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Woman arrested for filming police officers. (Emily Good)

sme4r says...

Nice facting.>> ^Sagemind:

"A woman was arrested for videotaping police from her front yard in Rochester, New York.
Emily Good, 28, was recording a traffic stop where police had a man handcuffed on May 12th. The video was uploaded to Blip TV today. The cop who arrested her has been identified as Mario Masic"

"Emily Good, 28, was arrested about 10 p.m. May 12 and charged with second-degree obstructing governmental administration. She is scheduled to appear in Rochester City Court for a proceeding on Monday, police said."
- http://www.democratand

Also I feel like they arrested Jenna Fischer, judging by her voice.

Woman arrested for filming police officers. (Emily Good)

Sagemind says...

"A woman was arrested for videotaping police from her front yard in Rochester, New York.
Emily Good, 28, was recording a traffic stop where police had a man handcuffed on May 12th. The video was uploaded to Blip TV today. The cop who arrested her has been identified as Mario Masic"

"Emily Good, 28, was arrested about 10 p.m. May 12 and charged with second-degree obstructing governmental administration. She is scheduled to appear in Rochester City Court for a proceeding on Monday, police said."

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

quantumushroom says...

The video was sifted here with the title that it had at youtube. This isn't some case of media bias.

>>> The youtube goofus who originally posted this is a crackpot with the usual chemtrails/truther crap on his/er youtube page. I fully support his/er right to free speech, but it's obvious s/he has an axe to grind with police and other authority figures. If anyone is at fault for the original dumb title it's him (or her) and now has a slightly improved title on the sift.

Having parts of her teeth knocked out qualifies as "teeth knocked out" as far as I'm concerned. How can this small bit of minutiae mean anything to you? They fractured her friggin skull. For what? She was a non threat. There is simply no excuse for it.

>>> The fact remains: she was acting the fool. As I wrote once before (and now have to again, apparently) the use of force was excessive. The officer in question is no longer an officer and is being brought up on charges. What more do you want?

>>> What's the real beef here? Are you simply upset that I don't share your EXACT level of outrage?

>> ^burdturgler:

>> ^quantumushroom:
How did this happen? Drunk a-hole suspect, prevented from easily wiping out entire carloads of people on the highway, resists arrest and swears at cop.
Did she "deserve" what she got? No, the force was excessive. But by acting the fool she accelerated the potential for serious injury, in this case her own.
If she had been compliant from the start and still been thrown around she'd have a much better case.
Attn media: hyping non-existent injuries is no better than crying wolf.

>> ^Pantalones:
The cop broke her face, split her chin open, and chipped her teeth and she's now coping with being the victim of a violent crime, but thank goodness her teeth were not knocked out? Because that would have been a whole new level? Weak. Take that s to the beach, and get a tan.>> ^quantumushroom:
Still no fun, but still a far cry from "teeth knocked out". Title was changed. Good.

>> ^Pantalones:
"Fox said in addition to a facial fracture, a split chin and chipped teeth she's also trying to recover emotionally."

The video was sifted here with the title that it had at youtube. This isn't some case of media bias. Having parts of her teeth knocked out qualifies as "teeth knocked out" as far as I'm concerned. How can this small bit of minutiae mean anything to you? They fractured her friggin skull. For what? She was a non threat. There is simply no excuse for it. She had an accident and she called 911 for help. Instead, the heroic men in uniform drive her skull into a concrete divider face first. This whole "crying wolf" thing is disgusting and stupid QM. This woman was a victim of assault. The police department was in the process of firing this asshole for the assault which is why he resigned. However, that didn't save him from being charged and convicted for the crime of assault.

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

burdturgler says...

>> ^littledragon_79:

You know, I can't say for sure, but it looked like maybe he didn't intend for that to happen the way it did. So much for giving people the benefit of the doubt, eh? Innocent until proven guilty?

He was proven guilty, when we was convicted for this in a court of law on assault charges.

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

Peckinpaw says...

Yer forgetting a few things oh, programmed and wearing blinders-

The system is geared towards profiling the weak and uneducated
The system produces those who would abuse it (i.e. breeds thugs which later become cops
America has a history of one of the worst examples of human bondage-Most conquering armies treated their slaves better after an initial onslaught

Racism however, probably played a small part in this fiasco-Some thug got impatient, forgot his job, showed his ass, and fucking slammed a female against the wall-Case closed, the guy was a cop, and is still a complete douche.

