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LEGO: Everything is NOT Awesome!

bobknight33 says...

Utter bullshit from radical left.

Turn off your electricity, stop diving, forget the bicycle, it has rubber tires and oil based seat, grips and pads.

If you hate oil stop buying things that are made from oil and go live in a cave

Roman Candle Gun

Chairman_woo says...

He's not holding the tubes, they are attached to a wooden stock & fore grip. Worst he'd get is maybe a nastyish burn & he is wearing gloves which would help a lot.

They are Roman candles not high explosives, people blow off hands and fingers because they are physically holding them thus making their hands the chamber to to a small bomb. These guys actually demonstrated a decent degree of foresight and awareness. He's wearing safety goggles and everything .

Don't get me wrong short sleeves are maybe not ideal but compared to what many idiots do this seems relatively safe (& awesome).

worthwords said:

does it never occur to these people that it might get blocked and blow their hands off.

The Mountain deadlifting 994 lbs

Godless says...

They're used for strengthening the grip: the fingers can't really hold as heavy as the upper body is able to lift.

Still, pulling close to half a ton off the floor is quite impressive, especially for a 6'9" dude. That's a long way coming back up. And he's only Hafthor. Imagine if he was a whole Thor.

lucky760 said:

Side question: What specifically is the intended function of the wrist straps?

Light painting with pixelstick

Vygorous says...

For anyone wondering like I was, it costs $325.00 USD [discounted pre-order]

Pre-order pixelstick

$325 - Click Add to cart below to pre-order pixelstick at a reduced price, for June 2014 delivery. Contact Bitbanger Labs at any time if you wish to cancel your pre-order.

Full kit includes:

- LED PCBs (200 LEDs total)
- Two 3’ aluminum extrusion
- Connecting bracket
- Diffusion lens
- Handle with foam grip and rotating sleeve
- Controller box with connecting cables and clips
- Battery holder (AA Batteries not included)
- Carry bag

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) Theme Sing-Along

lucky760 says...

Hey, get a grip.

They missed that.

Fun, but what a disappointing performance. They didn't do the song justice. Did Michael Bay compose this version?

Transforming Formula One: 2014 Rules Explained by Red Bull

CreamK says...

Not exactly.. It is limited by time and amount of energy. There is no "push to pass" button but they have some leeway on how to spread the extra energy around the lap. You can use it more on one corner but for the rest of the lap, you're total power output is reduced.

First race is now over, RBR got disqualified due to too much fuel was being fed to the engine... Also the dreaded "they will save fuel" phase was over in 10 laps. There were lots of technical DNFs, 14 cars made it to the finishline, which was miles better than worst fears. Some of the cars made their first race distance. But the main change was..

Almost unlimited torque at the low revs.. The cars were sliding, they were skittish, there were 3rd gear opposite locks.. They are once again more powerful than the grip what tires and aero can produce. Turns like T2 and T5 in Albert Park used to be "non-corners", they just pointed the nose to apex and floor it.. Now.. totally different thing. Even T9 exit was dangerous, which it hasn't been since 1999.

Eau Rouge will not be a flat out, easy corner but terrifying rollercoaster that eats lives if you don't respect it..

Only thing we lost is the sound, the new V6 uses energy so much efficiently that sound is not as loud.. On the plus side, you can hear the tires squeeling and the audience cheering. It's not V10 screech but low throaty roar.

Ickster said:

That's exactly how it's used.

Bionic arm gives cyborg drummer superhuman skills

Zawash says...

From the article:
For Barnes, the device needed to be able to take cues from the human body. The lab designed a prosthesis that uses a technique called electromyography to pick up on electrical signals in the upper arm muscles. By tensing his biceps, Barnes controls a small motor that changes how tightly the prosthetic arm grips the drumstick and how quickly it moves, vital skills for a drummer.

The researchers then added another layer of complexity: a second, autonomous drumstick on the robot arm (see photo). This second stick, controlled via its own motor, uses a microphone and an accelerometer to sense the rhythm Barnes is playing, as well as music from any nearby musicians. An algorithm then produces a new beat with a complementary rhythm and melody, modelled on the music of jazz greats like John Coltrane and Thelonious Monk.

With this extra artificial intelligence, human and machine combine to make Barnes a kind of "superhuman drummer", Weinberg says.

ChaosEngine said:

Sweet, but how does he control it?

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

chingalera says...

Willing to guess..that the so-called heckler there who asked Obama aloud his inane shit and reset the wannabe president's unscripted ass, was followed home by assholes, or is inna box being questioned somewhere as we speak so....fuck all you Obama dick-riders out there, you suck sweaty, unwashed and hope-ridden ballzack

Oh wait! You can vote for someone else in one of the 2 parties that makes you feeeeel goood because of what you heard while trying to decide what frappa-latte-jizmo yer gonna have for the fast-breaking, non-nutritive brain-lozenge before unconsciousness grips you and then beddy-bye.

There's yer choice peeps. 1 of 2 shit-heals, whoever they may be.

Election 2016-As flat 'n refreshing as an un-fizzy soda pop found in a bus terminal with some hideous shade of lipstick on the cap and you drink it anyway...cause yer whore-mongering ways are so, so cozy....

....gonna write-in 'cocksucker' when floating by the polls next go-round, maybe watch some Finnish porn after-

Rolltop Desk by David Roentgen: Demonstration

Human Sonic The Hedgehog >>>>>>>>>>

arghness says...

So it starts by saying he needs to go at 8.65mph, then he runs in a straight line at 17mph.

So what's the reason for all the failures straight after that? Is it nerves, lack of grip on the loop, huge loss of speed running up the steep edge?

Tempered glass yields to a fragment of a spark plug

Mitt Romney Weighs In on President Obama's Second Term

chingalera says...

So are you 'glad' about the current president, whose rap sheet of abject failures trumps more than that of 2 dozen administrations in history? Not saying any other would have done more for the elite who put all presidents in place but seriously....What the FUCK has the not-black president done worth a fiddler's fuck bareboards? Your comment sounds like the same2 rhetoric taught the masses from years of programming and fantastic confabulation.

Gitmo? Name-Calling and cry-racism at any opportunity? Appointing complete cunts to czar posts? Expanding surveillance and promulgating police-state? Debt to $4.939 Trillion since taking office (not that we'd pay back any debt anyhow, another confabulate issue, completely meaningless)?
Nobel peace prize (meaningless)?
Cult of personality antics that would make any dictator green and covetous?
Media-whore first-lady?
Blah, blah, blah green energy after the BP spill?

A real piece of work, but so's frikkin' Mitt Mormonite

Jesus man, get a grip on that shit!?

bareboards2 said:

His lip smacking smugness makes my skin crawl.

I'm so very glad he isn't our president.

Parkour Fail - Guy Nearly Dies on Rooftop

Parkour Fail - Guy Nearly Dies on Rooftop

Hail Mary Time...Amen!!!

chingalera says...

There's a simpler way of looking at mental illness or the lack of true freedom, in all her hydratic forms-Religions' a way to get a shitload of peeps to render their souls and Krugerrandz unto Caesar-like entities like preachers, priests, and governments.

What one makes for and of themselves with which to add to the grid, is all that matters in this lifetime-After this world comes pure energy and the bread you've cast comes around again-Make any sense there, god little gee?? True spirituality is coming to grips with time, space, and matter and the influence your perceptive apparatus has on the whole.

robdot said:

If people really, actually, believed in heaven, and hell, they wouldnt take their religion so lightly. It just shows that religion, in all its forms, is bullshit.
If you really believed that the eternal state of peoples souls was at stake. you wouldnt behave, like this.

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