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Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

Duckman33 says...

Not only was this a lame example of water boarding. If anyone knows or has listened to this guy, they would know that this was all staged. Mancow Muller is a cheap, two-bit want-to-be imitation of Howard Stern. But is even more over-the-top with his theatrics. He's a huge wrestling fan and subscribes to the "bigger, and more outrageous is better" mentality when it comes to his show.

As you can see, if you are not concentrating on the subject, but paying close attention to his reaction in the video, Mr. Muller is a really, really, really bad actor. His reaction is contrived. And very poorly contrived at that. I mean seriously, he lasts what, 2 seconds? And as many others have already said, this was nothing even remotely resembling what a real water boarding would be like. I was going to post this a few days ago when it appeared on YouTube, but did not because I thought for sure most of the intelligent people on here would see right through the obvious and very poor acting job of Mr. Muller and the completely fake "demonstration" of water boarding and not give it one single vote. Guess I was wrong.

Not trying to offend anyone, I seriously thought you guys would see right through this facade. Very surprising.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

ShakyJake says...

This is one of our local Chicago radio hosts. I used to listen to his show over 15 years ago when it was practically a Howard Stern Show clone, which is why it's pretty ironic to see him getting into politics and courting the Conservative movement and morals so much now. Kudos to him for swallowing his pride to admit it's torture, though.

'The Adventures of Mark and Brian' Intro (1991)

csnel3 says...

God, these two guys suck ass. Everyday I go to work and the dope smokers have this shit cranked up on their radios, giggling like dope smokers do. It just is a bunch of stupid noise for the stupid, much like Howard Stern.

Extract (Trailer) - Mike Judge's New Movie

poolcleaner says...

>> ^ForgedReality:
Mike Judge is overrated, just like Howard Stern, and that dipshit Ben Assfuck is in it. I noticed two people who played in Jericho though, so there's a plus...
edit - oh yeah, and the delicious Mila Kunis.

I will see it and I will love it. I am also a registered sex offender and professed Nazi sympathizer.

Extract (Trailer) - Mike Judge's New Movie

Cyndi Lauper - True Colors

Ryjkyj says...

Cheesy 80's videos aside. I heard her do this song a little while ago on Howard Stern live with just a violin and decided that I love it.


Oh wait, here it is but the audio is terrible. I love it when you hear how she actually talks.

The Worlds Smartest Man Works in a Bar (Fascinating)

ponceleon says...

So he got his IQ from a test in the back of Omni magazine? Uh... I consider IQ tests to be a bit subjective to begin with... one in the back of a magazine which appeals to UFO/conspiracies theoriests, yeah... not so much.

He's certainly articulate, but listening to him, he's just an asshole with some vocabulary.

To me Genius means someone who has contributed a unique/innovative idea to society. The difference between this guy and Darwin, Einstein and everyone else that he compares himself arrogantly to is that they actually produced something, where as he WORKS IN A BAR.

I'm not saying that working in a bar makes you worthless, but it doesn't make you Darwin or Einstein either.

Edit: went back to check... yup, he self-administered the IQ test as well. Yeah... I'm sure that is worth something.

Edit 2: So I went on Wikipedia to see what it said there and it was kind of equivocal. Seems this guy was a bit more popular back in 1999 and has been administered some real IQ tests (the validity of them I'm still skeptical of).

Nevertheless, the one thing that comes across is that he's got a serious attitude problem and it doesn't necessarily translate into his "genius." Dropping out of school because "he knew more than his professors" and similar comments make me think that he's QUITE concerned with the marketing aspects of being the "Smartest Man In America." The reality is that he doesn't work in a bar anymore, he did that briefly. He's married to a doctor and runs a horse farm and as far as I can tell, his biggest hobby is promoting himself.

Edit 3: reminds me of Howard Stern's campaign to call himself the "King of all Media"

blankfist (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Man Wants Kidney Back from Estranged Wife

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^joedirt:
Of course it's covered by CBS. That's a Howard Stern lawyer guy, I wonder how much this is on his show.

They talked about it a little on Stern's show today. The lawyer is Dominick Barber but he's not Stern's lawyer. He's a lawyer that calls the show a lot.

He made a pretty interesting case in my opinion. (not that I support it)

Basically what he's arguing is that the lack of earning potential (see: lifespan) is going to affect his financial future. Not only did she take from his ability to earn but she wants more. Here's this woman who said she loved the guy, then cheated on him, then left him (he didn't leave her for cheating) and then she says, "not only do I want half of your kidneys, I want half of your money." Think about that for a minute.

Seriously, I don't think this case really has merit but I do think it's hilarious.

This guy literally gave this woman a piece of his body to be with her. A vital organ for that matter. But somehow she's not satisfied. She needs half of EVERYTHING.


Man Wants Kidney Back from Estranged Wife

Enrique Iglesias' voice recorded while lip syncing

lucky760 says...

Wow @ all the "fake" calls. Does everyone really not remember this from a few years ago? This is an old recording that was all but confirmed that it was Enrique, but to prove he could carry a tune better than this, he immediately went on Howard Stern and performed live.

It was really him being recorded (though I don't know if this video is really the one that goes with the audio). It was just the situation on stage where he couldn't hear his own voice because the music (lip sync track and all) was so loud.

Enrique Iglesias' voice recorded while lip syncing

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

blankfist (Member Profile)

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