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Harry Belafonte - Day-O

noims says...

More than any other performer I often think how great it must have been for the guy who actually played the drums on The Muppet Show - his name was Ronnie Verrell - to get to play with some of the best and most famous drummers of the era, including full on drum battles with people like Buddy Rich.

Apparently (and, I suppose, obviously) he was a pretty accomplished drummer in his own right, but to play as animal must have been an absolute blast.

newtboy said:


Ukraine war current status

newtboy says...

More internet propaganda supporting Russia Bobski?
You search out these unknown internet “news” sources as if some guy in mom’s basement has detailed information that companies with embedded reporters don’t.
Didn’t you say 2 weeks ago Russia was poised to crush Ukraine and had taken Bahkmut…then slunk away when the Russians raising their flag in victory video was debunked? Yes…yes you did.

3-1 R V U. That’s a total gimme for Ukraine. 3 starving Russian prisoners forced to fight with no training vs 1 hard ass veteran fighter from Ukraine. There’s a reason why Ukrainians have lost approximately 13,440 soldiers while the Russians have lost 45,170 soldiers…Russians don’t have much army left and rely on conscripts that don’t want to fight and have no experience. Expect that ratio to get even worse for Russia, they were dying at a 3 - 1 rate when they still had actual military fighting.
So many officers have been killed that there’s no leadership structure and orders seem to come directly from the Kremlin, not officers at the scene. This has been disastrous for Russia who, despite having 10 times the military budget and equipment and double the population is failing miserably in their chosen war of expansion and has destroyed themselves.

Meanwhile, targets inside Russia are being hit with more frequency and much less ability to play them off as accidental fires. This chicken’s coming home to roost and it’s going to shit all over mother Russia.

In fact, Russian military is so inept and/or against the war that recently they bombed a city 25 miles inside Russia.

Russia is losing this war, friendo. International democracy is winning. Biden’s coalition is winning. I know that makes you so sad. I’m sending you a sack of baby dicks to cheer you up, I know they’re your fave.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

surfingyt says...

LOLOLLO1OL that's all you got? that's your play?

take your weak ass game home, сын.

bobknight33 said:

Love your brainwashed bull .

Keep living the make news dream.
You are in the matrix.
Biden is competent, The economy is doing very well under his leadership.

America's economy- failing

newtboy says...

Oh no….is a red hurricane coming?
We still haven’t recovered from the red tsunamis in 2020 and 2022….say it ain’t so!

Republicans have already FAILED to raise the ceiling on time and are now playing chicken with the economy while also wrestling over who gets to drive the party…and not one has any idea of where you want to go yet or even how to drive (there’s absolutely no plan for what they want, just “spending cuts” which they think is SECRET code for “end social security and Medicare”)

Republicans printed 1/4 of every dollar circulating today under Trump out of thin air…actually worse, printed money as the economy was contracting as never seen before. Make more dollars without something of value to back them/you make each dollar worth less. Simple enough for even you to grasp….that’s called inflation.

Republicans totally failed at anything related to the pandemic, public health, economic, transportation, shortages, fighting against gouging, by every measure an “F-“.
Republicans pumped money in through their unregulated PPP loans and other unregulated easily defrauded programs they then defrauded by making up fake companies, taking millions, getting repayment amnesty, and buying Lamborghinis and mansions with the cash in many cases. MTG took huge sums she didn’t repay for one, then bemoaned student debt amnesty as a giveaway.

Rep(uglicans) ARE the fault of this mess as you so elegantly put it.

bobknight33 said:

Unemployment low. : For now
Gdp high. lowing down
Inflation falling. : Because lack of $ in pockets
Markets rising. : Nope Going sideways last few months
Sounds good to me. : Calm before the storm.

Republicans will raise the ceiling. Rep not the fault of this mess.
Covid lock downs and too much Gov $ dumped in the system too quickly

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Blew your cover in the first word, comrade. Any American knows the phrase is WIDELY reported, not wildly. 🤦‍♂️

“Stalled”!?! Nice way to say “refused, lied, hid, and fought tooth and nail to keep as his own property to sell and trade as he saw fit”. He didn’t stall, he STOLE. Once again your 3rd year english failed you, comrade.

No surprise, you don’t understand the importance of Trump PERSONALLY going through the boxes and selecting stolen top secret classified documents to keep and hide from the upcoming warranted search he knew was coming (remember, the warrant was presented well before the search giving Trump time to hide stolen classified state secrets) apparently it’s ON VIDEO! It destroys his claim he didn’t know he had them, and it was his subordinates fault they weren’t returned….his best, but a failed defense.

