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Edward Snowden NBC News Full Interview

Trancecoach says...

It will take millions more Snowdens to give freedom a fighting chance in an age of Leviathan State control, but it's also important for any lover of freedom to understand the manner in which Snowden went about his defiance. He acted peacefully, openly, with total dedication to principle. He took responsibility for speaking the truth, and he did it with a clean conscience.

AlanMikkelsona (Member Profile)

Cadillac - Douchebag Ad

chingalera says...

Sure. Words have meaning and power. Hardly ever is the word used in it's proper context in recent vernacular or history though. People are being programmed to be stupider with each passing generation in their use and abuse of language. 'Just' is used nowadays as a filler word or as an excuse in defense of someone's inability or unwillingness to express honestly, anything at all. In it's adverb form ("Exactly, that's it!' or, 'the meaning being quite clear') or the adjective ('based upon or behaving according to what is morally right and fair'), the meaning is 'quite clear.'

Here for example, in Dag's comment (resounding best in one's mind when imagined in the voice of a 14-year-old teenaged girl from Beverly Hills), the word takes on a relatively banal and pointless connotation as well as reflecting in this case of a pompous air as well as a laziness of thought with little or no meaning, whatsoever.

Only folks that understand already and know Dag to lean towards the unrealistic, romantic, idealist camp with regard to the condition of the planet's coveted and rampantly abused resources and air-quality relative to climate, would 'get the jyst' as it were.

Love ya Dagmar, I simply can't stand the word 'just' being thrown about to satisfy one's ego or unbridled emotionalism. Stop buying plastic bullshit and driving, etc. etc., and don't cast a vote for empirical cunts and lovers of empire and their own if you're that passionate, or shut the fuck up about it already, hippie-boy

By the way, if you haven't guessed already, I own a POS used Cadillac, running great, lotta power, sexy-ish, plush and roomy inside, chicks and brothers dig my roll, but hard as fuck by design ("Fuck You, General Motors!") to find new parts for.

coolhund said:

Arent there more meanings to it than just the one you are referring to and I just used? And again.

Molyneax on Bundy Ranch Standown of BLM

chingalera says...

DOOOOD...he's lover of life and a philosopher's friend....Peter J's in another realm of his own fucking mind-Never said you were stupid, on the contrary-Yer smarter than the average bear here on VS, and twice as goddamn fun-School was a shit-storm of disinformation for ya?? Welcome to world of the real

There's no debate here abnout htis recent news for a single reason-Most fucks here could give a rats-ass about anything that isn't coated with the indoctroeducation they all had to suffer....

and Abraham Lincoln had a batshit insane wife just like his crazy fucin' asss

Freed the slaves MY ASS!

Yogi said:

I guess you assume that I'm stupid or something? I don't think I am, I can figure things out and read and a pretty high grade level. Never had any problems in school, just didn't really care to go.

You can assume what you want about me that's fine, I'm not assuming too much about SM because SM doesn't give much at all. If he would explain or cite SOMETHING in his videos I would be able to pin something down and debate it. There's nothing to debate here, it's gossip and bullshit at best.

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Can't embed IFC's videos correctly? (Wtf Talk Post)

radx says...

<embed wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="always" allowscriptaccess="always" src="" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=3284437680001&
671001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAAAAAAn_zM~,B6LaFUvNnt2RhwK5cjOvZ4hHQyd5XXC9&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true" base="" name="flashObj" width="485" height="272" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" swLiveConnect="true" pluginspage=""></embed>

Should look like this:

Portlandia – Treat Your Lover Like Your Dog

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

enoch says...

i fucking love you man!

once innocence is lost,
it can never be re-aquired.
disillusion has a sister called cynicism.
a vile woman who seduces her lover "despair" like a desperate dive-bar trollop.

do not engage these corrupt entities,
for they only seek to expose your inadequacies and feed off your fears.
they amplify the conflicting messages we are all subjected to daily.
they rejoice in your anxiety and call it truth.

but thats the lie.

the scattered remnants of a splintered childhood dream,
fed by people who walked in that very dream...
and believed in its seductions...
reveals the truth....of the lie.

grieve if you must,
but allow that lie to sink into the ocean of oblivion and irrelevance,
and embrace the truth.

you are no longer bound.
you are free.

how many can say that with conviction?

*edit*sighs.meant that to be on your page..i am so fail.

Oakland CA Is So Scary Even Cops Want Nothing To Do With It

CreamK says...

Private security can not fix social problems.

First you fix poverty, then crime.

Other way around, there is only one way: forever sentences, "no rehabilitation only penalty" is the goal. Trying to sweep "undesirables" away, clean and neatly tucked away in private prisons. It's very neat way of "fixing" the leak by pusnihing one part of your own populace on different rules. What do you think will happen once it goes for a generation? Children are taught from ground-up to not trust the government, the police and the rest of the society that's want to basically kill them but are too afraid so it's dealt with another route: destroying any chance of social mobility by promoting inequality, making tougher laws for crimes that are mostly only happening on lowest economic classes, giving out sentences for the same crimes differently depending how those background factors are that the people themselves can't help. That is an effective solution, it's not final but in these quarterly run world, nothings forever but instead "make profit now".

And then after all that claiming "it's the land of the free", "pursuit of happiness" etc. Everything is very logical under those circumstances. If you are poor, it's your own fault. That is the message blasted all over. Even when shown the overwhelming evidence how equality promotes happiness, social mobility, prevents poverty, it seems that every US citizen, poor or rich thinks otherwise.

The inequality in USA means POWER. It means "i'm better than you". The whole country is sick in that attitude (Sorry, US citizens, i wouldn't say all this if i didn't lover you and your country). You are never good if you're as good as the next person.

Countries that do promote equality, the attitude is "this is enough", i don't need to be better than my neighbor to feel good. It doesn't mean they are lazy or unambitious, it means that boasting with wealth is considered vulgar, idiotic, uncivilized. You can have a guy earning triple right next to you and you can't really see the difference.

This does not fit US frame of mind where money is the only way to happiness and you never can have enough. If you have it, you want to shove it in everyones face.

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-A-Lot (Auto Tunes Remix w/Flula)

We Can Neutron Dance: Hollywood Movie Dance Tribute - Part 2

bareboards2 says...

I'm not a huge fan of musicals -- but as a movie lover, what a huge kick this is!

Mash up to end all mash ups -- for dance, not music.

Great. Ant -- remind me to promote later -- this needs to be sifted.

TrackingPoint system makes you a deadly sniper sharpshooter

Barry White on Making Love and Music

Man's Best Friend Adopts Cop After Rescue

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