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GITMO Guard "I Felt Ashamed Of What I Did"

rottenseed says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Liberals are always angry and ashamed of America; nothing new there.
Boy, I was expecting graphic stories of beatings, starvation, etc. Instead I see Corporal Twinkie here talking about one head punch and some scrape-ups, due to cruel soldiers attempting to UNLOCK handcuffs on one prisoner and FEED another.
It's really telling that the captive in the first story thought he was going to be executed. If the poor guy got his news of the West from the New York Slimes I wouldn't blame him.
Regardless of how much the ACLU whines to the contrary, Gitmo detainees are not prisoners of war nor enemy combatants fighting under any nation's flag, so American and International rights don't apply to them. The ones that have been released quickly rejoin--that's REjoin--their jihad. So fk' em, feed 'em fish heads. I'm more ashamed of Obama's end-runs around the Constitution to nationalize everything and the liberal media's refusal to do their job.

Wouldn't you rejoin? I mean if this group of jihadists captured you and put you in a shitty hole with crappy accommodations, when you were released wouldn't you come running back and join military...well you wouldn't cause you're a pussy, but somebody with balls would...

It's not some alien we're dealing's people. So I don't know why you act so surprised when humans follow their own nature to feel hatred when they're mistreated.

GITMO Guard "I Felt Ashamed Of What I Did"

quantumushroom says...

Liberals are always angry and ashamed of America; nothing new there.

Boy, I was expecting graphic stories of beatings, starvation, etc. Instead I see Corporal Twinkie here talking about one head punch and some scrape-ups, due to cruel soldiers attempting to UNLOCK handcuffs on one prisoner and FEED another.

It's really telling that the captive in the first story thought he was going to be executed. If the poor guy got his news of the West from the New York Slimes I wouldn't blame him.

Regardless of how much the ACLU whines to the contrary, Gitmo detainees are not prisoners of war nor enemy combatants fighting under any nation's flag, so American and International rights don't apply to them. The ones that have been released quickly rejoin--that's REjoin--their jihad. So fk' em, feed 'em fish heads. I'm more ashamed of Obama's end-runs around the Constitution to nationalize everything and the liberal media's refusal to do their job.

Obama Signs Order Closing Guantanamo

NetRunner says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Terrorists will do nothing differently because of this egregious mistake.
The message being sent to the enemy is: "We are weak."
You know and I know it's not weakness to treat an enemy humanely. However, what WE think doesn't count, because the terrorists from Russian and Arabic cultures view all concessions and negotiations as weakness.
There's little use debating the dangers of a suicidal, homicidal enemy with folks who deny evil exists or believe jihadists can be reasoned with. It's quite obviously a very dangerous world and Democrats have a terrible track record of protecting America.
You fellows like to pretend Bush has somehow shut down or taken away your rights. Bullshit. Name ONE of YOUR rights being affected, and I don't mean cut-n-paste hearsay from the Daily Komatose. How has YOUR life been affected? Taps on your phone? Waterboarding suspects at the local library? Credit score? Resume? The very act of typing anti-Bush or anti-government sentiment shows you don't believe you're in any danger whatsoever. Even the presses of the traitorous New York Slimes continue to roll.
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
Think of the Franklin quote the next time you want government to take over your health care and give vote-buying "tax cuts" to people who don't pay taxes.

You're having a conversation with yourself. You don't even listen to what people say right here in this thread, you just respond to Rush Limbaugh inspired straw men that bear no resemblance to the people on "the left".

The best part is how you can't even go 2 straight responses without stooping to childish name calling, as if it makes your argument stronger.

You even recycled the Ben Franklin quote, without responding to the critique that it applies to your position on foreign policy more readily than health care.

Franklin was talking about limits on search and seizure, freedom of speech, and habeas corpus, not the freedom to have your medical treatment denied by pencil pushers, and I think deep down you know that.

Oh, and BTW, if criticism of Bush was anti-government and treason, any and all criticism of Obama is now anti-government treason. Turn yourself in, or we'll be forced to dispatch black helicopters (now with black pilots) to collect you, and send you to experience "enhanced interrogation" as an "unlawful combatant".

