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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s Republican election fraud…. right-wing political activists Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman who tried to intimidate Black voters with a robocall ahead of the 2020 election claiming that voting would expose their personal information to police, bounty hunters, debt collectors, etc, charged with multiple felonies in multiple states, required to send out follow up robocalls explaining that the previous call was full of misinformation designed to intimidate voters, who the FCC is pushing for the largest fine for robocalling ever, $5 million.
They both just plead guilty in Chicago, just one of the states they pulled this fraud.

Crazy how there seems to be another one almost daily not just discovered, but usually plead guilty to….always MAGA republicans, the anti democracy, anti freedom, anti reality party overflowing full of racists and child molesters.

Is Your Privacy An Illusion? (Taking on Big Tech)

newtboy says...

There is no such thing as internet privacy. It’s a total myth. You are tracked anywhere you surf, and there’s no publicly available encryption the government can’t crack, usually they have back doors so they don’t even have to.

Of course, all social media sites are funded by selling your information. What, you thought they’re free?!

Do people not remember Carnivore? It collected and read EVERY email and text sent in the US in secret in the 90’s. Are people so dumb they think this stopped post 9/11?

I have no cell phone, no social media, and I always click “do not share my personal information “, required on any commercial site operating in California….and I still have no illusions that my data is private. Want to stay private, don’t give out your information to anyone.

Emails Reveal Trump Planned Coup with Loyalist Jeffrey Clark

newtboy says...

No answer Bob? Typical. It’s ok….we knew you didn’t have any.

You can’t say what’s a half truth or what’s spin, you just know it is because if this were true (hint, it is) it means you blindly follow someone who clearly tried to subvert democracy to turn America into a despotic monarchy and was stupid enough to use emails and texts to coordinate his coup, leaving a massive pile of evidence of his crimes. After all, he thought his violent mob would be successful at ending democracy in America and he would just erase all traces of his crimes along with anyone investigating him once he was king for life.

Oh no! Mr My Crackpipe’s cyber symposium with the best cyber guys around, after getting hacked and starting way late, has fallen apart with absolutely no evidence of mush brain’s claims, just his little factless movie, but did include Lindel running off stage crying when he learned that the $1.5 billion lawsuit against him and the other election fraud fraudsters will proceed (an order that came with a scathing rebuke from the judge).
Edit: Er Mer Gerd!…and he revoked his $5 million prize for anyone who could prove him wrong before it started, likely because his cyber security expert Josh Merritt had already said his “evidence “ was utter nonsense and proved nothing in interviews, and others he hired said he didn’t even have these “data packets” he claimed to have, only his video representation of what such packets MIGHT look like as raw data…which would be impossible to decrypt and wouldn’t have the evidence Lindel claimed if you could, even if a Chinese hack had occurred. ROTFLMFAHS!!!

More good news, cyberninjas has reportedly stolen the ballots and data they were reviewing (it was never an audit) and (illegally?) taken them out of state to Montana almost two weeks after missing their deadline to report to the AZ congress on July 28. Good thing they didn’t get their hands on all that other personal information they requested because what they have is not secured and ripe for identity theft already, and they wanted basically all the personal data the county had on every resident, including addresses, employment, family members (mother’s maiden name), social security numbers, medical records, bank accounts, assets, criminal history, …..everything the state had.

Even you can’t spin the refusal to provide their conclusions (now what, almost 5 months into their 3 week review) and fleeing the state with state property as some indication they found something, and you were so gullible that you bought their blatant lie about “suddenly appearing unregistered mail in votes that had no record of being sent out” that turned out to be early in person voting numbers, but they were too incompetent or dishonest to say so and instead pretended they found fraud….and continue to pretend they found fraud after being debunked, and are using that obvious bold faced lie in their efforts of trying to go door to door in large groups of Trumptards to force people to tell them who they voted for in a clear, blatant case of text book illegal voter intimidation.


bobknight33 said:

Just more lame leftest BS 1/2 truths and spin.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You might want to look up Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman....the guys who hired the young guy to claim he had an affair with Elizabeth Warren....they've got over 15 felony cases for election fraud pending for their racist republican ploy of robocalling black neighborhoods and lying, claiming that if you vote by mail, all your personal information will be forwarded to police to see if you have warrants, to collection agencies to see if you have debts, to any agencies or groups that might want their personal information for anything. Of course, all bullshit, and thankfully a felony in at least 15 of the states they did it in.

More Republican election fraud, verified and charged, while you morons look for bamboo fibers on ballots because you're so moronic you believe the lies that China just sent boxes of ballots that were counted as real....and so stupidly racist you believe that anything from China will be covered in bamboo, and anything with traces of bamboo must be from China (like it doesn't grow in America).