I absolutely see a problem with nearly every president/vp even senators having some classified documents at home…Pence too…, even the low level semi-classified documents Biden had and turned over voluntarily the moment they were discovered, not only searching and finding them, but allowing the FBI to search without a warrant in case there were others (there weren’t)….that’s an issue that should be addressed immediately to stop it from repeating, but that’s not obstruction or intentional theft (at least that’s not proven or even alleged by anyone who counts). There’s zero evidence to show Biden even knew he had them until asked to search, and absolutely no intent or effort to keep them illegally. Without knowledge and intent, there’s no crime.
Also, remember, you can’t indict a sitting president, Trump made certain of that forever…so any crimes you ascribe to Biden are moot, he’s immune from prosecution and could pardon himself (according to Trump). D’oh!

Guaranteed if you search all senators’ houses you’ll find >2\3 have classified documents at home. That needs to stop TODAY. I wish it was a priority for both parties and not JUST a weapon against their domestic enemies.

If you think what Biden and Pence did should be prosecuted and get them prison, you MUST agree Trump should get the firing squad because his crimes were definitely 100% intentional AND he actually tried to trade stolen classified high clearance state secrets including nuclear weapon secrets for information he wanted (and likely more we don’t have proof of).

Trump has now publicly admitted stealing the documents, holding the documents after their return was demanded, hiding them when searched for, lying about still having them under oath, claiming they were his personal property, admitted going through them after being subpoenaed, and has even admitted he did it because he thinks Nixon was PAID millions to return documents he had and Trump wants to be paid. That’s motive. He’s publicly making the case for the DOJ….and they had an airtight case already.

Trump intentionally stole the highest level of top secret documents never supposed to leave a secured facility, then he was officially asked for documents back, he refused, then they were subpoenaed and he both lied and hid them. But some myopic microscopicly minded people like you see Biden/Pence as a major criminal for an infraction but see nothing wrong with Trump intentionally repeatedly and blatantly flauting and ignoring the law.

That proves I care about the law and you don’t. It proves that you are willing to overlook any and every blatant Trump crime against America while exaggerating and overblowing any infraction by your political rivals.

This kind of attempted conflation proves you to be a foolish idiot. You don’t care about what’s a crime and what isn’t, you just want to scream red herrings in hopes that, somehow, someone else committing an infraction can protect Trump from the dozens and dozens of felony charges he’s facing and life in prison for the uncountable crimes against America and the rule of law he’s definitely guilty of.

I would love to see Trump lynched publicly. I’m not alone there.
He wanted to reinstate state lynching, he wanted his own VP publicly lynched for not stealing the presidency for Trump, turnabout is always fair play. Yes, I feel that way about people who attack America, democracy, truth and honesty, and civility. Dishonest malignant narcissistic terrorists should be lynched, but I’ll settle for life in solitary. That’s becoming more likely daily.

Arrested right now, so I know you need a few minutes to cry.

MTG wasn’t even there for him after she fled her own rally in terror from the peaceful anti Trump throngs she accused of violent assault by “making noise” (hilariously the whistles she was whining about were actually Trump SUPPORTERS handing out whistles to make noise FOR Trump) to flee to Maralago where only multi millionaires can enter so she’ll be safe from the people.

Also, wrong “your” again, after being corrected yesterday. You really need to go back to English class, it’s undeniable you failed it.

bobknight33 said:

Wildly reported-- Trump stalled in turning over documents, Wow You got him.

On the other hand Biden had classified documents at his house that go back to when he was Senator -- 100% illegal -- But some closed minded person like you don't seem to care about that.

Just proves your not about equal justice just one sided justice.

Its this kind of stuff that makes you a total foolish idiot. You don't care about truth or justice -- just lynch Trump up - no matter what.

Soviet Nuclear Submarine Defects to the United States, 1984

visionep says...

This would make a good movie.. You could name it something like Red October and get a Scottish guy to play the Russian captain so everyone would be able to empathize with how noble he is.

Hottest compilation on Pornhub right now #dailyshow

newtboy says...

In the 80’s my dad was convicted of bribery. Before the judge vacated the conviction (the prosecution perjured themselves dozens of times on the stand), we sent him books on how to play golf and tennis to prepare him for adult camp.

Club fed should be the same as San Quentin, not a low rent country club.

