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Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer Overview

westy says...

>> ^sixshot:

<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^Matthu</a>:<br />
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since October 1st, 2008" class="profilelink">sixshot</a><br> <br> Can you enlighten me as to what is the big deal regarding dedicated servers? Is it just so you can set your own server rules/ban people and play with some of the same people?<br> <br> Also, are you saying VAC sucks and can't keep out the cheaters? Are you rly sure you're not one of those people who think every guy who goes 20-2 is a hacker? <br> <br> Also, I accuse you of not having watched the video, as if you did, you'd acknowledge that they're doing something huge to differentiate their CoD from the rest: Theater Mode. IMO it was one of the coolest Halo 3 features and seeing it with IWs engine will be a blast.<br> <br> Lastly, I tend to agree with you regarding the DLC B.S.<br></em>
For dedicated server, it's been explained by RedSky. But adding to that, it levels out the playing field when it comes to playing against people. In MW2, as the only way to play against others is to either play on other people's machine or become the host, the person who is the host would inevitably be the one with the advantage. However, a dedicated server removes that advantage and it all boils down to whoever has the best connection to the server. From there, it then comes down to a player's reflex and skill. In MW2, what the connecting players see isn't always representative to what's happening. It creates unbalance that favors the hoster more often than the ones who have actual playing skill.
Having a peer-to-peer setup on PC for FPS games is, more often than not, a bad idea. The added delay and the possibility that the networking isn't set up correctly does nothing more than to pile on more problem to the player's experience.
I may have implied that VAC sucks but I didn't explicitly say that it sucks. I am merely saying that VAC as it stands now is inadequate for something a game like this which previously used PunkBuster as its anti-cheating system for years. I know that neither are perfect and that both have their own fair share of deficiencies. But VAC doesn't have a lot of flexibility as far as being proactive in catching cheaters or preventing the lot of them from playing when compared to PunkBuster. PunkBuster has the ability to stream its logs to a variety of places, such as PunksBusted, PBBans, and GGC, just to name a few. And it can also do MD5 checks to make sure that certain files are correct or to check if a certain cheat file is sitting on the player's computer. Yet I cannot think of anything that VAC can do to be more proactive in deterring cheaters.
And no, I do not always view those with high KDR as possible cheaters. I usually give them the benefit of the doubt because we all have that moment where we are simply on fire and everything clicks.
Also, I did view the video. I saw the theater mode, the in-game currency, and the modes to help support it. All of those things never really caught my attention. Like I said, Treyarch is using the same engine from MW2 for Black Ops. They're not doing anything else other than taking the engine and doing visual changes with it. It's a MW2-like rehash but w/ servers now. Same gameplay, same run-n-gun style of play, same stupid kill-cam nonsense, same everything. There's nothing to uniquely differentiate themselves from the norm. It's just another CoD game that will inherit all the features that MW2 had as well as the flaws it contains.

I quite like the money modes they put in its like a more sophisticated CS , although saying that from a console gamer point of view I like to have a regimented progression.

I hate all this sort of stuff on pc though because u never know if sumone beat you due to having better kit or of they played better, on console its fine though cos the game in general is pritty casual and less about been competative , i mean the whole sitting back with a controller and 20% of people playin been stoned makes it pritty hard to take console games very serously. still gr8 fun though.

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer Overview

sixshot says...

>> ^Matthu:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since October 1st, 2008" class="profilelink">sixshot
Can you enlighten me as to what is the big deal regarding dedicated servers? Is it just so you can set your own server rules/ban people and play with some of the same people?
Also, are you saying VAC sucks and can't keep out the cheaters? Are you rly sure you're not one of those people who think every guy who goes 20-2 is a hacker?
Also, I accuse you of not having watched the video, as if you did, you'd acknowledge that they're doing something huge to differentiate their CoD from the rest: Theater Mode. IMO it was one of the coolest Halo 3 features and seeing it with IWs engine will be a blast.
Lastly, I tend to agree with you regarding the DLC B.S.

For dedicated server, it's been explained by RedSky. But adding to that, it levels out the playing field when it comes to playing against people. In MW2, as the only way to play against others is to either play on other people's machine or become the host, the person who is the host would inevitably be the one with the advantage. However, a dedicated server removes that advantage and it all boils down to whoever has the best connection to the server. From there, it then comes down to a player's reflex and skill. In MW2, what the connecting players see isn't always representative to what's happening. It creates unbalance that favors the hoster more often than the ones who have actual playing skill.

Having a peer-to-peer setup on PC for FPS games is, more often than not, a bad idea. The added delay and the possibility that the networking isn't set up correctly does nothing more than to pile on more problem to the player's experience.