Don't like it? Well, I'm sure at some point, years later, someone will give you a show trial to air your complaints, dismiss them, and then send you back to your cell indefinitely.

Obama Signs Order Closing Guantanamo

quantumushroom says...

Terrorists will do nothing differently because of this egregious mistake.

The message being sent to the enemy is: "We are weak."

You know and I know it's not weakness to treat an enemy humanely. However, what WE think doesn't count, because the terrorists from Russian and Arabic cultures view all concessions and negotiations as weakness.


There's little use debating the dangers of a suicidal, homicidal enemy with folks who deny evil exists or believe jihadists can be reasoned with. It's quite obviously a very dangerous world and Democrats have a terrible track record of protecting America.

You fellows like to pretend Bush has somehow shut down or taken away your rights. Bullshit. Name ONE of YOUR rights being affected, and I don't mean cut-n-paste hearsay from the Daily Komatose. How has YOUR life been affected? Taps on your phone? Waterboarding suspects at the local library? Credit score? Resume? The very act of typing anti-Bush or anti-government sentiment shows you don't believe you're in any danger whatsoever. Even the presses of the traitorous New York Slimes continue to roll.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin

Think of the Franklin quote the next time you want government to take over your health care and give vote-buying "tax cuts" to people who don't pay taxes.

9/11 Rare view of the south tower hit.

charliem says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
What did Bush gain from 9-11? This is the question every troofer should be asking.
My answer to them: not much. If it's a conspiracy it had no goals.
Despite the usual ravings of leftist lunatics, there's no police state. Government got bigger but under a Gore (or now Obama) that's gonna happen anyway. We seized no Iraqi oil and spent a lot of treasure and blood restoring Iraqis to power, leaving them the freedom to turn their backs on us.
We're still fighting rock to rock in Af-fag-istan when we should've flattened every last hill and mountain.
Bush didn't censor a single news source. He should've shut down the New York Slimes after they blabbed to the terrorists how we were tracking their funds on its front page. He didn't.
Bush executed no one at Gitmo and even spared "Jihad Johnny" Walker Lind, a spoiled American retard who shot at our troops.
Now Bush is gone and his near-polar opposite has the reigns. So much for "empire".
The government can't deliver the mail and troofers think a conspiracy that would involve not thousands but tens of thousands keeping silent was pulled off. Too much credit to government and not enough to common sense.
I don't think troofers are dumb; their willful resistance to the mountain of evidence debunking their theories, IS.

Not entirely true.
As much as I despise troofers, bush and co. did gain from the incident.
+++++++ no-bid contracts for companies that they have massive shares in.

9/11 Rare view of the south tower hit.

quantumushroom says...

What did Bush gain from 9-11? This is the question every troofer should be asking.

My answer to them: not much. If it's a conspiracy it had no goals.

Despite the usual ravings of leftist lunatics, there's no police state. Government got bigger but under a Gore (or now Obama) that's gonna happen anyway. We seized no Iraqi oil and spent a lot of treasure and blood restoring Iraqis to power, leaving them the freedom to turn their backs on us.

We're still fighting rock to rock in Af-fag-istan when we should've flattened every last hill and mountain.

Bush didn't censor a single news source. He should've shut down the New York Slimes after they blabbed to the terrorists how we were tracking their funds on its front page. He didn't.

Bush executed no one at Gitmo and even spared "Jihad Johnny" Walker Lind, a spoiled American retard who shot at our troops.

Now Bush is gone and his near-polar opposite has the reigns. So much for "empire".

The government can't deliver the mail and troofers think a conspiracy that would involve not thousands but tens of thousands keeping silent was pulled off. Too much credit to government and not enough to common sense.

I don't think troofers are dumb; their willful resistance to the mountain of evidence debunking their theories, IS.

Obama Part of the Unconstitutional Agenda?

NetRunner says...

