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Baby in Pipe Saved by Brave Kid - Salvare copil din fantana

Trump Gives Mitt Romney A Cool New Nickname

newtboy says...

10!? Try 100x at a minimum.

I prefer national heros that refuse special treatment and early release as a POW, accepting years of torture to protect his fellow POWs, not national embarrassments and cowards who use daddy's money and blatant lies to smugly buy their way out of their obligations to America and the military.

Mystic95Z said:

You're an idiot, McCain was 10x the man Trump is... Cadet Bone Spurs is a disgrace to the USA as much like his deluded supporters like you are.

Pirate films projected on a pirate ship in a play ground

newtboy says...

I like the idea, but the execution was disastrous. One film at a time, people. Also, since this is for adults, let's just skip Pirates of the Caribbean altogether. There are so many better, more adult, even historical pirate movies to choose from, we don't need Johnny Depp's super natural fantasy films featuring quasi pirate heros, try The Crimson Pirate, Captain Blood, Morgan the Pirate, Captain Kidd, The Sea Hawk....shit, even Yellow Beard would be an improvement.

Delivery Driver uses Icy Driveway against itself

Delivery Driver uses Icy Driveway against itself

Marvel Studios' Black Widow - Official Teaser Trailer

Sagemind says...

For those who are interested:

The Red Guardian
"Alexi Shostakov was one of the Soviet Union's most acclaimed test pilots whose heroism caught the attention of the KGB. They arranged for Shostakov to wed Natasha Romanoff , a top agent of the secret Red Room Academy, later known as the Black Widow. Intending to manipulate Natasha years after the couple’s marriage the KGB arranged for a rocket Shostakov was supposedly piloting to exploded, giving the appearance of his apparent death.

Shostakov’s “death” drove Natasha deeper into the Red Room’s service, although, in reality Shostakov, was alive and recruited into the KGB. He was given the identity of the Red Guardian, a costumed heroic guise first assigned to Aleksey Lebedev (aka Volodymyr Fomin) during World War II by Soviet Premier Josef Stalin, but the costume had become the property of the Red Room. Through the Red Guardian, the Russians hoped to hone a national hero to represent them just as Captain America (Steve Rogers) represented the USA. During Shostakov’s training the Black Widow, who was again using her maiden name turned against her superiors, and defected to the USA, becoming romantically involved with Hawkeye (Clint Barton) of the Avengers."

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

BSR says...

Jealousy. You're soaking in it.

She is "no professional" by definition.

2. engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.

In other words, she is not doing this for the money as does your hero.

bobknight33 said:

A 14 year old is no professional and has no place on world stage spouting fear with out a wisp of knowledge of the subject.

BSR (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

Seems like something you might catch me sifting The Monkees tv show was my absolute jam as a kid.
I do however love the German version they use in the JoJo trailer. The David Bowie "Heroes" song also seems amazing in German.

BSR said:

The knife in the leg.. LOL LOL

Here's the original English song by the Monkees if you are curious.

Antifa Surrounds Man & Daughter During Portland

newtboy says...

Oh. I see now. This is Andy Gno trying the same thing he couldn't sell on his own, but this time putting "children" in danger to try to sell his lies.
Footage of Gno planning the violence to provoke a response they could film at the rally where he claimed to have been attacked has surfaced, so he had to produce another video to sell his fake narrative....this time the morons brought their kids (edit: turns out she's 24 and a well known provocateur, not a little girl, just a small woman they tried to play off as a young girl) to their attempted riot and armed them with pepper spray, only to abandon them when the inevitable shit hit the fan.

Andy Gno is not one bit credible, he's been repeatedly caught making up his stories and lying about facts, @bobknight33, just like 99.9% of your sources of misinformation.

Also note, your heroes here, Bianca and John Turano (alt right violent activists who posted their hope Bianca would be beaten before the event), are trying (and weakly failing) to smash random business windows as they who are the thugs?

Funny enough, video of the pair angrily accusing 5 year old girls of being terrorists because they're Muslims has surfaced, so in reality they , two adults, are the ones who attacked children that day.

Not worth channel reassignment, but this isn't news, education, or learning. It's debunked propaganda from a disgraced fraudster, miseducation, and as usual you bought it hook line and sinker and tried to resell it.

Sad you feel compelled to continuously spread obvious lies. Reality must be incredibly painful and frightening for you.

Diatoms: Tiny Factories You Can See From Space

newtboy says...

Ignorance, and narcissistically acting as if people's dreams of excess are more important than another species's existence.

What if my dream was to be both, like the hero Samuel Jackson played in Kingsman?

BSR said:

I think you know ignorance is what destroys. Not dreams.

Earth is where dreams can come true. Whether you are a hero or a natural born killer.

Diatoms: Tiny Factories You Can See From Space

BSR says...

I think you know ignorance is what destroys. Not dreams.

Earth is where dreams can come true. Whether you are a hero or a natural born killer.

newtboy said:

Nope. Making someone's dream come true has destroyed the planet

How This Citizen Stopped ICE From Arresting 2 Immigrants

newtboy says...

I cannot fathom how one would use their constitutional rights to smuggle someone into the country, but I did already state I don't think smugglers are doing good, or the right thing.

I would, however, fully support someone standing on their legal rights to help people who are deserving asylum, or at least to help offer the opportunity to apply for it.

I don't get the same feeling, that this guy (hero) flaunts the law to help people flaunt it. I got the idea he used the law to protect them....within the law. Without a signed warrant or conviction, they aren't yet illegals any more than you are after speeding but not being caught. They aren't even named suspects.

Note, I never said anything close to "by any means necessary", because I don't support any such thing. You said that. I said because democracy is broken and the majority is stymied by the minority, stopped from legislating solutions, sometimes "flaunting the law" is the only method left to avoid callously walking away and letting innocents be returned to certain death. A far cry from any means necessary, which would have people murdering border agents to let in everyone. I didn't even say "ends justify the means." I said "Sometimes the wrong method is the only path to the right outcome." That's desperation, not justification.

smr said:

I've got zero issue with the action in the video. Citizen rights are inviolate. However, the action shown is one piece of a huge apparatus and body of work ENABLING the flaunting of American laws and regulations. That is the hero of this video's actual JOB. Obstruction justice. Hiding of illegals. I get the alleviation of suffering, but I just can't get around the somewhat arbitrary application of the "any means necessary" ethical construct. Out of curiosity, would you support this gentleman if he used his citizenship rights to aid these illegal immigrants in entering this country in the first place?

How This Citizen Stopped ICE From Arresting 2 Immigrants

smr says...

I've got zero issue with the action in the video. Citizen rights are inviolate. However, the action shown is one piece of a huge apparatus and body of work ENABLING the flaunting of American laws and regulations. That is the hero of this video's actual JOB. Obstruction justice. Hiding of illegals. I get the alleviation of suffering, but I just can't get around the somewhat arbitrary application of the "any means necessary" ethical construct. Out of curiosity, would you support this gentleman if he used his citizenship rights to aid these illegal immigrants in entering this country in the first place?

Guitar Hero YYZ guy plays real guitar

ant says...

Wow, over a decade ago. Better late than never for me. Freddie Young looked so young back then! *related=

spoco2 said:

Um, linking the original video would have helped, you expect us all to just know what YYZ is?


Still, nice, both videos, nice.

He has excellent real and fake guitar skills

Guitar Hero 2 Rush YYZ on Expert

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