I may have implied that VAC sucks but I didn't explicitly say that it sucks. I am merely saying that VAC as it stands now is inadequate for something a game like this which previously used PunkBuster as its anti-cheating system for years. I know that neither are perfect and that both have their own fair share of deficiencies. But VAC doesn't have a lot of flexibility as far as being proactive in catching cheaters or preventing the lot of them from playing when compared to PunkBuster. PunkBuster has the ability to stream its logs to a variety of places, such as PunksBusted, PBBans, and GGC, just to name a few. And it can also do MD5 checks to make sure that certain files are correct or to check if a certain cheat file is sitting on the player's computer. Yet I cannot think of anything that VAC can do to be more proactive in deterring cheaters.

And no, I do not always view those with high KDR as possible cheaters. I usually give them the benefit of the doubt because we all have that moment where we are simply on fire and everything clicks.

Also, I did view the video. I saw the theater mode, the in-game currency, and the modes to help support it. All of those things never really caught my attention. Like I said, Treyarch is using the same engine from MW2 for Black Ops. They're not doing anything else other than taking the engine and doing visual changes with it. It's a MW2-like rehash but w/ servers now. Same gameplay, same run-n-gun style of play, same stupid kill-cam nonsense, same everything. There's nothing to uniquely differentiate themselves from the norm. It's just another CoD game that will inherit all the features that MW2 had as well as the flaws it contains.

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer Overview

Matthu says...


Can you enlighten me as to what is the big deal regarding dedicated servers? Is it just so you can set your own server rules/ban people and play with some of the same people?

Also, are you saying VAC sucks and can't keep out the cheaters? Are you rly sure you're not one of those people who think every guy who goes 20-2 is a hacker?

Also, I accuse you of not having watched the video, as if you did, you'd acknowledge that they're doing something huge to differentiate their CoD from the rest: Theater Mode. IMO it was one of the coolest Halo 3 features and seeing it with IWs engine will be a blast.

Lastly, I tend to agree with you regarding the DLC B.S.

Free Download Mac DVD Ripper OS X for Ripping DVD Mac (News Talk Post)

Michael Winslow recites the History of the Typewriter

Complicated Universal Cum - I Can Hardly Wait

Michael Moore on Afghanistan: Get Out and Apologize

blankfist says...

We're maintaining hegemony and military bases in 130 countries abroad... because we're stopping genocide in absolutely every one of those cases? O RLY? Wow. We sure are a super awesome nation. Because if we weren't stopping genocide in every one of those cases, then I think those of us who are apologizing for Uncle Sam's war-lust should sit down and listen instead of upselling the few good things the defense spending accomplishes.

Oh, and you say we shouldn't get out of those sovereign countries because 'we broke it so we bought it'? It all makes perfect sense. The more we break, the more we have the right to occupy. It's all becoming so clear. If we can go into a country we don't currently occupy, break it, we can then occupy it as if we own it! That is awesome!

Kasabian Football Hero

marinara (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

okay, so, man + prosthetic tits - women's clothes + auto shop + flirtation with sexy girls = lesbian. I think I understand, but the mathematics of sexual identity I find baffling sometimes.

In reply to this comment by marinara:
RLY? He's in drag AS A LESBIAN A country music lesbian apparently with fully tooled auto garage. I'm not familiar with the automotive lesbian stereotype but...

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Is that a lesbian? I thought it was a man? I'm still so confused.

In reply to this comment by marinara:
funny thing about promoting videos, is that little things make the difference, but brute force doesn't. So, yes, I'm redoing my lesbian garage video!

schmawy (Member Profile)

marinara says...

RLY? He's in drag AS A LESBIAN A country music lesbian apparently with fully tooled auto garage. I'm not familiar with the automotive lesbian stereotype but...

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Is that a lesbian? I thought it was a man? I'm still so confused.

In reply to this comment by marinara:
funny thing about promoting videos, is that little things make the difference, but brute force doesn't. So, yes, I'm redoing my lesbian garage video!

Orly Taitz Gets Sanctioned - Must Pay $20k

Jesus Died LOL - a reaction to a gamertag

HollywoodBob says...

Someone should show this video to Bill O'RLY, so he can see how idyllic his Jesus-topia really would be.

I've given up on public voice channels in games, either everyone gets muted or I open a private channel with my friends, because I simply can't tolerate the rampant adolescent ignorance assaulting my ears.

Between the "adults" shouting "Nigger!" are random intervals, and the squeaky prepubescent boys screeching "faggot" every chance they get, I don't know how anyone can stand having an open comm channel.

Olbermann: Fox is Suffering a Beck Backlash

demon_ix says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
By no measure in no-one's book is the US even remotely the BEST in healthcare.
O RLY? Which country has the best healthcare, then? Back up your trash talk, knave!

(Olbyloon doesn't understand the "backlash" concept, as he's never been popular enough to have a frontlash).

For once, QM, try to give an intelligent answer. What makes the US healthcare system the BEST, in your opinion?

Olbermann: Fox is Suffering a Beck Backlash

quantumushroom says...

By no measure in no-one's book is the US even remotely the BEST in healthcare.

O RLY? Which country has the best healthcare, then? Back up your trash talk, knave!

(Olbyloon doesn't understand the "backlash" concept, as he's never been popular enough to have a frontlash).

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