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Groundhog Day — An Inescapable Premise

lucky760 says...

I love this film. I've seen it over a hundred times.

Also really love Edge of Tomorrow. (Seen that half a dozen times.)

Just started watching Russian Doll on Netflix and have enjoyed the first couple of episodes so far, but I still can't imagine how they're going to turn this premise into an ongoing series.

Ladder beats wall


AeroMechanical says...

Hm. Maybe. Putting aside for the moment that the original film was nearly perfect and needed no sequels or reboots, Jason Reitman probably will have more respect for the series and won't let it become the soulless Hollywood Reboot-O-Tron disaster that the 2016 version was.

Take the basic concept, do something new with it, and it might turn out to be a good film. Can't say I'm excited or anything though. The Ghostbusters intellectual property by itself isn't anything special.

Mortal Kombat and the Cheat Code That Changed Gaming Codex

lucky760 says...

This is great timing for me, as I just watched the full series on Netflix of the anime Hi Score Girl. I highly recommend it. Very fun show all about growing up playing video games (arcade and console) in the early 90s with tons of actual gameplay footage.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

Horizontal Backflip Record

Harden up cupcakes

Harden up cupcakes

ant (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

The Alt-Right Playbook: The Death of a Euphemism

ant (Member Profile)

Oats Studios - God:City

cloudballoon says...

Love your reply and POV. You got it pretty much 100% right IMO. I admit, as I Christian, I went in from a far more cynical perspective because this "wholly uninterested god" is way different from the God of the Bible. Not that God didn't bring some crazy disasters on humans in the OT, but damn, not this way or purpose as in the videos.

I don't mind people mocking God or Christians or overly religious zealots of any faith. Many are wholly deserved to be mocked. People (that includes me, God knows I'm a dumbass, lol) need to be held responsible for their own crap & offensiveness and be called out.

Still, I feel this series is not helping any discussion, just good for a laugh (maybe?) and some decent video editing & production. It's harmless if seen as a philosophical piece.

I'd love to see some intelligent, cool-headed no-trolling discussions on the pros & cons, history & evolution of religion and such. But it's really tough when religion is so politicized (especially in the USA) and often hijacked for self-serving purposes. (Godly man Roy Moore my ass!)

I live in Canada, and I would call myself a Christian in public here, but in the US? No freaking way... it's not out of fear of being mocked and anything... it's that I hardly see me as anything similar to those "evangelicals" from my own limited exposure to them in US media. It's like they're a different (offensive) beast.

newtboy said:

I took it as commentary on the idea that, if there is an omniscient, omnipotent god, it must be wholly uninterested in our well being and completely divorced from our idea of morality and decency or it would use it's powers in a far more beneficial and instructive way.

Oats Studios - God:City

cloudballoon says...

What God is he? In which religion? Or is he the personification of God an atheist thinks God(s) would or could do if there really is a God of such power?

Having God-like powers is no God.

This short films series speak more of the misconception of God (as a religious symbol, real deity, imaginary fictional character) than real understanding OR rejection of God for the people involved in the project IMO. It's like they have a full-on hate-on of "God," whatever their definition is.

It's not advancing any intelligent argument for OR against God. It serves more to troll people into defending or attacking their or others' belief.

Or... or... if the intention is to setup a hypothetical scenario which "a grumpy old human being, senile in his neurological faculty, is given God-like powers, than what this person can and will do for self-serving pleasure?" then it makes all kinds of sense in a comic book sort of way.

ant (Member Profile)

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