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BSR (Member Profile)

Cop Rock - Baby Merchant

psycop says...

After seeing this floating around recently I decided to watch the series through with a mate. It's absolutely, wonderfully awful.

It's tone is absolutely all over the place where it's actually surprisingly hard hitting and progressive in the themes in some places and then suddently absolute nonsense musical in others. I highly recommend if you enjoy terrible things.

Covid Deaths Trump Vs Biden

newtboy says...

Yes, they had isolation we don't, but also had fewer resources to work with by far, and are much closer to the outbreak in China with tons of travel between countries. I would say having a reasonable, thoughtful population that wanted to avoid being someone who spread the virus and killed people, so followed instructions nearly without exception, compared to the U.S. who had a leader denouncing closings, masks, and social distancing and a population that was happy to spread the disease for political reasons. I think that has WAY more to do with our horrific , worst on the planet per capita despite the most resources by far outcome.

We only have two borders to close. Canada is easy, just ask nicely and they'll stay home. The border with Mexico is a problem, granted, I found it odd Trump didn't use emergency powers to finish his fence when he had a legitimate reason, but that would mean admitting Covid is dangerous, but if we cooperated with Mexico to secure the border we could have minimized all international travel early.

Back to Canada, with two open borders. They have 23000 and a population of 37.59 million, so they also have a per capita death rate well under 1/2 ours, close to 1/3, and they also could have done better if we had done better. It's impossible to figure out what percentage of their infections came from the U.S., but it's definitely a significant number.

Other nations have divisions, if not states, provinces, prefecture, or some other separation of areas. I don't agree that because we have states in our country we are like the EU, because a federal law or executive order covers all states and territories, the EU has no such mechanism as far as I know.

We were the only nation with an international Global Health Security and Biodefense unit, with teams in China and elsewhere, designed to identify new diseases early to avoid pandemics. Trump is totally responsible for dismantling that office, meaning there's a likelihood every non Chinese death and most Chinese deaths would have been avoided had Trump not been butt hurt over a good system set up by Obama. His racist and political hatred put the planet at risk. That alone puts most deaths, U.S. and global, directly on his hands.

Also, the EU population is double ours, meaning with all the multiple open borders and haphazard mix of regulations from different countries, and the enormous immigrant populations, and some actual temporary lockdowns in some of their countries (but not all by far) their infection/death rates are barely over 1/2 what ours are per capita. That's not on par, sorry.

Some of their leaders have some blood on their hands because of poor or slow decisions, but few actually fought against all science and public health measures, denying the mortality rates and doctor's recommendations to convince their populations to do nothing at all to mitigate the pandemic...Brazil did....look at them now. Yes, the president of Brazil absolutely has blood on his hands, and his response mirrored Trump's.

Mordhaus said:

I would say we can't pick and choose on the measures some countries took. In your examples, one country is an island and the other might as well be, given that they have a DMZ with the only other part of their country that touches any other nation.

I would say our closest comparison to a nation state composed of multiple 'states' is the EU. Which, if you add up the number of their deaths in total as of now, 627,242 deaths have been reported in the EU/EEA. Their lockdowns were FAR more stringent than ours, and their death total is on par. Do all of their leaders have as much blood on their hands?

Ask a Psychopath - What is your background?

Big Red - 1964

StukaFox says...

They got so much right on that one! Today, we actually have trucks and they use engines -- who could have possibly foreseen such wonders in the darkest ages of the late 1960s?! Surely, this is the result of witchcraft combined with technology and just a wee pinch of leaded gasoline and DDT.

Next week on "Our Amazing Future": an astounding device will wait until your wife is asleep and then deliver an unstoppable deluge of pornography directly to you from all over the world -- in COLOR!!

Military scientists are already hard at work on the "inter-net", by which the conveyance of rank smut into your bedroom will forever put to rest that embarrassing walk over to BIG TONY'S TIT-A-TORIUM for your weekly purchases of "Giant Goddamn Asses" and "Judy Hopps Confidential." Apparently you'll also be able to get news and culture and all that other who-cares bullshit, like anyone gives a fuck since there's gonna be way hella titties! And grey fur.

Can someone please recommend a good mental health specialist?

A New View of the Moon

blacklotus90 says...

I had this experience up in Burlington, VT once - a bunch of home hobbyist astronomers had set up their telescopes on the street and were inviting people to take a look at astronomical bodies (moon included). The feeling of being able to see that level of detail with your own eyes is indescribable and it definitely reignited a sense of awe and wonder at space. Loads of towns around the world have similar groups that do public viewings - highly recommend it if you ever have a chance.

A Communist Christmas

moonsammy says...

I saw a couple videos of his years ago and thought they were ok, but he seems to have the SNL problem of taking a mediocre joke and running it into the ground. For a while I thought he was poking fun at people that believed in whack-a-doo bullshit nonsense (as the videos I'd seen were mostly about spirity new-agey nonsense), but I'm no longer certain.

Gotta love how "communism" has come to simply mean "something I don't like." People have not done a good enough job complying with the voluntary recommendations that were made to protect everyone, so more draconian measures ended up being necessary to keep the hospitals from being even more overrun than they already are. You know, to reduce deaths. That's not communism, it's rational domestic policy. Funny how a lot of the people bitching about this "government interference with my freedoms" have a lot of overlap with those who are vocally "pro-life." They're literally fighting against policies meant to preserve life, on the basis of not wanting to be told what to do with their bodies, while also wanting to tell half of the population what they're allowed to do with their bodies. It's like a stupidity/hypocrisy onion, it's got layers!

kir_mokum said:

this guy is a certified douche.

Sci-Fi story from Many Worlds interpr. of Quantum Mechanics

spawnflagger says...