Also look up Bruce Bartman, sentenced recently for registering his dead relatives to vote and trying to vote using their ballots. More voter fraud, again Republican voter fraud.

Daily the overwhelming evidence of republican fraud campaigns are coming to light. Still not a single democratic voter fraud case. Your party of criminals is being exposed without Trump and Barr to shield them. It's not going to go well for you guys.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Yep, no surprise, president poopy pants and his terrorist morons now declare Barr an enemy of America that should be murdered.

Hilariously they are also calling for a boycott of the Georgia run off. Makes sense, why bother voting if votes are frauds?

How much have you donated to his legal defense fund? Nothing? You're obviously an enemy of America too, your personal information has been forwarded to the enforcement squad, expect the Trump train at your door any time now....and they're pissed and heavily armed. Good luck.

newtboy said:

FBI, DOJ, even Barr personally have reported they investigated and found zero evidence of systemic frauds or any frauds that might have effected any election outcomes.
Now what? Barr is deep state now?

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Reading comprehension, not a strong suit?

They didn't just reference Amerika, and didn't just host it's editor/creator, they actively supplied it with the personal information of artists that had discovered the secret alt-right agenda and publicized it.

I'm not interested enough in the Canada thing to investigate, I've spent hours on this extensive discussion, I have no need to spark another discussion on another politicized topic today just to fight over every statement and act, but I'm fairly convinced the video clip she showed included the actual promotion of violence and hatred, not just a person who is well known in certain circles for promoting them. If that's against the rules, it's against the rules. Even in the unlikely event it did just include her innocuously, if she is a well known alt-right extremist provocateur and it's against the rules to discuss extremists and their views, then it's against the rules. I find that silly and unproductive, but institutions have a right to be silly. Like Malcolm X, some people don't need their positions verbalized, their image alone can get their message across because it's so well known.

bcglorf said:

I did read that one, admittedly with reluctance because I've found the independent can be a lot more opinion than fact(ala msnbc/fox). The article mostly states Mr. Osborne accuses the gallery of many things, by far the worst is association with the website "Amerika" which I'm not familiar with, but unless it is so vile that even referencing it when discussing ideologies is 'bad' it didn't seem enough to make the gallery into witches, errr nazis.

For the Canadian incident, the full debate she showed a clip from is here:

I'm afraid it's an hour long, but I don't know which 'clip' she would have been playing, although it was debate between Mattes and Peterson.

Lindsay Shepherd was the TA involved, this is the full audio recording of the meeting she was pulled into with 3 full staff and faculty to 'discuss' how her action of playing the video was wrong:

Let's Talk About Facebook

newtboy says...

They've reported that it secretly, somehow, used granted permission to copy certain personal information from participants as a way to surreptitiously steal far more information than was allowed including the private information of any of their friends, totally against written rules of Facebook, their contract with Facebook, and common decency. Granted, Facebook did nothing to stop them.

There's tons of evidence they used it, but not clear public proof....yet. wait. It took 2 years for this to be public (reportedly Facebook knew years ago and stayed silent).

Again, reportedly they used it to target posts and 'news' individually, specifically contradicting posts and liked stories by individual users.

Yep, Facebook has a lot of blame here, but not all of it. CA are some seriously underhanded bastards all around, see the recordings.

Jinx said:

I could well be wrong about this, but my understanding is that the data wasn't really stolen, it was freely shared by Facebook. I also don't think there is any evidence that suggests that CA used their psychoanalytic stuff on the Trump campaign specifically. It sounds like they are targeting voters more on purely their geographical location than any in depth analysis of their social media profile. It seems doubtful to me that CA were the only ones at this game though...

I do think Facebook absolutely shares some blame - They hand over their users data and make app creators etc pinky-swear that they will use it responsibly and delete it once they are done...and then they do absolutely nothing to ensure that agreement is honoured. They either willfully ignored it because they knew the data was likely to be misused, or they were naive to the point of complete incompetence. I really can't see an option C.

jonathan pie-all news is fake

JustSaying says...

The problem isn't just Twitter. It's sheepish mankind. We are becoming a society that thinks private corporations, that want our clicks and personal information, are trustworthy news sources. We tend to ignore that these companies are enablers of well-being, well-thinking, by serving us what we want to see and hear. Why? So we click their links and tell them about ourselves. So they can sell ads and data for mining in regards to customer behaviour.
We might as well ask umbrella maker for the weather forecast and your racist uncle for advice on immigration policy. But then...
we have the Facebooks and Twitters of the world at our disposal.

