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The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop...

This is why you don't Text and Drive

MarineGunrock says...

I don't see why people think that recording something while driving requires any sort of focused attention. All you have to do is hold the fucking camera.

Also, never mind honking at a drunk/drugged out driver. That would be far less effective than the driver in front of the idiot noticing in their rear-view and slowing to a stop.

This is why you don't Text and Drive

Porksandwich says...

Well look at it the other way. What if he filmed it and the accident never occurred? The guy never hit the guard and never crossed back over to strike a vehicle or whatever else. He went on about his day and all there was to prove it ever happened was a phone call to police about a erratic driver and a few drivers who could have said that they did see a car over the line temporarily as they passed it.

Police don't give tickets based on other people's observations alone, if they did...all those people who call in about a car going too fast in their neighborhood with a license plate number attached would have tickets mailed to them.

So......this video would be the only thing that is "proof" that this guy was doing some very dangerous shit. And to top it off, what if someone else wrecked trying to avoid him? How do you prove the guy was trying to play chicken with you and that's why you swerved and wrecked?

I think the guy filming was too close to the guy driving erratically, but otherwise I find no fault in what he did. He wasn't all over the road filming the guy. Honking and flashing his lights ain't going to make a guy stop what he's doing...especially when he had a couple near head-on collisions and didn't stop.

Frustrates me when Im on the road and a semi truck is driving erratic and I am not sure if Im wasting my time calling 911 because he might be long gone by the time they arrive or might have hit a patch of slow traffic and got himself under control. Or "dangerous" campers dragging another long ass vehicle behind's not against the law, but when they can't seem to keep it within the lines during high proof is about the only thing you could use to prove the guys are unsafe as hell.

This is why you don't Text and Drive

NinjaInHeat says...

Am I the only one who finds this pretty disturbing not for the idiot driver but for the guy filming? How indicative this is of the 'youtube era', so what if he called the police first? After that phone call his train of thought just logically led him to 'ok, it's time to start recording this'?

I can't help but think that if that wasn't on his mind maybe he would've tried to some how prevent a disaster? Maybe drive up behind him and start honking like crazy? Maybe not even managing to stop the moron but at least giving a heads up to incoming traffic.

Hell, I would've found this more comforting if he would've at least given some indication that he's enjoying it in some twisted way, that he's not intervening because the concept of an upcoming disaster fascinates him, it's the fact that this is how a (as it appears to me) responsible, well-intentioned citizen reacts to an emergency.

Why I Hate Juggalos

Stoic pigeon refuses to move for bus

ant says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

A few years back I was blocked by a pigeon, so I pulled over and shooed the little guy to a grassy area. He was clearly old and sick. He couldn't fly, was puking and looked pretty miserable. Maybe he was trying to commit pigeon Seppuku. Sorry Sumurai pigeon.... wherever you are.

I hope he or this pigeon isn't Pigeon from VS.

Back in 2005 or so, I remember going out for lunch with my group in a SUV. We ran into a group of pigeons on a street that refused to move even when honked at!

Morganth (Member Profile)

Ornthoron says...

Considering that I am born and raised in Norway, it would be strange if I did not.

In reply to this comment by Morganth:
You know Norwegian, eh?
>> ^Ornthoron:

Translation from the original norwegian:
"This here is so glossy, that it's not possible to see which way is the right one, even when I'm filming. So if you can go in front of the camera now? And wave? [Unintelligible, probably a name], you are very low! [laughter] Jump a little bit, maybe? And wave some. [Weird honking noises. I have no idea what he is trying to express with these.] Very good! [more laughter]"

How perfect is a 'perfect' reflection?

Morganth says...

You know Norwegian, eh?
>> ^Ornthoron:

Translation from the original norwegian:
"This here is so glossy, that it's not possible to see which way is the right one, even when I'm filming. So if you can go in front of the camera now? And wave? [Unintelligible, probably a name], you are very low! [laughter] Jump a little bit, maybe? And wave some. [Weird honking noises. I have no idea what he is trying to express with these.] Very good! [more laughter]"

How perfect is a 'perfect' reflection?

Ornthoron says...

Translation from the original norwegian:

"This here is so glossy, that it's not possible to see which way is the right one, even when I'm filming. So if you can go in front of the camera now? And wave? [Unintelligible, probably a name], you are very low! [laughter] Jump a little bit, maybe? And wave some. [Weird honking noises. I have no idea what he is trying to express with these.] Very good! [more laughter]"

Olbermann Reads the Riot Act to Obama

VoodooV says...

What honks me off is that this deal is being called a compromise.

Sounds to me Republicans are getting everything they want regarding the tax cuts. How exactly is that a compromise? Silly me, I thought compromises were when neither side got everything they wanted but enough to move forward.

I'd be behind the tax cuts if there were some sort of stipulation to them. We've had these tax cuts since 2001...where the hell is that massive growth that trickle down economics is supposed to provide? The answer is that there was none. Trickle down is Simply....Not...Efficient. The vast majority of those tax cuts don't go toward economic growth, they go right into the wealthy's already obscenely large hoard.

If these tax cuts for the wealthy were somehow conditional, as in you only get them if you can document that you've put money into your company and hired more employees, then I would be willing to support tax cuts more. But we all know that will never happen.

Im just patiently waiting for the day that America collectively realizes that growth doesn't start at the top and trickle down, it starts at the bottom and grows upwards. Anything less is just a scam to make rich people even more rich.

This dog REALLY doesn't like being left in the truck

kronosposeidon says...

