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Starfox in Iraq

Why We Need Government-Run Socialized Health Insurance

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

The public option itself won't receive direct taxpayer funding.

So then why does every proposed bill in congress to date require 700+ billion in additional taxes? I hate arguments that ignore basic, fundamental logic and common sense and try to hide behind weasel-speak and (Wilson!) lies. "Public option won't receive direct taxpayer funding." Yeah - right. There may not be a pile of money labeled "Direct Taxpayer Funding For Public Health Insurance" but you and I both know quite well that the public funding of insurance is going to be subsidized by taxes.

This is why Wilson called Obama a liar. Obama also hides truth behind weasel-speak, mumbo-jumbo, and flat out BS.


Today Obama CUT missle defense in Europe, essentially turning his back on Poland & the Czechs. Now - I don't have a problem with less money going to government. But how did Obama describe his CUTS in defense?

To put it simply, our new missile defense architecture in Europe will provide stronger, smarter, and swifter defenses of American forces and America's allies. It is more comprehensive than the previous program; it deploys capabilities that are proven and cost-effective; and it sustains and builds upon our commitment to protect the U.S. homeland against long-range ballistic missile threats; and it ensures and enhances the protection of all our NATO allies.

In a word... BULL! He CUT the program, and his speech is all weasel-speak puffery about how it's stronger, bigger, and protects all our allies. How is it more comprehensive? What proven technology is it using? How does it stop long range missiles? HOW will it ensure protection for Poland & the Czechs? And neolibs everywhere are nodding their heads thinking this guy is intelligent, when all he's doing is slinging complete BS and hoping everyone is too stupid or bored to bother with such things as 'details', 'proof', and 'logic'.

That's why Wilson is right to call him a liar. And that's why it is completely true to say that Obama & neolibs are lying when they say that public health care 'option' won't use taxes. I mean - just how stupid does a person have to be to BELIEVE that load of hotspur?

Robots to Draw Ads On the Moon's Surface

joedirt says...

lol.. imagine how little distance the mars rovers travelled. Then imagine what kind of sq miles are required to make something visible from Earth.. It will be a minimum of hundreds of years of robots driving around the moon (and never breaking or dealing with boulders/craters/etc)

Now a barrage of missles might do it...

SlipperyPete (Member Profile)

Aliens - Ultimate Badasses

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Independantly, Targeting, Particle, Beam, Phalanx, Missles, Nukes, Knives, Sharp, Sticks' to 'Independantly, Targeting, Particle, Beam, Phalanx, Missiles, Nukes, Knives, Sharp, Sticks' - edited by calvados

Using nuclear explosions to propel spaceships: Project Orion

Payback says...

I believe the technology being proposed for the "nuke-drive" isn't boom boom boom as shown, it's more like a constant roar, not unlike a Phalanx anti-missle cannon on US warships. Each explosion happening as the next is placed in position.

North Korean Satellite Launch Fails

csnel3 says...

It was never meant to enter orbit. "The missle has a satelite payload" is a cover story. This was a test of an inter-continental missle, and this launch got them one step closer to perfecting it.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

poolcleaner says...

1. I work for a video game company.
2. I'm pretty good at video games, but I don't play fighters.
3. Our "break" room has nothing but fighters: Street Fighter 3, 4 and Marvel Versus Capcom. We have a Wii, but it's always occupied with people playing Smash Bros. Brawl.
4. I once lived on someone's couch and went by the name Guitar Matt, because my name is Matt and all I did was play Guitar Hero.
5. I'll probably work at the same company for the rest of my life.
6. I skate pools.
7. I did not choose my handle because of skateboarding.
8. I just started doing indoor rock climbing, because I'm tired of weight lifting. Ugh.
9. I spend a lot of time with PK Cali (Parkour California) and have met David Belle. On weekends you may see me crawling, climbing and jumping around UCLA, Fullterton college, or various California parks with old walls.
10. My body is always sore.
11. I probably have ADD.
12. Despite probably having ADD, I read a lot of books.
13. I cannot read one book for more than an hour, so I'm usually reading 5 to 10 books at a time.
14. I can't bring myself to study for anything. As such, I'll never finish college.
15. I did a lot of extracurricular activites in high school, despite having a C average -- or maybe that's why I had a C average.
16. Doing drugs has been the only way for me to concentrate. Unfortunatley it does not help me study. (I did not do drugs in high school, nor in college.)
17. I was in academic decathelon in high school because they needed a smart person with a C average. I won a lot of medals.
18. I was in drama and have written, directed and starred in several plays.
19. I was a film major until I realized the reality of filmmaking, namely the spending and aquiring of large sums of money.
20. The man who wrote and directed The Stewardesses, Allan Silliphant, is a family friend. His brother was Sterling Silliphant, who is best known for winning an Academy Award for In the Heat of the Night and being close friends with Bruce Lee.
21. Like my father, I am a jack of all trades and a master of none.
22. My grandfather was in the Navy and worked for General Dynamics during the Cold War, investigating missle silos. He told my father freaky stories about nuclear isotopes and communists hiding in closests. My uncle described my grandfather as being to the right of Archie Bunker. All in the Family was his favortie show, he said nigger a lot, owned a German Shepard and had several guns nearby at all times. He was also an atheist. Oddly enough, it was his atheism that my parents were scared of the most. "Grandpa's going to hell, son." If there's a hell, he'll probably be there, but not for being an atheist.
23. I'm not quite white trash, but I wouldn't be entirely uncomfortable living off the land in a shack full of automatic weapons, distrustful of the government, waiting for the revolution.
24. I'm neither religious nor rascist, nor am I an atheist. I just don't care.
25. I'm writing a book. My screenplays have never sold. One of my professors suggested I write a book, then write the screenplay for the book. Only problem is, I can't concentrate (which is why I wrote screenplays to begin with) so it's taking me forever. Ugh.
26. I have been drawing since conception and have been doing life drawing off and on for 8 years, but I don't see myself pursuing a career in it. It's just for fun -- which pretty much sums up my life.

UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza

Asmo says...

Israel as a country was established by the invasion of a piece of land that had been owned by the Arabs since the 7th century AD. The Jews lost it to the Roman's.

It was established in bloodshed by forcibly taking away the land of the Palestinians (who objected of course) and bought with US dollars which built and armed the armies they used to defend themselves in the war of independance.

Just 3 years after the end of the holocaust, Jews were perpetrating similar crimes to the Palestinian people and that has not stopped.

Originally 56% of Palestine was to be ceded to the Jews (the UN mandate), does the West Bank + Gaza look like 44% of the country?

As for "why don't the Arab's help them", take a look at Afghanistan and Iraq... America is the muscle behind Israels "independence". We all remember the patriot missles parked in Israel in the 90's to stop the scud missles? When the Arabs can safely ignore the American gun to their head, Israel will cease to exist and I assure you, will turn the country in to a glass crater before they let the Arabs take it back

You want to see how brave the Israeli's are, stand America down, remove the military subsidies and let them stand on their own.

Hear hear to the minister, his speech is spot on and further more, he has the credentials to actually say what he said without being tarred as anti-semetic. Laughable that such a lauded and long time friend of Israel has called them out for what they are. The jackbooted neo-fascists of the new millenium.

What Are Your Top 5 Books? (Books Talk Post)

Asmordean says...

1. Dune - Frank Herbert
Dune remains amoung my favourite book I've read and the only one I've read multiple times. While I was disappointed by the rest of the series, the first book is a tremendous read and very enjoyable.

2. Deadhouse Gates - Steven Erikson (Book 2 of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series)
The Malazan Empire series by Steven Erikson is one of the hardest to read fantasy books I've ever encountered. The author has a complex web of relations and events going on while writing with a fairly high level of english. The second book stands out for its section call "The Chain of Dogs" which details a group of refugees fleeing to safety under the guidance of a powerful leader.

3. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
A great blend of comedy and science fiction. I still remember the first time I read the passage about the two missles screaming toward the Heart of Gold. I burst out laughing as the petunias came into being.

4. The Colour of Magic - Terry Pratchett
The fantasy version of Douglas Adams. Equally enjoyable and both love to use footnotes* for off the wall observations.

5. Sword of Shannara - Terry Brooks
While probably not the best written book and it is clearly Tolkien inspired, it is in my top 5 simply because it was the first real book I ever read. Previously I only read a few kids books, this one was a beefy amount of pages that took my 12 year old mind nearly a year to get through.

*Attaching notes to one foot does seem an odd, and potentially painful way (if you use a tac) to do things.

Even Pat Buchanan makes sense debating the Gaza-massacre!

Meteor Strikes Canada

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^Bigboomer:
"canadians are too dumb too know when they are under attack from missles.
what the hell is going on with all the chimp avatars... I can't tell anyone apart."

As opposed to americans who give up $700bln of their dollars just to have the money stolen for other purposes ?

Sheep. Kettle. Black.

Wow. How about the next time you try to insult someone you actually get the insult right?

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Meteor Strikes Canada

Bigboomer says...

"canadians are too dumb too know when they are under attack from missles.
what the hell is going on with all the chimp avatars... I can't tell anyone apart."

As opposed to americans who give up $700bln of their dollars just to have the money stolen for other purposes ?

Sheep. Kettle. Black.

Meteor Strikes Canada

President-elect Barack Obama's acceptance speech

BillOreilly says...

>> ^StukaFox:
Bill O'Reilly: Y'ever hear of a little thing called The Cuban Missile Crisis? Yeah, the reason you've heard of it as history on TV and not as a story told by the shaman while you're living in a cave surrounded by softly-glowing ruins is because JFK kept the crisis from becoming a nuclear war.

Oh, so JFK took those missles out of Turkey out of the goodness of his heart, and not the pressure from Russia. Now I understand. Thanks for the history lesson, son.

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