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Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

enoch says...

let me first start by apologizing to @pumkinandstorm for derailing her thread.i always seem to do it to her posts.poor thing must hate me.

as for @carnivorous, i usual dont respond to any other posts after i rant (unless its shinyblurry) but i feel you are worth the time.i have read many of your comments and i sense you are a decent sort.

and though i am loath to do it i shall form my response in bullet form,more for expedience than laziness.(bullet responses are a lazy form of argument in my opinion). comment was not directed at you specifically,hence my generalizations and the use of the open-ended pronoun of "you".though you were certainly included in that use of "you".if i had issue with YOU i would have formed my comment in that manner addressing YOU..specifically.

my problem with some of the comments was not with a moral conflict but rather:presumption and ignorance.your commentary displayed both.

this is not an attack on you nor is it a reflection of how i feel/think/react to you.
it is just a statement based on your commentary.
i was hoping that my rant would possibly illuminate that fact for you (and others).

please reread your commentary in regards to @shang.
notice anything?
you presumed to know and understand @shang 's intentions,even when he stated the opposite.
or decide.because your whole premise is based on how YOU feel/think about a certain activity and you projected that morality onto @shang and found him lacking.
because @shang participates in something you find abhorrent,it appears by your commentary this gave you the right to chastise and judge him,based on YOUR morality.

2.i do not think you are a bully.i think you were being presumptuous and your commentary.

3.your rebuttal was no rebuttal at all but rather a conflation.the family you used as your example as "hunters"were not hunters.we have a name for people like that "sadistic psychopaths".appears they made it a family affair.
but to conflate those sick individuals and hunters is obscene and reveals an utter lack of understanding in regards to actual hunters.

4.i respect a man who stands up for what he believes in and i would never ask you to apologize but thats not what my commentary was addressing.

i was addressing the presumptions you were making about @shang based on pretty much nothing.
and while he was responding in a decent fashion you kept sniping at him from the bleachers.

its all trumpets and parades for standing up for what you believe in but how about a little bit of respect and appreciation for someone taking the time to respond to your questions?
especially in regards to something you obviously know next to nothing about?

you cant demand respect for your morals and beliefs and then turn around and deny anothers right for the very same thing.

i mean,think about it man.
you missed out on an opportunity to understand the mindset,motivations or passion for an activity that is alien to you.

your understanding has not moved an inch because of a pre-conceived notion based on what?
a childhood memory?
a few anecdotal experiences?

what a wasted opportunity.
would you have still disagreed?
yeah..most likely.
but at least you would have understood more.
and this practice is also known as empathy.

ah well...
i hope you read this is the context it was written.
with humanity and not an attack on you.

Ancient posts from blankfist covering pages 1 - 5ish!? (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Well charliem, it looks as if someone has adopted a stray and is smothering him with kisses and farts instead of the customary ticker-tape parade-Please keep hands and feet away from propeller at all times and stand to the center of the contraption as it gibbers and squeaks

Bill Burr: Gay Dudes Kissing

chingalera says...

If ya wanna break the cycle Eric, you can always spend a weekend at ground zero in the Castro in San Fran-during the pride parade....OOOooops-43rd annual San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade June 29-30 2013, you just missed your chance to get all man-kissy.

eric3579 said:

I've always had this type of reaction when any two people are making out in public, straight or gay, but when it's two men I tend to feel guilty for having the reaction. What gives? Must be some kind of straight guilt.

Glenn Greenwald - Why do they hate us?

bcglorf says...

@Kofi. It's pretty hard not to horrifically oversimplify Pakistan in only a few paragrahs. Pakistan only enjoys the third government branch of power thanks to very heavy American pressure. The ISI and military have dominated Pakistan's prior history, this years elections mark the first and only time in Pakistan's history that a civilian government there managed to serve it's full term and pass power on to another civilian government. Past governments like Bhuttos were dismissed by the military, and then saw Bhutto executed. Pakistan's road democracy is hardly secure yet either since for all the gains, Bhutto's daughter was assassinated before finishing her bid to run the exiting civilian government.

