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Drafting Like a Boss

flechette jokingly says...

I think snuff is fine on the Sift as long as it's used to prove a point.

>> ^Jinx:

Fuzzy fucking maths? Its only the laws of physics honey. I don't wish to disrespect others personal experience, but I knew a guy who had lots of personal experience of not having accidents, despite his speed and somewhat reckless driving...until he had an accident. The good news is he won't be having anymore accidents. The bad news is he won't be having anymore anything.
There is a reason you are advised to keep a good distance between you and the vehicle in front, its not just some random theorycrafting. If you rly don't trust the numbers then I suggest you hop on your bike, find a truck to coast behind and wait. Remember to video it and link me to the result. Oh, and try not to die, I don't think videosift will let me post snuff.

Drafting Like a Boss

Jinx says...

Fuzzy fucking maths? Its only the laws of physics honey. I don't wish to disrespect others personal experience, but I knew a guy who had lots of personal experience of not having accidents, despite his speed and somewhat reckless driving...until he had an accident. The good news is he won't be having anymore accidents. The bad news is he won't be having anymore anything.

There is a reason you are advised to keep a good distance between you and the vehicle in front, its not just some random theorycrafting. If you rly don't trust the numbers then I suggest you hop on your bike, find a truck to coast behind and wait. Remember to video it and link me to the result. Oh, and try not to die, I don't think videosift will let me post snuff.

Europe: Lost Without Christianity

poolcleaner says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^Mammaltron:
Well, that was a heartening story, maybe there's a glimmer of hope for mankind.
I especially like the part where Europe owes its culture, freedom, science and wealth to Christianity.

To be fair, there is a cultural debt to Christianity. Religion has inspired many great works of art, but that's no reason to believe in it (anymore than you need to believe in hobbits to enjoy Lord of the Rings).
As for freedom and science... that's very marginal.
As for wealth, well it's probably true but not in a good way.
Oh, and "nothing can be said against muslims"? O Rly?

I wouldn't say religion inspired art, rather religion gave artists jobs. Sorta like "Video games inspired artists." No, video game companies give artists jobs. A small percentage of them are inspired by, but more often than not, it's the "gettin' paid" factor.

Europe: Lost Without Christianity

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Mammaltron:

Well, that was a heartening story, maybe there's a glimmer of hope for mankind.
I especially like the part where Europe owes its culture, freedom, science and wealth to Christianity.

To be fair, there is a cultural debt to Christianity. Religion has inspired many great works of art, but that's no reason to believe in it (anymore than you need to believe in hobbits to enjoy Lord of the Rings).
As for freedom and science... that's very marginal.
As for wealth, well it's probably true but not in a good way.

Oh, and "nothing can be said against muslims"? O Rly?

Snuggling with a Tasmanian Devil

Kitteh with 26 Toes Helps Raise Over $120 K for Shelter

Earth 100 Million Years From Now

ZappaDanMan says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^ZappaDanMan:
>> ^ant:
>> ^ZappaDanMan:
>> ^FishBulb:
So in 100 million years Australia will have disappeared?

Yeah, so if your thinking long term property investments, Australia isn't the way to go

history future eia music nature
We'll be long dead by then!

Death is for sissies

O RLY? [kills you]

*Throws d20 saving roll vs. angry ant monster* ... crap, snake eyes.

Earth 100 Million Years From Now

Owl threat responses from a Japanese TV show.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'owls, threat, ORLY, YA, RLY, Japan, Japanese, TV, show, educational, threat, responses, big' to 'owls, threat, evil owl, Japan, Japanese, TV, show, educational, threat, responses, big' - edited by bareboards2

Happy Krampus Day! Dang, Austria, you scary!

BoneRemake says...

>> ^oritteropo:

Nein, du Dummkopf, Österreich nicht Australien.
Nicht downunder.
>> ^BoneRemake:
australians eh? not canadian eh.. hrm sayyyy downunder ? say ?
Eh ?

Mulligan on that one. GOtta say I dont know what angle I was coming from.

"rly December, Austrians celebrate the Krampuslauf "


To bad you can not downvote your own comment.

This Cat Is Totally Amazed!

Sports Anchor Wins Lotto Live On Air

Skeeve says...

I'm starting to think you are just being willfully ignorant.

The Foundation absolutely has to disclose where the money went. Just because some troll on the internet doesn't have access to the numbers doesn't mean we don't have strict gaming laws. It means we have strict access to information laws.
>> ^marbles:

How would you know what Doublespeak means when you're actively engaging in it?
So the BC Children's Hospital Foundation doesn't have to disclose where any of the money went, only pay out 25% and this is "strict gaming laws"? LOL ok pal.

>> ^marbles:

What you and @Skeeve don't seem to realize is it doesn't matter if it's taken "off the top" or from the winnings, you're still paying the tax. Just like it doesn't matter if the house adds the vig up front or takes it in a form of a rake, you're still paying the juice.

And no one here said they aren't paying the tax... in fact that's all we've been saying. You seem to think there is some scam or fraud going on, and we've been saying that the "missing" money was paid in taxes - taxes that would be paid in any lottery in the world.

I'm done here. I'm thinking you are just a troll looking for an argument - there's no point in continuing this discussion.

Sports Anchor Wins Lotto Live On Air

marbles says...

>> ^Payback:

Absence of proof is not proof of absence.


What you and @Skeeve don't seem to realize is it doesn't matter if it's taken "off the top" or from the winnings, you're still paying the tax. Just like it doesn't matter if the house adds the vig up front or takes it in a form of a rake, you're still paying the juice.

Anonymous Sends Message to Scott Olsen attacked by OPD

Robertson: Christians should not join Occupy Wall Street

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