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Dirty Little Secret - Universal Healthcare? Social Security?

joedirt says...

No, he clearly said that if we do nothing for 20 years and keep same level of inflation-adjusted benefits, the amount to pay out in interest on 20 years of borrowing to pay retirement benefits will be larger than the entire military budget.

Here's the real trick to this. We spend X trillions every year. We can only afford to maintain these Bush deficit spending by robbing the social security and medicare funds. See, the baby boomers for the most part already paid into the system approximately what they will take out. (Not really, but if it was wisely invested.. it would have grown to cover the population bubble)

What happens it that there is no money being invested. It's like your company 401k, but instead of investing it they spent it on R&D every year, and when people retire they just take it out of the corporate profits. Well eventually if the company stops growing, or everyone quits, there will be no money to put back into the 401k plans.

Literally, right now, your social security is being spent in Iraq. It's being spent on missle defense systems. It's being spent on predator drones. It's being spent on Enron and corporate welfare and federal pension guarantees.

Mostly, your retirement social security and medicare is being stolen from you everytime companies "restructure" and lay people off and collect tax write-offs to move jobs overseas. It's being stolen from you and paid into corporate stocks and investor programs. And guess what the solution is???
Raise retirement eligible age to 70, then 75, then 80. You will be working at Walmart until you die. Because otherwise you will be destitute, unless you have your own 401k that saved up enough.

Go read the history and the point of Social Security in the first place. We are going to have millions of impoverished homeless old people left to rot in state run (Halliburton contracts) institutions.

Buy stock in cat food companies!

Nuke War Almost Happened 1-25-95

Mainstream Media Silently Screams for New 9/11 Investigation

Constitutional_Patriot says...

In reply to your comment:
Well, this video focuses on the allegations of "missed warnings" and of Pentagon staff apparently lying to cover up their mistakes in dealing with the hijackings. Both of these allegations, of course, are completely incompatible with your claims of bogus plane crashes, thermite and controlled demolitions. So, it seems slightly odd to see you espousing an investigation into them. It appears that even your own fantastical beliefs are internally contradictory.

To clarify, here are some declarations of what I believe:
Par, I never claimed that planes did not hit the towers. I do believe that those planes hit the towers. I saw the 2nd plane hit on tv that morning like most people. I am just not sure if thermite was used to assist the collapse. I just don't know like many others. I do find it unusual that absolutely none of the tower's core structure survived in-tact based on the public pancake theory one would expect some of the core to be standing. Building 7 seems to be an anomaly that even none of the experts can agree upon.

I do believe that it wasn't a 757 that hit the pentagon but rather a cruise missle hit it since the titanium engines would have been visible at the pentagon site... I'm sorry.. but an entire airliner woudl not vaporize. Especially the engines and they would have left distinct marks.

Also the supposed flight 77 hijacker pilot(Hani Hanjour) was a horrible pilot and couldn't even control a cessna and a seasoned pilot would have had a hard time controlling a 757 above the ground for such a distance. I'm a pilot with about 150hrs and I can easily land a 737 in the simulator but accurate approaches in a 757 are much more difficult and highly unusual that a person with crappy piloting skills (according to the aviation school that Honjour attended) could execute the maneuvers. He couldn't even maintain a Cessna according to them. Most noteable is the corkscrew descent to the pentagon - a very difficult maneuver in a 757 and the subsequent leveling off at 20ft. above the ground, striking the first floor of the bldg, not damaging the lawn and leaving no traces of the engines. Also, the amount of confiscated videos around the pentagon just minutes after the incident and utter refusal to release such videos that should corroborate the official story.

I believe that flight 96 was shot down (based on the scattering of small debris at the crash site).

I believe that our govt definitely knew about the attacks and it was not only not-thwarted but used to their advantage by the creators of the PNAC (Project for a New American Century) that claimed they needed "a new Pearl Harbor" in the PNAC document. Therefore it was in their best interest to have the catalyzing event that would allow them to enact the Patriot Act (which was already written and ready to go in case of such an event) and allowed Bush to call for war with almost unanimous public, senate and house consent.

Loose Change-Second Edition Recut

Constitutional_Patriot says...

Are you kidding me? WTF is wrong with you people?!?!

These are the things you claim are garbage and bull:

1.) Testimonials from the firefighters that were there claiming explosions had been occurring at the WTC before and during the collapses.

2.) No real evidence that a *757 really crashed at the pentagon (my instrument flight class analyzed this and we determined that it was a cruise missle).

3.) Molten steel and evidence from one photo that one of the main beams was cut using thermate in the exact same fashion that demolition companies use to cut such a support beam. OMG it's staring at you in the face here!!!!

4.) Lack of wreckage from flight *93 indicates that it was shot down.

Grant it, there is a lot of hypothesis in this video, but if you believe the canned version that the Kean-Zelikow commission has spewed out (which unbelievably does not analyze the wreckage and other pertinent investigative information and clearly states that the funding of the terrorists is ultimately an unimportant factor.) then your either an idiot or a fool or both.

