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B Dolan-which side are you on?

bobknight33 says...

You point the finger at wall street when you government is at fault.
The rule of law have been perverted year over year since the beginning and been sliding ever so fast the last 100 years.

Vote for Joe lunch bucket next time time around, Forget Hillery and any of the mainstream Republicans. That are all puppets.

But the people are more concerned for their single issue than the betterment of America. Corporations are no different but they have the $ to hedge their best by playing both sides.

And yes the video is still a vulgar pile of trash.

enoch said:

rule of law?
you mean the law that ignores the lying liars on wall street?
the law that criminalizes the poor?
you mean THAT law?
a criminalized elite that legislates laws that benefit them and their cronies while crushing the working class.
wrong side bob.
thats ok..seems @ant agrees with you.

i find it hypocrisy of the highest order those who claim to be christian and follow the teachings of jesus,who will abandon his teachings when it becomes uncomfortable and inconvenient.

nevermind that many of the laws and rights you so enjoy nowadays were hard won by the sacrifices,and sometimes deaths of those who think and feel exactly as this video portrays.

hypocrites......the lot of ya.

lawrence odonnell-shocking mistake in ferguson grand jury

enoch says...

you had me until "i am glad the kid is dead".

you appear to be fighting a battle based on dissimilar distinctions.
you point out (rightly in my opinion) that there is evidence mike brown went for officer wilsons gun.while there is contradictory eye-witness accounts in that regard,if it had proven true,wilson would have been justified.


this has zero to do with the evidence presented in this video.
which is exactly what people here on this thread have been trying to point out to you and you keep ignoring.either willingly or otherwise.

i do not understand conservatives such as seem to adore the rule of law,but only when it is subservient to your own prejudices.

so let us break this down a bit.
if it were proven in a court of law that mike brown DID go for officer wilsons gun (which is possible).then under the current federal law wilson would be justified in this particular shooting.

then WHY did the D.A and A.D.A so obviously manipulate the grand jury?
why did they sabotage their OWN grand jury?
there are only two possibilities:
both the D.A and A.D.A are a level of epic incompetence,as to justify an immediate termination,OR their malfeasance,manipulations and LYING were intentional.

they never truly sought and indictment but rather a no-indict.which is a perversion of the system and goes against the basic principles of due process,equality and justice.

and now we will never know and neither do you bob.
this will never see the inside of a court and the rule of law has been raped by these two district attorneys.

so you can armchair lawyer all you is meaningless in a system that has been so thoroughly corrupted and you cheer like a 12 yr old tween at a beiber concert.

glad someone is dead?
you should feel shame not pride.
a boy is dead and the system has been perverted.

there is nothing to be proud of...nothing.

bobknight33 said:


Just asking for the current Law on the books. no more no less. Odonnell seems quick to point out the misgivings ( ie slight of hand trick) from the DA but to be fair reporter of facts he should give the current actual law. It does matter. With out it she is just stoking the fire and you all are sucking it up.

Brown's blood was on Officer Wilson's gun (a Sig Sauer P229) and on the inside of his police vehicle.

He ran away then stopped turned around and came back to the cop and started charging and finally wend down 8 - 10 feet from the cop.

The cop was justified. I am glad the kid is dead.

Bill Nye: The Earth is Really, Really Not 6,000 Years Old

speechless says...

Understand, for people who have faith, faith is knowing the unknowable.

Example: I know that intelligent life exists on other planets. It is a 100% certainty in my mind. I am so certain of this "fact" in fact, that I think it's ridiculous that there are people who even question it. Yet, there is no actual scientific proof. Nothing published. Nothing discovered. I believe it though. I know it to be true. If someone were to tell me I shouldn't believe or talk about it, I would find it nonsensical and offensive. This is what faith feels like.

There's a difference between passively not believing in God and actively hating people who do.

If someone offers some bullshit as fact, and you know it isn't, welcome to every day on earth (or at least the internet). It doesn't matter if it's religion or not.

For example: (paraphrasing) 'Most people proselytize'.

Most of the (almost 6 Billion) people who believe in God go through their day to day lives without ever even mentioning their beliefs let alone trying to proselytize when they do.

