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What has UsesProzac been up to? (Blog Entry by UsesProzac)

lucky760 says...

I had no idea you were even a magician. Why are there no videos of you on the Sift playing? What is your instrument?

Thanks for updating us with your whereabouts. It's the rare sifter who doesn't forget us when they move onto ventures in meatspace.

You'll kick ass at jazz, I'm certain.

Democracy Now! - NSA Targets "All U.S. Citizens"

chingalera says...

My personal 5-yr-plan for expatriation began yesterday. If I have to live in any country, I have 3 criteria:

Must be an active volcano within 20 miles and surrounded by ocean
Must be able to dive for shellfish and angle for salt-water fishes from the shore
Tourism economy with the only Americans there visitors or fellow expatriates with the bulk of tourists coming from Europe and other.

I'm shooting for the south-eastern Windward isles, where I can with an EU passport, travel freely to Cuba. Not to mention Jamaica and South America.

It's not so much the fucked government, they're fucked everywhere. It's all about quality of life-Good, fresh, UNTAINTED food, great music, and NO FUCKING AMERICANS!

I used to love my country before the machine started breeding idiots, now all that's left here are ineffectual robots who talk a lot, saying nothing and doing less. As far as I'm concerned, y'all can have this motherfucker....Oh, and I'm gonna join the Freemasons when I get there as well, 'cause Freemasonry KICKS ASS!

Thank you for supporting VideoSift (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Indeed. All you existing and long, long term charters who've been on the program for > 6 years now are incredible specimens of awesomeness. All the folks who buy Power Points and send gift charterships are kick-ass as well.

Those of you who have abstained, but can afford the tiny bit it costs for the keen upgrades we have available, we would be much obliged for your support.


From A to B - A Trip Through the Mail

Jim Carrey's 'Cold Dead Hand' Pisses Off Fox News Gun Nuts

chingalera says...

Well, only one down-vote:

IMO Carey just pissed on what's left of any real career-The producers of Kick-Ass 2 seem to agree that he's not thinking clearly, not unlike some of the peeps on this banal thread.

If you begin with the Kool-Aid being served with semantics like "assault rifle" and end up on a video blog with about 5 videos published with any meat having to do with the recent whack-job mass-shooting, the bulk of whose active users are east/west coast U.S. and outside of the C.U.S....IS IT SURPRISING, that you have a skewed representation of attitudes towards free will relative to firearms in the United States?

I do see these bills introduced in states and nationally the writing on the wall to an eventual fascist future for the entire fucking world, and those who don't, deserve that future.

Carrey's schtick never did it for me after age 16, he's so off in the realm of some EST whack-job in interviews, (like some motivational speaker from a closed-circuit kid's show in Ottawa on at 6 a.m.) and now with this, why the turd even dishonors the memory of Stringbean Akeman by taking a jab at Hee Haw and the fine people of Nashville.

Fuck Jim Carrey, BIG BROTHER say's he's doubleplus unfunny

highdileeho said:

I think most people were upset because the skit was Not Funny. It stereotypes gunowners as dumb redneck bible thumpers, when the reality is that a majority of gun owners are non-white. So not only is it offensive, not funny, but also innacurate. Just imagine if he played to a different stereotype, wore black face and called all non-registered gun owners barbaric, ignorant black men. Then would you cross bearing douches deem it appropriate for people to feel offended?

lucky760 (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

Sorry I must have missed getting your comment about you having fixed it. Everything works brilliant. Thanks for kicking ass. We appreciate it

lucky760 said:

It's not broken anymore. I explained what the issue was and that I fixed it after you last CC'd me yesterday. Give it a try and let me know how it works out for you.

Jim Carrey's 'Cold Dead Hand' Pisses Off Fox News Gun Nuts

ERB - Babe Ruth vs Lance Armstrong

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Jack Nicholson Joker - Wait'll they get a load of me

Shepppard (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Kick ass 2 red band trailer, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 3 Badge!

Kick ass 2 red band trailer

mxxcon says...

Hit-Girl doesn't look like a cute little innocent girl anymore. Now she's just a teenager...(with budding sex appeal?) It doesn't have that surprise factor from the 1st movie.
And Kick-Ass is STILL in highschool?

Shepppard (Member Profile)

Kick ass 2 red band trailer

Fulano -- Godzilla

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