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Hey, this bottle belongs to you!

newtboy says...

I'm not Jesus, but I'll answer for him. ;-}
If I were the litter bug, I would have been embarrassed at having it pointed out by the first guy that returned the bottle and I would have apologized for my bad behavior, I would not have A. indignantly thrown the bottle back out repeatedly or B. gotten out and put it in his grill (as you suggested).
If I were the returner and the litter bug got out and approached the front of my car with the bottle like you said you would have, I would have 'accidentally' let the brakes off and squashed him.
Many people don't think about the consequence of their actions, to themselves or others, so many would be willing to get out of their car to return the litter. It didn't seem dangerous to do so until the litterbug rams the other car. A returner picking it up and tailpipeing it would be far safer than the litter bug putting it in the returners grill, the litterbug wasn't paying any attention to what was happening behind him, but the returner would have seen him coming a mile away.
It's about being passionate about litter, teaching douchebags a lesson, and ignoring the danger, not about being passionate about dying.

chingalera said:

Jesus! Accuse me of unrighteous inclination and "react" rather than respond to my sentiments. I offered my thoughts to the situation from the POV of the litterbug, not Johnny (death by road rage) Webcam (although in the litterbug's place, IF it was a dick like you described, I'd most-likely be fucking up his grill with my rear bumper in reverse, because I don't leave a car when peeps are obviously unstable).

SO, what you're saying is that yourself as the litterbug, would have done something similar in response to the situation as I would have?

If you take me for someone who would illicit a reaction from an unknown motorist then end-up somehow mysteriously out of my vehicle between mine and theirs while they are still inside their vehicle well, maybe you'd do this, but I ain't goin' out like that.

Who the FUCK, is as passionately insane about dying to get out of their car to teach a stranger a lesson about littering? The litter-police guys' a dick, plain and simple and the litterbugs' a cunt for throwing his trash out so brazenly.

...oh and yes, my name is chingalera that, "little fucking thing over there."

Are you SYRIAs? (User Poll by albrite30)

blankfist says...

The right answer is noninterventionism, in my opinion. And sanctions aren't diplomatic solutions. They are acts of war on a sovereign country, which usually results in starving its people, which creates resentment.

Here's some reasons why noninterventionism is so important. First, bombing campaigns usually create collateral damage, and the funny thing about people, they tend to hate you when you kill their moms or sons or wives or friends. For reference, please refer to 9/11 in the U.S.

Secondly, Syria is having a civil war. How'd the U.S. like it if Britain supported the Confederacy during its civil war?

Thirdly, supporting the rebels is essentially being al-Qaeda's air force. Yeah, remember those guys? The guys who flew planes into our buildings? I don't think we should support them.

Fourth, our sudden pious indignation is misplaced, and worse, selective. I didn't hear one person in the U.S. calling to bomb Israel when they used white phosphorous on Palestinian women and children.

Fifth, you know exactly what is really fueling the march into Syria. It's not a humanitarian intervention, it's about oil. Syria doesn't want to trade their oil in U.S. dollars. Neither does Iran. If we allow the U.S. to bomb Syria, we will soon be marching into Tehran.

Sixth, who made us world police?

Lastly, it's not like we couldn't be spending that money at home fixing our infrastructure and taking care of our people. I think feeding the homeless here is way more important than making people homeless in other countries from bomb campaigns.

Chomsky on Zizek & Lacan

Yogi says...

Chomsky goes all over the world, he sees very simple people who live under ghastly circumstances and fight hard for justice and their rights. No wonder he idolizes them and believes them to be heroes than some faggot intellectual sitting writing a treatise or signing their name to a letter of indignation to someone.

It's the same thing with American students always asking him "What can I do? It's impossible because I sat outside for like HOURS dude and nothing changed." You can just see the disdain in his face as he tries to be polite towards this whiny little fuck of an entitled college kid. They're worthless, compared to those in other countries who work to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.

If I was Chomsky I would've given up a long time ago, America is filled with whiny Liberal Pussies who won't do the work necessary to fix anything.

Norm MacDonald on Hitler

Fletch says...

