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Morgan M. Morgansen's Date With Destiny

poolcleaner says...

>> ^raverman:

Awesome Post! Steampunk style poetry... reminds me of Orwellian "Newspeak".

It's more like the opposite of Newspeak. Newspeak was a parred down vocabulary, simplifying sentence structure, omitting alternative words, and emphasizing simplistic concatenations such as "doublethink", as well as shortened concatenations such as "minitrue" (Ministry of Truth). It's also important to note that in order to truly speak and understand Newspeak you must have a specific understanding of each word, for no single word is intended to be used in any other way than it's original meaning, eliminating poetics.

This video, on the other hand, is a string of modern expressions filled with stiff latinate words for comedic (and poetic) effect. There are too many thoughts associated with each word to be even remotely considered for ingsoc's Oceania.

Obama Backs Mosque Near Ground Zero

Obama Backs Mosque Near Ground Zero

Russian Space Launch

Russian Space Launch

Russian Space Launch

Carl Sagan: Consider Again That Pale Blue Dot

Creation of "Whiteness"

Gulf flyover shows fires, dolphins, and whales

westy says...

lol the commentary on this is so bad.

guy should stick to facts , rather than trying to be a poet when he has the poetic ability of a 10 yr old.

juses christ this guy is thick ,

knowing nothing about drilling , im pritty sure the reason why the other boats are not doing a relafe well is because

a) its to deep for the boat to drill
b) would take up recources away from other cleanup actions
c) it might not have that larger effect

Guy drives jet ski into van. Van sinks into water.

nomino says...


I know it doesn't sound like french, but it is...Definitely from Quebec. It's so raw and crude that it is almost poetic, almost. It's also nsfw for those who understand what they are saying.

Ocean currents likely to carry oil to Atlantic

Ryjkyj says...

I never really thought of what would happen if we could NEVER stop the leak. Just imagine, our insatiable, oil-driven economy turning all the worlds oceans brown. Kind of poetic justice.

Bill Maher - New Rules May 14 2010

Parting Words from Choggie (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

The Burning Times: Misogyny of the Patriarchy

enoch says...

nice post.
look up the true story of st patrick and the pagan women of ireland.
thomas aquinas was a FUCK.
st augustine wrote beautifully and poetically but was ultimately a hypocrite.he liked little boys and girls and whores..lots and lots of whores.
teihard de chardin is one of my favorites but he got in to a boat load of trouble with the church and near the end of his life started to back pedal.cant be having woman be as equal spiritually as men now can we?thats a big no-no in the church,original sin and all that jazz.
conclusion:men are pansies in the face of a strong woman.
it is like boobies have a mystical power.

Parting Words from Choggie (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Sorry for this tangential interjection, but your poetic text formating is really rough on the eyes for comments this long. It makes me not want to read it. My 2 cents. >> ^enoch:

ok netrunner.
i will take "i didnt mean to offend you" as an apology for calling me,scmawy and rasch passive agressive cowards who refuse to say something to your face.
you really dont have any understanding do you?
ok..and i say this with all sincerity and in the most human way.
what was between you and choggie was between you and choggie.same as with krono and others.
it is not only unfair to lump schmawy rasch and i into that polemic but dishonest.
you yourself have stated that all of us dont have a problem with you and vice versa.
well i know i didnt until you called me a pussy.
yet you continue to miss the point.
a point i grow weary of having to make over and over and over due to your prejudices concerning choggie.
i TOTALLY get he was a cock to you..and others.
i am not dismissing that nor am i condoning by my words choggies actions in that regard.
i never have and neither has schmawy nor rasch (not that i have ever seen anyway).
what you failed to realize in my now multiple posts is the truth of what i was speaking and it had only a fraction to do with choggie.
maybe you dont think i am smart enough to make these observations.
maybe just the word "choggie" blinds you to them fueled by your bitter past with him.
i do not know netrunner and that is your path to walk.
what i DO know is that what i was trying and i gather i have failed miserably by yours and others comments,is to reveal to everybody that there is a danger in like-mindedness.
i see so many people berate,me included,fundamentalist christians... because why?
why do we berate them?
is it ONLY because they seem so close minded?
or that they refuse to recognize facts which may disagree with their dogma?
well of course..partially.
but the real danger with a fundamentalist is the STAGNATION.
the stagnation of mind and spirit.
it is death..a very slow and drawn out death.
now we could talk for days the intricacies of choggie.the good and ill but we are past that..
the thing that choggie fought for..misguided and rudely most of the time is STILL a noble thing to fight for.
would you like to now one of my favorite tactics?
which of course now i am going to have to change since i am posting it here.
i will put out an opposing argument that may be going on in comments..
not because i actually believe that argument,many times i dont..
no..the reason i do that is so that somebody will challenge my argument and in doing so have to defend theirs.
and to accomplish that they have to THINK about how they came to that conclusion and it reveals to me their thought processes.
if they didnt come up with the argument in the first place then i can easily dismantle it due to the fact it was never theirs to begin with.
no hurt feelings..well..maybe a bruised ego but that is all and the next time they get challenged you can bet your bippy they will be prepared.
i vote for every one of blankfists libertarian videos.
does this mean i am libertarian?
not really..but since the sift has become a place where votes are seen as "agreeing" or "disagreeing" many times an unpopular political video needs to be heard.even if i disagree with it.
i give away votes like we are living in new orleans and its mardi gras.
does this mean i "agree" with every videos content? hell no.
there is nothing more satisfying than poppin a vid with 9 votes.
or helping a new sifter get a star.or doing a pq dive and finding a gem i can promote.
or having a heated argument over something i care about with people i respect.
these are good things.
things that make this place special.
you felt that choggie tried to silence you and that had to have been a crappy feeling and one that would have pissed me off.
you have every right to be pissed but thats your deal with choggie.
now you may sift differently and probably do.
but i sift my way and thats how i enjoy this site but i have seen people shunned and berated for posting things that others either disagree or find laughable.
and all it takes is the ONE comment..just one.
and then the ball starts rolling and then we wonder..hey whatever happened to so and so?
remember how choggie made you FEEL.
now imagine being new here and posting a video that gets laughed at..snide remarks.
your thought people would love your new christian rock video.
am i accusing you of this? no..i have never seen you behave in that manner but i have seen others.
who are you..or i for that matter to judge anothers passions,joys or interests as worthy or unworthy?
we vote on quality not to ostrasize.
maybe my fears are unfounded or misguided but i dont think they are.
the comments you have made have proven that to me.
i hope i have made myself clear.
if i havent well..tough titties cuz i am done with this subject.
we are cool netrunner.
go in peace brother.

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