Kashmir is just the bone of contention between India and Pakistan. Within Pakistani politics the discussion is all about Balochistan and FATA. The internal divisions over those two regions was and still is being manipulated to maximum effect by Pakistan's enemies. Particularly, in FATA you have Saudi dollars building Madrassah's were Pakistan's government either won't or can't do anything about education for the tribal people. So on one hand it's giving a lifeline to a poverty stricken people, and on the other that life line is tied to a brick being thrown into the deep end of jihadist teachings and training. And when I say Saudi charities, I don't mean to suggest it's government backed. It is by all accounts privately donated monies by private Saudi citizens, the ones that give out candy to kids when parade worthy things happen.

"Plus, I can name many muslim nations that did not have spontaneous celebrations. Afghanistan for one"
You've got to be kidding on this, right?
I'd ask you maybe look at my point and counter more closely though. I was speaking to the comment that Al Qaida was wanting for supporters and didn't have peoples support prior to 9/11. I did not declare that all muslim nations were dominated by celebrations, I in fact stated that very few failed to officially condemn the attacks. I just asked how many did not see spontaneous celebrations, and yes even America saw spontaneous celebrations by the likes of Westboro nutters. My point was not paint entire muslim nations as celebrating, but that there existed elements virtually everywhere celebrating. Would you disagree on that, or is that essentially correct. As I see it, that is a clear refutation of the idea that groups like Al Qaida were starved for support prior to 9/11.

"The third point you seem to provide your own refutation. Drones etc do indeed fuel Al Queda."

Maybe read my statement more closely again. My position is that while on one hand Drones help recruitment, and on the other they hurt not only recruitment and retention, but larger scale operational planning as well. Drones have done more than drive some angry youth to join the fight against America. They have also killed a great many of the Taliban's top leadership. More importantly, they have driven a near permanent wedge between the Taliban and Pakistan's military which is a value that is hard to underestimate. IMHO the 100% sole reason for the Afghan war was to either drive that wedge between Pakistan's military and extremists, or failing that to provide a location for waging a ground war with Pakistan. I also believe there was heavy calculations that the Afghan war would prove sufficient threat and deterrent that Pakistan's leadership would make the "right" choice.

I think it's important to make a distinction here. I almost feel like talking about "Al Qaida" as the problem is Bush(jr.) league type stuff. The bigger picture is jihadist terrorism, and who cares what label it wears. The reality after 9/11 was that jihadists terrorists in the form of the Taliban, Al Qaida and many other groups had a strong foothold inside of Pakistan. They were close friends and allies with the highest ranking officials within Pakistan. After the 9/11 attacks were committed, it was decided that a line needed to be drawn between the two and it was no longer acceptable to just let Pakistan hold these jihadist terrorist groups as friends and allies. After all, how emboldened would they be if they got to launch such an attack while still maintaining their alliance with Pakistan's ISI and military. Suddenly Pakistan's military has a pseudo mercenary/spec op force that is capable of organizing attacks on mainland America large enough to kill thousands in one round. The implications of that were deemed bad and in no uncertain terms the decision was made to put an end to it.

...And Bush 'sold' it to his demographic by giving a cowboy speech declaring your either with us or against us. I'm confident though that in the most bizarre of ways, that speech was carefully phrased diplomacy giving Pakistan a flashing red message without the public embarrassment of actually naming them in the process.(or Bush stumbled onto something in blind ignorance too, I'd flip a coin on it).

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

JustSaying says...

