damage to management, and have management contact property owners (hence possible delays in communication).

There simply isn't enough information here to know if there was any 'sob behavior' involved.


lucky760 said:

Ah, so you admit there's another option than just crying: leaving a note.

I guess you didn't get the full details of the events that transpired. The prick just fetched the blade and took off.

He didn't leave a note.

The only reason the residents there knew what happened was their exterior security camera footage.


Capturing Pigeons Using a Net Catapult

deebeee says...

I think this is so wrong and cruel. If anyone is a rat it's the people who do this despicable stuff. Pigeons are very intelligent - were used as carrier pigeons in WWI. If you hate pigeons then you have a problem. Why should any being be subject to HATE? Miserable SOB's who do this. Wish we could net them and dispatch them!!!

How Inequality Was Created

Trancecoach says...

@enoch, I didn't see your response to me since you didn't "reply" to me, or "message me" ("@Trancecoach"), so I'm just seeing this now:

> you argue like someone who has found religion.

What is this, then, if not ad hominem? What has religion got to do with economics in this context? I'm willing to change my mind, if you can show me the flaws in my argument.

> and its not just you that never wants to address the dark side of capitalism.

So, please tell me what didn't get 'addressed?' Did I not respond to every point in your post? Where are your replies to my reply?

> disciples of free market capitalism never want to talk about their deformed child
> locked in the upstairs bedroom.out of sight..out of mind.

Again, what wasn't addressed? Free market capitalists love to talk about free market capitalism. Ok. So are you stuck on this such that you're unable to read/respond to my response?

Seems to me that you're projecting, because while you say that my responses are like a 'sermon,' this portion of your post actually sounds like a sermon:

> every system has its flaws.
> both positive and negative.
> and no system is a rigid single dimension but rather varying layers of slight
> differences.
> this includes every political and economic system thought of or just living in the
> realm of dreams.
> it is through discussion with people we may disagree in which new ideas can breed
> and grow.
> this was my ultimate goal in talking with you.
> instead i get a sermon.
> hope has two daughters.
> anger and courage.
> anger at the way things are,and courage to change them.
> i havent had a beer in ten years.
> gonna go grab me a beer or two.
> what a silly,sad old man i have become.
> old men should stop dreaming.....

Let's not degrade the level of discourse to ad hominem or sob stories. If you need help, ask for help. But don't blame me if you relapse. We are all accountable for our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

> old men should stop dreaming

Dream all you want, but don't expect everyone else to take your dreams seriously just because you say so. (Why not address any of the points I made in my response?)

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the
average voter." ~ Winston Churchill

I'm at a loss as to what response I can give you that would 'appease' your sensibilities? As far as I could tell, all of your questions were addressed. But you ignored my reply, and went back to "no one wants to talk about it" or whatever. So, what can be said?

It seems like you don't really want to "debate" or "converse" or whatever. If I refute your arguments, then you interpret that as meaning that I don't want to talk about it. Did I get that right? That doesn't make much sense to me. If not, please explain what I am missing here.

Also, what does it matter if you are old or young, or a dreamer or not, in terms of getting to the truth about socialism and capitalism?

> but you are blinded by dogma.

If so, why not show me what part of my argument is dogmatic or not epistemologically sound?
For example, what specifically about the right to and/or preference for non-aggression is 'dogmatic?' I don't like being bullied, so does that make me dogmatic? What about the impossibility of economic calculation under any sort of socialism is 'dogmatic?' And how so?

If someone doesn't understand calculus, they might call it 'dogma.' But if you understand it, then you can look at the equations and see for yourself if they make mathematical sense (or not). Was Galileo's contention that the Earth orbits the Sun dogmatic? What about the assertion that the Sun orbits the Earth, was that dogmatic? What's the difference?

> it is through discussion with people we may disagree in which new ideas can breed
> and grow. this was my ultimate goal in talking with you.

This is all very nice, but did you bother to find out what my 'ultimate goal' in talking to you was? Or is it all about yours?

