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Snowden outlines his motivations during first tv interview

chingalera says...

Yogi and radx make the only real point necessary here and that's that information, DIGITAL information especially, is floating about and cannot be contained exclusively, EVER. It 'IS'....You can't control the never-ending, ever-present flow of it BUT-

Certain people will use information for good, some for evil, some to control, some to enlighten and with a view to evolution and meaning, and LIFE.

Death to those who would that information be used for anything but what it is: The free-flow of bits and bites and the purest life-energy.

In the beginning, was the word.

Oh and for shinyblurry: We'll probably never know the 'need-to-know' factors involved in making a decision for ourselves about Snowden and you are correct in intuiting that there is something fishy with Snowden and with all of this. The righteous or, average folks on the planet simply DO NOT have the appropriate clearance to 'know.'

ANY president does not even have this clearance and this is why he wants Snowden back, to face a mock-trial under the mock government's 1918 Espionage act allegations and why the mock so-called journalists can continue to disseminate information that protects and promotes the machine. All are basically being blackmailed into serving this beast, which protects and insulates the most egregious and vile of humanity, so that they may be free and you may be not.

Yes, Mr Beck, Let's Trust the Honorable Capitalists

VoodooV says...

ahh yes, the free market will solve all. The market that has never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever been free and even the founder of capitalism argues that it needs to be regulated.

12 year olds would still be working in sweatshops were it not for regulation. Slavery would still be legal were it not for that pesky meddling gov't

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

enoch says...

read your response.
a lot of postulating and assumptions.
i know (or assume) not with ill-intent,but still there.
gonne have to go bullet form here..blech..loathe bullet form.
please forgive.

1.i did not suggest "full-blown" socialism.nor did i suggest we do what has been tried in the past.
silly,un-imaginative tripe fed by over-paid and dull thinking professors.
ever wonder why there is an economics course and a business admin course?
there is a reason for is theory the other practical application.
and economists get it wrong...and often. mentioned twice socialism in relation to fascism.
are you aware they are not even on the same playing card?
meh..i guess we could call the corporate socialism we have now a form of fascism...but it would be a stretch.
do not confuse a political system with an economic one. think everything should be subject to a free market.even firefighters,police and roads.
i do not think you thought that particular nugget through.

the problems with socialism are well documented and well understood.
as are the problems with capitalism.
the real problems arise when things are not taught properly.

problems arise when people are taught that democracy and capitalism are somehow like peas and carrots.meant for each other.
that they are the end all be all and make jesus smile.

corporate propaganda bullshit.
france is a democracy.
they have capitalism AND socialism.
in fact..when you look how how many of the european socialist countries are doing and compare them seem to be doing quite well for themselves.
so i dont know where you get your "socialism is a failure" idea from.

i guess i owe you an thought i was attacking you in some manner.not at all.
i was stating your right to disagree with me.

i was not conflating that somehow socialized medicine is somehow better or produces better health and that somehow a free market person wants death to all kittens.

my point is that health care should be a collective project but i believe i also entertained a free market solution as well.
BUT..the playing field has level for all players.
it appears that some of my comments you took as directed towards you my friend.
this is not the case.
unless you ARE healthcare and in that case i am in the matrix.

the quote i posted is from adam smith.from his stellar book 'wealth of nations".
too bad his words have been twisted and contorted to not even have the same meaning anymore.oftentimes it is professors who perpetrate this travesty.

what adam smith was trying to convey is that for a free market to truly work as balancing agent and force corrector there had to be absolute liberty.
but we dont have that do we?
therefore it stands to reason we cannot have a free market.

ok ok.
i do not "feel" we live in a plutocracy.
i know it.
a legislation that has been purchased by wall street and corporate elite to enact laws which benefit them and their companies in the form of capital gain definition..plutocracy.

smart ass

look man.
i think we are coming from the same place but have come to different conclusions.
you know..opinions.

you mentioned cuba as an example of poor socialized medicine.
well allow me to point out bangledesh slums,or somlia and their roving band of warlords.
they have free markets.

the discussion you and i are having is really 'what is governments role".
i agree with so many of your points..truly.
in my opinion the governments role in regards to commerce should be that a fraud police.thats it.
AND to dissolve the corporation and go back to the 1864 model.
if we cant do that at least..the very least...rewrite the corporate charter.
if we cant do that can we at LEAST put back the line "for the public good" (removed in 1967 or 68).
and make these huge entities accountable for their actions and made liable for any and all :death,destruction,disease and suffering.

could we..could we ..please pa..could we?

weeeeell,thats never gonna happen.the reason the west developed was due to governments and corporations getting in bed with each other.
no way america would have the standard of living we have without that ugly beast.

people think america goes to war for ideology?
ha! not a chance.
its fucking business baby!