And now everyone is upset that we've been told it might rain and mexicans want to steal our jobs. We're upset because things we read online aren't always true. Maybe Santa Clause and that nigerian Prince who e-mailed me aren't for real either.

What passes as news today is quite often nothing more than a 14 year old girl professing her believe that Becky is a total slut. It's gossip. And that why pedophiles working for Hillary Clinton hang out in Pizzashops. Let's go investigate.

That's how you get ants Trump!

I know exactly why I'm a misanthrope.

how social justice warriors are problematic

enoch says...


hey thanks for keeping this conversation going and not just making assumptions and allowing us both to come to a better understanding.

though i am not really surprised,i am gladdened.

in my opinion,i think this situation may be a problem with indentifying with labels and maybe putting too much weight on them to convey complicated and complex human interactions.

i would call myself a social justice warrior,but i would never identify as those who behave is the extremists do.but to imply that the responsibility is on ME,or any other critic,to redefine these radical social justice warriors as somehow not being representative of the majority,is a false dynamic,because that is how they define themselves.

basically the "No true scotsman" fallacy.which is employed ad-nauseum by these extremists.that somehow if you do not adhere to their radical agenda you are somehow not qualified to label yourself:feminist,anarchist (this has been directed at me),socialist, etc etc.

this is just a silly and binary way of breaking down peoples complex human perceptions and understandings to fit a narrow,and restrictive narrative,in order to achieve an agenda.

so while we all viewed GW bush's "if you're not with us,you're against us",as an inane and utterly stupid come there is little push back when the EXACT same tactic is used to silence someone who may not be 100% on board with a certain agenda?

does me posting this video automatically translate to me being "anti-social justice warrior"?

of course not! that is just silly,but in todays climate that is exactly how some people view complex situations,and it HAS to stop!

you brought up police.
lets use that as an example.
the fact the americas militarized and dysfunctional police force has accounted for more police shootings than soldiers have died in we REALLY need to be told that it is not ALL cops.

of course not.again,that is silly but it DOES mean that maybe there is a problem within the institution that needs to be addressed.

here is a perfect case for social justice warriors to bring this corruption and rot to the surface,and here we have black lives matter.which is receiving mixed coverage in the media,but they have gotten people talking and even some incremental reforms in the woks AND,just recently..6 cops fired from a cleveland precinct for shooting civilians.this is where social justice warriors are not only necessary but vital!

but what if.....

those cops who were feeling threatened,or intimidated by the criticism and examination of their institution coming from black lives matters decided to use a tactic right out of these extremists playbook?

maybe some doxxing?
exposing personal information about the protesters?
how about a few false accusations of rape?
maybe personal harassing calls to friends and family members of the black lives matter movement?
how about some false charges of harassment and sexual discrimination?

that would effectively shut down the black lives matter movement within weeks,and how would we respond to that kind of underhanded tactics?

we would be outraged.
we would be furious at the absolute abuse of power.a power bestowed by the state.

and our outrage would be justified.

do you see where i am coming from here?

in the example i have given,which may or not be the best analogy.we can easily see the abuse of power as a form of bullying to get a group that is a dissenting shut..the fuck..up.

freedom of speech is NOT just speech you or i agree with,or happen to support,but it also speech that we may dislike,disagree and even find offensive.

but by allowing those we dislike or disagree to say their piece,allows us and everybody else to examine,discern and ultimately discard as ridiculous.or,converesly,find some merit that was previously hidden from us,due to our lack of knowledge or understanding.

i realize i am reiterating my previous point,but i think it is so very important.

free speech allows the free flow of ideas and dialogue and allows good ideas to be absorbed into the body politic and the bad ones discarded into the trash bin.

but there MUST be the allowance of the free flow of thought!

so when i post a video such as this i am not ridiculing actual socially conscious people.i am exposing bad ideas,supported by narrow minded people who wish to impose THEIR sense of how a society should be and attempt to circumvent the very slow process of discussion,argument and debate by hijacking the conversation and shutting down all dissent and disagreement with the most fascist tactics possible.

up until a month ago i was fairly ignorant to things like gamergate and whatnot.i thought i had a pretty fair understanding of what a social justice warrior was,and even included myself as one.

but then,quite by accident,i fell upon a few stories that highly disturbed ,in particular was the case of greg allen elliot who was being criminally prosecuted for harassment on twitter.

now the case was finally resolved,and elliot was found not guilty.
so hooray for justice right?
free speech won in the end right?
or did it...did elliot actually win?
i am not so sure.