That said…if it gets him out of politics, send him on permanent vacation.
Edit: if I didn’t think he would constantly interfere with and attack America through his cult, I would say deport him to Bulgaria and be done.

cloudballoon said:

What's the big diff between Club Feb & Mar-a-Lago anyway? People like Trump gets special treatment there and it'll be like a vacation that the likes of Madoff & Stewart get to enjoy. Trump loves prison food anyway, and endless TV! He gets time away from his miserable family so that's a plus for him!

Trump to be arrested

newtboy says...

Bwaaaahahahahaha! You are just so silly. Tantrum time! I think someone needs some juice and a nap.
If they arrest Trump, they will make you more angry, and more insane and dishonest than ever, but little more.

Trump is not a Jedi, he’s a Sith. When you strike down a Sith, they do not become more powerful than you could possibly imagine, they go back to the darkness.

Trump’s appeal has waned, the shine is off that penny but good. You just can’t see it because your face is smashed hard into his grey pubic hair. Even most Republicans want him to go away….and don’t care how. Everyone else wants him under the prison for life to prove laws still matter.

Edit: since this hint at prosecution and the resulting online tantrum, more Republican leaders have come out to endorse DeSantis over Trump despite the fact that DeSantis isn’t running for president. He’s not getting more popular yet.

You know full well that many of the investigations and charges come from well before Biden was elected, many were deferred while Dementia Don was in office until he became a private citizen. Lie to yourself that Biden’s administration has anything to do with any charge, (he’s been quite hands off the justice department unlike Trump that saw and used it as his personal law firm) but you aren’t convincing anyone of anything besides your own gullibility and ignorance, not that Biden’s involvement would matter, no law says he can’t be involved…that’s the bar Trump set.

Even the conservative members of the grand jury in Georgia have said if you knew what they know, even you wouldn’t support Trump anymore. I know that’s not true, absolutely nothing could make you see the reality of Trump’s proven, even admitted criminality, but most people aren’t as delusional as you. Trump is ahead in the polls….ahead of every other declared candidate….Mariam Williamson, Corey Stapleton, Vickey Ramaswamy, and Nikki Haley…only line straddler Haley has any recognition and she’s got zero chance…wait for a real candidate before declaring victory, this is like him playing the first round of golf at his club and declaring himself the course record holder.

Desperate fascists willing to do anything to cling to power….you’re talking about MAGA on Jan 6, right? So many guilty pleas for violent sedition by intolerant white nationalists who admit they were attempting to steal an election for Trump…but you say it wasn’t violent or seditious so nothing to see here, laws have no meaning. 🤦‍♂️

BTW- Joe Tacopina, Trump’s criminal defense attorney consulted with Daniels in 2018 about this issue, which means by law he SHALL NOT represent a client with interests opposed to the “perspective client” (even if no representation/retainment occurs) in the same or a substantially related matter, nor shall any attorney in any law firm the disqualified attorney is associated with. Enjoy Habba as lead counsel! ROTFLMFAHS!!!
Edit: my mistake, he’s not using Habba, he’s using the same attorney that lost all 17 felony counts against the same DA against the Trump orgs and got his CFO put in prison. It just keeps getting better.

bobknight33 said:

If they arrest Trump they will make him more powerful and more popular than ever, showing up the Biden regime as desperate fascists willing to do anything to cling to power. Go ahead dickheads, arrest Trump and see how it turns out.

Trump to be arrested

newtboy says...

Trump is a New Yorker first and foremost. He committed the crimes in New York. Can’t escape because everyone that knows him hates him. That’s true everywhere, including Fox.

Trump said he’ll be arrested, so it’s almost certainly a lie. I bet he won’t be arrested but will surrender…he doesn’t want the perp walk in every Democratic and Republican campaign ad for 2 years. I wish it were true.

Jebus you’re delusional. So, the entire country is a leftist cabal against poor Don….but it’s 250000000 people in an evil conspiracy to make up crimes and destroy an innocent man, not a nation that hates the man that tried to take over by force and become the fourth reicht with the most criminal administration this country has ever known by a factor of 10.

Trump is facing over 20 cases, many criminal including theft, destruction, holding, and dissemination of classified documents that would be life in prison by itself, multiple blatant campaign finance violations from thefts to accepting foreign donations without reporting them, a coup, false electors, abuses of power, etc. in many many courts in red states including Georgia….I suppose Georgia is now a leftist state full of leftist citizens too….any place that can see the blatant criminality must just be leftists, which you claim means they’re all liars with no qualms about perjury….or maybe Delusional Don the Con, convicted of multiple cons already, leader of the party that said clearly and publicly that they have no obligation to tell you the truth, is just a criminal con man.