That's the joke... "his process of naive discovery". It's a joke. He's a comedian, and he tells jokes. I'm sure @brycewi19 doesn't believe Norm just discovered Hitler, nor does Norm really want you to believe it. He's relating things that aren't true in order to be funny. I'm sure he didn't fly all night to get to the Letterman show, either, should he claim his arms are tired.

Did you all read the title and think he, Norm MacDonald, had something interesting or insightful to say about Hitler? Did you all see this as a learning opportunity? To feel slighted, or indignance, or just pissy... over this? Pffft...

Am I the only one who L'dMAO? I fuckin' love Norm MacDonald. I FUCKIN' LOVE NORM MACDONALD!

volumptuous said:

You honestly think that Norm just now discovered Hitler?

Hannity Then and Now on NSA Surveillance

Yogi says...

Have you seen ANY OTHER of my posts on this site?! Step down of that high horse of false indignation Jack!

A10anis said:

Hannity's ineptitude as a journalist aside, you say he is; "Entertaining with this boring crap?" Well, it may be "boring crap" to you, but to people who value their liberty, freedom and privacy, it means a hell of a lot more. When "they" are breaking down your door for posting stupid comments - which they have monitored and recorded - who/what will you turn to for justice?

Mieders Alpine Coaster - Frustrated Guy Crashes

newtboy says...

yes, he could have tried that, except that the woman was with a group of 3 that continuously STOPPED on the track until they see him coming, then repeatedly the one in front (dad?) starts up again, so there's no way he could get in front of the 'jam'. They knew full well they were causing a slow down on a fast ride, and should have known that ruins if for many. Perhaps when they saw he caught them 30 sec into the ride, they could have asked him if he wanted to switch cars with the one in front (and again for the next guy, and the next guy...). Of course, that assumes it's possible to switch cars in mid-ride, which I think is not possible or safe, and also leaves a stopped jam in the middle of the track while they all switch cars over and over, ruining it for MORE people behind. Instead they take off, constantly riding the brake and completely stopping on a fast, blind corner track. Just plain stupid and dangerous. If the ride's too scary for you to ride, stay off it.
It's like the idiots that drive 30 mph on the freeway, thinking they are being safe by going slow. They are doing the opposite, making a dangerous situation, AND interfering with everyone else using the freeway properly as intended. In Houston, they had to implement minimum speed limits, and you get a ticket for blocking traffic if you can't drive near the limit. Now, I don't advocate ramming these people (but it happens daily by accident), but I do advocate removing their license if they can't drive near the speed limit or with the flow of traffic.
The same goes for those who want to do adrenaline filled activities, when they see it's too much for them and they are screwing up everyone elses time, they should remove themselves, not force others to be asshats until they realize their mistake.
I blame the leader of the group here, I hate people that take their kids on things they aren't prepared for and think nothing of screwing it up for everyone else without a second thought and usually with indignance.

chingalera said:

Dude, the guys a douche: He should have asked the woman in front of him (who wasn't really into the adrenaline rush as much as he was) to trade frikkin' cars with her at the first opportunity-Whip-lashing her from behind when he could have braked....DOUCHEBAAAAAAG!

inside monsanto-scientists talk about the truth

bcglorf says...

I grew up on a small family farm. I went off to university and came home expecting to talk about how horrific Monsanto had been to everyone and get the first hand stories of how bad it was. Instead, every last farmer in the entire area, and these are all single family farms, stated as a matter of course that Monsanto's GMO crops made them more money, and overwhelmingly had been chosen by farmers over previous still available alternatives because it reduced their costs and increased their yields.

So I've since gone back and looked more closely at the picture, and Monsanto is still a nasty beast of a mega-corp. It's GMO crops though have been used and grown here in North America almost exclusively(and by free choice) for 20+ years, and our people aren't dead from horrific diseases yet. Go search google scholar for research on the health impacts of GMO crops and see how terrifically over stated any fears seem to be.

At the very least go educate yourself more before getting indignant when your called out for blaming health care costs and gasoline engine wear on Monsanto...

chingalera said:

Rational eh?

Criminals polluting the world's food production and distribution with a cadre of lawmakers and lawyers poised to give the beast a free-pass for the foreseeable future?

