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The 10 Types of Magic

YouTuber Guilty Lying About Intentional Plane Crash

A Few Key Moments From The Jan 6 Committee

newtboy says...

Oh….did you read it?
That’s the best you’ve got to contradict it?!?

Who promised you a transcript honey? I bet no one. You get what you get. Because you say it’s missing leads me to believe it’s in the report, not that it’s inclusion/exclusion is even a slider, a 1/16 pounder….just a nothing burger from your fake news. Besides, no evidence could sway you, don’t pretend anything ever could, you’re dishonest enough without that obvious lie.

If all the evidence collected was included, it would be an 84500 page report with months of video. This is a summary. Derp.

The one person on film telling people to go in?!? You really need to learn to gaslight better. You can’t just jump in with easily disproven silly lies everyone knows are lies.

This is an attempt to fly a long ago debunked absolutely baseless conspiracy theory that Epps was an FBI agent that they accidentally put on the most wanted list (he denied it under oath) who was there to provoke the crowd all by himself into attacking because that would somehow benefit the fbi, and he’s to blame not Trump, a brain numbingly stupid conspiracy theory based on nothing more than the claim he was on then off the most wanted list (and that the fbi won’t confirm or deny anything) that you just heard from Mother Fucking Lying TED CRUZ!!!

How many witches will this witch hunt catch and convict I wonder. Hundreds so far that confessed and pleaded guilty. No one has said they went in because Epps told them to. Not even the traitor Ashley Babbitt.

bobknight33 said:

January 6th committee to adjourn without fulfilling year old promise to release Epps transcript.

The one person on film telling people to go into the Capitol (multiple times) disappears from FBI list and is not even mentioned in the 845 page final report.

Witch hunt.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

China isn’t at war with America like those at the capitol on Jan 6 were/are. Sorry…fail.
Also, giving aid and comfort? Like Trump did until February 2020? Remember who supported the extermination of the Uyghurs? The expansion of territorial waters? The crackdown in Beijing? Not Biden.

Don’t have the will to do which part? Disqualification? You’re probably correct, and that may lead to the end of the U S. Democrats are spineless when it comes to enforcing rules and laws against Republicans. Allowing such anti American, anti Democratic actions to go unanswered at the highest levels can only lead to dissolution of the union….an idea that would make Red America a third world country and give Blue America trillions in federal funds back yearly because red states wouldn’t be sponging off us constantly.

Lol. I would think you would have sworn off predicting elections by now. You got the last two 100% wrong.

Lol. I forgot, after admitting it was utter nonsense, you instantly returned to claiming it was ANTIFA and BLM, despite every charge being against Trumpists. Supporting the insurrection, like Green, Bohbert, and other Trumpists have, makes them supporters of terrorist insurectionists and they continue to give them aid and comfort. Duh.

Yeah…in your fantasy world where Trump is president, Jan 6 didn’t happen, was a nothing burger, and was a murderous anti American terrorist attack by ANTIFA.

Republicans love fraudulent biased slanted fake investigations, they loved the one in Az, and want more in every state.

LMFAHS. I’m easily fooled?!? Aaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha……..ha……ha……aaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaaaa! You’re too much.

You always think I get my info from CNN….I assume because in your mind that means you can ignore and dismiss it without even reading, much less investigating. 1) you’re wrong, that’s not my news source and 2) CNN is exponentially more trustworthy than ANY news source you’ve EVER cited.

Awwwww…..did the bad man make wittle Bobby cry hurt. Such infants you and your ilk are. Unpatriotic infantile babies drunk on sour grapes.

bobknight33 said:

Excellent so then Biden should be removed from office for aiding and abetting China ("or given aid or comfort to the enemies")

I don't think Democrat controlled Congress have the will to do this. But you never know. Biden is a sinking ship and will lead to a wide loss in 2022.

AS for you gibberish implying Republicans are part of the Jan 6 is pure rubbish.

Republicans have nothing to do with jan 6 and voted against the fraudulent biased slanted faked investigation. Who wouldn't?

You are easily fooled by shinny bobbles.

Sorry but most American aren't buying CNN fake news.

Lets Go Brandon!

Khabane Lame exposes stupid life hack

Chauvin Guilty of Murder as Calls for Police Reform Grow

GOP Lash Out at Liz Cheney for Not Supporting Trump's Lies

surfingyt says...

better question is how come your tears taste so so good. like every one of them is perfectly salty and filled with loser angst. yumminess look at all the precious childish confusion below ha ha ha


bobknight33 said:

f ..., why ...?

When ... why ...?

How ...? I thought ...?

How ...?

How ...? How come...?

How come ...? Why did ...? Why did ...?

How Trump Fleeced His Own Supporters

Trumps Impeachment Lawyers Are Very Bad: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

If the cultist’s brains are shit, they will aquit. Look at the monkey.

