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First Microwave Upgrade in Forever: Infrared Heat Sensor

Megyn Kelly on Fox: "Some things do require Big Brother"

eoe says...

I knew this would happen. Talking to you, too, @oritteropo:

I'm leaving it with just this, because people are attached to their bacon and steaks as tightly as they are tied to religion. Perhaps it's again apples to oranges, but I'm guessing a lot of you are the same folks who rant against religion and wonder why people are so stupid and don't look at logic and science, blah blah blah. This is the perfect time to look in the mirror and see a touch of what you're up against. When you've been indoctrinated with something since you were literally born, you fight against being wrong so hard. So, so hard. Seriously. Take a moment, take a deep breath, and take a little search inside looking at how much of you knows for a fact that eating meat is just fine, and how much of it is cognitive dissonance. How much of it is emotional and how much of it is logical. Look at a video of people going on and on about how Jesus Christ is Lord and another video of people going on and on about how much they love bacon. It's kind of disturbing how zealous bacon-lovers get. Try it. It's fun. It's why I became vegetarian only about 4 or 5 years ago. And I gotta say, getting rid of that cognitive dissonance is very, very relieving and satisfying.

Yes, yes, yes. Loads and loads of vegetarians and vegans are unhealthy. Actually, I would argue that most vegetarians and vegans are wholly less healthy than omnivores since most of them have a high-and-mighty "I'm vegetarians/vegan so I'm automatically healthy" and eat some of the most disgusting, heart-disease-inducing, oily, fatty, un-nutririous, processed shit that's ever been made. Look at some of the fake meat stuff to just have a peek.

No. If you actually watched any of the videos you will see that it's not just being vegan that is important. It's to be a healthy vegan. You know, all that shit you can't ever, ever argue is bad for you. Fruits. Leafy greens. Beans. Lentils. Whole grains, occasionally. But mostly leafy greens and fruit.

And there are loads of studies that control exercise and all sorts of other arguments for "NO NO NO! IT'S NOT MY MEAT! STAY AWAY FROM IT IT'S ANYTHING BUT MY MEAT!". I can think of a specific one that I read/watched about controlling for exercise, and I can find it for you if you'd like, but I'm guessing you aren't really interested. They discovered that very aerobic, exercising, running omnivores were as healthy as lightly walking vegans. He even had a cute graphic for it.

And it's not just this guy, either. Head over to Dr. Fuhrman's website for more of the same. Except Dr. Fuhrman is toting stuff to sell, so that unnerves some people. They claim he's just trying to make a buck. But all the money he makes goes to nutritional research.

The last thing I'll say is this:

I honestly don't give a flying shit about what you eat. I don't really care about the environment at all. I'm not planning on having kids, and I'm sure I'll kick the ol' bucket before antibiotics stop working, water is scarce, the waters rise above NYC, and all the other possible doomsday things that'll probably happen within the next 100 or so years. It's true that I also enjoy not feeling guilty for eating animals who live. It'd make me happy if you stopped eating them because the main thing I believe I'm around for is to minimize suffering in the world. So, that'd be nice if more people didn't eat them.

But if you want to live a nice, long, healthy life where you don't die of a stroke, heart attack, or diabetes by the time you're 65, eat better.

There's a reason why the milk, sugar, meat and pharmaceutical companies pump out study after study about how it's totally fine to eat their shit. They spend so much money on it, it's ridiculous.

Cheers to your health, either way.

ChaosEngine said:

The jury is still out on vegetarian diets, and they are certainly nowhere near anything like a vaccination for heart disease. You can just as easily be an unhealthy vegetarian as an unhealthy carnivore.

Certainly, most people in the west do eat too much meat, but there's plenty of evidence to suggest that meat absolutely has a place in our diet. The problem with most of these studies is that they don't compare like with like. Vegetarians tend to have made conscious decisions about food and health and are more likely to exercise and eat less processed foods. If you compare a vegetarian with a carnivore that eats well and exercises, the difference is much less pronounced.

If you want to be a vegetarian on ethical grounds, that's up to you, and there's certainly an argument to be made that a vegetarian lifestyle is more sustainable (using less land and water, etc)

However, this isn't really relevant to this discussion. If I choose to eat tasty steaks, there's no risk to those around me of catching heart disease.

How an Aussie postman deals with dogs

Gutspiller says...

Totally understandable. It's a shame that a sign that said "No feed the animals" would be looked at as being funny, and not something you were serious about, or even worse, people purposely feeding your dog because of the sign.

I've learned that going up to dogs you don't know treat or otherwise is not a good idea, as some dogs react differently to strangers. Where if the dog see's you talking with the owner first, they can settle down to you.

I guess it would more or less just be a struggle that you have to deal with. Other than keeping your dog inside sometimes, or a caged backyard that is less accessible to passer byes that can just hand something threw the bars.

I never knew or thought about a dogs diet, and how it could affect the dog. But now that I know, I probably would be more cautious before feeding a dog without first asking the owner.

That being said, I doubt most people have that thought cross them before offering a unknown dog a treat.