my friend there are no easy answers.
and i apologize if you took my previous comment as an attack on you in any way.
never..ever ever.
i respect and admire you immensely.
though i disagree with you on this,that will never take away on how i perceive you.

i am a dissident.
an anarchist.
i have unplugged from the system many moons ago.i refuse to feed the beast.
i did my duty and gave this country a few years and then turned my back and walked away.
which i know may seem in contradiction to what i am proposing in regards to healthcare.
maybe i am naive in some respects,but government does have a role and i would prefer it to be at the betterment of its citizens.
social security has been a great success (not according to some people but look at the has been fantastic).

you are so right that this is not an issue handled and packaged in one easy takes discussion of hard truths.
but for that to happen there has to be respect and i respect you immensely my friend.
it is getting late and i am one pooped lil puppy.
but i am fully enjoying my conversation with you.

let me end with sharing a man who makes an argument so much better than i could.
he is an he is probably wrong.

Impression Rhapsody

Part 1: Obama talks race and Trayvon case

bareboards2 says...

Never ever EVER engage a troll. I can feel the hard-on from here. "Somebody said something to me! Somebody said something to me! I'm a really important person now!"

I knew that.

Well, I got my booster shot of knowledge. That should last me for awhile.

How you doing, Richard? You alright?

M4SONIC does it again.... Now with two launchpads. Awesome!

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

Sagemind says...

I was raised around guns, I've been trained with guns through the Hunter Core program. Purely for hunting game. (not human targets on the shooting range - mostly tin cans and paper circle targets.)

I've seen rampant gun use by teens because they thought guns were cool. I've seen my dog get his eye shot out because the neighbor kid didn't know the gun he just loaded was loaded. I've seen powder burns up the arm of a friend who thought it would be cool to saw off a shot gun and fire it. I was standing there when a good friend fired a rifle and the barrel exploded showering us all in shrapnel as it ripped apart his ear drums.

I was trained to handle guns, how to hold them, and all the safety and respect that anyone needs to handle guns. But that doesn't change the fact that they can be dangerous.

I live in Canada, yes, I could go out and get a gun any time I wanted, but our culture on guns is different. I don't feel the need to own one and I know the guy next to me isn't holding a concealed one. I have never let my kids have any toy gun that looked like a gun. (Nerf is ok) Guns are never toys - ever - and I've taught my kids that their entire life, just like matches and fire aren't toys. You just don't mess around with them.

I don't own a gun now nor do I ever see myself owning one. I like the culture of not needing to own one. I can understand a rifle and a shotgun for hunting (locked in a gun safe when not used.) I don't understand and cannot support the necessity for handguns and automatic weapons. Even semi-automatic weapons are unnecessary. Having an Uzi is just plain ridiculous as it's only intended use is for killing humans. That's just how I feel.

On the flip side....

I do understand the need for a militia. They are an integral part of a free society. the last defense against invasion and more so against government forces when the military is turned against the people.

I just don't believe military weapons should be kept in a home environment. There are any number of places they can be stored but at the very least - a proper gun locker with a lock is the only alternative. I don't care whether you have kids living in the home or not. I also don't think anyone should be in possession of military weapons unless they are registered with the militia.

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Tired of that $2.6 Million Program that Teaches Chinese Prostitutes to Drink?

by John Ransom

Liberty is about a lot of things; it’s a deep topic. But at its core liberty can be summed up in one simple and reciprocal concept. That concept is respect.

You know the 2010 last election was about many things, but it was mostly about respect.

It was about starting to restore the respect that people have in government, by getting the government to restore the respect that they show to you…by taking liberty seriously.

If you are like me, you think that many of our elected officials from both the right and the left truly believe that what they think of you is much more important than what you think of them.

If you’re like me you’re tired of a trillion dollars in so-called stimulus spending that went to mob-connected asphalt contractors rather than the pockets of working families who own businesses and pay taxes and do all the working and dreaming in this country.

If you’re like me, you’re tired of a $2.6 million program that teaches Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly while unemployment soars across the country.

If you’re like me, you're tired of an arrogant federal government which pays out $47 billion in fraudulent claims in Medicare every year while they lecture the rest of us about healthcare economics.

If you are like me, you’re tired of the US Postal service wasting $30 million on a program that pays 1100 employees to do nothing. Yes, today, the US Post Office sat 1100 employees in empty rooms, as they do every day, and literally paid them to do nothing. They can’t play cards; they can’t watch TV, in fact they can’t do anything at all. To the tune of $30 million per year.

Yet this very same federal government comes to us now and proposes to manage our healthcare, our retirement, the education of our children, the auto industry, the oil industry, pharmaceuticals, the mortgage industry and lectures the American people that they are under-regulated.

