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Diesel XXX Commercial (SFW)

poolcleaner says...

>> ^uzema:
SO we now see the true values of the liberal media site that is videosift!

You make me laugh. Some of the dirtiest jokes I've ever heard came from the mouth of my grandfather who was a staunch conservative, voted for Nixon, Reagan and Bush; was a nuclear missle silo inspector during the Cold War, practically disowned my dad for growing his hair out in 70's; if he saw the goatee I have growing he'd probably kick my ass.

You wanna talk values, idiot? I don't get it, I really don't get how anyone can acquaint humor to being either liberal or conservative unless it specifically attacks or represents the politics on one side of the fence or the other. I mean, wtf, you'd think Republicans were born without vaginas or something.

Let me tell you, the Archie Bunkers of the world have us all beat.

Fox needs an Eductaion in Spelling

schmawy says...

>> ^videosiftbannedme:
Having almost been a chyron operator... fat fingered the title.

The worst is CC'ing during big events. During Gulf War II one guy was really losing it with the crews that were deploying the cruise missles. Got it wrong every time. I could almost hear him cursing.

Using an iPhone to control a small fleet of UAVs

Nuke War Almost Happened 1-25-95

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'nuclear missle, russia, us, ballistic' to 'nuclear, weapons, missile, ballistic, icbm, russia, usa' - edited by calvados

Mk 110 - The U.S. Navys most advanced gun

Ryjkyj says...

To quote Rembar: "Although people are often loathe to see them this way, gun combat is far more common than any other type of combat in today's world, and is by far the most commonly practiced martial discipline."

I don't want to get in to an argument over the educational value of this video but I don't think that there's anything wrong with taking a healthy interest in it. This thing can shoot freaking missles out of the freaking sky. Like Zonbie said, that's pretty impressive from an engineering standpoint alone.

I agree that the progress we've made as a society on things like curing cancer and ending hunger is despicable, but that kind of progress can only be made through peace.

The sift needs concrete rules on dupes (Sift Talk Post)

oxdottir says...

Personally, I think the two windmill posts were dupes. I was hoping the submitter would have had the grace to discard it, but he didn't. I tend to be nervous about hitting * discard unless it is exactly the same. Close to home, someone submitted this:

which isn't identical code to this:

but it is the same event, with worse filming and no added value. It was different enough that I didn't feel right hitting discard, but honestly, it is the spirit of a dupe. I thought about a * discuss, but it seems so trivial in terms of discussion. I just hope it goes.

I think we should be liberal in our definition of dupes, because I think dupes dilute the sift more than the recently mentioned chunks of flour.

Missile Command on Multi-touch Wall

MiG-29 thrust vectoring demonstration

Whoa There Wexler! You're Dangerously Close to Making Sense

nibiyabi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Anyone who thinks China is still Red is fooling himself.
Mass executions, forced abortions, no real freedom of speech, no right to a fair trial, free market yoked to totalitarianism, limited quality control on exports, accepting few imports, stealing US military tech (Clintons wrapped with a red bow), improved missile tech, subduing Taiwan, enslaving Tibet.
When they end their one-baby-per-household law and their population explodes the real fun will begin.
Communists don't call themselves reds anymore. Now they're progressives. Just kidding. Who wants to be arrested for a liberal hate crime in "the land of the free as long as you don't hurt anyone's self-esteem."

mass executions = not Communist
forced abortions = not Communist
no freedom of speech = not Communist
no right to fair trial = not Communist
federal market = not Communist (but Socialist)
limited quality control on exports = not Communist
accepting few imports = not Communist (but Socialist)
stealing US tech = not Communist
improved missle tech = could be anybody
subduing Taiwan = not Communist
enslaving Tibet = not Communist

You're equating Communism to the Soviet Union, which is entirely erroneous. The arms race and totalitarianism of the CCCP had nothing to do with the tenets of Communism.

Spy Satellite Blast footage

Kilo 3/5 Mortar Team in Action

MTHEL - Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser (8:38)

Bombs Over Baghdad

Choggie's Roast Thread (Parody Talk Post)

choggie says...

*nominating from days back, dotdude, as interim moderator, or whtevrthrfck that means, and to go and get me another one of these (points to vodkaand blueberrypomegranite thing)and for the best shots so far, well, you gotta do bettter than the crowd pleasing midget, who has reserve bigger than the one Gore sold, and the missle silo on e-bay with no bids and who can guess why, not to mention the flagrant abuse of easy to imagine, proper decorum, I am having a rollicking time so far, and there are those to my right and left left, who no doubt prepare before a job interview, by taping an adolescent's tee tee, in a prophylactic, to their inner thigh, hoping for the best, and a cute manager, boss, or overling....I keep the thought-gathering finger poised upon a period, always, thank you ladybug, ellipsis, is what it's called, and like all grammer, easily abused.....

9/11/2001 Flight 77 Does Not Hit Pentagon

choggie says...

confused readers of MINK's comment, will note that the title of this post was changed from, "9 11 2001 Flight 77 Becomes Missle, Hits Pentagon."

Changed after his comment. Disagree with MINK's statements regarding the missle, or military aircraft however. If it was a plane, which it does not look like it could have been, it was either a drone or a kamekazie-type. If a missile, then fer crissakes, it directly implicates the MIC, or a goddamn terrorist with access.

Of everything that happened on that day 6 yrs ago, this is the easiest head of the hydra to attack. No wreckage. eyewitnesses silenced, and all surveillance confiscated, in short-order by spooks. There is no use going back and fourth about WTC 1 & 2, to many assholes with Popular Mechanics and computer sims on the brain-WTC 7 is the next place to exhume....

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