Wouldn't wanna disappoint you about the comments, so here ya go:

If he would just strip out the fearmongering, self-serving accusation that Obama and the mainstream media lied to you about his policy (while using clips of video from the mainstream media to "reveal" the "secret"), I actually agree that Obama's plans for Iraq and Afghanistan are not what I wanted. Better than McCain's commitment to pump up both "wars", but not good enough.

My chief prediction for 2009 is that if Afghanistan even slightly goes badly (and I fear it will), the grassroots who helped get him elected will turn on him, nastily. We'll see how Obama responds, but I suspect McCain would ignore anything the peace activists said anyways. Obama owes them a lot, so they'll have more leverage.

As for the NWO stuff and the O = W (which logically leads to RP = BS), I'm not really sure who he's trying to kid.

I was hoping Paul's Re-love-a-loution would involve trying to reach out to liberals on the basis of what we have in common, not just say "oooga booga, Obama scary". The only difference in tactics here from an average Republican slime merchant is that it says Obama's too pro-war, instead of too soft on terror. That's all.

Oh well, welcome to being an outsider amongst outsiders, Dr. Paul.

Cheney Admits to Authorizing Torture

thinker247 says...

Whatever point we were trying to make about Taliban thuggery on September 11th would be drowned out by our monstrous, nihilistic act of turning an entire country into a "glass parking lot."

Not only would we fail, we would give the Taliban and lots of other terrorist slime more power to attack us.

>> ^quantumushroom:
Whatever point [McVeigh] was trying to make about government thuggery at Waco was drowned out by his monstrous, nihilistic act. Not only did he fail, he gave the thugs at Waco and lots of other government slime more power to encroach on liberty.

Cheney Admits to Authorizing Torture

quantumushroom says...

So when Timothy McVeigh bombed the Murrah Federal Building in 1995, because he saw the entire US government as terrorists, that was okay with you?

Of course not. McVeigh's actions were dead wrong and he was summarily brought to justice for his crime. Whatever point he was trying to make about government thuggery at Waco was drowned out by his monstrous, nihilistic act. Not only did he fail, he gave the thugs at Waco and lots of other government slime more power to encroach on liberty.

Ann Coulter - Obama Wants To Be Known As Hussein

quantumushroom says...

Thank, Young Turd Guy, for your vital correction of a satirist. Let me know when you start on all the liberally-biased garbage that has passed for "news" the last 8 years.

"It's the most disgusting failure of people in our business since the Iraq was extreme bias, extreme pro-Obama coverage."

--Mark Halperin, SLIME Magazine, on election media coverage

French game shows: BETTER than Japanese game shows!

$1000 Dollars To Any Atheist Who Can Prove A Negative

vairetube says...

as it has been pointed out, he had mental problems and is now dead. i would wish there was a god if i was him too.

for postertity and conveinence, i'll paste his e-mail that got him fired:

The Original Email
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 2:11 PM
Subject: you suck
Well, as of this afternoon, I was planning on ruining your career by making phone calls to all of my parents friends and have you blackballed from the workplace as well as every prestigous law school in the country, but then (lucky for you) I decided not to do that because you are a sad sad person and I will just let your life self destruct right before my eyes....

NAME_WITHHELD I am sorry, I don't care how big of sadistic fucked up crush you have on me but people like me simple don't date people like you. You are too competitive with me and you just simply will never be better than me. I will always have more friends than you just because I don't care about beating people and lying to get to the top. (You are an absolute hipocrit in everything that you do, I am not going to go into details why you are because that would be a waste of my time and yours but I can assure you if you were to ever meet yourself you would hate your twin) I have told most all of the staff about our situation now and they already knew you were really messed you. They said when you were talking to them about me, they all told me you had "serious issues" and that every word you said sounded scripted and they knew without a doubt that you were lying. I have noticed that people who you think are your good friends actually really dislike you but unlike me, they will not tell you to your face because they would rather be fake nice to you than be your enemy. ....

Now talking about how I am obsessed with money, I simply am not. You are. You always are trying to impress me by how much money you have and I don't care. The difference is though I talk about it but it is never about bragging and it is never directly about money, it is always directly about the conversation.