If you’re a middle American like me, from the grassroots, I bet you know someone who owns their own business; if you’re like me you probably know someone who has paid employees of that business on time every week, but hasn’t been able to pay themselves a dime. Yet these very same people who provide half the new jobs in our economy, who have lost money over the last few years, still owe the government tens of thousands of dollars in taxes every year. People wonder where our jobs have gone? They’ve been crushed by a system that doesn’t honor job creation; by a system that doesn’t honor liberty; a system that gives no respect.

And if you are like most of the voters I speak to, you are tired of insiders from Washington and Wall Street on both sides of the aisle, and their wasteful spending schemes that don’t even propose to solve the very issues facing Main Street and working families.

Let’s suppose global warming is real; I don’t think it is, but let’s say it's so for the sake of argument. Show me please how the Renewable Electricity Standard-- which will cost American families $1800 per year-- please show me how it’s going to lower the earth’s temperature. They can’t because the Renewable Electricity Standard wasn’t created to combat global warming and it won’t lower the earth’s temperature.

Ok, so let’s suppose the issue is carbon emission; that carbon is really bad and we have to get it out of our atmosphere. Show me please how the Renewable Electricity Standard is going to reduce the amount of carbon in our atmosphere. They can’t. It wasn’t designed to do that and it won’t do that.

The government doesn't write legislation with solutions in mind, but rather with power and control of your very lives. And it is inside of your lives where you will wrestle back that control.

I’m often reminded that it’s with readers just like you where many of the seminal events of our country happened. It’s in rooms just like you’re in right now that a small group of patriots in Massachusetts planned the Boston Tea Party; it’s in groups just like you are a part of today that was born the Mayflower Compact; it’s in the free association of our citizens, for the common good and with common respect, that the greatness and goodness of our country will always be found.

And as long as people like you, freely associate for the common good and meet in respect, our country will always remain both great and good.

But ordinary people are paying attention, actually reading the Constitution; people are actually asking questions about the 10th Amendment, asking: What kind of power does Washington really have over us?

Unfortunately, there aren’t enough people who have been awakened to that yet, that’s why readers like you are so important. Each individual reading this is so incredibly important because the job you have this year as a citizen has never, ever, ever been more important. The 2012 election is going to determine what it’s like to live in this country for a long time. It’s going to be people just like you, having conversation just like this, in rooms across America that are going to make a difference.

This is the chance to turn the tide. The chance we have today is to bury that last vestiges of big government in our country; to reclaim our liberty from a new deal and replace it with a true deal.

I’ve been very fortunate because over the last half dozen years I’ve been able to travel all around the country working with grassroots activists just like you. I understand, I think, better than elected officials, what makes the grassroots so special. It's you and your ability to communicate.

We have all these new tools available for citizens to communicate that just a few years ago we didn’t have. A few years ago readers wouldn’t have been as energized and as informed because we didn’t have the ability to communicate as we do now. We have been so fractured and fragmented all around the country and around the nation that we feel like we can’t do anything, that Washington is so big and out of touch that we can’t do anything.

In fact, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Now is the time we really do have the opportunity. For the first time in our history ordinary citizens have the ability to communicate with one another over the heads of the media in publications like Townhall. We are networked on social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter that expose us to thousands of people for free.

But when I was growing up there were three TV stations and two newspapers in every town that decided what the news was. There were probably a dozen people in any town that picked our news for us.

Those days are over.

This election isn’t about voting for the next person standing in a long line of elites who will rule over us; it’s about what kind of country we want to be in the future.

It’s about preserving the American dream right here right now. Because when they mess with our liberty, they really mess with our ability to dream.

I believe that the ability to dream is worth handing down to our kids.

I believe that it’s our dreams that makes us the most dynamic country in the world.

It’s the dream that brings jobs and prosperity to the US.

It’s a dream that treats promises like they really matter.

And it’s the dreams that are the promise of America.

Because when politicians treat the promises they campaign on like they matter, when they are held accountable to those pledges-- by us-- we will restore the respect they owe us.

kymbos (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

I am so turned on right now. Damn, kymbos!
In reply to this comment by kymbos:
It's hard to appear dumb when your profile pic is Dr Strangelove and you use terms like 'vagina cats' and 'glory holes' while berating the immaturity of the internet. I salute you!
In reply to this comment by poolcleaner:
In reply to this comment by kymbos:
You're on a roll. Please keep going...
In reply to this comment by poolcleaner:
A humpback whale? Real mature, guys. Next thing you know we're posting videos about sperm whales and vagina cats.

Whew..! Kymbos -- thank GOD, I was worried that I was just posting the first lame thing that came to my head and ignorantly appeared to be some dumb asshole that makes immature, low brow, unapplauded, and not-so insightful comments about otherwise top 10 material.

With your blessing, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Scientologists, this annihilation wave will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever end. Glory! (holes)

poolcleaner (Member Profile)

kymbos says...

