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Eddy Grant: Electric Avenue (1983)

The View Gets Heated Over Sarah Palin

The View Gets Heated Over Sarah Palin

MINK says...

"she's an expert in energy"

oh my god.

it's like if they put some guy on the news saying "Arfa flarba bim bam experience future change pineapple" then this girl would be sitting on the view the next day saying "Arfa flarba bim bam experience future change pineapple"

it's LITERALLY like that.

Pineapple Express "Time Out!"

budzos says...


Funniest part of the movie to me is right at the end, when Red comes in to save them. He runs over the black dude and pretty much kills him. Then, for no reason at all, he blows his foot off with a shotgun. Funniest horrific violence ever.

Terminator 2 Teaser Trailer

mizila says...

Awesome sift, trailers these days are basically summaries of the movie. NOT GOOD. ME NO LIKEY. Every trailer I stumble into watching gives away two if not three plot points. Take one of my favorite movies of late: Pineapple Express. In the trailer you see Seth Rogan witness the murder, run away, and get revenge. In like a 30 second trailer you get the whole plot and most of the best jokes. Don't get me wrong, I laffed hard when I saw those jokes for the 10th or 15th time when I finally went to see it, but I might've laffed harder if they'd just suggested it was a movie about guns and pot. And I STILL WOULD HAVE GONE TO SEE IT. Maybe it's just me, but show a spliff, a Desert Eagle, write SETH ROGAN over the top for 30 seconds and I'm buying whatever that is selling.

btw here's my recipe for brownies.

If Everything Needs a Beginning, So Does God

You're just atheists because y'all want to sin

bamdrew says...

ah yes, the banana-proof, straight from 'the way of the master'... every time just as dumb as the first...; here's a new reply for ya:

'What about the pineapple, or the coconut? Is it a sin to eat those? Because God obviously went to considerable lengths to keep them out of our mouths (... and butts).'

MIA Paper Planes

Good day for Exxon, Child Rapists

MarineGunrock says...

What the fuck is the point of a suicide watch over someone who's on death row? Fuck 'em with a pineapple and let them end their disgusting life. It'll save us money.

Better yet, force em (rapists) to play in the BME pain olympics.

Fred Phelps: George Carlin is now in Hell

Rotteenseed Hits It-2-Fiddy (History Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

stank you very much my friends. Because I've been here long enough, I think I can trust you all with a little secret about myself...

...I don't know when to use a semicolon. Thank you San Diego City School District. Also, I'd like to take this time to give some more recognition where it is definitely due.

Those I'd like to thank for making this even more difficult:
- My bosses/coworkers for whom I have to minimize my window and act like I'm working.
- My girlfriend who always yells at me for being on the computer
- The price of gasoline that keeps on escalating, making it harder to pay the rent which houses my computer
- My 7 year old computer that has had seen more porn than the QC workers at Hustler and Penthouse combined.
- The police that arrested me at work for a pesky bench warrant and took me away from videosift for 2 days
- ant, who downvotes everything

Those I'd like to thank for making this possible:
- You, my loyal fans and friends. ::Crowd goes wild::
- My mother for half-assedly instilling a half-assed work ethic, yielding a net one quarter work ethic.
- The late kronosposeidon who curled up like a kitten when confronted with conflict, but who was always there to defend me, or any of you other knuckleheads when the siftmob turned against you
- swampgirl for being so polite about calling me out, yet making me feel only 10 inches tall (2 inches shorter than my penis)
- schmawy for being too nice to downvote anything I posted
- Everybody who has upvoted my dumb comments
- choggie and MINK who always drove me to try and submit higher quality videos until I realized that their standards were impossible.
- Bob Dole for planting all of those delicious pineapples I eat.

Republicans: The Change You Deserve

choggie says...

Upvote for that Democrat in the hammock, scratching her pineapple....

White people with developmental disorders attempting to feel superior to other defective monkeys, alluding to a contrived fantasy that all the problems associated with a government run by a powerful elite, are some, republicrats or demicans fault, and making a whole bunch of other mental giants laugh and vote....

How fucking humorlesss.....but the irony of the slogan????-priceless

blankfist (Member Profile)

Sarzy says...

Man, you just can't stop rubbing it in about all your awesome friends, can you?

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I can't wait to see Pineapple Express - my friends who've seen it won't stop rubbing it in that they've seen it already and that it's in fact the shit. My other friend is shooting a movie in New Mexico with Seth Rogan about a mall security guy. I hear the script is funny.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall Will Never Be Forgotten (Cinema Talk Post)

blankfist says...

I can't wait to see Pineapple Express - my friends who've seen it won't stop rubbing it in that they've seen it already and that it's in fact the shit. My other friend is shooting a movie in New Mexico with Seth Rogan about a mall security guy. I hear the script is funny.

WMDs? (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

choggie says...

so allllll that to say that any excuse for any unilateral action on the part of a military and intelligence community with a will of someone others than that of the people they supposedly serve and protect is a good one???? Sounds like a secret government to me-sounds like money continues to be able to convince any man to perform any act against another man, regardless of any immediate consequences-
Sounds like, a vote for a president has as good of odds for you (the voter)winning, as in any traveling carnival midway ring-toss

The Magic Christian scenario played out daily on the Risk board of human experience, in the current, long-winded, predictable paradigm-

Still happy that the Israelis have some solid brass balls with regard to their less than civil, socially-undomesticated, back-asswards Allah-loving desert-gibbons(not you farhad, you don't count, Uzbek-yer a transplant)

I still reel with delight at the memory of June 7, 1981, when Bagdad got their pretty French Nuke plant double wing fist-fucked(thank you Jews)-That's what the 8th century throwback fuckers deserved....NO TOYS till you learn how to pick a frikkin' leader.....Too bad France sucks major balls-too bad the U.S. does....too bad (insert whore of Babylon punk country here) does.

-make free energy available to all
-get rid of money
-make knowledge accessible to all men

it is at this point, the ENTIRE human race will begin to really tap into evolution's pineapple, not simply a few, fat, inbred fucks.

It's pretty simple.

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