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Vice: What Life Is Like with a GIGANTIC Penis

eric3579 says...

Ha HA i kept thinking about his biceps also
Also that's a shit ton of dick

JustSaying said:

You know what I find really disturbing about this guy? His biceps. It just looks weird. Seriously, think about his crotch what you want but his arms, they're just wrong.

newtboy (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

Ha ha ha ha ha! You're a good person, newt. May you get better. (Citation: Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, Scene 5, Villager #3)

newtboy said:

Yeah, well, when you quote Groucho (after not quoting Groucho) from a not so well read book passage where he's not being funny, and it sounds much more like someone complaining about not understanding my classic Groucho MOVIE quote rather than quipping, it's easier to miss. I'm not ashamed. ;-)

I looked it up, and from the moment I picked up his book until I put it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.

Happy together - the turtles 1967

Louis CK Explains Where Nigger Originated to Patrice O'Neal

Weird Al - Unboxing the 2015 Grammy

poolcleaner says...

Ha ha ha, just throw another award on the pile. I like that. I can relate to this guy. Al, is it? In a world with awards coming out our noses, it does become rather boorish to be on top. Badges, awards, achievements -- I heard these things motivate the common man.

Why die on Mars, when you can live in South Dakota?

eric3579 says...

Ha Ha, that's awesome *promote

also *notterrible only amazing!

I would suggest take it out of the terrible and spacey channel and put it into the comedy channel.

Dogs Who Fail At Being Dogs

chicchorea (Member Profile)

rougy says...

This is far too late a reply. My mind was on Venus, my heart was on Mars, and my nether regions were on the good planet Vaseline, in the Proctor & Gamble constellation.

I miss this place.

I miss you.

Think of me as a stiletto in your boot.

If threatened, I'll be a razor tongue that cuts without thinking.

Happy Drunken Irish Bastard Day - people can say that....

The people of Earth!

Ahhh ha ha ha ha!


chicchorea said:

Hello my friend,

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are having a like new year.

Having just read this again I am struck that half of same are quite in common.

Be well and happy rougy. Enjoy my friend.

Margaret Cho joins Tina Fey & Amy Poehler at the Globes

5 Yr Old Girl Discusses Princes Leia's Slave Outfit With Dad

newtboy (Member Profile)

enoch says...

ha ha..thanks man.
i lived closer to the coast.
off oakland and andrews.worked at yesterdays on the intracoastal and marks in los olas,i also dj'd (and bounced) at the crazy horse off A1A.met motley crue there a couple of times.

the concentrated wealth was a tad further north from where i lived, boca and west palm.

you may have been a bit west in places like davie...fairly rural and yes..conservative..but money talks and davie does not have that kind of clout.
i saw the same practices when i lived on miami beach.though the criminalizing is a new thing,before they just shuttled the homeless and undesirables away.

icky homeless people are bad for tourism

i think we pretty much agree across the board.when a hard line conservative talks about "pulling yourself up by your boot straps" we know that is bullshit speak for 'fuck you poor person,i got mine" but i have a problem with a supposed "liberal" who talks the language of compassion and humanity but dont actually practice it in a hands on way.

the hardliner shows disdain for the poor,and while repugnant,at least it is honest.
but when a liberal,who wrings their hands over the plight of the homeless,yet pushes through ordinances that criminalize the very thing they are saying that is heart-wrenching for them..i find hypocritical.

i remember i was an event co-ordinator for the hilton fountain blue and did a bee-gees ( read that right) birthday party on their west palm home.i dorve a beat up toyota tercel( i have always lived simply,like a hippy) and i was asked to park it 4 blocks away at a u-store it facility.

no valet for me!

do you know what its like to walk 4 blocks in august?in florida? in 300% humidity?
i was a wet rag by the time i got to their mansion.
i literally had to sneak a shower while my clothes were drying!

but..i did get 10% of everything,and that party cost a cool 250.000.



i live just north of tampa port richey.the number ONE place for painkiller/xanax deaths in the country!

we are so proud.

Libertarian Atheist vs. Statist Atheist

newtboy says...

Teabaggers are not 'affiliated' with the Libertarian Party? WOW! That's not what I see. When I see 'Libertarian' rallies on TV or at my local court house, they are filled with idiots in tri corner hats with tea bags attached and with poorly spelled signs saying things like 'keep your guverment hands of my medicare' and 'get the fed away from my soshial security' and "No Moar Regulashuns". Perhaps the "Tea Party" party has technically 'joined' the Republicans, but many Teabaggers are Libertarian, and nearly all are libertarian.
Actually I think you asked if I heard the idiot in the video say it...but I get your point, you obviously believe as he does. At the same time, you complained that:
" Is it the limited liability, wherein BP was able to cause billions of dollars in damage, but because US law protects corporate liability, they only had to pay in the hundred of millions? Or the corporate tax loopholes? Or the corporate welfare they receive in taxpayer subsidies? Or how too-big-to-fail corps have their loses socialized by us, and their wins privatized?"...seeming to call for better regulations that would stop those issues. IF that's what you were saying, I could agree with you, but you are now backing away from that interpretation of what you what DID you mean by all that...that those things are terrible, and will be solved by removing government regulation and enforcement? If THAT'S what you mean, please explain how that works.

EDIT: I see, the issue here is you've swallowed the 'corporate power/irresponsibility comes solely from the government, and will only be solved by removing government' idea hook line and sinker. I have not. I do not see the problem of corporate misconduct being solved, or even helped by less regulation/oversight. The very idea flies in the face of logic, just like the 'self regulation' fallacy.
Never happened, never will. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha!

blankfist said:

@newtboy "The Teabaggers... infected BOTH the Republican party and the Libertarian party"

Nope. Never affiliated with the Libertarian Party.

"That seems now like you're saying 'we need stronger regulations that hold people criminally accountable for companies actions"

Of course it doesn't. Did I not say corporations are fictitious entities created by the state? Scroll up and reread, I'll wait...


...So apply them critical thinking and reading comprehension skills. Do you honestly still think I was saying, "We need moar government to curb corporate power given to them in the first place by government!!11!" Or maybe, if government is the apparatus that gives corporations their unfair advantages, welfare, powers and privileges, then maybe it's government's role in that that needs to be reduced. That has nothing to do with moar regulashuns!

Foo Fighters with Zac Brown: "War Pigs"

German Language Compared to other Languages

Kid's first time on a firepole

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