If you liked this short video, I recommend you watch the TV show Counterpart, which explores similar ideas, but with only 1 parallel universe, and some people can travel between them. J.K. Simmons really shines, probably his best role(s).

Maria Franz of Heilung ~ A wild animal attraction song

Moving Day

newtboy says...

Trump's covid "response", Trump's economy, Trump's unemployment numbers, Trump's (total lack of a) plan, his new idea is (probably unconstitutionally) offer 1/2 the relief needed contingent on bankrupt states coming up with another 1/6 from thin air....a plan blatantly designed to fail, but Trump will claim he tried and states just didn't want the money because they hate Trump and want to make him look bad. 🤦‍♂️

So yes, it's Trump's fault people don't have money to pay their bills nor any way to earn it. Leaders in other countries infected at the exact same time as the U.S. actually led and S Korea and New Zealand never had the issues we did and didn't have to lock down long at all. We had leadership that actively made things worse, not better, spread misinformation constantly, contradicted itself daily, and insanely conflated ignoring and denying public health emergencies with freedom and civil rights.

Longer than necessary? What states have met the required two weeks of consistent low numbers and a solid declining infection rate that even Trump says are the minimum guidelines for opening?

Buddy, you've never read the constitution, and wouldn't comprehend it if you did. You probably think Trump suspending payroll taxes is constitutional because he's the one trying it.

Yes, 3-5% death rate with up to 15% disabled for life is definitely worth closing businesses and keeping them closed.....unless morons like Trumpsters continue to ignore the recommendations and extend the shutdown indefinitely.

Precondition groups? You mean anyone with a pre-existing condition which makes them more susceptible? You're implying those without preexisting conditions are safe, utter bullshit. They aren't. BTW, obesity is a preexisting condition that covers >40% of America all by itself, being overweight covers >70%....and it's just one of dozens.

Can't go to work if it's closed. Can't safely reopen until infection rates decline, rates won't decline until morons stay home long enough without attending rallies and parties. Duh. After Sturgis, expect the second wave nationwide in two weeks extending shutdowns for months at least, fucking morons.

Gov cheese ran out now because Republicans want billions-trillions in unrelated payoffs, pork, pet projects, and tax cuts to consider continuing them, after grifting billions from the last, totally unregulated handout to businesses,... your brother is coming to live with you soon. If everyone got the extra unemployment and every business shut down and people stayed home, we could be like S Korea, but with Trump's (total lack of) leadership we have become a worldwide pariah, unwelcome around the world, and with 4% of the population we have 25% of infections and deaths and rising.
You said you work largely from home. We're you lying then, or are you being intentionally dishonest, misleading people now by hiding it?

bobknight33 said:

And how is this Trumps Fault?

People not paying their bills is Trumps fault?

Democrats keeping states closed down longer than necessary keeping people out of work is un Constitutional and how is this Trumps fault?

Is a 3% death rate with 1/2 of deaths for those past retirement age and government should keep business closed?

Precondition groups should be told to stay home and receive aid.

Mask Up, Go to to work, Pay your bills.

My brother has a precondition and was told by his Dr. to stay home. He collects more $ from gov cheese.

I've yet to miss a day of work.

Orange County is the Florida of California

lucky760 says...

This is disturbing and sickening.

I live in Orange County, and my wife and I discuss every single day the madness of all the masses of insane people like those in this video.

These fucking idiots disgust me. There needs to be a lot more coverage of stories like that of Richard Rose, who just like morons in this video scoffed at it because he thought it was a hoax... then he got COVID-19 and died.

The Orange County Board of Education (OCBOE) is even pushing for all schools to return to full in-class sessions for all kids and with no masks. Since our governor has mandated virtual-only classes for counties that are out of control, the OCBOE has decided to sue the state. I can't begin to wrap my head around that kind of rationale (or lack thereof).

(Fortunately, each city is not obliged to do what the OCBOE recommends, and our city will have virtual-only classes available for the entire school year.)

Orange County is the Florida of California

visionep says...

That's a great question. The area is semi affluent and known for being pretty conservative.

My guess is that along with people feeling like they are personally successful they are being fed media that describes the progression of scientific understanding as "proof" that scientists who are forming recommendations don't know what they are talking about.

With this type of narrative clouding the purpose and reasons behind the recommendations these people feel like their own success makes them a better judge of what they should be doing for everyone's health and safety.

Add in a little talk about freedom and stigma of being a nerd and you have large social groups that deny the need to follow scientific recommendations that are meant to statistically reduce the broad impact of the virus' affects.

SFOGuy said:

You know what? Fair enough.

Can you explain to me how it is that this particular place is so...I mean, for lack of a better descriptor--unscientific?


newtboy says...

It's a nice thought, but I think we really you don't need to remember them at all, just their party. It's much easier to just remember Romney, the only remaining Republican who didn't sell out completely.
With luck we can soon forget the party's name too, remembered only as a historical warning to future political parties to reject the politics of fear, hate, and division or perish.

The CDC today recommended not having in person voting at all if possible due to continued, worsening Covid outbreaks, with the only alternative being vote by mail. Request your ballot, don't just assume you get one automatically...don't think you can get one last minute...they WILL be overwhelmed, they WILL fail to get ballots to every registered voter, they won't be able to accommodate last minute requests. This will almost certainly be by design in some areas, and will not be the case at all in others. It will be politicized and taken advantage of for political gains.

Don't be duped out of your vote. Request your mail in ballot today, site the CDC guidelines if your state requires a reason.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Norway landslide sweeps homes into sea

eric3579 says...

I recommend watching the original video (below) over the yt one i posted and make sure it's full screen.

Original longer video with best resolution can be found here(not embedable)

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Drone footage aftermath video

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