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Elizabeth Warren's First Banking Committee Hearing - YES!

Django Unchained - Bag Men Scene

RFlagg says...

I also put this up behind Pulp Fiction (Kill Bill might be higher, but this is way up there anyhow)... I didn't see Death Proof, and Reservoir Dogs isn't super high on my list (was perhaps in a bad mood the one day I tried to watch it, it is one of those films I want to see again and give a chance to).

Would you wear this elegantly cocky necklace?

zebishop says...

Here is the english version (I shortened it a bit) :
"A gift that can make someone really happy. Dicky our solid silver pendant that will fill your girlfriend, your wife or your mistress with wonder. Take a closer look at this sublime jewelery that I'm wearing. Delight for the eyes, delight for luxury also michel bevause dicky is one of a kind that will be the perfect match for an evening dress weared on the skin, or even a mohair pullover. Dicky will makes you an elegant women and sophisticated woman in all occasion.

We can have a closer look of the pendent details, with exquisite grooves and a bigger piece at the end of it. But it's not over as I kept the best for the end because Dicky is not a simple jewel like the other. You can express your mood with a nice feature added by the designers. Happy, not happy, happy, not happy."

Afghanistan's Girl Skaters

spawnflagger says...

but if this school existed in Pakistan, the Taliban would go and kill some, if not all the girls in it, then ban skateboarding for girls - the day after they saw this video about it. Sorry to bring down the mood.

Great White Shark Marks His Territory.

Penn Jillette's Heated Argument About Connecticut Shooting

ChaosEngine says...

Jesus Christ, I'm in FAVOUR of gun control and this was one of the worst arguments for it I've ever seen.

Leaving the fucked up mood whiplash at the start, the very first point was factually incorrect.

New Extreme Sport: Trampoline Wall. Christophe Hamel Demo

Sticker shock: Why are glasses so expensive?

RedSky says...

Well, as far as I know, I don't have any corporate sponsors that are financing the dissemination of my opinion for their own interests ... that I know of?

Hold on, you're twisting my words. I'm making a statement of social science, not of ethics. I'm not in the mood to argue ethics, generally have a mixed opinion, and don't like discussing it since it becomes purely an emotional argument.

On a theoretical basis, you would say in the market for labour, competition pushes labour costs down to their equilibrium demand/supply level. If there are a shortage of skilled workers for an X industry or skill set, the price or wage goes up, or vice versa. That's why you typically see union structures in less skilled or more standardised rather than specialised job types. Those, with a high quantity of people possessing said skills for the job.

But as always it's a trade-off. If firms in a particular industry or skill subset start paying too little for their workers, less people will decide to study it, and they will miss out on the talent and skill pool of those who were incentivised into other industries. On that basis unions aren't necessarily good or bad for industries.

On a personal level, I'd say that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with unions and they make perfect sense. Firms organise themselves into trade associations and it would be naive to say that they don't share information on wage levels, or for that matter that this kind of information is not freely available. Why shouldn't the counterparty in the so-called market for labour not be able to organise themselves equally?

As for your last comment on whether competing is always necessary, I tend to have a pretty cynical view of the world and believe that people are generally consciously or subconsciously acting in their own interests. You may point out altruism and I will say people are satisfying a innate biological need to help others, a characteristic that would have come about in our cavemen days when co-operating distinguished your survival ability from other tribes, but ultimately something motivated in you by the evolutionary survival advantage that it conferred to you rather than any pure form of altruism.

Economics as a theory of study is pretty much predicated on this notion. What is the extent of the truth of this in reality? Who knows. I have little ability if any to truly glance into the mind of what anyone else is thinking or what motivates them.

renatojj said:

@RedSky when you accuse different opinions of special interests, it makes you seem unaware of the special interests in your own opinions. I want to address some statements you made.

If putting downward pressure on prices is always desirable, aren't you just thinking as a consumer and specifically in regards to goods? If downward pressure is put on, say, the price of wages or services, would that be desirable for workers or servers?

Saying unions don't affect competitiveness, makes me think you're missing something fundamental about the nature of unions: workers coming together so they can keep the price of their wages and benefits above what companies would pay them if they were competing with each other instead. That's anti-competitive.

Is that good or bad?

Neither. You see, that's the problem with bad economics: trying to assert that something is good or bad, without taking into account all the groups involved, without considering all the angles.

