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Procrastinatron (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

Your very first video made top 15!! What a great start...and it looks like your others are headed in that direction also! I might as well just quit now - you're taking over the site.

I enjoyed watching your videogame violence one and your marijuana one too (that was a long one but worth the watch)...I really like how you choose things that promote discussion...I hope there will be many more comments on them.

As for the music...I wasn't sure if you grew up listening to that music or not and if that is why you liked it. Though I like the new stuff, I still have a special fondness for 80's and 90's music because it brings back so many good memories when I listen to it. I still think Pink Floyd kicks ass though, (when I'm in the mood for it).

My favorite Pink Floyd song:

Procrastinatron said:

Thanks! I'll try to get some more interesting stuff up since (I think) I've still got another empty queue spot.

And really, to be perfectly fair, I've only started listening to some of these old classics very recently, so I'm sort of still in that phase where the love is all hot and bothered.

Dad Uses Kit Kat Bar to Trick Baby Into Eating Veggies

Sniper007 says...

I wasn't being literal. I just meant they know candy holds no virtue or health for the human body. It's a vice, something to be avoided, as it negatively effects your blood sugars almost immediately which in turn can affect mood, and thus behavior. And yes, diabetes is something high sugar consumtion can lead to. You can get as technical as you want in describing every step down that road. I don't know all the details, and one doesn't need to know about a disease in order to avoid it.

aaronfr said:

Well then maybe you should have a talk with them since they are clearly misinformed. Candy/sugar doesn't cause diabetes. It can make you fat which can trigger the onset of diabetes which some people are genetically predisposed towards, but that is very different from causing it.

Feed your kids right but don't lie to them.

I Am Duck! Hear Me Roar - I Mean Quack!

digitalpimp (Member Profile)

cdimetry says...

You are back !!! welcome back buddy ! and thank you for the pp
Glad to hear that you were having fun get your mood back fast !

digitalpimp said:

Congrats on the silver!! I was at a buddy's cottage for the last few days and it was fanfuckingtastic. I'll get to posting again, the mood has to strike me.

Wanda Sykes Worked For The NSA?

ChaosEngine says...

"Get off facebook"? What a retarded argument.

First, what I put on facebook has a select audience, i.e. people I've chosen to be friends with.

Second, I don't trust facebook, so I assume that anything I say is pretty much public there anyway.

Just because people say some things in a public forum does not mean that they forfeit the right to privacy.

I think Sykes has seriously misjudged the mood around this, and I'll be interested to see where her already pedestrian career goes after this.

If Xbox One Were a Girl

lavoll (Member Profile)

What's Causing The Traffic Jam?.......Oh, I SEE!!

What's Causing The Traffic Jam?.......Oh, I SEE!!

sweet little cat

chingalera says...

I checked my pm, no response, they either bailed and could give a damn or chicchoreas' correct in assuming a poser (trust the same's impeccable observations thus far)-Feel free to do with the account as the mood strikes, I'm gonna play the Pontious Pilate card now that the devil's advocateur has had 12 hours or so...

Fox News Tramples the Constitution - John Stewart

Guy wont give girlfriend ice cream narrated by Chris Webber

How to Handle the Police When You're Videotaping

st0nedeye says...

So it's Christmas eve, I'm having dinner with my parents in rural Colorado, they also have some of their friends and neighbors over, including a nearby neighbor who's a local sheriff, nice guy, I know him ok. Everybody's having a good time, laughing and telling stories.
He tells us this hilarious story about when he got pissed off and choked and beat a sixteen year old for skateboarding on the sidewalk. Killed the mood.

Cops are fucked up. Even good cops are fucked up.

Unsheathed katana - practise fail compilation

highdileeho says...

Just have to say. I don't get it. Is it useful? is there a point? is there a reason? Is there a purpose? It all seems like tradition for traditions sake. I admit it takes time and practice, but is it a skill? and if so, I need to smoke what your smoking, because to me it's just middle aged men cutting shit with a sharp object.

And since i'm in a terrible mood i would also like to say; when did videosift turn into Seems like the whole purpose of this web community is lost in a sea of lame shit I can see somewhere else. Why dosen't siftbot copy and past reddit's entire front page onto videosifts and just save everyone else the trouble.

I guess this website it practicing in the art of futility, just like this video.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

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