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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Joshua Kindred- Trump appointed ultra MAGA judge already tossed for turning his chambers into the grotto at the playboy mansion, constantly talking about hard core sex with his clerks and forcing at least one into an unwanted sexual relationship, then repeatedly lied under oath to the 9th circuit when his outrageous sexual misconduct was investigated.
Typical MAGA. Incompetent, unqualified, immoral, untruthful, and hyper criminal. He’s one of your best. No surprise when the only qualification checked for any Trump appointment was loyalty to a pedophilic felonious rapist.

More evidence- MTG, the mentally defective anti trans she-male, decided to attack President Biden’s age (basically the same age as Trump) claiming “the average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776 was 44 years old, but more than a dozen were 35 or younger. Thomas Jefferson, 33, John Hancock, 39, James Madison, 25, Alexander Hamilton, 21 James Monroe 18, Aaron Burr 20, Paul Revere 41, George Washington 44.”
Sad for her, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe, Aaron Burr, Paul Revere, and George Washington were not signers of the Declaration of Independence….but this is the woman who believes and argues that Robert E Lee is a founding father…almost as vapid and uneducated as yourself! That’s seriously impressive.
More MAGA idiocy, ignorance, and incompetence wrapped in faux righteous indignation and vitriol and hatriotism.
Even sadder, her surprisingly valid point, that we need to stop electing octogenarians to the most strenuous white collar job on earth (except she exempts one horrific octogenarian), was completely lost, camouflaged by her stupidity.

The videos of Epstein’s house, that the rapist felon candidate visited regularly, are horrific. Pictures of naked very young girls everywhere. No denying exactly what he, and his friends were all about when you see their clubhouse.
Know who isn’t on the Epstein list dozens of times? Biden!

Ex-CIA Director Says Blinken COLLUDED in Hunter Coverup

newtboy says...

Absolutely the exact opposite of what his testimony was.

Gym Jordan asked “when he (Blinken) called you, did he direct, suggest, or insinuate in any way that you should write a letter or statement on this topic?”
A: “My memory is that he did not, right. My memory is he asked me what I thought.”
Q: “it wasn’t; the campaign could use some help on this, could you-“
A: “He did not say that”
Q: —cook up something we could use?”
A: “it is not my memory that he said that”

He went on to explain that it was absolutely normal for his friendly acquaintance, Blinken, to ask his opinion, and that it would have been out of character for Blinken to ask him to make a statement….and he had not done so.

Gym Jordan has lied and said that is an admission he wrote the letter at Blinken’s direction, the exact opposite of the testimony. All this to further a story about the Trump campaign stealing a private citizen’s laptop and tampering with it to try to link alleged minor infractions by a private citizen to his father, who is above reproach personally.
Trying to demand the sins of the son are sins of the father, denying personal responsibility which they claim to love. Why @bobknight33? Why do you keep making yourself foolish over this nothing burger of a story at best?

There’s no “there” there.

Don’t forget, this stupidity replaced your claim that China had paid Hunter $3 BILLION. Something you likely still insist is true despite zero evidence and Hunter never having 1% of that much money in all accounts and property combined.

You’ve been indoctrinated with incessant indignant ignorance. It’s not a good look.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

God your an indignant fool.
When will you grow up?

You just have sour grapes. Your a bitter man adrift in you own mind.

newtboy said:

Elon is dumping Tesla to pay some enormous capital gains and income taxes he’s avoided for the last decade by taking out loans against his stocks instead of selling any. He likes to say he’s paying the most taxes anyone ver has, and right wing propaganda is trying to back that up, but he didn’t pay any taxes for over 10 years while becoming the richest man ever…so divide by 10 and try again, liar, and his stock gains are also from his companies making artificially high profits by not paying taxes.
If reports are to be believed, he’s worth $200 billion now, so really that amounts to 5.25% total taxes (fed and state)….hardly his fair share…because he’s really a socialist welfare queen!
Be prepared for a massive slump in its value. He’s planning on selling off 10%, but prices will drop far more.

Man refusing to wear a mask breaks arm of Target employee

newtboy says...