Edit: Hilarious you choose an exemplar that is widely accepted as a miscarriage of justice based on a bullshit claim like “if it doesn’t fit, you must aquit.”....especially since the glove DID fit...just like the charges fit Trump. OJ stretched his hand so it wouldn’t fit, giving his jury an excuse to aquit when they knew he was guilty. Trumptards stretched their little brains to create out of thin air a trial disqualification where there clearly was none, then used that lie to excuse excusing treason, treason they admit publicly Trump committed. Since McConnel caused the trial delay then claimed the delay invalidated the trial, he’s next. Obstruction of justice is rarely that straight forward.

There were more votes to convict by his own party than in every impeachment trial combined, 7 times as many votes, even in his hyper partisan, excuse anything party. You probably think that indicates he’s the best at being impeached or something just as ridiculous.

More than enough admitted he was guilty, but they ignored the law, actually made up a law, voted on that law and lost, and excused Trump based on it anyway, voted by party to avoid being physically attacked by crazy trumptards because they’re all cowards.

Who’s your president, laughing boy? Who runs the house? Who runs the Senate? HAW HAW.

Trump has dozens of other cases to handle without council now, some criminal with no presidential protections. His troubles are just starting. Send him money, he needs it.

HA HA....dozens of civil AND CRIMINAL cases chump boy. No more protection from cultist senators. No money for lawyers. Being forced to sell his failing properties at huge discounts to pay his bills before he defaults on everything. He’s going to be the biggest loser again in 2021, his third year at least being the nation’s biggest loser. Banned from other allied countries, the first time that’s ever happened. Under criminal investigation in multiple other countries, again, a first. Trump is not “winning”, in case you’re confused. His empire of cards is crumbling just like his political clout.

Go make up more excuses and bat shit crazy paranoid fantasies. He needs them as much as he needs your money.

Edit : prepare for more Democratic victories, people are fleeing the Republican party largely because they acquitted Trump based on pure party's going to be incredibly hard to win an election when 10% leave the party and the rest split into two parties...harder than the election you just lost in a massive landslide of blue.

Oh....and I was wrong, McConnell and other Republicans did instigate the coup to hurt Trump....forget all those facts and logic I handed you and go get em boy.

bobknight33 said:

If The Glove Doesn’t Fit, You Must Acquit…

Impeachment 2.0 yet another failed attempt in a long list of failures by Democrats to run Trump under the political bus.


Next they will try civil cases of this and that.

Trumps Impeachment Lawyers Are Very Bad: A Closer Look

bobknight33 says...

If The Glove Doesn’t Fit, You Must Acquit…

Impeachment 2.0 yet another failed attempt in a long list of failures by Democrats to run Trump under the political bus.


Next they will try civil cases of this and that.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

That's a good one, Bob. We hate fake news, so we want the fake news president who's told more lies in his official capacity in 3.6 years than all presidents combined.
Another red tsunami just like 2018? I'll be on the beach waiting.

Come on Bobby, even you are better than that twaddle.

32.9% drop in GDP is a great job to you, but Obama's constant positive and higher than Trump's numbers were proof he's incompetent.
180000 dead Americans and rising faster all the time with no end in sight is a great job to you, but two dead by Ebola (a more deadly and more infectious disease btw) with zero infections in America is a horrific failure Obama should have quit over.
A conservatively estimated 30000000 jobs lost, 1/2 permanently (some estimates say over 50000000) is a great job to you.
Failed trade talks and wars that have cost us hundreds of BILLIONS in losses is a great job to you, and Obama's successful trade deals and no trade wars made him a failure.
Untold trillions wasted thanks to a disastrous pandemic response, much stolen thanks to zero oversight is a great job, but the federal loans Obama offered to halt the Republican recession were socialism because he took collateral for the money and didn't just hand it out for nothing.

Odd how America does so much better when you say we are failing, and infinitely worse when you say we are doing a great job....almost like you're rooting for our failure....comrade.

bobknight33 said:

MEGA landslide 2020 because Americans are fed up of all the fake news BS last 3.5 years

Trump doing a great job

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

luxintenebris says...

sounds like the ultimate answer.
a final solution.

🦜 bob's bunk would inspire this conversation during his arrest...

bk: "what are you doing"
'better' person (bp)*: "arresting you!"
bk: "why - what for?"
bp: "for being a bad person!"
bk: "no i'm not!"
bp: "are you disagreeing w/me?"
bk: "yes! yes! i am!"
bp: "then you're a fool too!"

*strange that 'bp' could stand for bad person also?

could throw in matthew's 'judge lest thee be judged' routine but the plank in the eye gag doesn't bring in the ha-ha like it use to.
(it's a very old joke)

Doctor Sleep - Official Trailer

how to hypnotize a rooster

Racist Australian Senator egged by hero kid

BSR says...

Egg Noggin. HA HA HA! Get it!

It was an EGG on his NOGGIN!

I crack myself up.


CRACK myself up!

Crack an egg. Get it?

I ought to be on stage. Next one out of town. HA! GET IT?


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