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Homemade Squirrel Catapult

deathcow says...

L O L... I wont get my credit card out though until it's the "Squirrel Mortar". Screw those little pests and their disease spreading, property destroying selves. They can have the rest of the God Damned woods get the hell off my property. Now how can we extend this technology for Jehovas Witnesses?

Simple Humane Mouse Trap - Only Cardboard, Bait, Bucket

PostMortem says...

I'm all for live (and humane) capture and release. Not because I feel sorry for the mouse (I'd be quite happy if it got picked up by an owl, I likes owls!!) but because of something I learned years ago.

I have my pesticide license (legally allowed to handle the really bad stuff!) and had to take course to get it.
On the first day of the course we got to hear statistics and see some pics and vids about accidental poisonings. It was horrible, every year people (mostly kids) and pets die because of poison intended for mice, rats or other pests. I remember one video with a little girl with brain damage from eating some of the poison her parents put out to stop a mouse problem.

If the problem is small and can be dealt with without pesticides then that's the way people should go.

Now having said that, if these people in the video are only catching one mouse a night it's not enough. After about three weeks they will have a problem too big to deal with "humanely", and will have no choice but to go for the chemical option.

Effects of Agent Orange in Vietnam War still resonate today.

Farhad2000 says...


In 1990's Monsanto conducted genetically modified (a.k.a. Terminator genes) Cotton trials in India through its subsidiary Cargill Seeds. It generated stiff opposition from the Indian Farmers and one of its Plants in Karnataka State was pulled down by protestors within hours and finally the Indian Government banned the company from continuing further. While in Brazil later in 2003 followed India in a similar protest in Goias.

Frontline's "Seeds of Suicide: India's Desperate Farmers" [10] has detailed some of the struggles facing the Indian farmer. The transition to using the latest pest-resistant seeds and the necessary herbicides has been difficult. Farmers have been lured to genetically modified seeds promoted by Cargill and Monsanto because of their promise of greater yields, but instead, research has shown that these seeds require more water and more pesticides (sometimes by design). For some of the farmers, these hidden factors have cost them their entire harvest because they may not have more water or they may not be able to afford the pesticides. Their resulting debts from their gamble with genetically modified seeds have lead them into what amounts to indentured servitude and an alarming rate of suicide. The problem is exacerbated by the current corporate influence in the government: previously, a government expert would give knowledgeable advice to farmers about their crops, but now the positions are filled by corporate representatives who receive incentives for promoting their company's products. Admittedly, it is not a system which keeps the farmers' best interest in mind.

Criticism can also be found in the documentary The Future of Food which sheds light on the relationship between agriculture, big business and government. It examines the effects of biotechnology on the nation's smallest farmers and discusses the downsides of genetically modified foods.

The Dispatches Debate - Muslims and Free Speech (48.20)

gorillaman says...

There's no contradiction there. I've already told you I don't believe in extending the human right of freedom of speech to baboons, gerbils, miscellaneous vegetables or subhuman retards. It really comes back to my first post here; you can grant, in your munificence, a virus Free Speech tra-la-la but that doesn't mean it's going to have anything meaningful to say. Debating something like Imran Khan is an entirely absurd situation, his kind (morons) are a pest at best and a global disaster at worst, depriving human beings like me of valuable resources and imposing on our way of life. Their place is to be controlled, exterminated or put to use but never, ever, to be considered anything more than they are - filth.

And I still don't know what's wrong with nun porn.

fungi parasite takes over the minds of ants

firefly (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

You just have to put a '#' in front (on the left) of the color so the web browser knows it is a hex color value.

In reply to your comment:
Sorry to be a pest, but I have one more thing. I'm trying to change the color of my username title but the changes do not take effect. For example I input "color: FF8C00" which is supposed to be orange, but it is still green. Does the order of the descriptions matter?

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