I guess at the very least, you could use it to educate other dog lovers. Not that that makes it any easier to monitor your dogs diet.

newtboy said:

That depends on your definition of 'often'. Maybe about once a week on average.
It seems you're missing the point. Sometimes that person may interact with my dog without me being present (like in this video), offering no possibility to instruct them about my dogs diet requirements. When I am present, they almost always ask first, and I ask them about the treat. If it's grain free, she gets a free treat. If not, I usually offer the person a grain free treat of my own to give to my dog (person still gets to interact with dog, dog gets treat, every one's happy). I do not rush out screaming at people over mistakes, but I do tell delivery people about her diet and ask them to please not give her the wrong treats, or she'll suffer for it later. They have all complied, but some have needed reminding.
Then there are random people on the street/in the park with boundary issues that just come up from behind and interact with random dogs on leashes without asking, or reach through a partially open car window to pet and feed a dog waiting inside, I find that rude and inappropriate, treat or not. Maybe that's my problem and not theirs, but someone needs to explain why if I'm to understand.
I do it for my dog, not my sense of control. It's not easy, cheap, or fun for me to keep her grain free. She breaks out in hives if she eats too much grain product. It's like someone offering a random non-speaking child some reses...not knowing if child might have a deadly peanut allergy. I understand it's intended as friendly, but that's why you should ask first, it might be harmful or deadly.

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

SDGundamX says...

We're talking about two different things.

She is not responsible for someone deciding to steal and post the photos nor is she responsible for cretinous emails she later received.

She IS responsible for 1) taking the photos and 2) posting those photos in a place that made it likely they would be leaked (i.e. Facebook).

She's not responsible for the crime, but it should have been foreseeable that her actions were likely to result in the photos being made public someday (whether by a hacker, a jealous ex-lover, a stolen/misplaced laptop, etc.). So, she's a victim of a crime (which is deserving of compassion) and at the same time she's also a victim of her own actions (which is deserving of pity but possibly also deserving of some criticism for not thinking things through).

I suppose throughout this thread I've been a bit dismayed by the idea that we can't criticize her actions because she's been the victim of a crime. If she wasn't a victim of a crime but instead posted a video about how she takes naked pictures of herself and posts them to Facebook, would it still be wrong to point out that she clearly wasn't thinking things through about how much higher the odds are these days of personal info being leaked online?

bareboards2 said:

Then why are you being this guy?

Did you listen to what this woman has been subjected to? In what universe does she bear any responsibility for actions of these cretinous individuals of all ages?

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

SDGundamX says...

No, but they should accept in this day and age that a ton of douches might snap secret pics of them (potenially upskirt shots when the girls are going up an escalator or something), fap to said pics, then upload the pics for others to potentially fap to. Not saying that's right, but it's a possibility that anyone wearing a mini-skirt would be foolish to ignore.

It's a digital world now. As @Jerykk was pointing out, the best way to avoid naked pics of yourself showing up on the Net is not to take naked pics of yourself (and even then some scumbag might install a hidden camera in a changing room or shower and you wind up on there anyway). From jilted ex-lovers to NSA hoovering data to security breaches/password leaks that seem to be making headlines every day, the odds of a naked pic of yourself being made public against your will (whether you're male or female) are exponentially higher these days. I think anyone who takes naked pics of themselves and doesn't expect them to show up online at some point (could be decades from now) is being a bit naive, especially if they are digital pics,

ChaosEngine said:

Yeah, like all those women wearing short skirts, amirite? I mean, they basically have to accept that they might get raped. It's just a matter of common sense.

You should learn a little respect... Officer says

eric3579 (Member Profile)

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Official Main Tr

Lewis Black - america does not understand teachers

Libertarian Atheist vs. Statist Atheist

VoodooV jokingly says...

don't you know that you're either with me or against me?

If you don't completely despise government in all things, you're a dirty little government lover

you filthy statist!

ChaosEngine said:

I am from the Republic of Ireland if that's what you mean, although I'll happily drink protestant whiskey (or hindu whiskey or buddhist whiskey or even muslim whiskey if such things existed and tasted good).

And when you grow up learning about your nations struggle to free itself of a foreign monarch, you tend to appreciate the ability to self-govern rather than hand it over to a bunch of corporations.

That said... I am not a "dyed-in-the-wool pro-government statist". I have many issues with many governments. Some are better than others. In some ways, I understand the prevalence of libertarianism in the US, given how particularly messed up your own government is.

So not so much "pro-government" as "anti-libertarian"

Tummy Talk: An Epic Drum Solo

Key & Peele: Office Homophobe

Fairbs says...

Lots of interesting conversation on this video. I always thought that the gay stereotype was used as a social cue to kind of announce that one was gay. I'm not saying any particular person had to act that way just that it helped to identify as part of a certain group. The flamboyance of the character for me is annoying, but tolerable. Cock props, a-hole pictures, TMI on the lover definitely cross the line for me in the workplace regardless of gender / orientation.

reza aslan destroys joel osteen and the prosperity gospel

lantern53 says...

Plus the music is awesome! but anyway...this guy believes in Jesus? Probably doesn't believe in the divinity of Jesus, although I don't know, but that belief is not popular with the academic set. Since he blasts Osteen, it guarantees he will get some good press.

As for interpretations of Jesus, all of religion is an interpretation. A hungry man sees food everywhere but the lover sees his lover's face everywhere, and the worst philosopher is a miserable man.

No man can have an absolute knowledge of God, only an interpretation. The greatest mystery is love.

U.N: One child killed every hour in Gaza

NBC Censors Snowden's Critical 9/11 Comments from Interview

Trancecoach says...

It will take millions more Snowdens to give freedom a fighting chance in an age of Leviathan State control, but it's also important for any lover of freedom to understand the manner in which Snowden went about his defiance. He acted peacefully, openly, with total dedication to principle. He took responsibility for speaking the truth, and he did it with a clean conscience.

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