All this to keep the despotic terrorist leader that tried to end democracy, destroyed the economy like never before, had the worst unemployment record ever, and by his own administration’s accounting is personally responsible for a minimum of 500000 dead Americans, more than died in WW2, and arguably over 1 million by closing the pandemic response team’s offices from ever holding office again..and to uphold the rule of law that applies to everyone or no one. The legal reasons to bar him from office are so numerous just listing them would double this posts length. Truth is he’s not a viable candidate anyway, likely won’t get the nomination, and if he does it will be a gimme for Biden. Trump is toxic, the most hated politician in American history. Outside the cult his support is zero (except from those paid to shill for him).

“Non bought”, only an honorless liar like you could try to say that.
His campaign has been caught with MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of illegal foreign “donations” (called bribes) most from Russia or Russians in Ukraine. His family took in the neighborhood of $3 BILLION from hostile foreign powers like China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc. Verified, documented, not even contested. He took money from any corporation that could stomach him, and he used his campaign funds as a personal bank account, paying his family members $1.8 million an hour for introducing him on stage ($60k for 2 minutes).
There’s never been a more bought politician or a more unqualified nepotistic administration….but he doesn’t stay bought, he flips the instant someone pays him to flip or if the political wind changes direction.

“Incredibly convoluted campaign finance laws nobody understands”?!? It’s pretty simple actually, they’re sworn documents, if you lie that’s fraud and perjury. If you commit a crime then compound it with federal fraud and perjury, it’s enhanced. Nice attempt at “nobody knows the law, so they don’t apply”. Fuckwits.
If you falsify business records to hide massive campaign contributions/expenditures, that’s a felony. That’s exactly what he did, repeatedly, and has multiple trials for violations in multiple courts.

If paying Stormy Daniells benefits the campaign and he hides it, lies about it, and fails to report it it’s criminal, that’s all that matters, not anything else, they know it. They’re playing you, again. You’re dropping to your knees and gaping your mouth, drooling Pavlovianly.

Notice, Gershawitz expects conviction.

Trump’s campaign is nothing but an attempt to escape prosecution, not the other way around, friendo. Blatantly, obviously, admittedly in private and anonymously.

“Cleaning up my mess”? No sir, not mine. Enjoy watching America clean up your mess, fuckwit….with trial after trial after trial after trial after trial after trial….remember how “being under investigation” was something Trump said was disqualifying for Clinton (despite being under investigation himself at the time)? No, of course you don’t.

bobknight33 said:


Newtboy biggest wet dream to date.
Enjoy cleaning up your mess.

Hard Leftest state, Leftest city, Leftest citizens.
Do you think trump has a fair chance in the court of law?

All this just to keep the only non bought elected official from running again.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

LMFAHS!!!…More projection.
I provide facts, usually with references.
You provide fascist fantasy drivel, lies, and whining diatribes that 9 times out of 10 have been thoroughly debunked before you post them. Remember the red tsunamis, remember how Covid was just a cold and wouldn’t hurt anyone, remember how Jan 6 was all BLM not Trumpists until that fell apart because every single defendant was a maggot and many pleaded guilty, then Jan 6 was a suddenly peaceful tour not a riotous insurrection and they should be allowed to retract their admissions of sedition? You are so incredibly far from having a point to make, ever. Your only point is “red/orange=good, blue/blacks=bad” and that simplicity is still well above your reading level.

Notice you can’t contradict a single letter of my post, as usual, so you just discard everything and deny reality again with a little insult, like infants do. They have the excuse that their brains aren’t formed enough to formulate a cogent thought….is that your excuse?

To you, “dribble” (dribble, not drivel, so I can only assume you intend to convey the idea that I’m “dribbling” the ball right past you on the court/field?. I suppose metaphorically I do dribble, with a connected stream of thoughts and facts from the beginning of each play across the field to the goal. You travel, flail jump skipping from disconnected points to try to score, but tripping up every time)
To the free world outside the cultist veil, it’s not dribble or drivel, it’s a plethora of schadenfreude.
(You claim to have graduated college and you don’t know the difference between dribble and drivel? Was it a college in Somalia?)

PS- Ready to discuss the treasonous traitor Ashley Babbitt, whose existence blows up any number of your fascist fact-free fantasies? I thought not….coward.

