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Authorities Seize Family Home Over $40-Worth of Drugs

Cop throws himself onto car and acts as if he were hit

newtboy says...

BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!! Your hilarious!
True, I don't need evidence to refute your ridiculous, flip flopping, inconsistent statements, but I offered some evidence anyway! You simply can't accept it, because it proves time and again that you're position flies in the face of logic, reason, and civility.
Most recently I provided evidence that most readers " have the capacity to read these comments and determine for themselves who has failed." and they determined YOU failed. Of course, you discount those that disagree with you (everyone here) in favor of the only one that agrees with you (yourself) and continue to claim backing from (and agreement with) phantoms, somehow 'proving' you're a 'good guy' here. LOL! Just hilarious!
Haters of criminal cops are more often than not thinking individuals, while cops are more often not. A max limit for cops of 110 IQ (and average of <95 IQ) proves that out easily. I'm not surprised that you once again move to insults and non-sequiturs when proven wrong....again and again and again. That is what infants do....throw tantrums and shout "NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO your a meanie and a doodie head" with eyes smashed shut and fingers in ears while thinking they're winning a debate.

lantern53 said:

You don't need evidence to refute a statement that flies in the face of logic. And I'm not surprised that the cop-haters on this site outnumber thinking individuals.

When the audio feed fails during a Robin Williams interview.

Garbage truck rams tow truck carrying a car

Israeli crowd cheers with joy as missile hits Gaza on CNN

Asmo says...

Is it nuance to be an innocent family on the receiving end of a high explosive round? Last time I checked, whether it's via gas or a shell, death is death. Do you think the Palestinians suffer less fear waiting to see if they are about to die? That you raise scale as a method of differentiation is laughable. Israel has has ~70 years of slowly whittling away at Palestine and it's people.

And the facile differentiation between a German concentration camp and Gaza is beneath you. You would much rather not live in fucking either, and neither would all of us if we were given a choice. That the Israelis are going about the business of eliminating Palestine slowly is more about international backlash. If they thought they could get away with it, they'd sweep them in to the sea and be done with it.

And in response to the invocation of Godwin's Law, you do understand that the purpose of the Godwin is to reduce/remove ludicrous hyperbole, not to shut down legitimate comparisons? Much as you could draw parallels with Idi Armin, Stalin/Russia etc, Israel is engaging in similar tactics. Fascism, racism, segregation, making war on civilians etc. That it isn't a 100% carbon copy is irrelevant.

shveddy said:

That being said, using the term "Fourth Reich" doesn't illuminate this sort of nuance and instead it accuses Israel of many extremes of which it is not guilty. For example Nazi Germany was guilty of a truly unprecedented campaign to methodically exterminate vast populations based on their ethnicity, and they were literally bent on world domination - I have many harsh criticisms for Israel, but if you think that Israel's conduct can be reasonably compared to that then you are delusional.

In a similar vein, while I do think that Gaza in many ways is the world's largest prison, it is not in any way comparable to Nazi concentration camps. I would much rather live in present day Gaza than be in a Nazi concentration camp, for one, and secondly I think that Israel's policy towards Gaza can better be described as one of control and marginalization, whereas the Nazi's goals with concentration camps was straight up efficient extermination.

So long story short, don't fall prey to the "reductio ad hitlerum" fallacy ( and make a more careful comparison between Israel's and Nazi Germany's respective civilian populations and I'd be more inclined to agree with your point.

What is Israel to Do?(answer: get out of occupied territory)

Rick Rubin: Punk Rock, Hip-Hop, Advantage of Big Companies

9547bis says...

Ha ha, see? You did it again. Straw Man fallacy. (I'm not a liberal by the way.)

Back on topic: He seems pretty hard to find, that mysterious envious record producer -- that would have proven me wrong in no time regarding you fantasizing and such -- as I can't help notice you could not come up with a single name.

Trancecoach said:

Perhaps, as a "spokesperson" for "liberals," then, you'd like to clarify for me what it is that the envy-fiends "really" say?

this site is being removed (Humanitarian Talk Post)

newtboy says...

Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!! Holy Fu*kin Sh!t, did you really just write that?!? Aaaah-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!! Whoo-ho-ho-ho-ho!
Thanks for the belly laugh, but you forgot to hit 'sacrasm' again! ;-}

chingalera said:

I have been here chicco, for many years in one iteration or another and have been ganged-up on by others like yourself-The only reason I would banned at this point is by those unwilling to see their reflection in the mirror, who would rather accuse than communicate, or burn bridges rather than build them.

I am not an enemy of anyone, or anybody on this site, sir. Deal with a reality through the eyes of your peers please rather than foment discord?? An humble and sincere request for change. I'm an amenable chap and always welcome two-sided conversations which you have continually and steadfastly avoided in exchange for continued dysfunctional cat-calls and attacks from the insulated comfort of your cozy computer-hole...

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

9547bis says...

Congrats, even climate deniers who get millions in funding stopped claiming that a long time ago. Denying basic physics is a bit harder, you see.

Also, I love how The Telegraph (a.k.a. the-evil-media-are-all-liars-except-when-it-suits-you) is somehow a credible source, but the NASA is not. You know. The NASA. That organization that put people on the Moon, somehow would know less science than some journo.

You seem to be one special kind of genius, we're really interested in your views, could you please fill in this quick poll?

Which number is bigger:
* 5
* 15

Trancecoach said:

There is really no consensus (..), and whether greenhouse gasses are the cause (if indeed it is happening).

Want Your Soul-M4SK 22

Loading Fish on Truck Fail - That Stinks!

Coming out to my sister live on camera!

lucky760 (Member Profile)

ant says...

OK, that was cool. I will submit it when it is time (queued is full unless Lucky760 wants to give me empty spots -- ha ha ha!). For now, I will post to other places beside VS! Please make more of these!!

lucky760 said:


Definitely do not submit it yourself. Definitely do ask @ant to submit it for you as he's VideoSift's resident video game expert IMHO.


Girl sings for her deaf parents

Jon Stewart VS Megyn Kelly and Fox News

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