You know what's more annoying than the honking? It's the owner saying "Stop it!" and "No!" over and over. Just get in the truck already.

It's as bad as those people whose dog accidentally slips out the front door, and then they just stand there and yell "Max! Get back here! Max! Get back here! Max! Get back here! Max! Get back here! Max! Get back here! Max! Get back here! Max! Get back here! Max! Get back here! Max! Get back here! Max! Get back here! Max! Get back here! Max! Get back here!" and then "Max! Get back here!" about 400 more times. Take the 10 to 20 goddamn steps necessary to retrieve your dog, lazy fuck.

This dog REALLY doesn't like being left in the truck

BlizzCon 2010: There's nerd and then there's NEEEERRRRRDD :)

gwiz665 says...

Now now, I never said your argument was invalid. I just suggested that voting with your wallet was a better way.

Some people, and I'm not suggesting that you a such a person, dislike some games on principle, without necessarily trying it, and condemn it publicly and loudly, with whatever observation they've heard on forums somewhere. "It has dumbed down gaming", "it's addictive and thus of the devil", "It's too easy", "cool people quit it again" and so on.

There's a clear indicator that WoW is a better game than say Everquest - 12 million subscribers. Sure, you can like Everquest better and popularity is not directly translated into quality (as we sifters know well), but still there must be a reason that it's blown every single other MMO out of the water, subscribers-wise.

From my unbiased viewpoint, i think blizzard ought to be apologising for taking MMO's down the horrendously easy, cheap duplication of instances/events to keep the masses grazing, everyone gets every piece of loot they want, low skilled, low risk....road.

This isn't really a "reasonable assessment", I think. It's like saying that "Toyota should apologize for taking the muscle and the skill out of driving a big honking car!"

They haven't taken MMO's down anything, they only make WoW and they try to make the most game experience out of the content they do make - would it be smarter to only have the hardmodes of every instance instead? That would make it a lot more difficult to get the loot, thus making you feel more unique, punish the noobs etc etc. I don't agree with this at all.

Other companies are very welcome to make games with other philosophies than what WoW brings to the table and a lot have tried, but making something FUN while being HARD is difficult to master. Blizzard does a good job, because, among other things, they offer success and loot at different "tiers" of difficulty. WoW is still hard as fuck if you only play the really hard parts.

From my own biased point of view (since I like the shit out of the game) it does offer quite a bit of gameplay just for leveling, more than many other single player games out there - the single player leveling experience with a single character is longer than contemporary fantasy game Elder Scrolls: Oblivion for instance, and far longer than some other genres like FPS games. That in itself makes it worth the retail price to me. Time/cash is better than most games.

Anyway, to each his own. Some people like D&D better than AD&D, and that's just taste difference. This is where it comes back to "vote with your wallet".

>> ^dannym3141:

@gwiz665 but if you enjoy a game then you endorse it, and if you dislike a game then you 'condemn' it. That's how peer review works and how a game becomes successful or fails. I think i was quite reasonable in my assessment, you can agree or disagree with me but to say my argument is invalid because it's 'extreme' is a bit unfair, i was hardly a frothing lunatic shouting blizzard down.

Will Smith- Summer time Feat. Dj Jazzy Jeff ( 4:04)

BoneRemake says...

summer, summer, summertime

time to sit back and unwind

Verse One: Fresh Prince

Here it is the groove slightly transformed

just a bit of a break from the norm

just a little somethin' to break the monotony

of all that hardcore dance that has gotten to be

a little bit out of control it's cool to dance

but what about the groove that soothes that moves romance

give me a soft subtle mix

and if ain't broke then don't try to fix it

and think of the summers of the past

adjust the base and let the alpine blast

pop in my CD and let me run a rhyme

and put your car on cruise and lay back cause this is summertime


Verse Two: Fresh Prince

school is out and it's a sort of a buzz

a back then I didn't really know what it was

but now I see what have of this

the way that people respond to summer madness

the weather is hot and girls are dressing less

and checking out the fellas to tell 'em who's best

riding around in your jeep or your benzos

or in your Nissan sitting on lorenzos

back in Philly we be out in the park

a place called the plateau is where everybody goes

guys out hunting and girls doing likewise

honking at the honey in front of you with the light eyes

she turn around to see what you beeping at

it's like the summers a natural afradesiac

and with a pen and pad I compose this rhyme

to hit you and get you equipped for the summer time


Verse Three: Fresh Prince

it's late in the day and I ain't been on the court yet

hustle to the mall to get me a short set

yeah I got on sneaks but I need a new pair

cause basketball courts in the summer got girls there

the temperature's about 88

hop in the water plug just for old times sake

break to ya crib change your clothes once more

cause you're invited to a barbeque that's starting at 4

sitting with your friends cause y'all remincise

about the days growing up and the first person you kiss

and as I think back makes me wonder how

the smell from a grill could spark up nostalgia

all the kids playing out front

little boys messin round with the girls playing double-dutch

while the DJ's spinning a tune as the old folks dance at your family reunion

then six o'clock rolls around

you just finished wiping your car down

it's time to cruise so you head to the summertime hangout

it looks like a car show

everybody come lookin real fine

fresh from the barber shop or fly from the beauty salon

every moment frontin and maxin

chillin in the car they spent all day waxin

leanin to the side but you can't speed through

Two miles an hour so everybody sees you

there's an air of love and of happiness

and this is the Fresh Prince's new defintion of summer madness

Louis CK: Interview on Lopez Tonight

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