Yummy, arguing on the internet!
I haven't done this in years, I'm gonna throw my hat in the Ring now.
I spent countless hours here for years, just enjoying the show. Staying out of all this, in the end at least, unimportant chatter. I came for the videos. Then somebody starts singing about sluts and I end up with an account. What can I say? I like sluts.
I spent much time reading and skipping over the posts of @shinyblurry here. And I still wonder why people feel the need to argue with him in such detail and length. He talks a lot about his faith in God and Jesus but what it come down to is this: He believes in The Bible.
The Bible features God and Jesus and all that but most important of all, it features a heckload of arguments for all kinds of things that are often in direct conflict.
Earlier in this thread, somebody threw a Bible quote about how rape victims have to marry their rapist in @shinyblurry's face and he actually started to explain (correct me if I misunderstood) how it's a punishment for the rapist that he has to pay money and marry the woman if the father chooses that.
I have money to burn. Is Jessica Alba married and where does her dad live? She's super hot and I *need* that kind of punishment. God wants her to fulfill her marital duties, right? If she's not available, I could make a list.
Now, I could argue this IMO rather distasteful idea with him, quoting the Bible back and forth, using other philosophical sources for arguments (I'm sure Hitchens mentioned rape somewhere sometime) but all that doesn't matter.
He believes in The Bible.
If I went back in time and edited early versions to my liking to include gems like "Every man shall also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed no abomination: they shall surely be praised", old shiny here would organize gay pride parades now. Because it's in the book. Whatever is in there, it's the truth. Whatever.
It's the same reason why creationist (I have no idea if old shiny is among them) can not accept evolution. It's not in the book.
They believe in this powerful, omnipotent god, not just in I-can-command-all-sea-animals-god. No, not that Aquaman shit the Greeks had, I'm talking about I-invented-the-universe-god. Get this, this guy did *invent* the universe. And still it was all some Siegfried and Roy BS we *know* to be nonsense. 7 days? Really? Was he in a hurry? Couldn't he wait until we get to the Game of Thrones and Tivo part of History? Was there another Earth to take care of? Contract work?
The idea to credit that dude for creating Evolution itself is too much to ask for these people. The idea that God created a giant machine (the universe) and allowed it to feature other tiny, tiny machines that repair, reproduce and improve themselves (life itself; evolution), is too mindblowing.
Who's more awesome in your book? The god that can do magic or the god who could do magic but opted for inventing everything science has discovered so far?
You know, science failed to disprove the existence of god. They can't do that yet. But they can disprove The Bible, at least parts. And yet, they still side with that darn book.
They don't care about God, the don't even care about Jesus. They care about what they read about them. They care about their perception of it.
Telling @shinyblurry that Jesus was a little, brown, jewish Hippie who got mixed up with existing mythology is like telling a fourteen year old that Ed Cullen is, by his own admission, a creepy murderer who stalks underage girls 80 years his junior. They don't want to hear it because that is not what the book said. They book didn't say that god created the natural laws of physics, chemistry and biology and set them upon the universe to wreak havoc until dinosaurs showed up. The book said it took 7 days. And ribs and dirt.
The Bible says so. Nothing else matters.
That's why it's pointless to argue scripture with him. The book is everything and allows so brilliantly for circular logic and cherry picking. It worked with slavery and how many are willing to argue nowadays in front of a TV camera for it? But gays are not slaves and women can always be picked on. Some wrong ideas are easier to conceal behind a book cover than others.
The Bible is everything to him, God and Jesus are just featured players. In the end they could be replaced by Donald Duck and Batman, they just weren't around back when they started to write it.
That doesn't mean I wouldn't love to hear your thoughts about the latest Daft Punk single, @shinyblurry. Or are you more into Rock music?

Lord Tywin reveals his knowledge of Arya's ruse - S2E7

radx says...


A) "Lord Tywin might rule House Lannister, but Lady Joanna ruled Tywin."

Just paraphrasing, of course, but Joanna was not just Tywin's wife. It is said, she was the only one to ever make him smile and his trusted advisor and companion. Kevan took her spot as Tywin's trusted advisor, but her death left a void, never to be filled again.

So Tyrion didn't just "kill" his wife, his birth marked the end of Tywin's only connection to a life beyond his cold, calculating self.

B) Tywin had plans for his twins, yet the tourney at Harrenhal put an end to that, sort of, leaving him with the Imp as his heir and only bargaining chip for alliances through marriage. Nothing to condemn Tyrion for, but I would assume it turned Tywin even more bitter than he already was.