For instance, someone will ask, what are you doing for july 4rth. And then I will say I am going to aspen. It is a simple fact that I am but since you don't have a house in aspen, you get offended because of your competitive nature. When you talk about money you will say something like UT's tuition is 5% of your family's income, thus my tuition would be 125,000. Yea,

NAME_WITHHELD you are right, I brag too much about what I have.... Well I am just going to stop writing because you are just absolutely beneath me. I have heard that you try to undermine people all t! he time that are better than you and every single time it does not work because people can see through such shallowness and that is why as I have heard so many times, Most "everyone at UT absolutely hates you." For instance even the people that you thought were your friends FRIENDSNAMEWITHHELD or that girl you met at espn, they hate you, they just never say anything. Everyone knows you are a pathetic social climber who will go to any discusting means to move up the ladder.

But guess what NAME_WITHHELD, you will never move up the ladder because I am at the top and people like me hate people like you. You might be able to trick people like me for maybe a month or so but your true personality comes through after a while and it is vile, if that. You have sooooo many people that absolutely hate you and you will never know it because they will never say anything to your face. You will not succeed in life and even the staff thinks that also, after I told them about the things that you do. You suck!

and good luck being miserable for the rest of your life. I do not even know why I wasted my time typing this for suck slime. Everyone tells me that you are so beneath me (which you are) and I should not get worked up over suck trifles.

By the end of the day if I wanted to, I could make a phone call and have your life absolutely ruined but there is no need because you are falling fast enough towards failure without me. In the end, all I can say is that people love me and people hate you. You should observe me and take a few notes on how to make real friends. Other than you tieing this one other person, I have never had such little respect for a human being in my life. I don't even have to tell you why because in my very accurate analysis that most everyone else agrees with, if you were to agree with my analysis that most everyone else agrees with, if you were to agree with my analyis about your character than my whole entire analysis would be wrong.

Your inflamed ego has left you so blind and so impotent that you can nto even recognize the most obvious flaws in yourself. All your old roommates absolutely hated you and you still think the problem is with them, not you. Well I talked to your roommates and I thought they nice normal girls. So naturally, you would not fit in with them because you are so intellectually above them all. Right? You suck at life and you need to figure out why or you will be miserable for the rest of your life.

Once again from your intellectual, moral, social, and emotional superior,
Paul Kelly Tripplehorn, Jr.

Amy Macdonald - Poison Prince

calvados says...

Amy Macdonald:Poison Prince
This song is performed by Amy Macdonald and appears on the album This Is The Life (2007).

A poetic genius is something I don't see
Why would a genius be trippin' on me?
And he's looking at me now
But what he can't see
Is that I'm looking through his eyes
So many lies behind his eyes

And tell me stories from your past
And sing me songs you wrote before
I tell you this my poison prince,
You'll soon be knockin' on heavens door

Some kinda poison prince with your eyes in a daze
Some kinda poison prince your life is like a maze
And what we all want and what we all crave
Is an upbeat song so we can dance the night away

Oh who said life was easy?
Who said life was fair?
Who said nobody gives a damn and nobody even cares?

The way you're acting now like you left that all behind
You've given up
You've given in
Another sucker of that slime

Some kinda poison prince with your eyes in a daze
Some kinda poison prince your life is like a maze
And what we all want and what we all crave
Is an upbeat song so we can dance the night away

Some kinda poison prince with your eyes in a daze
Some kinda poison prince your life is like a maze
And what we all want and what we all crave
Is an upbeat song so we can dance the night away

Horrorshow Video Contest - Week 2 Winners (Horrorshow Talk Post)

"That One"-John McCain (Much Ado About Nothing?) (Election Talk Post)

NordlichReiter says...

Politicians are slimy, because when they run for president the slime is uncovered.

Obama does has voted positively for gun control, and supported the ban of home weapons in dc. That is my only fault with Obama, I do support the laws in certain states requiring training for ownership.

The 2nd amendment shall not be infringed.

I need not name any of McCain's faults because they are well published.

A Republican conservatives are not, they are conservatives.

A republican is not inherently a conservative, neoconservative, or the rest of that.

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