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Fixing Congress with Fair Representation Voting

RFlagg says...

Okay, there are a number of videos that relate to this subject.

*related= is another video highlighted on the aforementioned page.

*related= which is also highlighted on the page. On that Video's page the following are also related:





So somewhere in all these chioces is a possible answer...

the world is a bit less brighter today (Death Talk Post)

poolcleaner says...

If not for schmawy I would have passed on by this site. Maybe I'd have been a digger or *shudder* a redditer. Oh wait, I am a redditer.

schmawy promoted the hell out of my first couple sifts and was like a combination bad cat / father figure to me. Weird combination, now that I reflect upon it... shine on, you crazy diamond. (Thanks for setting the mood, enoch.)

Highlight: I'll never forget the time he pooped in my bed.

Damn, I was feeling sentimental a month ago and posted on his profile... I feel really bummed out that he's gone. I really needed some words of wisdom or aloof cat behavior -- one or the other; didn't matter which. Listening to Pink Floyd and thinking about his death is making me cry a pool's worth. I have ZERO alcohol and weed in my house to make up for this sudden saddness. Maybe that's a good thing... I will remain sober in memory of shmawy!

"Death is but a door, time is but a window, I'll" -- oh wait, that's a quote by Vigo the Carpathian. Uuuhhhh...

*poops on shmawy's bed*

I did it in his honor! COME ON!

EPIC FAIL! Twitch Live Streamer Accidentally Burns His House

lucky760 says...

I just imagine everyone watching the stream was yelling at him "Dude, you're making it worse!!! "

I don't find this funny at all.

I up-voted, but just to highlight how really easily a momentary slip-up can cause a completely avoidable disaster.

British Movietone (History Talk Post)

Google Translate vs. “La Bamba”

RFlagg says...

I've never seen Google Translate work like that on my phone. I used it to help me play the Korean version of Black Desert (prior to the English patch being out, and even occasionally after it came out as lots of stuff doesn't translate well), I start the App, point the camera to the screen and then take a picture of the region of screen I need translated. Then it scans that region for Korean text. I then have to manually highlight the text I want translated. It then gives the usual Google Translate translation, which is word by word translation, but not a proper translation. I've never seen a video feature and the photo one isn't as quick as seen here. If they've managed to make the video and photo feature work automatically and much faster than I've seen so far (though perhaps Spanish is easier to translate than Korean as it uses the same letters) then I'm super impressed. The App has the ability to take text typed as one would expect, and can also supposedly translate speech, I haven't really tried it, perhaps I can load up an Anime and see if it works...

Obama sings 'Amazing Grace' at Clementa Pinckney funeral

bareboards2 says...

I know you were being honest. I think you missed the historical, cultural and personal meaning of the moment in a way that detracts from the significance. And starting low was the point, I think -- this is the tradition, isn't it, of low slow hymns that come from deep experience?

Sometimes it just isn't the time to make a joke. Comedy is tragedy plus time, as the saying goes. We are in the midst of tragedy. Too soon, I think, and coming from the wrong color skin.

[Coming back to clarify -- indeed it is the imperfections of his singing that brought even more resonance. Singing in front of a worldwide audience, when you aren't a singer? It is the imperfections that highlight the humanity. Who cares about perfection when your soul calls out for grace? Isn't that the point?]

PlayhousePals said:

No no no offense/diss intended. I was just caught off guard. In my mind I was comparing it to his beautiful [but brief] rendition of Al Green's I'm So In Love With You ...

And thanks @dag for Sweet Home Chicago

Damien Walters jumps over his house from a Russian Swing

Move it - stupid man

charliem says...

Its the section commander (secco) that shouted (highlighted by lucky above), and likely the platoon sergeant (dude in front), or one of the bystanders that said move.

They are well within their rights to command civilians to make way for the drill formation.

It is not a catafalque parade, no such restrictions on keepin yer trap shut exist in normal drill for seccos or platoon sergeants.

Huge Great White Close Up

ChaosEngine says...

