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"Row Row Row Your Boat Hydraulically Down The Stream...."

Lucky To Be Alive Tow Truck Driver In Norway

Telepathy exists!

Quboid says...

>> ^njjh201:

That's telekenesis.

It depends whether the spoof David Blaine was pushing the cat over (telekinesis), or making the cat want to roll over (telepathy). We'll never know, but this is definitive, 100% proof that at least one of these exist.

Telepathy exists!

It's Time ... (Sift Talk Post)

JiggaJonson says...

Don't ditch beggars canyon, but make it more accessible. Right now it's buried under layers of menu and it's all but forgotten. Similarly, you only see the Videos Expiring Soon, if you're in the unsifted section (which visitors to the site would never see).

Perhaps we could take Beggars Canyon, Top Expiring Soon, and Top Videos, and combine them into a layout so they are either framing the page on either side of the scree, in a longer list on one side of the screen, or made easily accessible through one click expand/collapse lists. I think my latter idea is most practical to save on page loading time AND bring those other lists to the front page.

@Shepppard @Barseps I'm in firm agreement about keeping the dark mode around.

And can we modify the way power points are handled with regard to only having/getting one at a time trickling into my account. It'd be nice if they rolled over up to a higher number (5? 10?) so I could actually use some of them to promote some of my own videos I like without having to purchase more. I really like promoting other's videos [Shows off "Assister" Level 7 Badge] but after promoting other people's stuff, when I get awarded an extra power point, I'm back at only one point that's replaced the one I recently used.

My only alternatives if I want to promote my own stuff is to NOT assist others with my power points while I wait for a comment applauded point or a top 15 video admission. Either that or purchase power points, but I'm poor :-(

Cannot post to Videosift because of recurring Captcha demand (Sift Talk Post)

Wingsuit Terrain Flying

Lousy FedEx Delivery Guys - Conan O'Brien

deathcow says...

oh man fedex execs are rolling over in their offices... i think this is entirely bad press even with conan getting it and making fun. on the other hand, i think i trust my fedex person more than ever at this moment

Matt Damon Slams Obama, Again -- TYT

Matt Damon Slams Obama, Again -- TYT

Boise_Lib says...

I would really like to see a primary opponent against Obama.
(Anthony Wiener would be okay with me)
Not to take over the party, or split the vote, but to show Obama and his corporate buddies how many people are disgusted with his record.

We know how Obama negotiates--he rolls over.
If he sees how large his opposition really is he'll fold like a poorly constructed house of flimsy cards.

Epic Match Up -- Yorkie Puppy vs Baby Boy

Brave - Full Trailer - Disney/Pixar

Are the Koch brothers denying your vote?

quantumushroom says...

Illegals can get anything here: food stamps, welfare, fake IDs, tuition.

Illegal Immigrants Are Voting in American Elections

In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that up to 3 percent of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens. While that may not seem like many, just 3 percent of registered voters would have been more than enough to provide the winning presiden­tial vote margin in Florida in 2000.

>> ^MycroftHomlz:

^can you provide a citation of a bona fide source to back that up? I think Pew Foundation did a study that said that voter fraud in the US is one the lowest in the world.

Puppy Can't Get Up

Puppy Can't Get Up

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Beggar's Canyon