PPS- sounds like his ploy to delay his many many trials until 2024 (so he can then say “I’m a candidate for president, you have to wait until 2029 now”) may be falling apart. He got the phone card pyramid scheme (ACN Opportunities) trial delayed until 24 based on his October trial interfering with it being earlier, then he tried to get that October trial delayed, and got caught. Now the pyramid scheme trial judge has given him just weeks to convince her he’s not playing her or get a 2023 trial date reset.

bobknight33 said:

You provide dribble. I just cut to the point.

Vox: Why kids don’t get as cold as adults

Khufu says...

Because playing in a river or on a beach in intense heat is great... painting a fence or working on your car in same heat is shit:)

newtboy said:

Ok, so now explain why I loved it when it was 105 degrees/98% humidity as a kid but now in my 50’s I get uncomfortable when it’s over 85.

Dunkey trying not to upset anyone when playing video games

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You going to CPAC?
Prepare for Covid.
So many got covid from the last two when they denied it was a thing that now you must sign a waiver waiving your rights to sue them if you get Covid and die, and stating that you 100% accept the risk of exposure, contracting, and spreading covid…and include your children in that waiver so when you bring home covid and they die, CPAC isn’t liable.

CPAC, where cons go to share memes and rant now, is SO important it’s worth your children dying or being severely disabled for life, and yourself, and your wife, and your workplace, and your community. That’s the right for ya. “Our right to party outweighs your right to live”.

You must be proud.

Er mer gerd the Elon move is hilarious. Couldn’t stand that Biden’s tweets were more popular so he rewrote the algorithm to force/push his tweets to everyone, followers or not, by bypassing all the filters that personalize recommendations and raising his ranking by a factor of 1000 artificially….because he’s a little baby who can’t stand that he’s not liked! ROTFLMFAHS!!
This has resulted in #blockelon trending.
So much for caring if Twitter plays favorites, right? Doesn’t matter one bit if they favor right wing stupidity, but call a congressional hearing if they follow their own terms of service in favor of a liberal. You people are not serious people, you’re infants.

Edit: it sounds like Trump was just subpoenaed in criminal court….BY THE PROUD BOYS as a co-conspirator! LOL! Not good for him, they have the pictures and texts from Trump and Co both at the White House Residence (where no one goes without personal invitation from POTUS) and the coup headquarters at the Willard hotel with other administration officials (like Stone, Giuliani, Flynn).

D’oh. Tesla fired dozens of workers who were organizing a union. These were people who code the autopilot system….a system just recalled and badly in need of an update. Multiple deaths and dozens of serious crashes. Not good when unemployment is this low and you’ve already turned off any and all workers by treating them as easily replaceable or worthless.

ant (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Moron. You are still listening to liars TELL you what’s there….hint, they lie to you. Republicans said clearly and repeatedly they have no obligation to tell the truth. Questions, especially leading red herring questions, aren’t evidence.

2:35 - the witness under oath denies her false contentions….that’s the evidence you dumbshit.

Most “evidence” republicans produce today are articles from the National Inquirer or Weekly World News…’s shocking they haven’t started a hearing looking into Bat Boy yet….but the siphilitic howler monkey MTG will get there. Republicans abandoned evidence, facts, and honesty….those are for liberals. 🤦‍♂️

The FBI told them they shouldn’t break the law, or allow users to use their platform to break the law. Republicans are just outraged they couldn’t post revenge porn and dick pics publicly because they care so much about protecting children from such overt sexuality that they insist we all watch Hunter fuck and pull his stiff cock. (Pretty sure it’s an excuse for you to stare at it)

Every “doctor” removed was spreading verifiable lies about Covid and treatments, from hydrocloroquin and horse wormer to bleach. It’s sad you have no memory and think no one else does either so you believe you can rewrite recent history. Covid deniers, and quacks selling snake oil needed deplatforming, 100%, absolutely, perfectly reasonable for the administration to request or even force them off for public safety even if they were once respected doctors….unlike Trump’s administration that constantly forced deplatforming of private citizens for nothing more than upsetting or insulting big baby Trump….but that doesn’t bother you one bit, proving you aren’t serious and are just playing partisan politics….badly.


bobknight33 said:

Your head is truly up you ass.
You are unable to see a full picture, only that narrow sliver of some republican did something wrong.

Biden asking twitter in pushing for de platforming Dr.s from twitter.

Due to your ignorance, you can start about 2:20 . and just get to the point.

There are other from FBI asking twitter to look at twitter links and the leftest twitter employees did as they were asked.

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