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BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Thanks. I won't spend it all in one place.

Ouch. I hope you have better luck than I did.
I had hernia surgery around 5 years still hurts more than before the surgery, and for years it was unbearable. My surgeon gave me steroid shots in my dick for the pain (YOINKS!) and said if I came back he would suggest I have the nerve killed, no way in hell I was doing that.
I found out recently that my surgeon had brain cancer long before he stopped working. :-0
My best advice, take it easy for longer than they recommend. Reinjuring the site is bad.

BSR said:

Just sent you 10 power points. That should cover your cost plus pain and suffering.

"Keep the Change You Filthy Animal"


You could find out if a Go Fund Me has been set up to reimburse the money cost. If not you could start one to make your point. Who would be the hero then?

EDIT 2: Because I'm a slow thinker.

As you know, I do body recovery. I pick dead people up and put them down.

Had a house call to recover a 425 lb male laying on the floor face down. 2 people are normally dispatched to a house call. Try as we might the man was too heavy to lift onto the lowered gurney which is about 5" above the ground.

To get extra help we can call fire-rescue to assist us because the dead are as entitled to the service as the living.

EDIT 3: as mentioned in EDIT 2:

I just had surgery yesterday for my very first ever HERNIA! I wear it as a badge of honor.

Arkansas State Troopers 109 MPH PIT Maneuver

Anderson Cooper Struggles With Las Vegas Mayor's Logic

newtboy says...

1) Do you see protesters practicing social distancing? Hint, they aren't, because the virus is a liberal hoax to bring down Trump. So moronic, but fine as long as they're only infecting each other. Open businesses and they'll restart the outbreaks and restart the clock on quarantine, wasting all the gains of the last 6 weeks.

2) open or not you'll have no tourists. Tourism is on hold for the moment, and large gatherings too. Casinos would have to rebuild themselves first, they are designed to make social distancing impossible. If no tourists guarantees failure, they Damn well better prepare for failure, because there are no tourists.

3) if they go to work and force a second, longer, more strict quarantine, all that happens anyway plus a few tens of thousands more dead.

4) agreed, and the black and white choice made solely on the basis of improving the economy must ignore the obvious health risks that themselves threaten the economy further. Opening early sets us back months, back to the start of stay at home orders, back to before the economic crash and massive losses, but without first restoring the market or economy. Do you think the economy can handle another crash? Because that's what you'll get if Trump and Trumpsters open before the minimal guidelines have been met....two weeks of declining infections and deaths. Those are Trump's guidelines, probably insufficient, but better than the "we'll be the control group in a pandemic experiment....and better than Trump himself who abandoned his own recommendations days after releasing them and now supports protesters. *facepalm

bobknight33 said:

If you open, even with limited capacity, social distancing you may stay afloat.

If you don't open you will have ZERO tourist. That guarantees failure of business, city, county and the state.

If the employees stay home they will run out of $, go broke, loose the house and car and the job that let them keep it.

Seeing thing as a black and white choice is not allays a good thing. And this is not one of them.

60 Minutes Accepts Trump Team's Challenge

newtboy says...

I'll just leave this light reading here....

Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza emerged in Mexico in March 2009 and by June 10 had rapidly spread to 74 countries (1,2). Nonpharmaceutical interventions for pandemic influenza at the community level were recommended by the World Health Organization before and during the pandemic (3,4). One such nonpharmaceutical intervention was quarantine of contacts of persons with confirmed cases. A key question in closed settings (e.g., military barracks) was how to prevent a secondary outbreak of influenza among those quarantined.

The first identified case of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 in mainland People’s Republic of China was imported from the United States and reported on May 11, 2009 (5). On May 29, the Chinese Ministry of Health required that each confirmed case-patient and each contact be isolated and quarantined in 1 separate room to contain transmission of the virus

There weren't shutdowns because H1N1 wasn't spread before symptoms show, wasn't as easily spread, and wasn't 1/10 as deadly. By denying travel to and quarantining the visibly sick, it was relatively easy to stop the spread. There were many travel restrictions including travel bans, but they were mostly voluntarily. There was screening of passengers and sick ones were denied travel. Also, thanks to preparations, a vaccine only took months to create.
Yes, we got lucky, but we certainly didn't JUST get lucky, we took action AND got lucky.

greatgooglymoogly said:

So H1N1 could have "been the big one" yet there were no shutdowns or travel restrictions. They just got lucky that time. Supply stockpiles can only do so much, which is admittedly more than Trump did.