Some-but-not-all people get upset when you point out how their beliefs do not correspond to the facts. Socrates was sentenced to commit suicide and Galileo died under house arrest.

I won't say whether or not this is true, or applies in this instance.

> every system has its flaws. both positive and negative. and no system is a rigid
> single dimension but rather varying layers of slight differences. this includes every
> political and economic system thought of or just living in the realm of dreams.

This, in itself is a dogmatic statement.

Look, man. I like you. I appreciate your comments, your earnestness, and willingness to engage our discourse. I also appreciate your respect and appreciation (although I can't say I'm sure how I've earned or deserved it). You've apologized for what seems to me to be ad hominem and I appreciate and accept your apology. I, too, apologize if you seem that I've been terse or avoidant in authentic engagement in dialogue with you. But in keeping with the points and arguments themselves, I think we'll both be much better off in terms of learning and growing and avoiding going off-track or off-topic into commentary about the messenger as opposed to the message.

enoch said:


Bono: Capitalism Takes More People Out of Poverty Than Aid.

chingalera says...

Bono's place in the big-boy's club-To make scheduled appearances to remind his ineffectual, 30-50 yr-old former fan base that the paradigm is here, it's fucked, and it's only going to get worse so let's all have a group sob for this species-threatening state-of-affairs.

Jolie can only adopt so many children from representative nations...AT which point, space entrepreneur Elon Musk will use his advanced vertical TOAL ships to ferry this collection of human DNA to their new homes on Mars.

Bonos' a tool.

criticalthud said:

what would probably help africans the most is to stop ripping them off and exploiting their natural resources while using economic and military power to press the advantage.

Asking Guys For Sex (Social Experiment)

Introduction to Board Games

A tip jar thief in action

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

cluhlenbrauck says...

Alcohol + teenagers + sex hormones + party vibe + yearning to be accepted.

this shit happens almost every weekend. Maybe not rape. But shit goes down.

(funny how 1 guy sobbing brings on a different spin to a story. )

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Crappy situation all around. What they did was wrong, but they are sobbing because their life may be over for all intents and purposes. Very little hope for rehabilitation in a system that makes career criminals.

Everyone cheering their incarceration in this thread - what do you think is more important - justice and punishment - or rehabilitation? Because that's what it comes down to. One of the myriad problems with the US criminal justice system is that it's heavily weighted towards justice and a form of institutional vengeance, with very little going into rehabilitation.

What happens when these guys re-enter American society in a few years as convicted sex offenders after a few years in the clink? Any semblance of a good life is over for them from this point on.

Brother Missing in Bedroom Sinkhole

UsesProzac says...

I sobbed when I watched this video. I wasn't aware of the just how bad it is in Florida right now. There are many informative videos and articles about it out there, even a VICE guide or two. Fuck sinkholes and fuck a government who sits on their hands.

Brother Missing in Bedroom Sinkhole

cluhlenbrauck says...

His profession is to think on the fly and do interviews. He has years of experience. This guy is sobbing about his dead brother. Cooper just asks questions as if he wasn't filled in on the story.
"uhh... so how deep is the hole?"
"and..uh how long did you hear him for?"

Jesus Christ give the guy a moment. Cut to something else.

"you obviously sound shaken up from this tragic event, our hopes and prayers are with you and your family"

CUT TO SOME OTHER SHIT. They have an entire room of guys ready to do anything on the fly with live tv.

shatterdrose said:

Honestly, I don't get what everyone is bitching about. Cooper did exactly what any journalist would do, at least those with some tact and empathy. If this was for a print story, you would have only heard bits and pieces about what his brother was like. But on live tv, it's actually MUCH harder than any of you think to do what the stock holders want you to do, what the public expects you to do, and still be a human being to the person you're interviewing.

What is he supposed to say at this point? Hey man, sorry, but you're totally a bummer right now and well, we were hoping for something more ratings worthy than you sobbing about how much you miss your brother. On to the next one!

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