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Glenn Beck, 6/10/10: "Shoot Them In The Head"

GeeSussFreeK says...

O snap, I think everyone just got pwned! Who can we take out of context next!

>> ^jackhalfaprayer:

actually Beck here is referring to Nancy Pelosi having to shoot communists in the head to keep American office safe. [
/f5r9c/glenn_beck_61010_youre_going_to_have_to_shoot/c1dhop2] It's not better; actually i think it's worse. it's a means of veiling violent "shoot xperson in the head" rhetoric that is inflammatory, divisive, and from my own personal "slant," as it were, seems completely lacking in research or connection to reality. I listen to all sides and I find that the more I listen the more I hear baseless arguments on either side of media that I would call Disinformation with a capital D. The simple fact is that nobody in a news outlet is willing to step up and brave the political ramifications of digging into some real fact and actually changing the tides. I think Assange's current work has people scared of consequences... not to mention what may happen if all of the sudden some truth got leaked into American homes. Truths like "The Cold War is over" or "Communism was never really a threat in the first place," perhaps with the exception of the Cuban Missle Crisis- which was a total SNAFU. I guess point being that anyone who says if you find a communist in the US government, shoot them in the head- is either completely insane or is playing a part that pays very, very well. /end rant

Glenn Beck, 6/10/10: "Shoot Them In The Head"

jackhalfaprayer says...

actually Beck here is referring to Nancy Pelosi having to shoot communists in the head to keep American office safe. [] It's not better; actually i think it's worse. it's a means of veiling violent "shoot xperson in the head" rhetoric that is inflammatory, divisive, and from my own personal "slant," as it were, seems completely lacking in research or connection to reality. I listen to all sides and I find that the more I listen the more I hear baseless arguments on either side of media that I would call Disinformation with a capital D. The simple fact is that nobody in a news outlet is willing to step up and brave the political ramifications of digging into some real fact and actually changing the tides. I think Assange's current work has people scared of consequences... not to mention what may happen if all of the sudden some truth got leaked into American homes. Truths like "The Cold War is over" or "Communism was never really a threat in the first place," perhaps with the exception of the Cuban Missle Crisis- which was a total SNAFU. I guess point being that anyone who says if you find a communist in the US government, shoot them in the head- is either completely insane or is playing a part that pays very, very well. /end rant

Breast Missile

jmd says...

btw both of them are cyborgs. no not those 2... the girls!

There is actually reason that she is making a big deal of these missles, Mahoro is against "echii" and so she regrets having to..ahem.. display those.

Raytheon Announces Directed Energy Solid-State Laser

RadHazG says...

The man speaks sense in the vid. Assuming this works as advertised it could be a real improvement. There are already multiple CIWS mounts on every ship just about so if this can work on already existing tech thats a huge bonus. The systems already mounted are great for tracking and taking down missles or (assuming they're dumb enough to get within a mile or 3) enemy aircraft, but UAV's are small enough its more difficult, at least without wasting gobs more ammo than is really necessary considering the size of the target.

AVAILABLE NOW: Cruise Missles Concealed in Cargo Containers

burdturgler says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

...the United States NEEDS this kind of trickery ...

This is not a United States weapon, it's Russian.

^I love this propaganda from Russia Today calling it a "missile defense system". I don't see it intercepting any missiles in the demonstration.
I'm comforted though that they will only sell this to reliable end-users.

AVAILABLE NOW: Cruise Missles Concealed in Cargo Containers

UFO? Missile? Rocket? Canadian Government Isn't Talking

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^dannym3141:
Just to break the ice a little, it's spelt missile, there's two i's. I know people pronounce it "missle" as in "mistletoe", but that's just the sound. It's the same for "2 is more than 1" - just cos people pronounce it "then" doesn't mean it's spelt that way.
Maybe a typo. But the "then" instead of "than" thing is a pet peeve of mine.
I hope i have demonstrated how to civilly raise a pet peeve.
BTW i hope this isn't an alien ship. Really disappointing if aliens visited us in something that looks a hell of a lot like our space shuttles.