you see.
he was a web designer.
and once he was charged 3 years ago,he was banned from any internet effectively he was jobless.
on top of that his defense cost 100k.
sounds like a loss to me.

now let us examine stephanie guthrie.a prominent toronto feminist and tedtalk speaker:
1.she made the accusation of harassment and brought the charges.
2.even though this all started with a man who created a game where anita sarkesians faced was punched,and was the supposed imetus for all this fuss,guthrie never laid charges against the creator of the game.though she did,along with her followers harassed and bullied this man until he closed down his chock one up for feminism? i guess?
4.what guthrie found so reprehensible about elliot was that he had the audacity to question guthries rage and called for a calm interaction.(mainly because there are literally 100's of face-punching games).
5.guthrie and her followers found this call for calm offensive and doxxed elliot and proceeded to harass his employer,his family and ffirends.
6.elliot lost his job.his employer could not handle the feminist win again? i guess?
7.when guthrie blocked elliot on twitter she continued to publicly accuse him of misogyny,bigot and even a pedophile.
8.she then brought accusations against elliot for criminal harassment,and that she "felt" harassed.
9.guthrie has paid ZERO for her accusations.she has suffered no accountability nor responsibility.

now the court case is over,and elliot has been vindicated and free speech is still in place for today.

but lets look at the bigger picture.
and let us imagine how easily this situation could be abused.
can we really look at guthrie vs elliot as ANY form of justice? or is it MORE liekly that guthrie was abusing a court system to punish a man she happened to disagree with?with ZERO consequences.

now maybe you agree with guthrie.
maybe you are one of those people that believe in your heart that words are weapons and people should be held accountable for those words.they should be stripped of wealth,work and home..they should be punished.

thats fine.
maybe you agree because it is a matter you support?
a racist pig loses a job for saying racists things.
or a bigot gets kicked out of his apartment for being a bigoted asshole.

but how about this..
a devout chritian woman is protesting an abortion clinic with her children in tow.

and lets say a pro-choice atheist comes over to her and starts to berate her i front of her children.ridiculing her for her beliefs and saying jesus was a zombie.that she is a horrible person for believing in such a tyrannical deity,that this so-called all-loving entity punishes all no-believers in a lake of fire for all eternity.that as a mother,teaching her children to worship such a god is tantamount to child abuse.berating her so badly that her children begin to cry?

now what if that interaction was filmed?
then posted to youtube?
what if a "social justice warrior" of the religious flavor decided that berating person needed to pay for his words?
what if that person got doxxed?
and the end result was he loses his job (because corporations are notoriously controversy allergic),and maybe his landlord is notified and he is kicked out of his apartment?

would you be ok with all that?
because that is the EXACT same metric that radical social justice warriors use!

and what about false accusations?
you dont even have to be actually offended and /or harassed,you just have to accuse and the rest takes care of itself.

are you ok with that kind of creative abuse?

so when i bring things like this to the forefront and attempt to expose the underlying idiocy.what i just wrote is where i am coming from.

and yes.these radicals and their underhanded tactics need to be exposed and all the attention brought to them the better.

why? because what and how they are behaving is anti-democracy anti-freedom and anti-liberty.

and i am all for debating specific issues,and will gladly do so..with glee,but i will not and cannot respect what the radical elements are doing to an otherwise worthy cause.

and YOU should be calling them out as well.

i know this is long and i probably lost the plot somewhere,but this is very important,becuase it threatens all of us and if we simply ignore these nimrods they will just become even more entrenched,self-righteous and arrogant in their own little bubble worlds.

that bubble needs to be popped,and soon.

anyways.thanks for hanging (if you made it this far)
there will be danishes and punch in the lobby!

Justin Trudeau explains marijuana legalization to a mother.

Krupo says...

My favourite moment, for those of you unfamiliar with Canadian politics, is at 4:20 when they realize she's connected to this guy:

This was the tail end of his political career:

"In February 2012, as Minister, Toews introduced the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act (also known as Bill C-30).[118][119] If passed, the bill would grant police agencies expanded powers, mandate that internet service providers (ISPs) provide subscriber information without a warrant and compel providers to reveal information transmitted over their networks with a warrant. When criticised about privacy concerns, Toews responded that people "can either stand with us or with the child pornographers."[120] Public response followed, with an anonymous Twitter account posting personal information of Toews' court proceedings during his divorce, and around this time Conservative support appeared to back away from the bill and open up to amendments.[121] Toews later denied that he had made the "child pornographers" reference, despite his comments being available in Hansard and on video.[122] In February 2013 the government announced Bill C-30 would be scrapped entirely in favor of changes in Canada's warrant-less wiretap law"

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

bareboards2 says...