Sadly, these brothers are reported to be indignant transients, so won't be paying for the security guard's medical bills, pain and suffering, or loss of wages.
I do hope they both get a nice roof over their heads and 3 meals a day at taxpayer's expense for the next 3-5. Self centered assholes won't be missed by anyone.

AOC Exposes The Dark Side - "Let's Play A Game"

newtboy says...

$3 billion? Aaaaaahahahaha! Says him?! Oh Bob, hang your head in shame.

Edit: How much has he and his family milked the presidency for so far? Hundreds of millions certainly when you include Ivanka's special trade deals, the apartments sold to foreign agents at 10-100 times market value, and the rental of his properties by the same and other foreign agents at above market value, the milking our treasury, requiring the secret service pay him to be allowed to guard him at his properties.....sweet zombie Jebus, no one has ever abused the office or any other like he has, with your full blessing. Don't feign indignation now at others.

Earned?! Aaaaaaahahahaha! He inherited it Bob....and stole it from rubes like you pretend to be.

Are you claiming McCain got his money in some untoward way, or just implying it because you have zero evidence of any such thing but want people to think you do? You, as a Trumpeteer, have some gall accusing others of making their money in some underhanded way, no matter what they might have done it pales in comparison to the known, admitted frauds and swindles your leader brags about with pride.

Bob, Trump's administration's leaders have been found guilty on 24 counts so far in under 2 years with 89 charges SO FAR.....and many more removed in disgrace for abusing their offices for personal enrichment..... that's far more corrupt than Nixon after the break in and cover-up. There has never been another administration 1/4 as swampy as Trump's. NEVER.

Trump himself is an admitted and convicted fraud who stole money from the ignorant poor with his fake schools....and charities....and businesses....and every contract he's ever been involved with.
He's called the swamp thing for a reason.

bobknight33 said:

Trumps net worth 3 Billion . At least he earned his $.

U.S. congressional salary is 174k today

McCain, In 2016, the senator was worth $14.8 million.
Pelosi , Net Worth: -$58.7 million to $72.1 million
Ried net worth is between 3 and 10 million dollars.
This does not take into account the back door funding that enrich family members.

Most political figures have all lined their pockets over the years. It is call a swamp for a reason.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

CNN seems to have no trouble bending the law
and are even quite indignant about the folks that simply followed the law with the tone of that headline.

Are you starting to see the patterns yet?
Fox isn't the only News/Entertainment business that prefers to see things in a certain light which is what I have been trying to say all along.

newtboy said:

That's a pretty biased way to minimize the fact that he violated clear state law that prohibits vote by email or fax, and refuses to remove the fraudulent votes from his tallies.

"Neither means of communication is normally allowed"....a far cry from the truth, "both means of voting are specifically prohibited by law", and quite short of how they characterize being a few minutes late filing provisional, military, and mail in ballots in other counties. That is illegal, anti American election tampering by frauds and criminals that should be jailed in Fox's opinion, but this blatant direct violation of election law is just the election official being helpful....and you still claim they're less biased.....

John Cleese On Trump's Base

newtboy says...

Trump IS doing a great job....for other Trumps and our enemies, but not America.

Instead of (proudly)fake/(repeatedly convicted and admitted) fraud/fuming/cheating/thieving/lying/ racist/misogynist/ repeatedly bankrupting/whining/textbook narcissist/ idiot/ignorant/incestuous/infantile/ indignant/ school yard bully/sociopathic/ sexual assaulting/ philandering/ pedophilic/ slandering/ bribing/ porn star paying/ trust fund baby Trump? a heartbeat, and I thoroughly hate her.

bobknight33 said:

Trump is doing a great job.

Way the fuck better than Fake / Fraud /cheating Hillary.

Guess you still want her?

Matt Lauer Sexual Harassment; Trump's Unhinged Tweets

Payback says...

Although the oozing fetid abscess that is institutionalized sexual harassment has needed a good draining for a long, long time, anyone else suspect once they wash this all away with Righteous Indignation (tm) and slap a rainbow bandaid on it, it will just start to fill up again?