Sorry, Typo. And haven't come back to look at this vid to see it and change it. Till now. I actually do know how to spell when I catch it..

UFO? Missile? Rocket? Canadian Government Isn't Talking

Duckman33 says...

>> ^dannym3141:
Just to break the ice a little, it's spelt missile, there's two i's. I know people pronounce it "missle" as in "mistletoe", but that's just the sound. It's the same for "2 is more than 1" - just cos people pronounce it "then" doesn't mean it's spelt that way.
Maybe a typo. But the "then" instead of "than" thing is a pet peeve of mine.
I hope i have demonstrated how to civilly raise a pet peeve.
BTW i hope this isn't an alien ship. Really disappointing if aliens visited us in something that looks a hell of a lot like our space shuttles.

Sorry, Typo. And haven't come back to change it. Till now. I actually do know how to spell when I catch it..

UFO? Missile? Rocket? Canadian Government Isn't Talking

UFO? Missile? Rocket? Canadian Government Isn't Talking

dannym3141 says...

>> ^ridesallyridenc:
Actually, I think the best way to civilly raise a pet peeve is to not. This place is getting more like youtube every day

I'm afraid if you're trying to civilly raise a pet peeve, then sooner or later you are, in fact, going to have to .... well, uh.. raise the pet peeve.

What you've illustrated is how to civilly NOT raise a pet peeve.

But that's just a pet peeve of mine.

(and lol gwiz)

UFO? Missile? Rocket? Canadian Government Isn't Talking

gwiz665 says...


>> ^dannym3141:
Just to break the ice a little, it's spelt missile, there's two i's. I know people pronounce it "missle" as in "mistletoe", but that's just the sound. It's the same for "2 is more than 1" - just cos people pronounce it "then" doesn't mean it's spelt that way.
Maybe a typo. But the "then" instead of "than" thing is a pet peeve of mine.
I hope i have demonstrated how to civilly raise a pet peeve.
BTW i hope this isn't an alien ship. Really disappointing if aliens visited us in something that looks a hell of a lot like our space shuttles.

UFO? Missile? Rocket? Canadian Government Isn't Talking

dannym3141 says...

Just to break the ice a little, it's spelt missile, there's two i's. I know people pronounce it "missle" as in "mistletoe", but that's just the sound. It's the same for "2 is more than 1" - just cos people pronounce it "then" doesn't mean it's spelt that way.

Maybe a typo. But the "then" instead of "than" thing is a pet peeve of mine.

I hope i have demonstrated how to civilly raise a pet peeve.

BTW i hope this isn't an alien ship. Really disappointing if aliens visited us in something that looks a hell of a lot like our space shuttles.

UFO? Missile? Rocket? Canadian Government Isn't Talking

gwiz665 says...

Don't be a dick. You can make your point and not be a jackass about it.
>> ^budzos:
In fact, yes it's a UFO. Because UFO means "UNIDENTIFIED Flying Object". UFO does not mean "alien spacecraft" FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

UFO? Missile? Rocket? Canadian Government Isn't Talking

Duckman33 says...

>> ^budzos:
In fact, yes it's a UFO. Because UFO means "UNIDENTIFIED Flying Object". UFO does not mean "alien spacecraft" FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

Thanks for pointing that out Captain Obvious! Where in my title did I say, or elude to anything about an alien spaceship?

Kids try to shoot down R/C plane with Fireworks

ReverendTed says...

>> ^Asmo:
Rofl, I love the big dives to get out of the way of the 'bombing' runs. X D
They might be remembering that he was launching "Saturn Missle" fireworks from it on the 4th of July.
If you go to the linked website, what's really amazing about the setup is that he's got that camera rigged to a video headset so he gets a first person perspective as he's flying.

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