>> ^quantumushroom:

How did this happen? Drunk a-hole suspect, prevented from easily wiping out entire carloads of people on the highway, resists arrest and swears at cop.
Did she "deserve" what she got? No, the force was excessive. But by acting the fool she accelerated the potential for serious injury, in this case her own.
If she had been compliant from the start and still been thrown around she'd have a much better case.
Attn media: hyping non-existent injuries is no better than crying wolf.

>> ^Pantalones:
The cop broke her face, split her chin open, and chipped her teeth and she's now coping with being the victim of a violent crime, but thank goodness her teeth were not knocked out? Because that would have been a whole new level? Weak. Take that s to the beach, and get a tan.>> ^quantumushroom:
Still no fun, but still a far cry from "teeth knocked out". Title was changed. Good.

>> ^Pantalones:
"Fox said in addition to a facial fracture, a split chin and chipped teeth she's also trying to recover emotionally."

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

burdturgler says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

How did this happen? Drunk a-hole suspect, prevented from easily wiping out entire carloads of people on the highway, resists arrest and swears at cop.
Did she "deserve" what she got? No, the force was excessive. But by acting the fool she accelerated the potential for serious injury, in this case her own.
If she had been compliant from the start and still been thrown around she'd have a much better case.
Attn media: hyping non-existent injuries is no better than crying wolf.

>> ^Pantalones:
The cop broke her face, split her chin open, and chipped her teeth and she's now coping with being the victim of a violent crime, but thank goodness her teeth were not knocked out? Because that would have been a whole new level? Weak. Take that s to the beach, and get a tan.>> ^quantumushroom:
Still no fun, but still a far cry from "teeth knocked out". Title was changed. Good.

>> ^Pantalones:
"Fox said in addition to a facial fracture, a split chin and chipped teeth she's also trying to recover emotionally."

The video was sifted here with the title that it had at youtube. This isn't some case of media bias. Having parts of her teeth knocked out qualifies as "teeth knocked out" as far as I'm concerned. How can this small bit of minutiae mean anything to you? They fractured her friggin skull. For what? She was a non threat. There is simply no excuse for it. She had an accident and she called 911 for help. Instead, the heroic men in uniform drive her skull into a concrete divider face first. This whole "crying wolf" thing is disgusting and stupid QM. This woman was a victim of assault. The police department was in the process of firing this asshole for the assault which is why he resigned. However, that didn't save him from being charged and convicted for the crime of assault.

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

bareboards2 says...

I'm not wondering. This is how the video was obtained, most likely:

"News stations fill out a request under the Freedom Of Information Act.

Anyone can request most police video, as it is a matter of public record. If the department refuses the request, you can request it from the District Attorney through a Motion of Discovery."

>> ^Peckinpaw:

What we are really wondering is who the person was who had access to the camera in the pig's car that uploaded the video to youtube, .

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

quantumushroom says...

How did this happen? Drunk a-hole suspect, prevented from easily wiping out entire carloads of people on the highway, resists arrest and swears at cop.

Did she "deserve" what she got? No, the force was excessive. But by acting the fool she accelerated the potential for serious injury, in this case her own.

If she had been compliant from the start and still been thrown around she'd have a much better case.

Attn media: hyping non-existent injuries is no better than crying wolf.

>> ^Pantalones:

The cop broke her face, split her chin open, and chipped her teeth and she's now coping with being the victim of a violent crime, but thank goodness her teeth were not knocked out? Because that would have been a whole new level? Weak. Take that s to the beach, and get a tan.>> ^quantumushroom:
Still no fun, but still a far cry from "teeth knocked out". Title was changed. Good.

>> ^Pantalones:
"Fox said in addition to a facial fracture, a split chin and chipped teeth she's also trying to recover emotionally."

burdturgler (Member Profile)

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

bareboards2 says...

Just do what they say and you should be fine. DON'T ARGUE. DON'T RESIST.

Keep your hands in sight at all times, preferably away from your sides. If they start yelling, drop whatever is in your hands. Do NOT put your hands in your pockets to get your wallet. And for pity's sake, drop your cell phone if they start yelling. Let it break. It can be replaced.