In March of this year, complicit cunt Obama signed H.R. 933, ‘Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013’-Missouri Senator Joe Blunt (R) worked with Monsanto to craft the language of a 78-page section of the bill which effectively protects biotech companies from judicial scrutiny should any notable public health risks arise as the result of GMOs. -IB Times’ Connor Sheets adds, “choosing to sign a bill that effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future.”

Their army of lawyers-as formidable as any of Walmart's punk-ass legal teams, work constantly to keep information out of the public scrutiny while cementing the future experimentation on humans with their tweaks to the staple food sources of the planet's food. Over-reacting??

How does one "rationally oppose" the calculated acts of criminals who not only make the laws, but stack the odds in their favor by buying those who mold the legal system in their favor?

Go educate yourself. Perhaps start with a short list of GMO crops used in just about everything??

Then check out the cases Monsanto has brought to trial against a never-ending list of farmers who have tried to take on the beast when their livelihoods were destroyed by opening their mouths....

Anyone with common-sense and a worthless high-school diploma who hasn't been drinking the Kool-Aid their entire lives should be able to see that the fucking emperor is clothed in a human flesh tuxedo....

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

heropsycho says...

1. That's not a reason for a scandal. There's a lot of good reasons a rescue operation could have been a bad idea, all of which could be in the best interests of everyone involved.
2. You don't know that's the reason why. In a perfect world, we'd know absolutely everything when we want to know it. Welcome to the real world.
3. US personnel unfortunately die from time to time while serving their country, and sometimes there's nothing scandalous about it. You better show some indignation to rejected beefing up of embassy security by the GOP, too if you're gonna play that card. Something tells me you won't.
4. Already been refuted by the facts. There was nothing significantly changed in the statements.

Look, you're a partisan, I get it. But this is insane. If there was something truly scandalous in the facts we have, I'd be screaming loudly, too. Unfortunately for you, that's not what is suggested in the facts.

lantern53 said:

Benghazi is a scandal because 1. no one approved any kind of rescue mission 2. Obama said Al-Qaeda was on it's heels and blamed it on a video because his election was imminent 3. an ambassador was killed 4. talking points were changed to make him look better

So Obama really was asleep when that 3am call came in, and stayed asleep...this makes the US look weak around the world, which encourages more terrorism

But since y'all love him so big deal, 'death is a part of life'.

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

aaronfr says...

No doubt I'm wasting my breath if @lantern53 is my intended audience, but mostly I try to beat back the nonsense for the edification of others.


I don't disagree that it warranted an investigation, but that is finished now. In fact, I would be surprised if any attack on an embassy or consulate didn't immediately trigger such an investigation. But it's the over-politicization that drives me nuts when there is so much out there that is truly dangerous and deserving of an indignant investigation.

Jewel robbery FAIL - watch out for Supergran!

Gun Control, Violence & Shooting Deaths in A Free World

chingalera says...

^ ^ ^ Look also to the individual histories of these countries as well, and perhaps less loaded words (sane, reasonable) for indignant retort-Look upwards from a perspective of recent history with governments wielding enormous power and influence over her citizens with confiscation of or outright outlawing of all firearms soon to follow.

The Problem With Mainstream Media

chingalera says...

Willful contention or righteous indignation and frustration fuels my personal disgust with "so-called" news and "alleged" reporting of "facts." IF the big 3 from circa 1955 was truthfully and without bias reporting world events and delivering them to owners of televisions and radios then I am a woman,trapped in a child's body who speaks five dead languages fluently.

If major media outlets are not a pathetic informational aberration developed as it has to deliver DISinformation and propaganda which supports the agendas of her financiers and sponsors, then the mixture of inert gasses drawn into sentient lungs from the atmosphere circa 1350 was much more poisonous than it will be in 2019.

Because in 2020, ginourmous air scrubbers built by children in 4rth world countries will purify the atmosphere to Precambrian quality!

deedub81? Spot-on. If a collective boycott of their bullshit happened overnight, I challenge you that they would NOT adjust their mission of bullshit to accommodate the newly-awakened masses, they would not be ALLOWED to continue in any capacity.

What are the first institutions secured during a military coup? Presidential palace and communications outlets. (TV and Radio, internet). Best way to get cattle to do your bidding is to fill their heads with bullshit designed to CONTROL them, not to inform them.

