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Palin - Katie Couric Annoyed Me, So I Couldn't Name a Case

Real Ghostbusters Commercial Marathon

mizila says...

I remember these almost more fondly than my own toys. I didn't have them, but the neighbor boy did. Couldn't stand that guy but he had all the best toys. Srsly these are great tho, human>monster transformers? a reason to play with that gooey "slime" stuff that made sense? Yes please!

Text of Draft Proposal for $700B Bailout Plan (Wtf Talk Post)

radx says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
Politicians are all slime balls, which slime do you like better.

I can remember when i thought i could vote for the least evil of all the parties (European citizen). Nowadays, every single one of them disqualifies itself in one or more core areas, so i'm basically left with the rather simple choice of incompetence and maliciousness or maliciousness and incompetence.

The duality of politics: accidentally or intentionally, the ass-pounding still causes a rectal inflammation.

But back to the point at hand: i was quite surprised to hear a clear "expect no help from us" from the German government. Guess they'll disguise it as credits with great conditions again, worked like a charm in the past.

Text of Draft Proposal for $700B Bailout Plan (Wtf Talk Post)

NordlichReiter says...

Do you think Mcbama is going to do much to help change any thing? Both candidates are part of the problem. Socialists on one side and Communists on the other.

What about the Democrats and Republicans? Libertarians and constitutionalists?

The two party system is a lie.

Vote Independent.

EDIT: But really, neither of these two will do any better than the lot. However the lesser of two evils is obvious.

But that wont stop me from voting independent.

This constant freaking out over any politician is driving me insane. RON PAUL OBAMA MCCAIN PALIN BIDEN HILLARY O LAWD joygasm.

Politicians are all slime balls, which slime do you like better.

Brooks: DNC delegates "sound like a North Korean pep rally"

rougy says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
H8 on this fellow? Why, he works for the New York Slimes, America's traitorous fishwrap and jihadists' rag of choice, next to the ones on their heads.

You are such an idiot, I'd be surprised if you can put on your own pants in the morning.

Why don't you post some examples of your "Success follows success" claims in Iraq?

Brooks is almost just like you, in that he constantly equates American liberalism with communism every chance he gets.

Brooks: DNC delegates "sound like a North Korean pep rally"

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^Oh I get it. How very clever you are. You took the word 'Times' and replaced it with 'Slimes'. With that kind of creativity, it is surprising that your words don't carry more weight. I wouldn't fret, though, the greatest minds are always misunderstood. I'm sure these comments will sell for millions of dollars in 100 years.

Brooks: DNC delegates "sound like a North Korean pep rally"

Time lapse of various mushrooms growing

Slime From "You Can't Do That On Television"

Dead Animals and The Sift: Why I am a Vegetarian (Parody Talk Post)

jonny says...

>> ^MINK:
first of all jonny, i have caught and eaten my own mackerel and trout, and it was fucking fantastic.

Wasn't it though? I just had some fresh caught trout a few weeks ago while camping in the sierras. Crazy good.

I wouldn't do it now, because the idea of the poor thing flapping around suffocating to death in a bucket kinda makes me sad, and it's unnecessary. In fact, fishing as a child might have subconsciously freaked me out enough to make me vegetarian later.

Why would that make you sad? I don't mean that to be flippant, but the depth of the conversation I'm heading towards with this might be very difficult through a forum like this.

Fact is, there's only a few kinds of meat

What? There's like a half dozen varieties of birds alone that are readily available. And if you live in the right place, you can get access to things like venison, rabbit, and other game (without hunting it yourself). And that's not even counting the immense variety of seafood to be had.

And another one for jonny... my choice has no impact? Er.... my choice reduces meat sales. I don't know how to put that more simply to you.

But your individual choice reduces sales by such an insignificant amount that it has virtually zero effect on supply or demand, and thus the farming and business practices don't change.

I have a friend who has also cut out red meat after seeing me eat no meat every day without dying. UK meat sales are down. More and more Lithuanians are going veg, especially the pretty girls.

Ok, even with reduced sales in the UK, have the common practices of ranchers and farmers there changed? If anything, I would expect large scale reduced sales of meat to cause the cattle industry to do exactly the opposite of what we would want. They would look for ever greater cost saving measures to boost their margins and offset the revenue reduction. That's just what businesses do.

My example has an impact. Small maybe, but hey, i am really not into the idea of paying thousands to a corrupt lobbyist so that they can go to a corrupt parliament and try to stop the meat industry mafia. Not gonna work. Simply don't buy, and they will produce something else.

Not all lobbyists are slime crawling blood suckers. Some of them actually do some good (think Sierra Club, World Wildlife Fund, etc.). Importantly, what they can accomplish through lobbying (not just congress or parliament, but the population in general) is on a much larger scale, and has the possibility of changing cultural attitudes, industry regulations, etc.

Maybe a chain of vegan restaurants.

Now that's the kind of thing I'm talking about. Basically if you want to change an industry, you have to make it more profitable for those who adopt the changes, keeping in mind the sunk costs in the industry, which are enormous in the cattle industry.

Gradually, we are all going to go veg, and get back to the "natural" system of only eating meat occasionally, and paying much much more to have it produced properly. Meat is not healthy if you eat it at every meal in the place of a variety of vegetables.

I doubt health awareness will be a strong enough force it on its own - the U.S. is the perfect example of that not happening.

Climate change and population pressure is going to force us to cut it out anyway, not to mention the amount of oil it takes to produce one cow.

That may be - I really couldn't say. Humans are amazingly ingenious at coming up with ways to have their cow and eat it too.

America is disgusting. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Thylan says...


That implies execs sit around making choices between healthy, and not healthy. they dont, they chose between what sells, and what dosnet. yes, they sell fat, cos people buy it. sugar too. and they sell you gym memberships and sliming cos youll buy that. its not about being moraly evil, its about money.

Parasitic Mind Control

No More Blue Balls - South Park

Obamarama (Blog Entry by BicycleRepairMan)

Farhad2000 says...

I agree with BicycleRepairMan, looking at political stances and such he is no different then Hillary. Sure his character might be better, and its wonderful to see someone being able to speak coherently again after so many years of NUCULAR. I wonder how the GOP is reloading it's slime guns, am waiting to hear all about him being a terrorist, a muslim, with middle name of Hussein. Fox News will be going beserk if he gets the nomination.

Though I think its all a facade, I don't think he will change so much. He pulls alot of string with his hope and change rehetoric, but doesn't really say all that much of substance, its classic JFK in that sense, that why he can't be caught not acutally doing anything, unlike Bush who promised the world democracy and a trip to Mars.

Will Obama unravel all those years of consolidating executive power? Reform DOJ? Reform OLC? Come out against US torture programs? increase taxes? rebuild the import based economy? End the war with dignity? Wane off oil?

Though one bright side is that speeches by him internationally would be something to really witness, I can totally see him pulling a "Ich bin Berliner" somewhere... "Ana Arabia" would be awesome to ease Middle East tensions.

But then again part of me thinks there is a white neo-Nazi loading a sniper rifle right now somewhere out there.

Fano Flow - Non-Newtonian Fluids Defying Gravity

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