It depends on the environment, the shark, and the level of knowledge of the diver.

If you know the temperament of the shark, if you know there's a lot of food around (on a reef for instance), you're probably ok.

I was diving on a wreck in Australia years ago and came within 1m of a massive bull shark. No cages, just regular scuba. He swam right by me and I nearly crapped myself. Wasn't quite that big, but easily 3m. The divemaster with me knew this particular shark well (he told us we'd probably see him) and swam right up to him and blew a raspberry at him

The shark was just like "oh, these guys" and kept swimming. He could easily have torn us all (about 8 on the dive) to shreds, but he just wasn't interested. At which point, I remembered I had a camera and took a pretty crap photo as he swam off.

Over a decade later, it remains one of the highlights of my life, and the best dive I've ever done.

Asmo said:

I think this should qualify as *EIA because if you're right, messing with a pregnant female that also happens to be one of the most dangerous apex predators in it's home environment is asking to be weeded out of the gene pool... = \

How do you distinguish Americans?

Januari says...

Thats a pretty foxnews-esq generalization of the US... if anything i think it highlights the very wide gape between perception and reality.

Hiddekel said:

If the people asking the question were American that would have affected the response.
The relationship America has with firearms, christianity and capitalism is what most europeans I know (a pretty good cross section) would highlight..
And topically what the hell is going on with their police force at the moment..

How do you distinguish Americans?

Hiddekel says...

If the people asking the question were American that would have affected the response.
The relationship America has with firearms, christianity and capitalism is what most europeans I know (a pretty good cross section) would highlight..
And topically what the hell is going on with their police force at the moment..

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

bobknight33 says...

Seriously This is what you bring to the table? These are my "racist" comments? This is the BK33 racist highlight reel?

You don't need an anger management class you need to have you head examined.

Look at each BK33 quote and then read the rest of my text from each. Read them in context. Facts are not racist.

Then again you don't need facts. If I had chocolate cake with white icing and only ate the cake I would some how be racist for "sparing " the white icing.

And for the grand quote you bring up the Sifts wet dream of racist quotes"
"And you wonder why blacks are still call the n word."
The actual text does not imply directly or indirectly that I am implying such. It does infers that in the minds of some
( Democratic Senator Robert Byrd,
Democrat Harry Truman,
Democrat Hugo Black,
Democrat Bib Graves
Republican Edward Jackson,
Republican Clifford Jackson
All of which were KKK members) this thought could occur. I am not implying that. Good try.

While many Sifters have actually used the n word in its full spelling, I have not.

ChaosEngine said:

What brand of racism? Well, thanks to the amazing technology of the sift, let's do a little search..... oh look.
"Slavery is irrelevant to the plight of the black man today."

"If Blacks did not commit more crimes than other groups then women would not be clutching their purses and other demographic groups would not be as afraid."

"Your right but in Zimmerman neighborhood there have been break in by young black men. Hence young black thiefs' set the precedent for Martin to be followed." Hey, crap grammar into the bargain too!

"Funny how you don't hear jack what Black pastors protest against GAY marriage" Racism and homophobia.... bonus!

"And you wonder why blacks are still call the n word."

No, you're a fucking beacon of racial harmony and enlightenment.

You're goddamn right I'm angry. Being angry is the correct response to this. And no, I don't need any "anger management" bullshit, because I control my anger and channel it into doing useful things.

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

HenningKO says...

The pills look yellow and turquoise to me... I dunno what they were going for in that one. The yellow-handed one has a yellow highlight, the turquoise-handed one has a turquoise highlight, so I inferred they were yellow and turquoise...

Engineering students use sound waves to put out fires

robbersdog49 says...

There seem to be limitations to the device, as highlighted in the description, but even if this has only a relatively small area where it's going to be useful, it's a great step forwards. To be able to put out a fire without adding any additional damage to the area would be a huge improvement over a lot of traditional methods. Anyone who's set of a water, foam or powder extinguisher will know what I mean!

Aziz Ansari talks about Making Plans with Flaky People

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