OH....and I only voted Stink (Muckrack) Uruguay and his Smugly Smugstein-ass up because our ol' pal farhad2000 popped-up on the radar after extended hiatus-Howdy pardner!

Henri The Existential Cat - Halloween

FDA Bans Some Gay Sperm Donors

GeeSussFreeK says...

Dunno, @Stormsinger is suggesting it isn't a real thing, just some indignation over a perhaps mole hill event. TYT does do that kind of thing like all of us do, so it wouldn't be to shocking.

Personally, though, I would think homosexuality is a large enough "anomaly" to at least be worthy of mention to the person that is getting the sample. I don't know a thing at all about the sperm donation process, I assume some kind of profile is already given to people who accept the sperm, and homosexuality seems like a genuine attribute a person should know about before you accept it. To that end (anecdotal), I heard of a blind, lesbian couple that wanted to find a blind male sperm donor to inseminate one of them to increase to likelihood of a blind child. That is all just to say choice is always a good thing to have, and edifying choices require information and freedom to act. If the FDA was mandating sperm banks to provide a profile that includes homosexuality as a listed trait of the donor (which is what I thought this video was going to be about), that is one thing, but wholesale misunderstanding of the risks of spreading HIV as it was mistakenly understood as Gay-related immune deficiency seems so folly that I almost can't believe it is true. However, being that I produce sperm well enough on my own; my own desire to google if this was a story worthy of actual merit escapes my attention span.

>> ^swedishfriend:

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Hmmm when I read the title, I thought it was going to make at least some sense, like...since homosexuality might be genetic (though it could be epigenetic or in utero) to not allow that "anomaly" into the sperm bank. That makes at least some sense to me; this though is retarded. It makes me laugh when recollecting people wanting to put the FCC in charge of the internet...because this is the type of shit that would start happening. Perhaps not a fair comparison, but I think their respective track records are pretty similar.

It is genetic. Going with the notion that it is an anomaly, it isn't an anomaly that is medically unsafe in any way so why would it matter? If you get sperm from a clinic you must realize that there is a chance of at least some genes from the donor being expressed in the child. Are people staying away from sperm banks or are they lining up in droves?
So why FDA? who is asking for this? Business competition would lead to sperm banks with genetic controls if this is something people were clamoring for.

Does it bother you that a high % of sifted videos are straight from Reddit? (User Poll by rottenseed)

Fletch says...

>> ^seltar:

Good thing that didn't come off as narcissistic at all!>> ^Fletch:
First of all, who turned off the email notification?!?! I haven't receive anything for a couple days, at least.
PaS, PaS, PaS... I'm your friend. The w/e-way-the-wind-blows Pill-Popper, the Cliquies, and the Badgers running to your "defense" are not. They care not for you nearly as much as they care that you represent 10% of every future star point. You have been beguiled and bamboozled by those whose thin skins betray the indignance-laced Kool-aid they have been drinking for years. They are your Roman Catholic Church. I am your Martin Luther. They are your Tom Cruise. I am your Tory Christman. They are your SLA. I am your windowless black van. They are your enablers, co-dependents. I am your friend. They want your upvotes and the kind of affirmation and vindication they can only receive by collective membership into their twisted groupthink. I want nothing.
Another prolific poster here once left due to the shenanigans of a recently-returned and reformed (?) exile. VS didn't miss a beat. Other people filled in and the same stuff she would have sifted got sifted by others. That's why it was somewhat comical to me when she returned to posting and threatened to stop if the exile was allowed to return. Exile is back, thankfully, and she is still posting, predictably. If you measure your value here by votes and badges, it is a lie. You've been caught up. They are participation ribbons. Everyone gets something eventually, and they don't mean jack shit to those who just want to see the two-headed calf and Journey concert.
Whatever your story... and I mean whatever your story, I stand by what I said. You could be nose-up in an iron lung pecking out smiley faces with a chopstick in your teeth, and I would still maintain that there are infinitely more interesting, meaningful, and rewarding (in RL) pursuits to dedicate hours and hours every day of your life to.
[edit: formatting broke again]

Cool. I was worried that it might.

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