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The Evolutionary Advantage of Really Annoying Babies

noims says...

I think the context is just a series of funny talks. You'll laugh at a comedian doing normal things (pauses, exaggerated expressions) just because you're ready for them to make you laugh. Warm-up acts - or in this case other talks - help get you in the mood.

Having said that, I laughed through it myself. His timing of the first line was spot on.

artician said:

UH, no... There must be some context here that's not explained during the video, because, unless they dubbed in canned laughter to make the talk sound more exciting, the entire audience was laughing at entirely normal comments and statements the guy made. That only happens if there's some pretext they were all aware of, that viewers of the recording missed out on.
This was not as funny as the audio track made it sound. I get humor. This was something else.

Celebrities Read Mean Tweets #7

THIS SITE IS A JOKE (Comedy Talk Post)

mygamesarefun says...

Haha! I didn't realize this was gonna get so much notice. I just got back on and now I understand a little bit more on how the website works and I was already in a bad mood when I initially wrote this. The only thing I thought was hilarious was when that one guy was like "they own three/fourths of your assets". Well considering I'm broke as hell, go ahead and take my 75 cents. Anyways yeah my apologies I was pissed as hell when I wrote this but now it's all good in the hood. With that said I do think you guys need to be a little bit clearer and just a suggestion you could add a section for youtubers themselves to post their videos. @dag @lucky760

sad anime soundtrack collection

BoneRemake says...

Do you honestly have no clue as to what you do ?

The only thing I personaly respect about what you do with the ban thing is that you adhere the Terms of service ( which everyone reads of course right ??? ).

The rest of the time you deny possible gems in the rough without any warning.

I mean I do not want to be so in your face, but to see you write that made me mad. You have denied so many possible peole here without any incling of the genuine purpose of the site, you just outright ban people and we are not stupid, it is so you can garner some form of level up, you got called on a lot of things in the past in that regard. SERIOUSLY ? ? you ask her why she explained that ??

TELL YOU WHAT , I honestly told people exactly what she did in a pm, while you asked your silly little funnel of a question. What makes people pissed is that you give no quarter, you give no choice ( to most - obviously some are blatent www. whores ) but you have a black and white for the most part.

So do not be impressed or decompressed when someone actually explains something to someone, I have been doing it for years on the opposite behalf of you. Lately I just got tired of it for the past year and couldn't give a shit.

But I am in a talking mood, I love ya enough to write this because it astounded me as to your obliviousness to actually giving someone a chance, not just this video in general, this video was the scratch test and the lattice grew.

WHEWWWWW free therapy !

chicchorea said:

...with all due respect...?...

Long live the Queen, Frank Turner

eric3579 says...

I was sipping on a Whiskey when I got the call
Yeah my friend Lex was lying in the hospital
She'd been pretty sick for about half a year
But it seems liked this time the end was drawing near
So dropped my plans and jumped the next London train
I found her laid up and in a lot of pain
Her eyes met mine and then I understood
That her weather forecast wasn't looking too good
So I sat and spun her stories for a little while
Tried to raise her mood and tried to raise a smile
But she silenced all my rambling with a shake of her head
Drew me close and listen this is what she said now

"You'll live to dance another day,
it's just now you'll have to dance, for the two of us,
so stop looking so damn depressed
and sing with all your heart that the Queen is dead"

Yeah she told me she was sick of all the hospital food
And of doctors, distant relatives, draining her blood
She said "I know I'm dying, but I'm not finished just yet,
I am dying for a drink and for a cigarette"
So we hatched a plan to book ourselves a cheap hotel
In the centre of the City and to raise some Hell
They waste to all the clubs and then when everyone else is long asleep
We know we're good and done

"You'll live to dance another day,
it's just now you'll have to dance, for the two of us,
so stop looking so damn depressed
and sing with all your heart that the Queen is dead"
And South London's not the same anymore
The Queen is dead, and the last of the great has finally gone to bed

Well I was working on some words when Sarah called me up
She said that Lex had gone asleep and wasn't waking up
And even though I knew that there was nothing to be done
I felt bad for not being there and now, well, she was gone
So I tried to think what Lex would want me to do
At times like this when I was feeling blue
So I gathered up some friends to spread the sad sad news
And we headed to the City for a drink or two
And we sang

"We live to dance another day,
it's just now we have to dance for one more of us,
so stop looking so damn depressed,
and sing with all our hearts, long live the Queen"

overdude (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

Same thing for me! The first time I sat by myself and listened to that song, I bawled, and I still get misty-eyed or more a solid 90% of the time. The honesty of his music and how humble he remains in the face of increasing global success set him apart from most.

I can't even pick a favorite album. It's just whatever I'm in the mood for in that moment.

overdude said:

LOVE Frank Turner. "Long Live The Queen" is one of my all time favorites, by Frank, or anyone else. Probably on of the hardest rocking songs that actually made me cry the first time I heard it. Go ahead.... click the provided link and "enjoy."

Andrew Bird - Three White Horses

lurgee (Member Profile)

radx says...

Well, in that case, here is an MI5 whistleblower's very eloquent attempt to ruin your mood for the day. And here an artist makes secrecy visible, including rendition flights, spy satellites, the works -- very entertaining.

lurgee said:

Oh I am highly interested in this stuff. I watched most of the Tor vid the other day on YouTube and was going to post it but you beat me to it. To me this is more important than any other issue out there(besides "The War on Terror" and the drones). The masses should turn off their idiot boxes and their talking heads on the radio and be more concerned about this. Thanks for the info sir!

i had a black dog-his name was depression

entr0py says...