And on that note I will say that proselytizing is not necessarily wrong either. You believe what you believe and they believe what they believe and everyone gets to express themselves (all proselytizing) and everyone can make up their own minds. Now, I'm talking about people expressing themselves, not entities who have an agenda.

Which brings me to my last point. None of this is to suggest that I disagree with Bil Nye. Kids should not be fed bullshit. Adults either. The real problem? It's not "money is the root of all evil". It's "the love of money". Greed is behind the majority of evil.

There are those who desire positions of power and pervert religion into a tool to achieve their own agenda. This is a very old story. And it is these people who "take God's name in vain". But that's just one hammer in their toolbag. Religion is one. Anti-intellectualism another. Manipulation through fear. On and on.

Science is truth but it is not the only "truth" in life. Art exists. Beauty exists. Love exists. There is more. Maybe all of that can be boiled down to some chemical reactions in the brain and sociological pressures, but I believe there is a greater truth.

Sorry for ranting. Don't take any of this personally please!

newtboy said:

Granted, but it was a request, not a command.
How about I ask them to just stop acting like they KNOW the unknowable, and insist they preface their religious conversations with 'this is what I believe' instead of 'this is how it is'?
While I would prefer to not have to hear about other's beliefs constantly, my real issue is with them being offered as 'fact' that I MUST accept in the face of all evidence to the contrary.
My problem also lies with the fact that most people (not all) can't discuss their beliefs without proselytizing, that's especially so for religious zealots. I would have much more patience with the topic if that were not the case.

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

enoch says...

so you agree with me yet still downvote my comment?
i thought i was being respectful by explaining my downvote,something i am under zero compulsion to do,at all.

and yet you go off on a childish tantrum and systematically downvote about 3 hours of content in my FIVE minutes! which can lead me to only one conclusion:
emotional reflex response to a negative analysis to a useless and irrelevant video you posted.

you do not understand why this is irrelevant?
i have to admit a certain embarrassment for you that i have to point this out,but ok,take my hand and i will walk you through it so you can better understand:

1.air contains oxygen
2.water is wet
3.everybody poops
4.politicians and governments lie

you had an opportunity here to reveal just how convoluted and deceptive the process had been perverted and back door deals and the greased palms of certain politicians helped fascillitate the passing of obamacare.

how big pharma and the health insurance industry spent 300 million in the first week alone to kill this bill.or how those very same politicians allowed a tax on that health care bill to remain in the bill.

you could have added context to what really transpired and the mafia principle was in full effect.government gets their slice and the health industry continues to be allowed to plunder the american people treasure.

but no.
you posted a 53 second video of a politician caught in a moment of truth.
a truth WE ALREADY KNOW,with the sole purpose of "look!see! governments are bad!

no context.
no backstory.
no nuanced information to give people a clearer picture on just how badly we are all being fucked.
just a 53 second prop so you can get on your soapbox.

so yeah..the video is irrelevant.

unless of think everybody around you is a stupid child and needs you to hold their hands to reveal the underlying truth.if that is the case you have failed miserably.

well,i dont need you to hold my hand.i am quite capable of coming to my own conclusions.

i am becoming quite tired of your temper if my words have angered your tender sensibilities then feel free to go on another targeted downvoting spree..i really dont care.

@blankfist is a die hard libertarian.thoughtful and precise in his arguments (sans the farting cats),and you sir..are no blankfist.

Trancecoach said:

<agrees with everything enoch said>

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

enoch says...

not exactly a secret.
elites by the very definition feel themselves superior to the befuddled herd (actual term used) and therefore feel compelled to "guide" them and "control" them.
this attitude crosses partisan lines.
so on one side you have educated,indoctrinated elites who disdain the masses but use the language of empathy and compassion to manipulate and on the other side of the aisle you have a perverted aynrand/jesus monster to manipulate the masses.

either are being manipulated.

and there aint NO way the republicans are getting rid of obamacare.only the largest bailout gimme to big pharma and the health insurance industry.that would be political suicide.the entire policy was written by the heritage foundation for fucks sake! not exactly a bastion of liberal ideologies.

just as no republican will repeal roe vs wade.
they will use abortion like a battering ram to get their religious base into a frothy frenzy of hate and self-righteousness,but no way would they EVER let go of that boom stick.

this video is stupid and is only being used to create a platform so a certain someone can jump on his soapbox and preach his religion.

fuck that shit.go on a street corner and peddle your wares.this video has zero relevance.


space battleship yamato-classic 70's anime remastered

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

Best of Hitchslap: Part One

Jinx says...