Most importantly though, I think Tyrion's marriage to Tysha broke the camel's back. In the eyes of Tywin, Lord Tytos, his father, brought shame upon House Lannister by parading his lowborn mistress around Casterly Rock, wearing the garments and jewelry of Tytos' deceased wife, Tywin's mother. To see his own son with a lowborn girl, just like the father he had despised to much... it's a wonder he didn't put Tyrion into an oubliette below the Rock.

I'd say Tywin knows very well that Tyrion is much more like him than Cersei and Jaime could ever be. Tywin's sister Genna had the right of it when she proclaimed Tyrion to truly be his father's son. And as much as he follows Tywin's lead, Kevan must have told him as much as well.

But between Tyrion's marriage to a lowborn girl, his whoring, his loose tongue and fondness of japes and quips, there's too much about him that rubs Tywin the wrong way.

Excited train guy, New York!

Thank You God - Tim Minchin

eric3579 says...

I have an apology to make
I'm afraid I've made a big mistake
I turned my face away from you, Lord

I was too blind to see the light
I was too meek to feel Your might
I closed my eyes; I couldn't see the truth, Lord

But then like Saul on the Damascus road,
You sent a messenger to me, and so
Now I've have had the truth revealed to me
Please forgive me all those things I said
I'll no longer betray you, Lord
I will pray to you instead

And I will say thank you, thank you
Thank you, God
Thank you, thank you
Thank you, God...

Thank you, God, for fixing the cataracts of Sam's mum
I had no idea, but it's suddenly so clear now
I feel such a cynic, how could I have been so dumb?
Thank you for displaying how praying works:
A particular prayer in a particular church
Thank you Sam for the chance to acknowledge this
Omnipotent ophthalmologist

Thank you, God, for fixing the cataracts of Sam's mum
I didn't realize that it was so simple
But you've shown a great example of just how it can be done
You only need to pray in a particular spot
To a particular version of a particular god,
And if you pull that off without a hitch,
He will fix one eye of one middle-class white bitch

I know in the past my outlook has been limited
I couldn't see examples of where life had been definitive
But I can admit it when the evidence is clear,
As clear as Sam's mum's new cornea
(And that's extremely clear! )

Thank you, God, for fixing the cataracts of Sam's mum
I have to admit that in the past I have been skeptical
But Sam described this miracle and I am overcome!
How fitting that the sighting of a sight-based intervention
Should open my eyes to this exciting new dimension
It's like someone put an eye chart up in front of me
And the top five letters say: I C, G O D

Thank you, Sam, for showing how my point of view has been so flawed
I assumed there was no God at all but now I see that's cynical
It's simply that his interests aren't particularly broad
He's largely undiverted by the starving masses,
Or the inequality between the various classes
He gives you strictly limited passes,
Redeemable for surgery or two-for-one glasses

I feel so shocking for historically mocking
Your interests are clearly confined to the ocular
I bet given the chance, you'd eschew the divine
And start a little business selling contacts online

Fuck me Sam, what are the odds
That of history's endless parade of gods
That the God you just happened to be taught to believe in
Is the actual one and he digs on healing,
But not the AIDS-ridden African nations
Nor the victims of the plague, nor the flood-addled Asians,
But healthy, privately-insured Australians
With common and curable corneal degeneration

This story of Sam's has but a single explanation:
A surgical God who digs on magic operations
No, it couldn't be mistaken attribution of causation
Born of a coincidental temporal correlation
Exacerbated by a general lack of education
Vis-a-vis physics in Sam's parish congregation
And it couldn't be that all these pious people are liars
It couldn't be an artefact of confirmation bias
A product of groupthink,
A mass delusion,
An Emperor's New Clothes-style fear of exclusion

No, it's more likely to be an all-powerful magician
Than the misdiagnosis of the initial condition,
Or one of many cases of spontaneous remission,
Or a record-keeping glitch by the local physician

No, the only explanation for Sam's mum's seeing:
They prayed to an all-knowing superbeing,
To the omnipresent master of the universe,
And he quite liked the sound of their muttered verse.

