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High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

luxintenebris jokingly says...

seems to be a theme.

(or are you aware?)

please, shame is an emotion no right-winger has room to preach about.

when did you read about sex? being young IS the time!

crap - read 'Lolita' - 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' - even some Anis Nin - & would wage am no more twisted than thou. (well...some areas might keep up with you...) 'tho also read 'The Fountainhead' & found it more offensive (no sex, not even a mention of a nipple) so there are far worse things than saucy, non-sanctioned ball play.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another inappropriate book in schools.

Have you no shame.

VLDL: The horror of playing with inverted controls #shorts

noims says...

About 10 years ago I switch from inverted to standard.

With about a minute's adjustment I can play with either.

I am as like unto a god!

VLDL: The horror of playing with inverted controls #shorts

He Slimed Me! (Ghostbusters C64)

Which one can YOU hear?

spawnflagger says...

I heard every single one - just depends on which written phrase I looked at first when the video started playing.
Try it, it's trippy. Focus on 1 option, then click replay.

He Slimed Me! (Ghostbusters C64)

StukaFox says...

Shit, I remember playing this game. You kids with your Call of Duty and "Graphics" don't know how much fun C64 games were -- when you couldn't save and the game was the same four levels over and over again. But they were fun.


Border Collie Disc Caddy

newtboy jokingly says...

No problem on the points, but I won’t throw hail marys…I don’t play no foolsball. Foolsball is the Devil.

BSR said:

For your penitence you must gift 10 Power Points to Buttle along with reciting three Hail Marys. God bless you my Son.

Border Collie Disc Caddy

newtboy says...

She does a lot of what a caddy does, so not deceptive imo. Just a technicality if even that…..

….after finally looking it up, I found I’m wrong twice.

1) singular of caddies is caddie, not caddy
2) it’s simply someone who is an attendant for someone playing golf (or it’s derivatives), so carrying the clubs/disks is apparently not a requirement.

I can admit I was w-w-w-wrong

Buttle said:

I guess my title (not the original) is just a deceptive teaser headline kind of thing. Never played golf with either balls or discs, but I can recognize a smart dog.

Border Collie Disc Caddy

Buttle says...

I guess my title (not the original) is just a deceptive teaser headline kind of thing. Never played golf with either balls or discs, but I can recognize a smart dog.

newtboy said:

Absolutely yes.
My lab carried my disks, rags, place markers, and sometimes even my cigars in her backpack until she was paralyzed. She was my caddy.

Border Collie Disc Caddy

newtboy says...

Absolutely yes.
My lab carried my disks, rags, place markers, and sometimes even my cigars in her backpack until she was paralyzed. She was my caddy.
My Shepherd would only chase the disk and “mark” where it stopped by touching it with his nose, but I never taught him to sit there so you had to watch him closely. He was not a caddy.
I’ve also known people who performed the same duties for friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, even for the “blind” disk golfer I played with a few times (he actually beat me). I’ve seen people tired of playing all day caddy for their friends quite often.
I’ve also seen caddies used in tournaments.
It’s not the norm, but it’s certainly not unheard of by any means.

Edit: is a caddy a prerequisite for it to be “golf”? If so, I guess there are a bunch of municipal bumpy ball whacking fields, but no municipal golf courses?

I will say, I’ve never personally seen electric disk golf carts.

Buttle said:

So you're saying there actually are "disc golf caddies" that carry discs? Because if not, I think that's just a different category, and doesn't necessarily involve any carrying. Except when you give the mulligan signal.

Students Call Teachers By First Name!

newtboy says...

Respect is a two way street. I seriously doubt any of these teachers think twice about using student’s first names. Turnabout is fair play….that’s why I insisted on calling my gym teacher “Cheney”…he called us by last name, but with no Mr., so I returned the favor. He hated that. He tried to get me in trouble for it. The principal set him straight.

Border Collie Disc Caddy

newtboy says...

No, it’s “disk golf”. A separate entity from “golf”.

That’s like asking “is it really tennis if you play it on a table?”. It’s table tennis.
Is it really hockey if it uses air not ice? It’s air hockey.
Is it really a bicycle if it doesn’t move? It’s a stationary bicycle.

Buttle said:

Is it really golf if you play it with a disc?

Border Collie Disc Caddy

Doom Modded into 8 Different Gaming Genres

Incredible Paper Airplane Throw

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