What is love? Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me, no more.

Pfft. Reality. We can't even prove it's real ∴ stone the apostates!

As Hitch once said. Even if you could prove the existence of a god in the vague deist/pantheist sense you'd still have almost all your work still left to do to prove that your particular invisible skyman, who is inexplicably especially interested in what occurs in your bedroom (pervert imo), is THE ONE.

Mark Ronson: How sampling transformed music

ChaosEngine says...

@Jinx that's the point. it's a complex issue.

Copyright should encourage creativity and does, but as I said it's been perverted.

The end point is that ultimately creators must get paid somehow, and taking a simpleton approach like trance moron gets us nowhere.

Mark Ronson: How sampling transformed music

ChaosEngine says...

So if an individual or a company spends hundreds of hours or millions of dollars creating something that only exists in the digital realm, everyone has the right to copy it or even resell it? Is that seriously your position?

Copyright is not only not out of date, it is more relevant than ever.

The problem is that corporations are abusing it. Copyright was meant to give a creator a reasonable period of time to earn a living from their work and then it went back to the public domain. This has now been perverted by the likes of Disney to mean "we own this shit forever" (the irony being they made their fortune from public domain stories).

But copyright as a concept is still totally valid. I write software for a living. Some stuff, I give away. But that's my decision. I'm sure as hell not giving up my livelihood because you read some Stallman.

Trancecoach said:

Copyright is out of date. Take your "intellectual property" and think for yourself.

Reversing Arrow Optical Illusion

chingalera says...

BOOOOOOO! Semantics be damned ya frikkin' pervert!! Double-boos for all the geeks who up-voted his smarmy, holier-than-thou comment , ACT-TUALLY.

...yeah, and people abuse that word above in caps in a written sentence or while speaking should fucking annoy the shit out of anyone with a clue as well)

It's called stick-up-ass syndrome, get over yourselves already, yer too smart by half.

MichaelL said:

Not really the definition of optical illusion... this is just a demo of the optical properties of water.

Perverts With Principles Party: Bill Maher New Rules 2.1.14

poolcleaner says...

If there were a Perverts with Principles Party, I'm fucking in. Fuck the norm. Fuck sexual idealism. A man and a man and woman and a man and a woman and a man is OK in my book. (As long as every other man dresses up like a woman.)

jwray (Member Profile)

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

ChaosEngine says...

You're kidding, right? Gays should "respect" that religions think they're perverts? Or that they are responsible for everything from pedophilia to earthquakes and hurricanes? I'm not even being funny, those are all things the religious right have accused gay people of. Even on this site, we frequently see opponents of gay marriage trot out the tired "if gay marriage, then incest and bestiality" argument as if they were equivalent.

So let me be absolutely unambiguous: FUCK.... THAT.....SHIT.

People absolutely have the right to say they don't want to serve gay people, or blacks, or irish or jews or whoever, and then everyone else has the right to boycott their business and call them out as bigoted assholes on the wrong side of history.

But unless they're in Kansas, they have no right to actually refuse service.

Chaucer said:

Not forcing you to be gay. They are trying to force you to believe that its a natural thing. Not all religions believe that is natural. Gays should respect that.

Well.. Assault for the threats. Extortion for threatening their customers. I'm sure there are numerous other laws they are breaking but nobody wants to persecute in fear of the mafia... excuse me... LBGT turning on them.

Ah. A lame statement for somebody who has a weak argument.

Cậu Bé nhảy đám cưới

chingalera says...

so glad you hit the sarcasm button there copper-C, way to waffle and save whatever face you imagine you have_an apology would be the noble thing, simply hit sarcasm and downvote my sentiment-Yeah, I'm a real pervert maestro-

chicchorea said:

Swirley again...spinning...spinning....

This one meets your age requirements too.

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