Naked pictures are not really the issue.

If her pictures had been stolen and looked at, but she didn't KNOW that they had been seen, her psychological damage from this theft would have been very different. Wondering who has seen them, being uncomfortable when meeting someone -- has this person seen them? That person? Not happy, not cool. And, in fact, she took back that particular psychological assault by posting this video and claiming her naked body for herself. Here. Look. I want you to look. It's my body and it is a fine body.

The real damage are the personal attacks, exposing personal information, attempted blackmail, active psychological assaults on her mind.

You guys can have your intellectual conversation about the cloud and how to protect yourself.

But that is not the problem.

I had to stop reading the comment stream when I realized it was starting to include crap about -- oh this isn't misogyny, this isn't hatred.

Yes. It is. It is violence against women, and this woman in particular.

And when you ignore that, and focus on the fact that she had made something that was vulnerable to theft... well, we get back to that feminist/humanist trope of -- you are part of the problem. #Not All Men? Well, men who focus on immaterialities while a violent psychological assault is taking place? I'd say #Those Men.

I know you don't mean any harm. I know you aren't #Those Men, not really. But I'm here to tell you that there is new harm being committed when you ignore the actual violent psychological crimes.

I am aware that some of what I have written might sound really stupid in light of the above comments, since I didn't read them. I'm okay with that. It is better than subjecting myself to what feels like an additional violation.

SDGundamX said:

We're talking about two different things.

She is not responsible for someone deciding to steal and post the photos nor is she responsible for cretinous emails she later received.

She IS responsible for 1) taking the photos and 2) posting those photos in a place that made it likely they would be leaked (i.e. Facebook).

She's not responsible for the crime, but it should have been foreseeable that her actions were likely to result in the photos being made public someday (whether by a hacker, a jealous ex-lover, a stolen/misplaced laptop, etc.). So, she's a victim of a crime (which is deserving of compassion) and at the same time she's also a victim of her own actions (which is deserving of pity but possibly also deserving of some criticism for not thinking things through).

I suppose throughout this thread I've been a bit dismayed by the idea that we can't criticize her actions because she's been the victim of a crime. If she wasn't a victim of a crime but instead posted a video about how she takes naked pictures of herself and posts them to Facebook, would it still be wrong to point out that she clearly wasn't thinking things through about how much higher the odds are these days of personal info being leaked online?

how to talk to a transgender person in public

Sagemind says...

Personal information is still personal.
There isn't a new or separate set of rules, this is true with almost anyone with any set of information that is personal.
It's called common courtesy.

ATM that gives more then just money

HBOs 'Questioning Darwin' - Creationists Talk Creationism

newtboy says...

Mostly answered in private along with the response to the private message, despite the claim that I ignore and discount private messages.
These appear to be ignored because private messages may be apologetic or reasonable, but continuing public messages are anything but. In that situation, I'll always consider the insulting public messages to trump the reasonable private ones.
MY attacks are all about your vitriolic insulting degrading denigrating style. I disagree with many of your points, but I'm never the one to start infantile name calling, even about a position. I may be disrespectful of it, but I don't start the silly, infantile name calling ridiculousness (as a rule, I may not always succeed in this). I don't know you well enough to insult you personally, except when you contradict yourself between private and public posts. I can be insulting of your positions, especially so when they are insultingly given.
I do hate people being smarmy and vulgarly insulting, especially when they then cry foul and throw tantrums if the tables are turned. Distinguish between the hate for a behavior you display and hate OF YOU and you'll be happier and feel less least by me.
For that reason, I'm also publicly warning you that any 'private' message to me will be considered fair game from this point on, to use publicly to contradict your public stances when you are being hypocritical and/or disingenuous. That doesn't mean private personal information, unless it directly contradicts what you say in public. Fair warning.
Maned-up enough fo ya?

chingalera said:


Clear violation of official sift decorum
"You are a backwater tinfoil hat wearing twat. it is no secret here that you fit that geography. Fuck off , your stupid bullshit man.. sometimes it is just too much bullshit to take. "

....or simply assholism??

Newt, you should know fucking better and act accordingly if you have it in you to dump your ego in the toilet for a refreshing swim.

I have accepted consequences of my tirades in the past-Trying really hard to play 'NICE' children, got a few years on your "polite' asses as well. Your hate doesn't fool anyone, in fact it seethes with every comment made.

Bothof you continue to ignore or otherwise discount sincere private messages, yet you come out in public to try and destroy my opinions and observations with personal attacks. what's up with that, eh??

Man-up why dontchas?

lucky760 (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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