Maybe we can learn lessons from China. They managed to avoid large outbreaks in Beijing and Shanghai, seems like the virus went directly from Wuhan to the rest of the world.

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

newtboy says...

Trump denied there was any danger from the beginning, no significant or hazardous infection in America, and insisted it would miraculously disappear by April. Last week he suggested ending stay at home orders next weekend! Batshit crazy and criminally ignorant at best, intentional attempted mass homicide at worst.

Trump didn't stop flights from China, airlines did. Trump restricted travel for non citizens (except family of citizens) coming from China Jan 31, well after most flights were cancelled, and only when faced with the uniform recommendation of the career public health officials at HHS.

What preparations? They seemed to start those last week, not in February, and certainly not before. Most temporary hospitals are still in the planning stage, not built or stocked, and completely unstaffed. Stockpiles were not full or being filled. It seems they weren't even making plans, just denials.

The racist part was Trump and his subordinates calling it the Chinese flu and Kung Flu.

The loudest and latest one saying it was like any flu and not a problem was Trump, here's a clip of that from less than one month ago, try again.

Trump should not have dismantled the systems in place that made us more prepared, nor should he have underfunded and defunded the health programs and organizations so vital right now, nor should he have ignored the impacts other countries were suffering and, instead of preparing, downplayed the unfolding crisis while dragging his feet on any responses, or refused WHO tests that worked in S Korea in favor of nonexistent American tests that at first didn't work at all, couldn't be mass produced so are STILL in short supply, and now seem to give false negatives 1/3 of the time because the manufacturer donated $1.5 million, but he did.

China lied and minimized (sounds familiar) until mid January, yes, but Trump dismantled the CDC Pandemic Preparedness program that was designed to protect us from exactly that likelihood...that is their M. O.. Remember, the whistle blower went public in mid December, but Trump and co. ignored it, accepting China's obvious lies. The CDCPPP could not only have verified his claims, but could have sounded the alarm earlier. (Think Brad Pitt in WWZ)

Trump calls the Chinese liars and thieves, then bases his policies on what they tell him with no method or effort to confirm it, then denies any responsibility?! Trump STILL called it the flu less than 1 month ago. Who is he blaming for hiding the truth from him until then?

bobknight33 said:

Trump was right from the beginning, Assembling a team , stopping china flights and starting preparations for this. The media countered with racist against China, Fool this is just another flu type event.

Now its 24hrs a day panic panic fear mongering from media and Trump should have prepared.

China lied and knew person to person spread back in mid December. The WHO carried the lies of China.

Simone Biles Debuts New Beam Dismount

God damnit Chug.

newtboy says...

Certainly? You shouldn't try to speak for everyone. You don't have any idea how many people like pilk and or dilk. ;-)
I think most adult people are offput at the thought of drinking human milk, but it's undeniably healthy, and almost everyone has done it.

There actually is a highly regarded chef working on pig milk cheese who claims it's delicious, it's not the milk that's the problem there, it's the milking. Sows are not docile and don't have easily milked teats. Same for bitches (female dogs). If they had udders, there would definitely be cultures milking them.

Mongols created an empire from near nothing in part by drinking large quantities of milk, even though it seems they were likely all lactose intolerant when that started. They found it worth the discomfort.
The Massai also owe their existence to drinking milk, and they seem exceptionally healthy.

While it's true, most of the world doesn't NEED milk, they do need calcium and milk may be the only source available when calcium rich vegetables aren't. From precursory research it seems a majority of people around the world do drink some milk, but not enough to meet daily calcium recommendations.

I'll hazard a guess based on your comments that you're vegan. Please don't be a stereotype and food shame non vegans, especially if you're going to be fast and loose with facts to do it.