Hollow Hollywood

newtboy says...

For over the last year, every gathering of the right has defended Trump's bragging about being an archetypal sexual harasser.......
....suddenly, now that a 'liberal' is accused of the same abuse, they become morally indignant.

@bobknight33, A few weeks in, and Weinstein is completely removed from Hollywood, his company, and soon his money and freedom, not ignored and protected by liberal elites. Trump, shielded by idealogs, and still threatening to use the full power of the presidency to destroy anyone who plays the tape of Trump himself bragging about his abuses....yet somehow some brain dead slug gets that 100% backwards and you grab on with both hands. So much fail.

I do agree, the assaults by both abusers were shamefully and willfully ignored completely until that became impossible, but only one is still being ignored and excused today.

The Violent Left EXPOSED!

enoch says...

i think you guys are missing the point of this video.this video was not produced for YOU.

this is a dog whistle video for those who identify as "right" leaning politically,and may be on the fence in regards to the alt-right.they may adhere to more conservative and traditional values but find the alt-right a tad to extreme,a tad too racist and neo-fascist.

and they most likely already find "leftists" and "liberals" offensive to their political sensibilities.

and here we have a video showing "lefties" perpetrating violence on innocent,rightwing know..their peeps.

so you watch with indignation and disbelief,while the rightwingers watches in horror and fear.this video is meant to do just that:instill fear and prompt a person to action and to view this action as righteous self-defense.

this is identity politics,pure and simple.

and now we have TWO extremists groups growing,and BOTH are convinced of their righteous convictions that THEY have a perpetrate violence in the name of their ideology.

well,it is not EVERYBODY.. shit sherlock.we get that.
not everyone is a neo-fascist,racist,super white nationalist.

nor are they all communists and black bloc anarchists.

but it IS those two groups who have adopted extremist ideologies that in their little pea brains have given them the moral authority to fuck some people up.

and THIS fucking video is a goddamn recruitment video for the neo-fascists!

communists and black bloc anarchists on my left..
racist neo fascists on my right..
here i am...
stuck in the middle...


Alex Jones Ranting On Seattle Streets

PlayhousePals says...

GET OFF MY STREET you inciter of ... stress [keepin' it clean for the kids]. What the hell? Oh how times have changed. I am so glad this is in the terrible channel. I WILL upvote for proper designation despite my indignation and reservation. Fuckin' blowhard

Liberal Redneck - Transgender Patriots and the GOP

MilkmanDan says...

@CrushBug -- Very good arguments in favor of absorbing the cost, even IF hormone therapy / gender reassignment is paid for by the military / government.

@entr0py -- Links that I've read from conventional news outlets claim that hormone therapy and gender reassignment were covered by military healthcare IF a doctor signed off on them as being medically necessary. An article I read about Chelsea Manning specifically stated that the hormone therapy was definitely paid for by the military, but that it wasn't 100% clear who paid the bill for her gender reassignment. I can't find that exact article, but here's another one from 2015 that suggests the same things:

Another article I read said that Obama issued an order / proclamation / whatever that the military would pay for those things if they were deemed medically necessary, which was a change from the former system (not covered). Not sure when/if that went into effect, but I think it must have. I'll look and see if I can find a link to that one.

I'm not saying that my info is right and yours is wrong, but it seems unclear. They (gender reassignment and hormone therapy) definitely weren't covered for a long time, but it seems like the hormone therapy was for sure at least in Manning's case.

Again, just to my personal opinion, I think the old system of "welcome to serve but we ain't paying for that stuff" was fine (ideal?). CrushBug presents a good argument for the military absorbing those costs since they are such a tiny fraction of the military budget (even though trans soldiers are arguably also a tiny fraction of the total).

Strangely enough, I'd pretty happily agree to those services being covered (if deemed medically necessary) as part of single-payer universal health care available to ALL CITIZENS. That would still be paying for them with tax dollars, but not tax dollars earmarked for military, which seems better to me somehow.