It's hard to appear dumb when your profile pic is Dr Strangelove and you use terms like 'vagina cats' and 'glory holes' while berating the immaturity of the internet. I salute you!
In reply to this comment by poolcleaner:
In reply to this comment by kymbos:
You're on a roll. Please keep going...
In reply to this comment by poolcleaner:
A humpback whale? Real mature, guys. Next thing you know we're posting videos about sperm whales and vagina cats.

Whew..! Kymbos -- thank GOD, I was worried that I was just posting the first lame thing that came to my head and ignorantly appeared to be some dumb asshole that makes immature, low brow, unapplauded, and not-so insightful comments about otherwise top 10 material.

With your blessing, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Scientologists, this annihilation wave will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever end. Glory! (holes)

kymbos (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

In reply to this comment by kymbos:
You're on a roll. Please keep going...
In reply to this comment by poolcleaner:
A humpback whale? Real mature, guys. Next thing you know we're posting videos about sperm whales and vagina cats.

Whew..! Kymbos -- thank GOD, I was worried that I was just posting the first lame thing that came to my head and ignorantly appeared to be some dumb asshole that makes immature, low brow, unapplauded, and not-so insightful comments about otherwise top 10 material.

With your blessing, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Scientologists, this annihilation wave will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever end. Glory! (holes)

The Walking Dead AND Episode 11, Season 2 --Spoilers-- (Scifi Talk Post)

Ryjkyj says...

Dude @dystopianfuturetoday Read the effing books. If you have any interest at all, you're doing yourself a great disservice by just watching the show. I'm serious, read the books. Every episode you watch is going to ruin the experience of the books a little bit more.

Now that I've had some time to think about it, I guess I'm comfortable with the major event of Dale's death at least. I would like to have seen the comic narrative played out by real actors but I guess we just all have to accept that it's not going to happen. But if they are going to take the series in different directions, then in order to remain at least similar to the comics, all characters must be fair game at all times. Not only that, but the idea of important people dying for stupid, pointless reasons is also central to the books.

In fact, if the books have one major through-line that would be essential to the TV series if it was supposed to be similar at all, it's this: Every single chapter needs to be an exercise in how you can make a situation worse than you thought possible. Any positive improvement in the situation of the characters should be just positive enough so that you can be let down again by the next major catastrophe.

And that's why TV might not be a good medium for this show. Because according to tradition, TV absolutely must have some bullshit, touchy-feely message at the end of every bullshit episode. And must never-ever-ever-ever broach even semi-serious subjects like the relationship between a nineteen-year-old and a sixty-year-old, and certainly never one so serious as how to treat a child who has committed murder.

Joe Horn: Has Shotgun, Will Defend Neighbors (911 call)

thumpa28 says...

Whatever point you were making is lost in your juvenility.Try leaving out the personal insults next time, you might be saying something worth hearing.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Hive13:
>> ^Yogi:
So now just being on someones property means you will die instantly? Maybe we can mechanize this in some way...make sure that no living thing will EVER trespass again!
You're too stupid to understand the complexities of this world. Never ever ever join the military or a police force or even umpire little league you sad stupid man.

I served honorably in the Army for six years and received multiple commendations for exemplary service, am a licensed concealed handgun holder in Texas, do more community service in my area than you have probably dreamed of and am a father of four.
Thank you for basically nullifying any sort of argument you may have had in this "debate" and taking the low route to try and prove your point.

Ok here's something that unnullifies my point. My mother was raped and murdered while she was alone in our home when I was 3. I still believe that you cannot just decide someone is deserving of having no life immediately when they trespass or rob you and I do not agree with the Castle Doctrine the most insane piece of legislation since 3 strikes.
So again...Go Fuck Yourself and learn maybe ONE DAY that the world is Not black and white. There isn't a good and an evil, it's all gray.

Joe Horn: Has Shotgun, Will Defend Neighbors (911 call)

gwiz665 says...

Whether you agree with it or not is irrelephant. The law is what it is.
>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Hive13:
>> ^Yogi:
So now just being on someones property means you will die instantly? Maybe we can mechanize this in some way...make sure that no living thing will EVER trespass again!
You're too stupid to understand the complexities of this world. Never ever ever join the military or a police force or even umpire little league you sad stupid man.

I served honorably in the Army for six years and received multiple commendations for exemplary service, am a licensed concealed handgun holder in Texas, do more community service in my area than you have probably dreamed of and am a father of four.
Thank you for basically nullifying any sort of argument you may have had in this "debate" and taking the low route to try and prove your point.

Ok here's something that unnullifies my point. My mother was raped and murdered while she was alone in our home when I was 3. I still believe that you cannot just decide someone is deserving of having no life immediately when they trespass or rob you and I do not agree with the Castle Doctrine the most insane piece of legislation since 3 strikes.
So again...Go Fuck Yourself and learn maybe ONE DAY that the world is Not black and white. There isn't a good and an evil, it's all gray.

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