Are you a person of color? You are more at risk, especially in the South and in certain high crime urban areas.

Tug your forelock. Swallow your pride. Get mad later not in front of the cop.

A friend of mine was stopped by the highway patrol late at night in rural Texas. He is white, middle class, driving a big fancy Buick. He made the conscious choice to keep his hands on the steering wheel at 10 and 2 so the cop could see them and not be nervous.

You don't want the cop to get nervous. That is when most bad things happen.

Practice saying "yes sir" and "yes ma'am". You'll be fine.

>> ^conan:

I'll be visiting the states soon and as strange as it sounds one of my major concerns is police. not being a native speaker i am afraid somewhat that if being stopped confusion might arise and there are various clips here that show us what confused US police officers like to do. ironically i'm not really afraid of street crime since i can choose where to go, but police officers? they are everywhere. maybe watching these clips while planning the trip is not a good idea.

The "I think I know Who Posted This" Game (Sift Talk Post)

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

Psychologic says...

>> ^blankfist:

Let me ask you this, since you've obviously got an opinion on it, why is the public court system so expensive? Why is a trial by jury something that can often lead to bankruptcy for the defendant so they typically settle for a plea bargain?

I wouldn't say I had a preexisting opinion on that, but it is an interesting question either way. I really can't say for sure, but there are a lot of factors involved.

There's a large initial investment in education to obtain a law degree, which certainly factors into the income needed to pay off those debts. Demand for reputable lawyers could be a part of it too... everyone wants a good lawyer, so why not charge more? How many people are willing to take a chance on a cheaper lawyer with little experience?

I'm really not well-versed in the economics of legal representation.

Recording a cop = get a rapist's prison sentence

bareboards2 says...

Thanks for quoting me correctly. I appreciate it.

I'm not sure of your point, though. Illinois and Massachusetts, two states out of 50, have weird laws. The citizens of those states should protest to their legislators. ACLU should be called in and see if these laws are constitutional.

What do you want me to think?

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Remember, you said
>> ^bareboards2:
Love the cameras. Cameras and the internet are weaving a web of protection around each citizen.
Too cool, baby!

And before you said
>> ^bareboards2:
[edit] Allowing for hyperbole and "all" and "yearn" ....
1. Yes
2. Yes.
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
1 - Was all that stuff invented & perpetuated out of a sincere need to protect you?
2 - Do you sincerely believe that 95% of police wake up yearning to prevent every citizen, as much as possible, from being robbed or raped or murdered?
Those are simple questions you've refused to address so far.

Just in case you're still havin' trouble letting it all sink in..
>> ^bareboards2:
I said that I am glad that cops have cameras on their cars. Transparency.
I am glad that the internet is spreading the videos far and wide. Public empowerment.
This is how we protect ourselves.

Replay what Anna says at min 2:55 a few times
Hah. Kumquat?

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

blankfist says...

>> ^Psychologic:

>> ^Lawdeedaw:
>> ^Psychologic:
>> ^blankfist:
I hope you have a great lawyer and deep pockets to sue the city or state.

If the free market won't handle it then I'm sure volunteerism will. =)

The free market and volunteerism actually does work. So many sharpshooting lawyers wait for this type of moment, hope for this type of moment that when it happens they orgasm...
So, even if your comment was sarcastic, you are more right than you could have guessed and you support Blankfist's line of reasoning =)

I wasn't being sarcastic, I was just surprised to see Blankfist imply a level of hopelessness in a legal battle against someone/something with greater resources than the victim. He has argued that volunteerism offers a level of protection to the poor that they may not be able to provide themselves.
In a free market society with no government there would still be inevitable civil litigation between entities of greatly differing levels of personal wealth, but I don't think I've ever seen him express such pessimism for the weaker party is such a world.

I think you misunderstand me. There's certainly a level of hopelessness when traversing our legal system. There's a huge disparity between taking care of one another (charity) and paying legal fees for trial lawyers reaching well into $20k to $150k per defendant.

The middle class and the poor are fucked when it comes to the "justice" system, unless you're one of the lucky few to get the ACLU, I4J or some group like that to take your case.

Let me ask you this, since you've obviously got an opinion on it, why is the public court system so expensive? Why is a trial by jury something that can often lead to bankruptcy for the defendant so they typically settle for a plea bargain?

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