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America's Got Talent - Terry Fator

Cas Haley singing Sting & the Police's "Walking on the Moon"

Renegade intro

VideoSift version 3.0 Screenshots (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

>> Regarding tag, if you are going to limit chars, can we limit tags to 3 or more chars, and no "," which eats up 20% of your chars anyways.
Phrases will be "blah blah"
tags: video tvshow comedy sitcom kitty "Jack Hanna"

Tag length will have a minimum, but your point about commas and quotes don't compute. YouTube also has a limit (130 chars) which includes any spaces and quotes; if we eliminate commas you still have to count the space between tags, except then you'd also have to count 2 more chars for quotes around multiply termed tags.

>> TAGS ARE USELESS even at 60chars.
Personally, I can't say I agree with you at all. Right now the limit is 40 chars and they appear to have had some usefulness for the last 1.3 years.

>> David Hasselhoff,knight rider, <=== that is HALF of my chars!!!
True, it's 30 chars, but with the method you've proposed, the equivalent entry would be "David Hasselhoff" "knight rider" which is 34 chars.

>> Is there going to be a better search engine?
Yep, there'll be an advanced search page that will hopefully include any type of search you may ever need to perform.

VideoSift version 3.0 Screenshots (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...


Regarding tag, if you are going to limit chars, can we limit tags to 3 or more chars, and no "," which eats up 20% of your chars anyways.

Phrases will be "blah blah"
tags: video tvshow comedy sitcom kitty "Jack Hanna"


I could give a crap about the title length. It is mostly fine where it is, but TAGS ARE USELESS even at 60chars. GO over to YouTube or any site and check out the tags for most videos. 60 including spaces and commas.. brilliant! That will help serach and find stuff.

David Hasselhoff, knight rider, <=== that is HALF of my chars!!!

Mark The Knife - Part 1

Wendy's Satisfaction Commercial (featuring Hasselhoff)

Turkish ninja kicking some ass

Sketch says...

My God, it's like if David Hasselhoff and Eric Estrada had a Turkish ninja clone made from their DNA and it had to fight a crappy Turkish Chuck Norris.

Exploding rocks, burning dummies and stolen soundtracks, OH MY!

Seriously, you people are getting ridiculous with the Long tag though.

Reagan - Tear Down This Wall

theo47 says...

The if-then linear thinking of conservatives is so cute.

Well, if he gave this speech and then it came down a couple years later, he must get the credit for it, right?

Wrong. I think the Germans were more grateful that David Hasselhoff was there when it was actually happening.

Fall of the Berlin Wall - ABC

Meltdown on The View (Rosie & Hasselbeck) [May 23rd]

David Hasselhoff Piss Drunk

David Hasselhoff + Lightsaber = Starcrash

Fletch says...

Girl: "Look out!"

Hasselhoff: "HUH!??!"

Girl: "He's going to swing his robot sword! You know... like he's been doing the whole time you've been fighting him, over and over and over.. but I just wanted to warn you now, this time... cuz it looked like a particularly devastating robot sword swing! But... you probably didn't need me to warn you with "look out!" because you probably already knew that."

Hasselhoff: "Never mind that now! How's my mascara look?"

Steven Seagal Shows Off His Knife Fighting Skills!!!

Amazing Video - American Talent Girl with a Bow and Arrow

choggie says...

...Now she's graduated to compound bows, and has a guide business taking gentlemen out and poppin' elk, whilst contortin', all for a pretty penny! Hasselhoff set her up!!
Seriously though, anyone got this chicks phone number-WWWOOOF! My kinna' woman!
she's probly' married to a Ghurka or a Navy Seal!

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