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Puppy Can't Get Up

Obama on Leno Simplifying OWS

artician says...

I used to honestly think that Obama was simply so idealistic and naive that he actually believed the things he ran for office on, and when he got there he realized that there were powers and factors which he had never expected to encounter, and thus was unable to bring to fruition what he otherwise truly believed he could do.

I don't think a president could be lambasted for this many years and not see the reality of the situation though. This guy is a piece of shit. He is invested WAY TOO MUCH in this system, either by actually believing you can thrive here in the way he describes, or because he is just as much of a corporate property that the rest of the government has been for decades. I really believe, especially after seeing this clip, that the latter is true. "Rolling over" is a good way to put it, because he really does describe a situation where, and I know too many Americans who think this way, if you're employed and making money to pay the bills, everything is A-OKAY!

I am sick of seeing citizens of this country watch injustices around them, but excuse themselves from involvement on the basis of "hey, I'm gettin' mine, so what do I care?" This guy just wants you to go back to work so you can slip into that complacency that affects so many of us.

No. Please no. You will never have a peaceful and secure society as long as there are groups of individuals outside your realm of knowledge or influence that directly and irresponsibly control your life. Don't just take your crumbs and be happy with it. We live in an age where we can do so much more. So many greater things than just buying a new big screen and sitting with our fat buddies on Sunday to watch the football game (or whatever, I'm generalizing). We can have a responsible power structure, and this is just another excuse to not bother with trying.

America: Mediocre With a Passion

Obama on Leno Simplifying OWS

The Liberal Media is Brainwashing Our Good Christian Kids

Mass Arrests On Wall St., Girls Get Maced

packo says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^packo:
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^packo:
again, its all just conjecture without proper context... whether your conspiracy theory leans one way or the other...
its like seeing the picture of the two soldier and the detainee from Iraq... where if you cut out either soldier, the picture takes on a very different meaning... 1 soldier's gun appears to be held threateningly towards the detainee... the other soldier is giving the detainee water... remove the context of either soldier and the picture becomes misleading... in that case both directions
and in regards to this video... without context, we're left to our own prejudices to determine the context the video falls, so then it's simply chance if our prejudice aligns with the actual context of the video... people on both sides could use this to mislead
again, not attacking one side or the other... just the failings of the presentation

Not really since you're citing a war. I'm talking about civilians and police who are charged with protecting them. There is a much greater burden of proof to be addressed whether or not these women posed a threat to anyone. So there's some context right there...civilians, unarmed, not in a warzone.

technically there's rules to warfare too, and saying which are stricter is a whole other debate
accusers must prove guilt, guilt != not being able to prove merit in this instance : in regards to criminal cases... rephrased someone isn't guilty without proof to their guilt, being unable to prove innocence isn't the same as being guilty... ie, "you robbed the bank", "no i didn't", "can anyone attest to your whereabouts during the time of the robbery?", "no i was alone", "aha, you must be guilty then!"
civil i believe at best you'd be able to hold police officers accountable in regards to them not following proper procedure... which again, this video in no way demonstrates because (again) it was lacking context
all of that get's muddier with the Patriot Act and dealing with masses of people as opposed to the individual
and to summarize, this video doesn't qualify as evidence of misdoing, one way or the other... for the protesters or for the police... i'm sure the police have debriefed/taken statements from officers involved and if those statements/documentation was held up against this video as some sort of proof, no court (civil/criminal) would find much of a case... again back to context and corroberating sources

This is your opinion based on your experience as an expert on what? My opinion is based on that of a crazy person...badda bing badda boom shut the fuck up.


not my opinion, i rolled over and let your mom get a few words in, she's the expert/professional

The Channel Depot (Sift Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...


For videos displaying a great advancement in technology/genetics/engineering practices etc. etc. Anything that is beyond what we as a civilization know or knew about stuff .

..Im spent, roll over and smoke time.

Office Fires: How do they work?

hookskat (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Much better. And welcome to the Sift.

If you want to update your info (add an avatar pic, etc.) roll over your username in the top right of the page, from the dropdown select 'prefs' and then click on profile. Happy Sifting.

In reply to this comment by hookskat:
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 4th, 2007" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#29d4ff">blankfist I'm new here, so thanks for looking out! Changed the title to fit the limit.

Gus vs. Pool

Encumberance says...

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^Stu:
What are you the dog whisperer? It's statements like that, people will believe and their dog will never learn.>> ^mxxcon:
Cute video, but owner is doing a very bad thing by saying "No, Gus". She's associating his name with negative/correction commands, and that's a big no-no.
Your dog's name should only be associated with good/positive.

why don't you talk to ANY dog trainer and ask them.

It is more in tone then words. I can tell my dog to come to me in a lite tone and she will or she wont. Now if I deepen my tone she will come to me every time and roll over in submission.

Man versus/vs. Katamari

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'man, versus, vs, Katamari, video game, ball, collect, bigger, size, run over, roll over' to 'freddiew, man, versus, vs, Katamari, video game, ball, collect, bigger, size, run over' - edited by lucky760

Fastest Wire Bending in the World

Vegetable Garden in Front Yard Brings Wrath of City

Ryjkyj says...

That bitch. All a front-yard garden like that does is encourage people to get off their asses and try to adapt to the shitty economy. How can we all be bullshit, obedient, helpless, consumer drones if we're out in our yards growing vegetables? The founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves.

I much prefer the look of red rock, bark dust and those 50 cent petunias that you can buy by the flat at home depot.

TYT: Why Does Cenk Criticize Obama?

raverman says...

Unfortunately the subtext should have been "YES WE CAN" (but probably won't)

It's a crappy situation.

Weak willed, wishy washy, roll-over Dem's.... or a militant 4 year republican dictatorship.

Bad Idea: using a hydraulic hammer to demolish a building

Porksandwich says...

Yeah......something like that. Use chains to pull the supports out from a distance or push it over with something that can reach at least halfway up it's height. Better yet is a combination of both, pull the structure's supports out while pushing it in the direction the supports are gone. And throw some chains up high on it to help topple it.

They topple trees near houses by cutting a big wedge out to make it fall away from the house, cut the rest of the tree off and maintain pressure on the tree so it can't fall the other way if a big gust comes along or the tree is rotten or just some sort of freak thing where the tree tries to go wrong way. If possible they will usually cut the top off the tree off so it's easier to handle, but sometimes you can't do that when trees are hit by lightning or broken due to storms.

And getting out of the machinery. Those things have roll cages on them that are supposed to support the weight of the vehicle if they roll over onto their side and then some. Not sure how it'd handle being punctured by rebar or narrow shafts of concrete, but it'd at least stand up to crushing better than your body.

Jackie Chan's Fishy Tricks

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