So for a bit of a change from his usual stunt
Of being a sexist, racist, murderous cunt
He popped down to Dandenong and just like that
Used his powers to heal the cataracts of Sam's mum
Of Sam's mum

Thank you God for fixing the cataracts of Sam's mum!
I didn't realize that it was such a simple thing
I feel such a dingaling, what ignorant scum!

Now I understand how prayer can work:
A particular prayer in a particular church
In a particular style with a particular stuff
And for particular problems that aren't particularly tough,
And for particular people, preferably white
And for particular senses, preferably sight
A particular prayer in a particular spot
To a particular version of a particular god

And if you get that right, he just might
Take a break from giving babies malaria
And pop down to your local area
To fix the cataracts of your mum!

Destiny ViDoc - The new game from Halo creators, Bungie

Chinspinigcra says...

"How could anything be bigger than Halo? I guess we'll find out."

Halo isn't even in the top 50 selling game franchises, and no, you won't find out anything. Everybody in this video is a deluded, lying corporate hack just like the Bungie forebearers that paraded around E3 2000 making PC gamers salivate worldwide before selling out to M$ a month later and claiming the series would never come to PC. Halo turned out mediocre anyways and was only taken seriously by bandwagon bro gamers. Karma is the only dish left on Bungie'$ menu.

Kim Jong Il Makes Your Dreams Come True

Kim Jong Il Makes Your Dreams Come True

Breasts as Bombs

Sagemind says...

OK so they want attention. Now they've got my attention.
What is their message?
No Seriously, What exactly is their message. I would hate to think they are just making a noise for noise sake. They must have some sort of manifesto detailing what their actions hope to gain.

Simply stating female equality isn't good enough. That kind of message falls on dead ears. I'm pro equality as much as the next woman or person, so i am not their target audience. So who is?

What are the tangent demands they are hoping to parade around. Without specific talking points, they are doing an injustice to themselves and women. I like nude woman, an art-form in my mind, but that's just their hook to get noticed. What is the message exactly?

VICE: Gun Crazy USA

chingalera says...

I think he was speaking of the threat from the United States' own government's usurping the powers granted under the constitution, maybe the Department of HS, TSA, shit like that??
Warrant-less wiretaps maybe, parading people in front of the cameras to promote an agenda concerning firearms??

Maybe we should be afraid of something like this:

Or perhaps the trending new activity sure to become commonplace with the illusion of increased danger and the instilled paranoia, citizens "reporting any suspicious activity"
i.e., extending the reach of the authorities by employing the help of complicit citizens to report on their neighbors???

Welcome to your clusterfuck.

peter12 said:

I don't quite understand, what you mean by external and internal threats?
Are you speaking about "normal" safety, about chances of being mugged, stabbed, killed by random stranger; they are the same as years ago, despite their increasing share in the news. Most areas are safe and you don't need a gun. And YES, they're also districts, where you need a gun to survive.
But maybe you mean something else, but in those cases a gun wouldn't safe you.

Young man shot after GPS error

Hive13 says...

"Good thing the home owner had a gun so that he could protect his family and his property!"

Don't fucking use shit like this to hop on the ignorant gun control bandwagon. The old man in the story is just a sad example of poor gun ownership. He is a murderer and should be charged as such. Period.

Stop being the media's lapdog and parading around on the deaths of innocent people to promote your political ideals.

Senate Subcommittee Propaganda Campaign 101

chingalera says...

Who voted against this video? So far, the man who misunderstood the English language. I only post these things to draw out the worst of the rhetoric and shit-think dystop, you understand my ideas about how easily minds are swayed with loaded words, my disdain for the media and the decaying orbit of American culture and society, her politics, an abomination of abuse....Why the fuck are you making a project out of someone with more common sense that most?
Is it because I'm such a mean guy??

When victims are paraded in front of cameras to produce the desired effect for THEIR purposes, it should piss you off that they are allowed to continue to do so, it pisses me off.

Watching a train wreck in slow-motion having no way to divert the inevitable tragedy should make anyone uncomfortable.

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