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maatc (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

I dunno! I don't think I saw Stern in that particular clip, but I thought I saw that Robin lady who often is his radio partner. Don't know anything about this, really! Sorry that wasn't much help.
In reply to this comment by maatc:
Hmm. But is this really him? Or some other weird show?

In reply to this comment by Issykitty:
I believe that Howard Stern has a show on E! (cable channel), whatever that may be, though I don't know for sure since I do not have cable.

Issykitty (Member Profile)

One word: H Y S T E R I C A L !

A Hole in the Head: A Documentary about Trepanation trailer

doogle says...

I first heard about this from on-air live interviews Howard Stern had on his show - and he made fun of them about how ridiculous this is to do in modern society.

holy sh*t this is disturbing

Dave Works at Taco Bell

Howard Stern Impersonator (Dead On)

k8_fan says...

This guy could totally fool people into believing he's Howard Stern. Or at least get a bunch of porn starlets to have sex with him believing that he's Howard Stern.

Howard Stern Impersonator (Dead On)

Steven Seagal - Out for Justice - Bar Fight

Wingoguy says...

Seagal is outstanding...I heard a guest on the Howard Stern Show one morning a few years back (someone source me on this one). He had worked with Seagal on a movie and one morning, walked into Seagal's trailer. He said hello to Seagal, who was reading a movie script. Seagal just held up one finger, motioning him to wait until he was finished reading. When Seagal was done, he said, "I've just finished the best script I've ever read." "Really?" replied the man, "Who wrote it?" To which Seagal replied, in total deadpan seriousness, "I did".

girl dumped live on radio

girl dumped live on radio

World of Warcraft (WoW) Sulu Dance!

Afraid of Peaches

choggie says...

Bullshit. Maury is a pimp, the peach bitch, (bad ratings grabber, fire the writer), is an actor, a bad one at that, and Howard Stern is going to burn, for your sins, in Hell, or a reasonable facsimile of the same!

wait that came out wrong.....Fuck Hughes, formerly Direcway!!!!!!!!

Howard Stern's Porn Factor - Deep Throat

Blitzer Cranked - "Howard Stern'd"

sfjocko says...

In the first hour of Wednesday's 8-23 Situation Room, CNN apparentlythought it had a phoner with Wendy Hutchens, a woman "who claims that five years ago she had detailed chats about the death of JonBenet Ramsey" with John Mark Karr.
"...he was instructed to kill JonBenet by Howard Stern"
The caller was a "notorious prank caller" named Thomas Cipriano. He says: "I've been doing this for 20 years! You'd think they'd be on to me by now..."
The clip is much longer than necessary, but the exchange with the "crack" [sic] caller is at the beginning.
On a personal note, I watched the entire clip because I rarely am exposed to CNN and always find it visually fascinating. The graphics get more sophisticated, ...and it's slightly distracting to those unaccustomed to it. There is never a moment without considerable motion on the screen, even when the talking head is just taking. It's a way of helping the short attention-spanners keep their eyes on the tube. (Charlie Rose, with conversants sitting at a table, the background a uniform black void, is the antithesis of the ever-waving background of CNN; with Rose, you're on your own to supply the attention and brain activity to maintain focus on the conversation. my $.02

CNN... The Perils of Live News

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