BBC reported WTC7 Collapse while it was still standing!!

Constitutional_Patriot says...

Conspiracies have occurred for centuries. What makes you think that America is invulnerable to such a thing? Due to the factual evidence that a New World Order is the agenda of a cabal, which is attended to by members of the Bilderberg convention (media not allowed), and the Project for a New American Century clearly supports this NWO. Conspiracy is staring at you in the face yet you renounce it and call anyone that does believe it crazy. Either you support the new "agenda" or you are too stupid to research the information.

As a sidenote: I am a pilot and engineer. In my Instrument rating class, the chief pilot had the class examine the plane "attack" on the pentagon. We concluded that a 767 most definitely did NOT crash into the pentagon and the evidence clearly indicates that a cruise missle most likely did the damage.

Kassam rocket falls next to a gas station

joedirt says...

Ummm... So a missle lands in your driveway, and a crowd gathers??? wTF.. Do they realize how mortars work (or this was a rocket, but really.. how would they know)


Snuff videos (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

Ok.. so some clarification.. I mean Discovery Channel's crab fishing show could have clips deemed snuff.. and what about the blurry infrared military pr0n showing missle impacts? Technically this is showing death, but...

I believe it is the shocking upclose murder kind of videos.

I'm not sure a NASCAR crash, that someone died en route to the hospital should count as snuff. Now a motorcyle stunt video where the guy comes down, crashes and goes limp and is dead on impact, might be considered snuff. soo... I guess that is what *blog is for.

Bully gets the smackdown from an ex-boxer

choggie says...

Yeah, the politics of global bullies are complex, in N. Korea's case, you have to rise to power a couple generations, turn your people into robots, and aspire to play the nuclear game before you get an ass-kicking letter from some concerned politicians, instead of a missle up your ass, and a painful re-programming of a nation project undertaken by a dominant and humanity-loving major world player.....But of course, the former Soviet onion, a coalition of France, Canada, etc.., nor the United Nations gives a fiddler's fuck either, about humanities collective progression into another as usual, and as complex, as it need not be.

There are painful, and simple solutions to issues, like this ex-boxer knew, and he was ready to take personal responsibility for his actions, for the sake of what was righteous.....

truck plows through gas station

WTC-aircraft footage scrutinized "In Plane Sight"

joedirt says...

I think this one is stupid.. (a) if they wanted to, they wouldn't need to have a missle pod (b) they wouldn't need a missle if there was demolition charges (c) it's just a reflection, you would only need to look at photographer film and enlarge those prints (which someone would have come forward by now if this was close to true)...

The only thing valid to entertain is the insurance policy, bldg 7 and the neil bush nonsense.

Most Under-Reported News Story of 2006 - 655,000 Iraqis Dead

joedirt says...

The military probably has actual footage of kills from laser guided whatevers where you could probably sit down and count heads and come up with more than 30,000.

Heck in just pre-May 2003, the US and Brits used at least 13,000 cluster munitions, and in the air war before invasion, let's see 40,000 sorties flown and 30,000 bombs + 1,000 more cluster bombs.

I mean.. 5,000 JDAM 1-ton GPS guided bombs.... 1,000 cruise missles.... just in the bombing campaign... You think those things miss? This is all before a single bullet was fired. So yeah, probably a million dead.

Canada Dry Ginger Ale Commercial (1976)

choggie says...

....the subjective nature of the collective implied, obscure as a peanut in a box of marbles, a gamelon orchestra from Sweeden, or a loo on a missle......and Canada, is where yank-crackers, grew up thinkin' the beverage came from, so, O Canada!

Dow Plunges 500 pts in 5 minutes, Chaos Ensues

joedirt says...

Well. I was pretty sure we weren't going to Bomb Iran.. even in spite of National Israel Nuke Drill, and Israel requesting airspace access over Iraq to fly to Iran... that and the two fleets of cruise and patriot missile ships we sent to Gulf. Oh and the mine seek and destroy naval group. And the MSM rhetoric exactly matching the march up to Iraq war.

Well, how could I be so sure Iran wasn't inevitable? Look at the stock market. Thing clearly said, no insane missle / mini-nuke dropping fiasco. Until, guess when..

Hey, for giggles, go look at Jan and Feb 2003 before Iraq invasion. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Red Flag compilation

OK, so the Saddam video is officially "out there"... (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

Look, regardless of your view on Reagan shooting, JFK assaination, etc. and whether or not real-world violence should be banned from sift...

Saddam hanging and dead Crocodile Hunters, are just sensational tabloidism. Wait a year and then decide if it is historical.

Anyways, what about all the unmanned air combat vehicle videos and military porn showing people being blown up and shot with missles, 50cal, etc. Those humans are still humans. Is someone going to scrub all those videos?

So I could care less about what is snuffy and what is historic.

Saddam is clearly on the same level as Paris Hilton sex video. Just stupid Fox-news level sensationalism.

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