And again, I think Trump is 100% in the wrong for barring trans people from service simply for being trans. I agree that he's really just trying to rile up his base and trigger their righteous indignation. But, I do still basically think that the military paying for those services (or viagra / hair transplants / botox / cosmetic stuff, etc.) out of their budget is wrong. Even if amounts to a drop in the ocean that is military spending.

entr0py said:

Gender reassignment and hormone therapy aren't covered by military healthcare, so that's not the issue. Honestly, I think Trump is either so misinformed that he believes they are covered, or he knows that by implying they are with the phrase "tremendous medical costs" his base will be outraged by an imaginary government expenditure on 'queers'.

Where's the Smoke, Comey's Fired

Racist is what you do, not what you say.

newtboy says...

You mean like you did in your very first response? LOL.

I guess you also don't understand the difference between asking for verification of an unlikely claim and outright contradiction. That seems to be the norm when people who don't really know what they're talking about are challenged on their baseless claims, they assume they are being contradicted and become indignant, but never even try to make their own case.

C-note said:

A common tactic employed by those who wish to suppress the truth is to become dismissive, devalue and attempt to marginalize the individual. It works as effective propaganda on the masses who need to believe atrocities and genocide could not possibly take place on american soil. But hey! texas released a text book that called slaves hard workers. Some could argue that is more insulting then using the n-word.

No court cases found? was an attempt even made? Let's make it the next X Prize.

I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church.

MilkmanDan says...

I grew up in a Christian home (Methodist) but never really bought in and considered myself an atheist from about ~12 years old or so.

@poolcleaner said that atheists might be the worst at "respect(ing) my beliefs and recogniz(ing) that I am not recruiting them and they are not recruiting me".

There's two parts of that. Respecting other beliefs, and not proselytizing.

Just speaking for myself, I would say that I am an atheist specifically because I don't respect the Christian beliefs that I grew up with, and feel much the same way about the dogmatic elements of any religion. Most religions share the basic tenet of the "Golden Rule" (or claim that they do), and as far as I am concerned that is the only thing of value to be found in any religion -- although it can exist perfectly fine outside of any religious context.

That's where proselytizing comes in though. For a while when I was younger, I wanted to "spread the good news" of atheism -- to show others what was so obvious and important to me, that idea that the Golden Rule works just as well outside of any religious context. I was "indignant" (as poolcleaner put it) and quick to tell people that I am atheist and to sort of "pick a fight" about it. I wanted to show people just how stupid and wrong they were.

I think LOTS of atheists are like that, especially early on after they part ways with religion. To be fair, a lot of that is defensiveness since atheists tend to get proselytized to a LOT by Christians that learn/discover that they are an atheist -- especially in the US.

Now I'm 20 years older and I live in a country that is 95% Buddhist, 4% Islamic, and 1% Christian/Other. Thailand isn't even really close to the most diverse Asian country in religious terms (Singapore has 5 religions with 10%+ of the population, with Buddhist being the most at 34%) but there is an air of practiced religious acceptance / tolerance here that is WAY different from back home in the US.

I'd wager that amongst the major religions, Christianity might contain the highest percentage of the "proselytizing type" -- those that really strongly believe in the message enough to want to spread it to those who don't, or those that have never really questioned their beliefs but who nonetheless buy in enough to think that it is important to get it out there. On the other hand, there are many more Christians who may be very strong believers but who are comfortable keeping that all internal and not proselytizing.

With atheists, I'd say that there is a high correlation between being very "out" / open about their atheism and being the "proselytizing type" of atheist. So, if you know that someone is an atheist, it is fairly likely that they will be a bit "indignant" about it. If someone is an atheist but doesn't feel the need to inform others about it, most people would never know/assume they were an atheist. I'm not talking about "closeted" atheists; just the difference between those who are going to tell you within 10 minutes of meeting you that they are an atheist without the subject ever coming up, and those that will only mention it if you directly ask them about it.

Keeping that it mind, I can actually believe that from an outside perspective, known atheists might be more aggressive than known Christians just due to that sort of selection bias. Maybe.

ChaosEngine said:

Atheists are the worst? Seriously??

I don't think you can honestly say that with a straight face.

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