HerbWatson said:

Well milk is bovine

Large populations of our species just has got it's milks mixed up.

Certainly the thought of pig milk, or dog milk would make any person retch, but we've been conditioned to think that for some reason cows milk is also for us. So much so that we'll kill this little fellow just get his mother's milk. Of course we'll kill her too once her milk no longer flows economically enough. We'll hide it and call it humane to make ourselves feel like good civilised people, even perhaps decide that we need milk, even though most of the world doesn't and is healthier for it.

1917 - In Theaters December (Behind The Scenes Featurette)

Mob Punishes Stranger For Not Relinquishing His Phone

newtboy says...

Lol. Way to remove "like", why change your M.O. of misrepresenting what's actually been said.

Read the comments there and then tell me I'm wrong....please.

Why did you think it is worth posting? Is this other one just as deserving of views and informative about the groups involved?
I'm guessing you think not, because it shows armed white thugs (Trump's good people) attacking a black man and not black thugs attacking a white man.

How did you run across it? Recommended by YouTube? Those recommendations are derived from your viewing history, and you have a long, well documented history of posting racist positions and videos.

That doesn't necessarily make you a racist, but it does make you a supporter of racists and disseminator of their propaganda, which is unbelievably odd if you aren't one.

bobknight33 said:

" only racists view the "active self protection" channel."

Newt your such a load.

Scared Man Goes Paragliding

When a German Bf-109 spared a stricken American B-17

What is the Second Civil War

shinyblurry says...

Please don't count my lack of condemnation in this instance as an endorsement. I am sure there is plenty to call Jim Bakker on. I know he did some very despicable (and illegal) things in the 80s and 90s. He supposedly repented of them but I haven't investigated to see whether that is true or not. I definitely wouldn't trust his theology after watching this video.

The disturbing nature of the video is a phenomenon we in the church call "Charismania". It comes from the charismatic church, which has largely become apostate from biblical Christianity by embracing experience over truth. Many of them do nothing else but follow around people like Rick Joyner to hear tell of some new vision or to have a supernatural experience in one of his meetings. I know you don't believe in the supernatural, but they are having a supernatural experience when you see them flop all over the place and jerk spasmodically. It's a real experience but it isn't from God.

I would never recommend anyone listen to anything like this. Instead, people need to systematically learn the bible for themselves so they can evaluate these sorts of claims and recognize them for what they are.

newtboy said:

You're going to have to explain how you think Christian teachers should be evaluated by scripture, yet you don't condemn Jim Baker. He has been a charlatan his entire career, swindling mostly the elderly to make his fortune and live the high life.

Mueller Explains He Was Barred From Charging Don

Drachen_Jager says...

Mueller didn't investigate you.
He said very clearly, both in the report, and in his press conference, that he could not recommend charges or make any decision on whether the President had committed a crime because of the protection the President has from prosecution without an impeachment.
Or in his words, “the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing.”
Period. He cannot make that decision. So when he says, “as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”
He's saying, he cannot accuse the President of a crime, but he can't say the President is innocent, because it wouldn't be true.

If you bothered to actually go to the source, you'd see it's very clear what he's saying. He's just ethically and legally obliged to say it in an indirect way because he (unlike some people) actually respects the rules, laws, and constitution of the United States.

bobknight33 said:

Muller didn’t exonerate me either and I’m sure if he could conclusively say that I haven’t committed a crime, he would have. Perhaps I need to call and turn myself in.

Lethal Injections: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

BSR says...

I recovered a suicide victim from a hotel a few years ago. A female doctor who used helium as her method. So, I took that as doctor recommended.

If you become suicidal, think for a second. If you have the power to destroy the world, then you MUST have the power to save it. It will change your world.

If you are pro death penalty, give the helium method a try. You can buy it online.

Prove Apple wrong about data recovery and get banned

skinnydaddy1 says...

as an ex apple iphone support employee your not taught technical issues as much as how to be empathetic which as a very technical person drove me nuts because to be empathetic does not fix the issue your there to sell not support... i did not last long at the job... as such i do not own a single apple product or will ever recommend them..

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