Unions are usually bad for companies, but they're good for workers. So, are unions bad for competitiveness? YES, they obviously diminsh competitiveness among workers. Is that a failure of the market? NOOOO, the market is not failing there. People don't always have to compete, they should compete when they should, and shouldn't when they shouldn't, it's up to them to figure it out.

There is no "compete as much as possible" rule to make a market work. Competing also wastes resources, you know? Otherwise no one would ever see a benefit in cooperating instead of competing all the time.

Introvert or Extrovert - Often Misunderstood - What are you?

Introvert or Extrovert - Often Misunderstood - What are you?

SveNitoR says...

No it's not stupid (and you are not stupid for thinking that it is stupid). Social anxiety is a spectrum, and it is a normal, healthy reaction to be careful around strangers. Most humans are especially anxious around people we know only a little, since we think the first impression is important and the relationship is fragile and new. Total strangers don't matter as much and people we know well we often trust not to judge or hurt us.

That said I do not mean to come of as condescending and to belittle your fear (I know from personal experience how crippling it can be), but rather that nothing constructive comes from judging yourself and adding self-criticism to your anxiety and shame. You can not control your emotions directly, since they are a basic, instinctual, almost immediate reaction to a perceived (potentially deadly) threat. What you can do is try to change how you react to them afterwards, what you see as a potential threat, what you assume are truths about yourself and others in social situations and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Being shy or having social anxiety is not inherently good or bad, it just is the way it is.

A lot of text to answer a few words, but it's just that I hear a lot of people call themselves stupid because they can't do what is more or less superhuman feats (in this case to directly control emotions). Try to be kind to yourself, and to forgive yourself when you fail to be kind to yourself.

Sorry if I assumed too much and interpreted what you wrote in a wrong way, since a lot of what I wrote assumes a whole bunch of stuff about you.

Personally I'm a mix depending on mood and need both social situations and solitude to recharge. I don't much like bars, but I love to be on a sparsely populated dance floor when I'm drunk enough.

Jinx said:

Anywai, I have a lot of social anxiety. I really care what people I've just met and might never see again think of me. And its stupid.

MDH: Follow Like Sheep

oritteropo says...

I thought the audio worked quite well as a soundtrack to the terrific B movie footage, although I'm also not quite sure how well it would stand alone... I might not have upvoted it as an audiosift myself (mood depending).
>> ^PlayhousePals:

Can't say I'm enamored with the uh, "music" ... but there is some terrific B movie footage here =o)

When Should You Shoot a Cop?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

That's OK - but you misunderstood the meaning of the * discuss invocation. It's used for when there i a problem. A video that violates a guideline, or something similar in the comments. Ta. >> ^shveddy:

Oops, I figured that sending something to the sift talk is pretty self explanitory. I find a topic interesting, and I'm randomly in the mood to talk about it. I thought that my previous comments would indicate how I feel about it.
And hey, I don't necessarily log into videosift every ten hours - especially when I'm cramming for an analytical chemistry exam.

When Should You Shoot a Cop?

shveddy says...

Oops, I figured that sending something to the sift talk is pretty self explanitory. I find a topic interesting, and I'm randomly in the mood to talk about it. I thought that my previous comments would indicate how I feel about it.

And hey, I don't necessarily log into videosift every ten hours - especially when I'm cramming for an analytical chemistry exam.

Amiina - Sicsak

shagen454 says...

I definitely would not call this emo. It seems to be more influenced by minimalism and seventies german space rock. It may not require amazing talent, but who cares about talent when they have a vision and a desire and passion to make it come alive? This is the sound of universal life.

>> ^chingalera:

...because I would enjoy an enlightening discussion on the subject of anyone's innate ability to produce soothing or otherwise beneficial tones on objects at hand, be they electronic, percussive, etc.
This video is like watching a camera on at some folks place that have a variety of musical apparatus around. They probably have distilled spirits or were at the very least, inspired by the same.
It's probably cold outside.
Not much to do but shiver.
Suns gone for weeks at a time.
This dirge transmits and set the mood. I'm cold. Time to make popcorn and ribs.

Amiina - Sicsak

chingalera says...


...because I would enjoy an enlightening discussion on the subject of anyone's innate ability to produce soothing or otherwise beneficial tones on objects at hand, be they electronic, percussive, etc.

This video is like watching a camera on at some folks place that have a variety of musical apparatus around. They probably have distilled spirits or were at the very least, inspired by the same.
It's probably cold outside.
Not much to do but shiver.
Suns gone for weeks at a time.
This dirge transmits and set the mood. I'm cold. Time to make popcorn and ribs.

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