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Toxic Chemicals as Financial Risk

Ron Paul on Jay Leno

qualm says...

As I doubt you were actually only born in the last few years I have to assume you're just trying to be a pest by feigning ignorance. If you are honestly unaware of the fact that libertarianism, in the USian sense, is a right-wing ideology, then I am very surprised.

How to handle that annoying Bluetooth phone guy. (CYE)

Grimm says...

Quboid wrote:

I don't understand people's problem with headsets. Someone talking loudly in a restaurant is a pest, it doesn't matter if they are talking to a companion, into a headset, a phone or a shoe.
Because they are not completely unrelated. I am willing to bet that because the bluetooth mic is up near the ear instead of near the mouth that people subconsciously talk louder then they need to. So average person talking in a restaurant does so at a normal talking level. Take that same average person and through a bluetooth headset on them and now they are talking above a the normal level without realizing it.

How to handle that annoying Bluetooth phone guy. (CYE)

Quboid says...

I don't understand people's problem with headsets. They are convenient, that's about all there is to it. Someone talking loudly in a restaurant is a pest, it doesn't matter if they are talking to a companion, into a headset, a phone or a shoe. The whole Bluetool thing is tripe. If someone is doing it just to look cool then yeah, they are lame, but the same goes for everything else. Bluetooth headsets are neither impressive nor embarrassing.

$15M in ads from WH propaganda group try to make 911=Iraq

joedirt says...


I think the trouble is with the concept of fighting 'terrists'. There isn't "al-Q" coming from all over to Iraq to fight there. Does that even make sense? So Iraq is like a pest trap where Japanese Beetle fall in the water?

Look, the vast, vast majority of people there with guns are insurgents, aka pissed off people who have lived there their whole lives. I guarantee if some country occupied your hometown you would also become an insurgent. Now we have sectarian war and ethnic cleansing going on.

The US has no business staying there. It would be one thing if anyone in the puppet regime even wants us there, but they don't. It would be another thing if the US was doing a good job with even basics like water, electricity, infrastructure, but they haven't. We have left people stuck with almost NO electricity. Wasted billions on rebuilding projects, lost billions of money that just vanished. Guns are being given and sold to who know what, all over the place. If we wanted peace there, we would be ARMING BOTH SIDES.

The goal is to keep it as unstable as possible to keep access to the oil. It is the biggest screw up and illegal war in modern history. Staying there makes less sense especially when people admit what a bad idea it was in the first place.

So you came home drunk from the bar and wake up next to a 350lb, one legged, inbred 45yr old cougar. So you keep dating her because you were duped, and you already invaded her. You already setup shop, and it's going to upset her if you leave...

Dita Von Teese Disciplines the Commander in Chief

Deer kicks hunters ass

nickrandom says...

Do you really believe the hunter was going to eat the deer?

Um, of course he was??? Thats the primary reason to go hunting, even those that do it for "sport" usually take the meat and have it butchered or butcher it themselves. I don't call hunting a sport, but I've been hunting before. Deer meat is fantastic. Add to that the fact that its wild, so it has a more seasoned taste... beats anything you could ever buy in a store.

Note: It's best if you can kill a wild hog too on the same trip, they're pests who tear up fields anyway.. But using deer meet + wild hog meat = good sausage.

/ damn hippies who think hunting is all about penis mentality
// hasn't had deer meat in about 3-4 years

Sift Was Hacked (Sift Talk Post)

drattus says...

Are we sure the site is clean? I checked the log for eTrust Pest Patrol, it quarantined Emusaffil A at 1:12 pm, about the time I first checked in here today. I'm checking some other things and ways now to make sure that's it, caught it before it could install so I'm ok there.

The eTrust page shows that as a high risk one, if many others have it we might want to front page a scan and fix for that and whatever else turns up.

The Tale of Peter Rabbit 1/2

Robot Annoys Dog-Robot Controlled By Guilty Dog Botherer

Video Evidence of Dodgy Ethics in the Irish Police Force

pipp3355 says...

yeah some other people thought that too:

personally i think its a real person because he was well known to the gardai for making repeated phone calls for no good reason. they knew who he was and where he lived in the area. basically he was a time wasting pest. some people have suggested that he has some sort of intellectual disability.

Colony Collapse Disorder - Why are the bees disapearing?

bl968 says...

It's more likely pesticides. There are pesticides called neonicotinoids which basically give the pests the insect version of alzheimers, which sounds exactly like what's going on here.

Neonicotinoids have been strictly limited in France since the 1990s, when they were implicated in a mass die-off of the bee population.
Also try the article at Cosmos
While many pesticides are downright lethal to bees, some new studies have pointed to other strange effects found at low doses. For example, low doses of new compounds called neonicotinoids might be interfering with bee minds. Potentially, this prevents them from remembering their colony's location and causes them to get lost and never return.
That's a almost perfect description of what happens in CCD....

LadyBug (Member Profile)

Homemade Squirrel Catapult

BicycleRepairMan says...

In England, it's now legall to kill all grey squirells. Only grey ones. They're vermin here. We like Red Squirells. Grey is bad

Well, I never said anything about killing animals, There are several cases where killing an animal isnt unethical: For food, for ending suffering, for pest control, however, hurting animals, just for the fun of it, is immoral. No, I'm not a PETA member, vegetarian or anything, and I'm not the kind of "they are cute, therefore more valuable" etc, I would say the exact same thing about treating rats like this. Animal cruelty for amusement is deeply unethical by my standards.

And frankly, some people here needs to grow up and get some respect for living creatures. Maybe spend a day or week in the wild or something. Anyone who has learned to respect animals would see this as unethical.

Homemade Squirrel Catapult

BicycleRepairMan says...

Screw those little pests and their disease spreading, property destroying selves. They can have the rest of the God Damned woods get the hell off my property. Now how can we extend this technology for Jehovas Witnesses?

1.Please dont compare harmless innocent squirrels to brainwashed cult-members.
2.ALL animals deserve fair treatment, cruelty for amusement is unacceptable no matter how troublesome the animal is. A squirrel is an animal who follow instincts, it will look for food where it can find it, You cant treat them like conscious thieves.

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