It's hard to say if the chemical evidence of depression is cause or effect. I don't genuinely believe in free will, because I don't see how it's possible. And yet, I've got to think that we have control over our thoughts, and that exercising that control can gradually effect our mood. If I am a machine, I am the kind that continually struggles with this problem and can't predict how it will end up.

vaire2ube said:

Depression is chemical. You can't WILL your neurotransmitters to do anything. Depression doesnt mean you're sad. To me, it means you're realistic. Reality is depressing. Everyone is wasting time until they die and causing suffering through ignorance.

The medication makes it manageable so you can lift the veil a bit and see that your perception, like the happy person, is just that - your own. Taking medication doesnt make the world less depressing, but it gives you the strength to get enough time in to have some hope... even if its just the hope that maybe you're wrong... thats enough for me.

also exercise diet and environment. i find cities incredibly depressing.

Skydivers Escape Two Airplanes in Midair Collision

AeroMechanical says...

To be honest, if I film something spectacular the news wants to show (in between their commercials), I want my cut. Exceptions could be made for genuinely non-profit news outlets of course, but I don't believe for a second that applies to the major network news outlets.

I'd also, of course, be happy to provide it to law enforcement, the NTSB, FAA, or whoever needs it for official reasons or evidence.

edit: I suppose there is also a "public good" angle. I wouldn't, for instance, charge for something like the LAPD beating on Rodney King, nor would I be inclined to just hand it over to the LAPD themselves, internal affairs or otherwise. That's a special case though, and today we have things like Youtube.

Final thought edit: Come to think of it, I find this depressing. My media news pretty much comes exclusively from NPR, the BBC, PBS and Al Jazeera, and this is a good illustration of why. They're certainly biased, but at least they're trying rather than towing some company line dictated by commercial pressure.

How I got onto this rant based on a cool video of two planes crashing in mid air without anybody getting seriously hurt is a bit of a mystery though. I must be in one of those moods.

Meanwhile 2

Sports Go Sports by Garfunkel and Oates

CrushBug says...

I love sport finals. I go over to people's houses for the Grey/Stanley Cup, Superbowl, whatever. I roll in there with my snack food, alcohol, and chips. The mood is electric and as the game is about to begin, I look around the room and ask:

"OK, who is playing?"

Wow, do I get some funny looks. When they ask why I don't know the teams or what is going on I reply very sincerely that I am here to drink alcohol, eat snack foods, and yell at the TV, and this is pretty much the only environment that allows me to do that.

They have fun their way, I have fun mine.

One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

VoodooV says...

I find it interesting how people are conflating the whole "was he in his right to not answer" issue and "was he a dick" issue into the same thing.. They are very much two separate things and if you can't see that, you've lost perspective.

Once again, we have another situation where people are being dicks to to their fellow citizens over a rule that neither of them came up with. You're just driving? Well they're just doing their job.

If you got a problem with the checkpoint, take it up with the mayor, councilperson, governor or whoever came up with the law. and your personal crusade to be a top uploader on Youtube isn't relevant.

I'm getting sick of this building up of this antagonism between our fellow citizens when the person who actually responsible with the rule gets much less grief or no grief.

You wonder why some cops are in a bad mood? maybe its because they catch all kinds of hell for rules that maybe even they think are stupid too.

How High Frequency Trading Works

bamdrew says...

This show may not be for you, but I'm concerned that you're too quick to toss it aside based on a misconception...

If you listen again, Radio Lab's style is a throw-back to the 'radio dramas' of old, with sound effects and mood music and fast scripts and narrators leading you through the story. I actually thought it was corny how they played up the 'old-timey radio style' when presenting these non-fiction subjects. Its a scripted show, not a live interview show, so the fast cuts are more analogous to a reporter sharing a set of punchy quotes gathered from experts for a story.

artician said:

NPR announced they had to make 10% cuts. I wish it could be their entire show.

Anyway, sorry for all the hate.

How to Coil Cables

enoch says...

not trying to butt in on your penis waving contest (ok.yes i am).
but i think what some here are trying to convey to you are your broad generalizations.

i am sure your points do apply to some of the younger generation but in no way represents ALL of them.

i am getting long in the greys and i know MANY of my generation that expend far too much energy on:social networks,candy crush and full out gossip and complaining (good lord do they complain).

i know this is veering off topic,but its a worthy topic.

my boys are in their twenties.they all are hard workers of the manual persuasion but they are all having a hard go.
this happens and the times are not ripe for an easy run.
do you know what bothers me the most about watching my boys struggle?
the fear.
they are afraid,uncertain and unsure.
when i was their age i was fearless.

when i was their age i was working for my friend who was a lighting director for russell simmons.def jam summer fest world tour baby!
traveled all over the country and the carribean,duffle bag in tow.
learned how to coil cable right proper too.

ok.not at first.
totally screwed that up the first night.
so my buddy made me unravel every inch of cable (even the ones done right by him and others) and learned the hard way how to coil cable proper.
you have any idea how MUCH cable is used for lighting?
well neither do i but im gonna go in measurements of miles (or hours of lost sleep,you decide).

i guess my point is (if i even have one):
manual labor has its advantages but so do intellectual pursuits.
they actually compliment each other.

but dont judge this generation too harshly.
they are afraid,
and uncertain.
something we (or at least I) never really had to deal with on that scale.

and so ends my rambling incoherent rant.
think ill go fix that broken screen door i have been putting off for ages.
yall got me in the mood to fix something.

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